Welcome once again all the friends, doctors, dermatologists, people around the world, readers of DERMAGIC EXPRESS, today once again talking about the controversial issue of VACCINES, under the name NO-VAXX, ALWAYS SAY NEVER AGAIN.
To begin I will say once again that this is not the first time and perhaps it will not be the last, that I speak on this subject that today has become one of the most discussed in the world community, a subject that has REVIVED by the ADVERSE EVENTS and DEATHS caused by VACCINES AGAINST HPV, GARDASIL and CERVARIX, cases of AUTISM AND death caused by some VACCINES, and to "spill the drop of the glass", THE NEXT BIRTH OF THE "NEW" VACCINE VL15 of the pharmaceutical Valneva against the LYME DISEASE.
Firstly, the population must be divided into three groups: 1.) Those who do not know or are unaware of the problem of VACCINES or do not care about them. 2.) The "VAXERS" those people who agree with the VACCINES. And 3.) The so-called ANTI-VAXERS, those people who for one reason or another oppose VACCINATIONS, individual and massive, most of them because a relative or child suffered ADVERSE EFFECTS or DEATH by some VACCINE, or personally I was DISABLED or get sick after some vaccination.
To give you TOTAL credibility to this post I will start by placing you the ADVERSE EFFECTS AND DEATHS REPORTED BY THE ADVERSE EVENTS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (VAERS) In the United States on the MEASLES VACCINE, RUBELLA AND MUMPS, the well-known MMR.
There were reported 75,000 adverse effects including:
IN GENERAL: vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, earache, nervous deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia and death; IN DETAIL:
1.) 78 deaths
2.) 85 cases of deafness
3.) 48 cases of decreased eye contact
4.) 92 cases of developmental delay
5.) 855 reported cases of autism
6.) 116 cases of intellectual disability
7.) 401 reports of speech disorders
8.) 276 reports of loss of conscience
9.) 143 cases of encephalitis
10.) 74 cases of meningitis
11.) 111 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
12.) 692 cases of gait disturbance (unable to walk normally)
13.) 748 cases of hypokinesia (partial or total loss of muscle movement)
14.) 653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
15.) 4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and TONIC clonic seizures
And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the SAME diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
17.) 147 cases of measles.
18.) 384 cases of mumps.
19.) 29 cases of rubella.
These numbers are not EXACT because the report is from 1 to 10% of reactions, therefore they may be higher.
About this MMR VACCINE maybe you did not know that THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT banned it in the year 1.993 (24 years ago) after 1,800,000 children were vaccinated with 2 MMR types and a high percentage presented signs of non-viral meningitis and other ADVERSE REACTIONS, among which 3 CHILDREN DEAD, AND 8 WITH PERMANENT DISABILITIES: DEAF, BLINDNESS AND LOSS OF THE CONTROL OF THE EXTREMITIES. I also quote:
".... Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say..."
In 1.999 JAPAN considered using the VACCINE again but preferred to keep the PROHIBITION and to use the vaccines against MEASLES, MUMPS and RUBELLA individually. The cost is higher, but it's worth it. SIDE AND DEATH effects are minor.
Of the vaccine GARSASIL and CERVARIX and its adverse effects I have already talked to you enough and the links you have here:
But what you perhaps did not know about the "VAXERS" side is that JAPAN a world power PROHIBITED, "BANNED" the GARDASIL VACCINE in the year 2.013 due to the report of approximately 2.000 SIDE EFFECTS, hundreds of which were SERIOUS .
"... Since the government began offering girls HPV shots, 1,968 adverse events were reported, including 358 that were evaluated as serious by a JMLHW committee. Parents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth,”
And still this "VACCINE is sponsored in many countries as the great WONDER to combat HPV and continues to be used by governments that maybe even knowing the damage they cause, implement them in the population." Here we have to think about the motivation of them to do this? money? ignorance? complicity? These questions are left to the audience.
On November 6, 2014, a "scandal" in KENYA explodes in relation to the VACCINE against the TETANUS, where several doctors found in several studies of this VACCINE evidence of the existence within them of HGC HORMONE (human chorionic gonadotrophin), the which was developed by WHO in the year 1.992.
This was denounced by several Doctors under the concept that a MASSIVE STERILIZATION was being implemented through these VACCINES, the HGC in conjunction with traces of the tetanus vaccine would create antibodies that would prevent pregnancy in the girls, causing a spontaneous ABORTION. Vaccine was supplied to 2.3 million girls and women of childbearing age.
Today, September 17, 2017, the debate on this case was reopened where the government is accused of having implemented the VACCINE in the years 2.014 and 2.015, showing that 1/3 of the vials contain HGC, a hormone associated with the control of birth rate among girls and women between the ages of 14 and 49 years.
It is said that between 50,000 and 500,000 women and girls were sterilized with this method. And I quote:
".... This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed against the women of Kenya and the most devilish attempt of social engineering .... "
This topic and explain it to you extensively and you can read it here: NEW VACCINE VL15 OF VALNEVA AGAINST THE LYMD DISEASE , ANOTHER FRAUD MORE?
I return to talk about this topic because I find the information that the FDA is accelerating the step for the approval of this "NEW VACCINE" against the LYME DISEASE or CHRONIC ERYTHEMA MIGRANS, produced by the SPIROCHETA BORRELIA BURGDORFERI and transmitted by a TICK genus IXODES.
In case you did not know, 300,000 new cases of this disease are reported annually in the UNITED STATES, DOUBLE cases of breast cancer and 6 times more than cases of AIDS.
In the year 1.998 a VACCINE was approved under the name of LYMErix based on the surface antigen OspA of BORRELIA, causal agent, which was a tremendous disaster, said VACCINE had to be removed from the market in the year 2.002 by the numerous secondary effects, diseases and DEATH caused by it.
Subsequent studies have determined that this OspA antigen has the ability to "shoot" the person's immune system. OCCASIONING THE SAME DISEASE that "SUPPOSED" will prevent the vaccine, and other autoimmune diseases such as ARTHRITIS, LUPUS and others. REALLY the Ospa Antigen IS AN ENDOTOXIN that causes IMMUNOSUPPRESSION and MULTISYSTEM NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES.
Here comes the big question? Was the laboratory manufacturer of this event aware? or concealed it to earn a few bucks and quiet the NEED OF THE POPULATION of a cure against this disease that was increasing alarming, all under the support of the FDA.
The end result was catastrophic, you can read here THE HISTORY OF SOME VICTIMS OF THE DISEASE OF LYME, but not everything was there.
Today 2,017, 15 years after LYMErix the increase to 300,000 new cases per year of LYME DISEASE, A French pharmaceutical called VALNEVA comes with a "SUPPOSED" NEW VACCINE, which is nothing more than a "CLON" of the old LYMERIX because it is also based on the OspA antigen, if this is so, there is nothing left to think but three things:
The VAERS and PubMed system between the years (1966-2003) were searched for autoimmune conditions and the following diseases were reported following vaccination against HEPATITIS B:
17.) LICHEN PLANUS: Dermatological disease, perhaps the most reported side effect.
Not to leave the issue unfinished comes a NEW VACCINE AGAINST HEPATITIS B in youngsters from the age of 18 years by the pharmaceutical DYNAVAX, is called HELIPSAV-B (TM) which is based on the surface antigen of the hepatitis virus B, according to the studies this vaccine would be superior to the already known ENGERIX-B (HEPTAVAX-B) because "SUPPOSED" offers greater protection, with fewer doses (2), ENGERIX-B are three doses at 0, 1, and 6 month.
The FDA in this case just delayed the approval of said VACCINE by November of 2,017 and would be in the market by the beginning of 2.018. THE MAIN OBSTACLE for its approval is the side effect of the same on the HEART and the production of HEART ATTACK, for that reason the FDA again delays the approval of the same, hoping that the company SHOW studies after its commercialization that demonstrate security with respect to this sensitive subject.
In case you did not know, DYNAVAX HELIPSAV-B has been rejected for approval by the FDA on two (2) previous occasions in year 2,013 and year 2,016, this is its third attempt. In one of them the same company abandoned on its own account the attempted approval claiming that they were not sure of their RELIABILITY.
This caused a fall in the DYNAVAX STOCK EXCHANGE by failing in its second attempt to approve, and I REPEAT the reason for the delay in this approval was that in the PREVIOUS STUDIES with this VACCINE there were 14 cases of infarct to the myocardium.
The VACCINE has not yet been APPROVED and a profit of 290 MILLION dollars is already projected for the year 2.026 ... Draw your conclusions.
In Germany, a study was conducted between November 2.009 and December 2.010 to evaluate the PANDEMRIX vaccine against influenza AH1N1 and its relationship to GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME and its FISHER SYNDROME variant, which contains ASO3 adjuvant. There were reports of 351 Hospitals with 676 GB / FS cases.
Of the 676 cases reported 30 occurred between the first 150 days after vaccination against the AH1N1 FLU and the GLOBAL RESULT of the investigation was that there was a higher incidence of GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME (GBS) and its variant FISHER SYNDROME (FS) associated with the VACCINATION against the AH1N1 FLU with the PANDEMRIX VACCINE.
To end this hot topic I bring you the adverse reactions AND DEATHS reported by the VAERS system of vaccines against Haemophilus Influenzae type B (hiB): Since June 2,012, 12,140 serious adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in relation to all Hib VACCINES combined.
ACTHIB: (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) approval 1.993.
1.) Sensitivity.
2.) erythema.
3.) induration.
4.) fever.
5.) irritability.
6.) drowsiness.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrhea.
9.) vomiting.
Welcome once again all the friends, doctors, dermatologists, people around the world, readers of DERMAGIC EXPRESS, today once again talking about the controversial issue of VACCINES, under the name NO-VAXX, ALWAYS SAY NEVER AGAIN.
To begin I will say once again that this is not the first time and perhaps it will not be the last, that I speak on this subject that today has become one of the most discussed in the world community, a subject that has REVIVED by the ADVERSE EVENTS and DEATHS caused by VACCINES AGAINST HPV, GARDASIL and CERVARIX, cases of AUTISM AND death caused by some VACCINES, and to "spill the drop of the glass", THE NEXT BIRTH OF THE "NEW" VACCINE VL15 of the pharmaceutical Valneva against the LYME DISEASE.
Firstly, the population must be divided into three groups: 1.) Those who do not know or are unaware of the problem of VACCINES or do not care about them. 2.) The "VAXERS" those people who agree with the VACCINES. And 3.) The so-called ANTI-VAXERS, those people who for one reason or another oppose VACCINATIONS, individual and massive, most of them because a relative or child suffered ADVERSE EFFECTS or DEATH by some VACCINE, or personally I was DISABLED or get sick after some vaccination.
To give you TOTAL credibility to this post I will start by placing you the ADVERSE EFFECTS AND DEATHS REPORTED BY THE ADVERSE EVENTS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (VAERS) In the United States on the MEASLES VACCINE, RUBELLA AND MUMPS, the well-known MMR.
There were reported 75,000 adverse effects including:
IN GENERAL: vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, earache, nervous deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia and death; IN DETAIL:
1.) 78 deaths
2.) 85 cases of deafness
3.) 48 cases of decreased eye contact
4.) 92 cases of developmental delay
5.) 855 reported cases of autism
6.) 116 cases of intellectual disability
7.) 401 reports of speech disorders
8.) 276 reports of loss of conscience
9.) 143 cases of encephalitis
10.) 74 cases of meningitis
11.) 111 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
12.) 692 cases of gait disturbance (unable to walk normally)
13.) 748 cases of hypokinesia (partial or total loss of muscle movement)
14.) 653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
15.) 4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and TONIC clonic seizures
And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the SAME diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
17.) 147 cases of measles.
18.) 384 cases of mumps.
19.) 29 cases of rubella.
These numbers are not EXACT because the report is from 1 to 10% of reactions, therefore they may be higher.
About this MMR VACCINE maybe you did not know that THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT banned it in the year 1.993 (24 years ago) after 1,800,000 children were vaccinated with 2 MMR types and a high percentage presented signs of non-viral meningitis and other ADVERSE REACTIONS, among which 3 CHILDREN DEAD, AND 8 WITH PERMANENT DISABILITIES: DEAF, BLINDNESS AND LOSS OF THE CONTROL OF THE EXTREMITIES. I also quote:
".... Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say..."
In 1.999 JAPAN considered using the VACCINE again but preferred to keep the PROHIBITION and to use the vaccines against MEASLES, MUMPS and RUBELLA individually. The cost is higher, but it's worth it. SIDE AND DEATH effects are minor.
Of the vaccine GARSASIL and CERVARIX and its adverse effects I have already talked to you enough and the links you have here:
But what you perhaps did not know about the "VAXERS" side is that JAPAN a world power PROHIBITED, "BANNED" the GARDASIL VACCINE in the year 2.013 due to the report of approximately 2.000 SIDE EFFECTS, hundreds of which were SERIOUS .
"... Since the government began offering girls HPV shots, 1,968 adverse events were reported, including 358 that were evaluated as serious by a JMLHW committee. Parents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth,”
And still this "VACCINE is sponsored in many countries as the great WONDER to combat HPV and continues to be used by governments that maybe even knowing the damage they cause, implement them in the population." Here we have to think about the motivation of them to do this? money? ignorance? complicity? These questions are left to the audience.
On November 6, 2014, a "scandal" in KENYA explodes in relation to the VACCINE against the TETANUS, where several doctors found in several studies of this VACCINE evidence of the existence within them of HGC HORMONE (human chorionic gonadotrophin), the which was developed by WHO in the year 1.992.
This was denounced by several Doctors under the concept that a MASSIVE STERILIZATION was being implemented through these VACCINES, the HGC in conjunction with traces of the tetanus vaccine would create antibodies that would prevent pregnancy in the girls, causing a spontaneous ABORTION. Vaccine was supplied to 2.3 million girls and women of childbearing age.
Today, September 17, 2017, the debate on this case was reopened where the government is accused of having implemented the VACCINE in the years 2.014 and 2.015, showing that 1/3 of the vials contain HGC, a hormone associated with the control of birth rate among girls and women between the ages of 14 and 49 years.
It is said that between 50,000 and 500,000 women and girls were sterilized with this method. And I quote:
".... This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed against the women of Kenya and the most devilish attempt of social engineering .... "
This topic and explain it to you extensively and you can read it here: NEW VACCINE VL15 OF VALNEVA AGAINST THE LYMD DISEASE , ANOTHER FRAUD MORE?
I return to talk about this topic because I find the information that the FDA is accelerating the step for the approval of this "NEW VACCINE" against the LYME DISEASE or CHRONIC ERYTHEMA MIGRANS, produced by the SPIROCHETA BORRELIA BURGDORFERI and transmitted by a TICK genus IXODES.
In case you did not know, 300,000 new cases of this disease are reported annually in the UNITED STATES, DOUBLE cases of breast cancer and 6 times more than cases of AIDS.
In the year 1.998 a VACCINE was approved under the name of LYMErix based on the surface antigen OspA of BORRELIA, causal agent, which was a tremendous disaster, said VACCINE had to be removed from the market in the year 2.002 by the numerous secondary effects, diseases and DEATH caused by it.
Subsequent studies have determined that this OspA antigen has the ability to "shoot" the person's immune system. OCCASIONING THE SAME DISEASE that "SUPPOSED" will prevent the vaccine, and other autoimmune diseases such as ARTHRITIS, LUPUS and others. REALLY the Ospa Antigen IS AN ENDOTOXIN that causes IMMUNOSUPPRESSION and MULTISYSTEM NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES.
Here comes the big question? Was the laboratory manufacturer of this event aware? or concealed it to earn a few bucks and quiet the NEED OF THE POPULATION of a cure against this disease that was increasing alarming, all under the support of the FDA.
The end result was catastrophic, you can read here THE HISTORY OF SOME VICTIMS OF THE DISEASE OF LYME, but not everything was there.
Today 2,017, 15 years after LYMErix the increase to 300,000 new cases per year of LYME DISEASE, A French pharmaceutical called VALNEVA comes with a "SUPPOSED" NEW VACCINE, which is nothing more than a "CLON" of the old LYMERIX because it is also based on the OspA antigen, if this is so, there is nothing left to think but three things:
The VAERS and PubMed system between the years (1966-2003) were searched for autoimmune conditions and the following diseases were reported following vaccination against HEPATITIS B:
17.) LICHEN PLANUS: Dermatological disease, perhaps the most reported side effect.
Not to leave the issue unfinished comes a NEW VACCINE AGAINST HEPATITIS B in youngsters from the age of 18 years by the pharmaceutical DYNAVAX, is called HELIPSAV-B (TM) which is based on the surface antigen of the hepatitis virus B, according to the studies this vaccine would be superior to the already known ENGERIX-B (HEPTAVAX-B) because "SUPPOSED" offers greater protection, with fewer doses (2), ENGERIX-B are three doses at 0, 1, and 6 month.
The FDA in this case just delayed the approval of said VACCINE by November of 2,017 and would be in the market by the beginning of 2.018. THE MAIN OBSTACLE for its approval is the side effect of the same on the HEART and the production of HEART ATTACK, for that reason the FDA again delays the approval of the same, hoping that the company SHOW studies after its commercialization that demonstrate security with respect to this sensitive subject.
In case you did not know, DYNAVAX HELIPSAV-B has been rejected for approval by the FDA on two (2) previous occasions in year 2,013 and year 2,016, this is its third attempt. In one of them the same company abandoned on its own account the attempted approval claiming that they were not sure of their RELIABILITY.
This caused a fall in the DYNAVAX STOCK EXCHANGE by failing in its second attempt to approve, and I REPEAT the reason for the delay in this approval was that in the PREVIOUS STUDIES with this VACCINE there were 14 cases of infarct to the myocardium.
The VACCINE has not yet been APPROVED and a profit of 290 MILLION dollars is already projected for the year 2.026 ... Draw your conclusions.
In Germany, a study was conducted between November 2.009 and December 2.010 to evaluate the PANDEMRIX vaccine against influenza AH1N1 and its relationship to GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME and its FISHER SYNDROME variant, which contains ASO3 adjuvant. There were reports of 351 Hospitals with 676 GB / FS cases.
Of the 676 cases reported 30 occurred between the first 150 days after vaccination against the AH1N1 FLU and the GLOBAL RESULT of the investigation was that there was a higher incidence of GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME (GBS) and its variant FISHER SYNDROME (FS) associated with the VACCINATION against the AH1N1 FLU with the PANDEMRIX VACCINE.
To end this hot topic I bring you the adverse reactions AND DEATHS reported by the VAERS system of vaccines against Haemophilus Influenzae type B (hiB): Since June 2,012, 12,140 serious adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in relation to all Hib VACCINES combined.
ACTHIB: (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) approval 1.993.
1.) Sensitivity.
2.) erythema.
3.) induration.
4.) fever.
5.) irritability.
6.) drowsiness.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrhea.
9.) vomiting.
when combined with the reconstituted DTP vaccine, adverse reactions
1.) pain on palpation.
2.) erythema.
3.) induration.
4.) fever.
5.) irritability.
6.) drowsiness.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrhea.
9.) persistent crying.
10.) hypotensive / hypotensive episode (which is consistent with the HHE rate observed with DTP ALONE, vaccination)
1.) pain on palpation.
2.) erythema.
3.) induration.
4.) fever.
5.) irritability.
6.) drowsiness.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrhea.
9.) persistent crying.
10.) hypotensive / hypotensive episode (which is consistent with the HHE rate observed with DTP ALONE, vaccination)
HIBERIX: (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)
approval 2.009
When co-administered with DTaP-HBV-IPV:
3.) FEVER.
Postmarketing adverse events included:
7.) APNEA.
8.) RASH.
PEDAVAXHIB: (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)
Adverse events during clinical trials INCLUDED:
1.) irritability.
2.) drowsiness.
3.) pain / pain by injection.
4.) erythema.
5.) Swollen induration.
6.) Unusual acute crying, prolonged crying (more than 4 hours).
7.) diarrhea.
8.) vomiting.
9.) crying.
10.) pain.
11.) otitis media.
12.) upper respiratory tract rash and infection
Potential adverse events may include the early onset of Hib disease and GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME; in subsequent marketing, reported adverse events included:
1.) lymphadenopathy.
2.) angioedema.
3.) febrile convulsions.
4.) abscess at the injection site.
PENTACEL:(Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Inactivated Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) Vaccine. APPROVAL: 2.008
1.) Redness.
2.) swelling.
3.) sensitivity at the injection site.
4.) increase in the circumference of the arm (dose 4).
5.) fever.
6.) lethargy.
7.) inconsolable crying.
8.) irritability.
9.) episodes of hypointensive hypotonia.
10.) seizures.
11.) febrile convulsions.
12.) bronchiolitis.
13.) dehydration.
14.) pneumonia.
15.) gastroenteritis.
16.) asthma.
17.) pneumonia.
18.) encephalopathy.
19.) four deaths attributed to asphyxia.
20.) Cranioencephalic trauma.
21.) sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
22.) neuroblastoma.
in postmarketing, reported adverse events included:
1.) cyanosis.
2.) vomiting.
3.) diarrhea.
4.) Extensive swelling of the injected limb, including swelling involving Adjacent joints.
5.) Invasive Hib disease (classified as vaccine failure).
6.) rash.
7.) urticaria.
8.) meningitis.
9.) rhinitis.
10.) viral infection.
11.) decreased appetite.
12.) drowsiness, HHE, depressed level of consciousness.
13.) screams.
14.) apnea.
15.) cough.
16.) erythema.
17.) discoloration of the skin and pallor.
In relation to the PENTACEL vaccine, the FDA reported: 775 adverse reactions, 177 of which were considered serious, including 26 DEATHS, between June 20, 2008 (when Pentacel was licensed) and October 31, 2009. Deaths were attributed to SIDS (12 cases), congenital / genetic conditions, respiratory infections, positional asphyxia, anoxic encephalopathy, cardiac arrest of undetermined etiology, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, two deaths of indeterminate cause, one death without available records and two deaths with pending information .
MENHIBRIX: X (Meningococcal Groups C and Y and Haemophilus b Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine) APPROVAL: 2.012
1.) Redness.
2.) swelling and pain at the injection site.
3.) irritability.
4. drowsiness
5.) loss of appetite.
6.) fever.
7.) syncope.
For more serious reactions, such as NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS and other serious events, the manufacturer referred to reactions reported by the use of Hiberix instead of his own vaccine. It is not known whether MenHibrix can cause FETAL HARM when given to a pregnant woman or if it may affect reproduction capacity.
1.) The man has made great discoveries and through some of his VACCINES such as the case of smallpox EDWARD JENNER who in 1.796 passed to History when discovering the vaccine that put an end to that disease in ALL THE WORLD, and whose last case was registered in SOMALIA, 1,977 in the man ALI MAALIN who also WAS IMMORTALIZED as the last case.
2.) Great discoveries have been made regarding VACCINES many of which are necessary to avoid EPIDEMIC, it is true, such is the case of HEPATITIS A and B.
3.) But also some vaccines have been great failures, such as the vaccine against LYME DISEASE (LYMErix) and HPV (GARDASIL AND CERVARIX) that far from preventing have caused more disease and deaths.
4.) Many of the VACCINES contain adjuvants such as ALUMINUM AND THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) which are triggers of immunological reactions, and instead of preventing, it triggers disease.
5.) Other vaccines for their BAD DESIGN, produce severe side effects and some of them are linked to proven cases of AUTISM.
6.) The administration of the VACCINES SHOULD be in well-studied, longer periods of time, not take a child and put 5 or 6 vaccines in a single session. In my opinion that is ONE OF THE GREAT FAULTS.
7.) The United States court has called the so-called resolution 327 where it orders the mandatory vaccines, discussed in Congress on May 16, 2017, alleging the safety of vaccines and that these do not cause side effects. They are wrong. The vaccines are necessary, it is true, but many of them can KILL you or SICK you or your childs for ever and ever.
8.) It is your decision to TAKE THE VACCINE, but in the United States, the government has just put in jail for 7 days a mother (Rebbeca Bredow) who refused to put several shots to her son thinking about his health.
9.) In JAPAN, the government eliminated the mandatory of some VACCINES, and banned others, and is one of the countries with the highest health index in children.
10.) The Social Networks have succeeded in expanding in the world community the current problem of VACCINES, and the rejection of the population towards them.
11.) The most questioned VACCINE of all is the MMR against Rubella measles, and mump, and to which it has been associated cases of AUTISM, death and other diseases, in fact it is the most rejected today.
All this I wrote is the CRYSTAL reality, and is well supported, as always DERMAGIC EXPRESS tells you the truth, there is no invention, read the BIBLIOGRAPHIC references.
Greetings to all
Dr. José Lapenta
Bienvenidos una vez mas todos los amigos, médicos, dermatólogos, gente alrededor del mundo, lectores del DERMAGIC EXPRESS, hoy una vez más hablando del controversial tema de las VACUNAS, bajo el nombre NO-VAXX, SIEMPRE DI: NUNCA DE NUEVO.
Para comenzar les diré una vez más, que esta no es la primera vez y quizá no será la ultima, que hablo sobre este tema que hoy día se ha convertido en uno de los más discutidos en la comunidad mundial, tema QUE HA REVIVIDO por los efectos ADVERSOS y MUERTES ocasionadas por las VACUNAS CONTRA EL VPH, GARDASIL y CERVARIX, los casos de AUTISMO Y muerte provocados por algunas VACUNAS, y para derramar la gota del vaso, EL próximo NACIMIENTO DE LA "NUEVA" VACUNA VL15 de la farmacéutica Valneva CONTRA la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME.
Primeramente hay que dividir a la población en tres grupos: 1.) Aquellos que no saben o desconocen el problema de las VACUNAS o no les interesa. 2.) Los "VAXERS" aquellas personas que están de acuerdo con la VACUNAS. Y 3.) Los llamados ANTI-VAXERS, aquellas personas que por una u otra razón se oponen a las VACUNACIONES, individuales y masivas, la mayoría de ellas porque algún familiar o hijo sufrió EFECTOS ADVERSOS o MUERTE por alguna VACUNA, o personalmente quedo INCAPACITADO luego de alguna vacunación.
Para darle TOTAL credibilidad a este post voy a comenzar colocándote los EFECTOS ADVERSOS Y MUERTES reportados por el SISTEMA DE NOTIFICACION DE EVENTOS ADVERSOS (VAERS) En los estados Unidos sobre la VACUNA CONTRA EL SARMPION, RUBEOLA Y PAROTIDITIS, la muy conocida MMR.
Se reportaron 75.000 mil efectos adversos que incluyen:
EN GENERAL: vómitos, diarrea, anafilaxia, dolor de oído, sordera nerviosa, diabetes, artritis, mialgia, encefalitis, convulsiones febriles, neumonía y muerte; EN DETALLE:
1.) 78 muertes
2.) 85 casos de sordera
3.) 48 casos de disminución del contacto visual
4.) 92 casos de retraso en el desarrollo
5.) 855 casos reportados de autismo
6.) 116 casos de discapacidad intelectual
7.) 401 informes de trastornos del habla
8.) 276 informes de pérdida de conciencia
9.) 143 casos de encefalitis
10.) 74 casos de meningitis
11.) 111 casos de síndrome de Guillain-Barré.
12.) 692 casos de alteración de la marcha (no poder caminar normalmente)
13.) 748 casos de hipoquinesia (pérdida parcial o total del movimiento muscular)
14.) 653 informes de hipotonía (pobre tono muscular)
15.) 4874 informes de convulsiones, incluidas las convulsiones febriles y las convulsiones tónicas clónicas
En algunos casos, la VACUNA ha causado las mismas enfermedades que se supone que previene, con los siguientes datos informados al VAERS:
Estos números no son EXACTOS pues el reporte es del 1 al 10% de las reacciones, por lo tanto pueden ser mayores.
Sobre esta VACUNA MMR quizá no sabías que EL GOBIERNO JAPONES, la prohibió en el año 1.993 (hace 24 años) después que 1.800.000 niños fueron vacunados con 2 tipos MMR y un alto porcentaje presento signos de MENINGITIS NO VIRAL y OTRAS RECACCIONES ADVERSAS, entre las que destacan 3 NIÑOS MUERTOS, y 8 CON DISCAPACIDADES PERMANENTES: SORDERA, CEGUERA y PERDIDA DEL CONTROL DE LAS EXTREMIDADES. Además cito textualmente:
"....De las 3,969 reclamaciones de INDEMNIZACION MEDICA relacionadas con las vacunas en los últimos 30 años, una cuarta parte lo hicieron los afectados por la vacuna combinada contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola..."
En 1.999 JAPON considero volver a utilizar la VACUNA pero prefirió mantener LA PROHIBICION y utilizar individualmente las VACUNAS contra SARAMPION, PAROTIDITIS Y RUBEOLA. El costo es más elevado, pero vale la pena. Los efectos SECUNDARIOS Y MUERTES son menores.
De la vacuna GARSASIL y CERVARIX y sus efectos adversos ya te he hablado bastante y los links los tienes acá:
Pero lo que quizá no sabias tu que te colocas del lado de los "VAXERS" es que JAPON una potencia mundial PROHIBIO, "BANEO" la VACUNA GARDASIL en el año 2.013 debido al reporte de aproximadamente 2.000 EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS, cientos de los cuales fueron GRAVES.
"...Desde que el gobierno comenzó a ofrecer inyecciones de VPH para niñas, se notificaron 1.968 eventos adversos, de los cuales 358 fueron evaluados como serios por un comité JMLHW. Los padres comenzaron a llamar al ministro de salud del país y le proporcionaron videos en los que las niñas que habían recibido la vacuna contra el VPH sufrían alteraciones de la marcha, tics corporales y convulsiones. En otros casos, muchas niñas a las que se les inyectó la vacuna cayeron al suelo, lesionándose la cabeza o la cara y algunas fracturándose la mandíbula o los dientes..."
Y aun asi esta "VACUNA sigue siendo patrocinada en muchos paises como la gran MARAVILLA para combatir el VPH. y sigue utilizandose por gobiernos que quiza aun sabiendo el daño que causan, las implementan en la poclacion. Aqui habria que pensar cual es la motivacion de ellos para hacer esto ? dinero ? desconocimiento? complicidad ? Estas preguntas se las dejo a la audiencia.
El 6 de noviembre de 2014 "explota" en KENYA un escándalo en relación a la VACUNA contra el TETANOS, donde varios doctores encontraron en varios estudios de esta VACUNA evidencia de la existencia dentro de ellas de la HORMONA HGC (gonadotrofina corionica humana), la cual fue desarrollada por la OMS en él año 1.992.
Esto fue denunciado por varios Doctores bajo el concepto que se estaba implementando una ESTERILIZACION MASIVA a través de estas VACUNAS, la HGC en conjunción con los rastros de la vacuna contra el tétano crearía anticuerpos que evitarían el embarazo en las niñas, provocando UN ABORTO espontaneo. La VACUNA fue suministrada a 2.3 millones de niñas y mujeres en edad fértil.
Hoy, 17 de Septiembre de 2.017 se volvió a abrir el debate sobre este caso donde se acusa al gobierno de haber implementado la VACUNA en los años 2.014 Y 2.015 exponiéndose que 1/3 de los viales contienen HGC, una hormona asociada al control de la natalidad en niñas y mujeres en edad comprendida entre 14 y 49 años de edad.
Se dice que entre 50.000 y 500.000 mil mujeres y niñas quedaron esterilizadas con este método. Y cito textualmente:
"...."Este es el mayor crimen contra la humanidad jamás cometido contra las mujeres de Kenia y el intento más diabólico de ingeniería social...."
Este tema ya te lo explique ampliamente y puedes leerlo aquí: NUEVA VACUNA VL15 DE VALNEVA CONTRA LA ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, OTRO FRAUDE MÁS?
Vuelvo a hablar sobre este tema porque me encuentro con la información que LA FDA está acelerando el paso para la aprobación de esta "NUEVA VACUNA" contra la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME o ERITEMA CRONICO MIGRANS, producida por la ESPIROQUETA BORRELIA BURGDORFERI y transmitida por una GARRAPATA del género IXODES.
Por si no lo sabías se reportan anualmente en los ESTADOS UNIDOS 300.000 mil casos nuevos de esta enfermedad, EL DOBLE de los casos de cáncer de seno y 6 veces más que los casos de SIDA.
En el año 1.998 se aprobó una VACUNA bajo el nombre de LYMErix basada en el antígeno de superficie OspA de la BORRELIA, agente causal, la cual fue un tremendo desastre, dicha VACUNA tuvo que ser sacada del mercado en el año 2.002 por los innumerables efectos secundarios, enfermedades y MUERTE ocasionados por la misma.
Estudios posteriores determinaron que este antígeno OspA tiene la capacidad de "disparar" el sistema inmune de la persona OCASIONANDO LA MISMA ENFERMEDAD que "SUPUESTAMENTE" te va a evitar la vacuna, y además otras ENFERMEDADES AUTOINMUNES como ARTRITIS, LUPUS y otras, y esto se debe a que REALMENTE el Antígeno Ospa ES UNA ENDOTOXINA que ocasiona INMUNOSUPRESION y ENFERMEDADES NEUROLOGICAS MULTISISTEMICAS.
Aquí viene la gran pregunta ? Conocía el laboratorio fabricante de este evento ? o lo encubrió para ganar unos cuantos dólares y acallar la NECESIDAD DE LA POBLACION de una cura contra esta enfermedad QUE estaba aumentando alarmante, todo bajo el apoyo de la FDA.
El resultado final fue catastrófico, tú puedes leer acá LA HISTORIA DE ALGUNAS VICTIMAS DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, pero no todo quedo allí.
Hoy 2.017, 15 años después de LYMErix el aumento a 300.000 mil casos nuevos por año de la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, Una farmacéutica Francesas llamada VALNEVA se viene con una SUPUESTA NUEVA VACUNA, la cual no es más que un "CLON" de la vieja LYMERIX pues también está basada en el antígeno OspA, si esto es así, aquí no queda otra que pensar 3 cosas:
El sistema VAERS y PubMed entre los años (1966-2003) fueron buscados por condiciones autoinmunes y se reportaron las siguientes enfermedades, luego de la vacunación contra HEPATITIS B:
17.) LIQUEN PLANO: Enfermedad dermatológica, quizá el efecto secundario mas reportado.Para no dejar el tema inconcluso se viene UNA NUEVA VACUNA CONTRA LA HEPATITIS B en jóvenes a partir de los 18 años por la farmacéutica DYNAVAX, se denomina HELIPSAV-B (TM) la cual ESTA BASADA EN EL ANTIGENO DE SUPERFICIE DEL VIRUS DE la hepatitis B, según los estudios esta vacuna sería superior a la ya conocida ENGERIX-B (HEPTAVAX-B) porque "SUPUESTAMENTE" ofrece una mayor protección, con menos dosis (2), ENGERIX-B son tres dosis al 0, 1, Y 6to mes.
La FDA en este caso acaba de retrasar la aprobación de dicha VACUNA para noviembre de 2.017 y estaría en el mercado para comienzos del 2.018. EL PRINCIPAL OBSTACULO para su aprobación es el efecto secundario de la misma sobre el CORAZON y la producción de INFARTO, por ello la FDA vuelve a retrasar la aprobación de la misma, esperando que la empresa MUESTRE estudios posteriores a su comercialización que demuestren seguridad con respecto a este tema delicado.
Por si no lo sabías DYNAVAX HELIPSAV-B ha sido rechazada para su aprobación por la FDA en dos (2) ocasiones previas en él año 2.013 y el año 2.016, este es su tercer intento. En uno de ellos la misma compañía abandono por su propia cuenta el intento de aprobación alegando que no estaban seguros de su CONFIABILIDAD.
Esto provoco una caída en la BOLSA DE VALORES DE DYNAVAX al fallar en su segundo intento de aprobación, Y REPITO la razón del retraso en esta aprobación fue que en que los ESTUDIOS PREVIOS con esta VACUNA HUBO 14 CASOS DE INFARTO AL MIOCARDIO.
La VACUNA todavía NO ha sido APROBADA y ya se proyecta una ganancia de 290 MILLONES DE dólares para él año 2.026... Saque usted sus conclusiones.
En Alemania se hizo un estudio entre noviembre 2.009 y diciembre del 2.010 para evaluar la vacuna PANDEMRIX contra la influenza AH1N1 y su relación con el SINDROME DE GUILLAIN BARRE (GBS) Y su variante EL SINDROME DE FISHER (FS), dicha vacuna contiene el adyuvante ASO3. Hubo reportes de 351 Hospitales con 676 casos de GB / FS.
De los 676 casos reportados 30 ocurrieron entre los primero 150 días posterior a la vacunación contra la GRIPE AH1N1 Y EL RESULTADO GLOBAL de la investigación fue que hubo una mayor incidencia DE SINDROME DE GUILLAIN BARRE (GBS) y su variante SINDROME DE FISHER (FS) asociados a la VACUNACION contra la GRIPE AH1N1 con la VACUNA PANDEMRIX.
Para finalizar este caliente tema te traigo las reacciones adversas Y MUERTES reportadas por el sistema VAERS de las VACUNAS contra Haemophilus Influenzae tipo B (hiB): Desde junio de 2,012, se han notificado 12.140 eventos adversos graves al Sistema de Informe de Eventos Adversos a Vacunas (VAERS) en relación con todas las VACUNAS Hib combinadas.
1.) Sensibilidad.
2.) eritema.
3.) induración.
4.) fiebre.
5.) irritabilidad.
6.) somnolencia.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrea.
9.) vómitos.
cuando se combinó con la vacuna DTP por reconstitución, las reacciones adversas incluyeron:
1.) dolor a la palpación.
2.) eritema.
3.) induración.
4.) fiebre.
5.) irritabilidad.
6.) somnolencia.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrea.
9.) llanto persistente.
10.) episodio hipotónico / hipotensor (que es consistente con la tasa de HHE observada con la vacunación con DTP SOLA)
HIBERIX: (Haemophilus b VACUNA CONJUGADA (ToxoidE TETANICO ConjugaDO) apprOBADA 2.009
7.) APNEA.
8.) RASH.
Los eventos adversos durante los ensayos clínicos INCLUYERON:
1.) irritabilidad.
2.) somnolencia.
3.) dolor / dolor por inyección.
4.) eritema.
5.) induración hinchada.
6.) llanto inusual agudo, llanto prolongado (más de 4 horas).
7.) diarrea.
8.) vómitos.
9.) llanto.
10.) dolor.
11.) otitis media.
12.) erupción e infección de las vías respiratorias superiores
los eventos adversos potenciales pueden incluir la aparición temprana de la enfermedad Hib y el síndrome de Guillain-Barre; en la comercialización posterior, los eventos adversos informados incluyeron:
1.) linfadenopatía.
2.) angioedema.
3.) convulsiones febriles.
4.) absceso en el lugar de la inyección.
1.) Enrojecimiento.
2.) hinchazón.
3.) sensibilidad en el lugar de la inyección.
4.) aumento de la circunferencia del brazo (dosis 4).
5.) fiebre.
6.) letargo.
7.) llanto inconsolable.
8.) irritabilidad.
9.) episodios de hipotonía hipointensiva.
10.) convulsiones.
11.) convulsiones febriles.
12.) bronquiolitis.
13.) deshidratación.
14.) neumonía.
15.) gastroenteritis.
16.) asma.
17.) neumonía.
18.) encefalopatía.
19.) cuatro muertes atribuidas por asfixia.
20.) traumatismo craneoencefálico.
21.) síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL).
22.) neuroblastoma.
en la postcomercialización, los eventos adversos informados incluyeron:
1.) cianosis.
2.) vómitos.
3.) diarrea.
4.) hinchazón extensa de la extremidad inyectada, incluyendo Hinchazón que involucraba articulaciones adyacentes.
5.) enfermedad Hib invasiva (clasificada como falla de la vacuna).
6.) erupción cutánea.
7.) urticaria.
8.) meningitis.
9.) rinitis.
10.) infección viral.
11.) disminución del apetito.
12.) somnolencia, HHE, nivel de conciencia deprimido.
13.) gritos.
14.) apnea.
15.) tos.
16.) eritema.
17.) decoloración de la piel y palidez.
En relación a la vacuna PENTACEL la FDA informo: 775 reacciones adversas, 177 de las cuales se consideraron graves, incluidas 26 MUERTES, entre el 20 de junio de 2008 (cuando Pintase tenía licencia) y el 31 de octubre de 2009. Las muertes se atribuyeron a SIDS (12 casos), condiciones congénitas / genéticas, infecciones respiratorias, asfixia posicional, encefalopatía anóxica, paro cardíaco de etiología indeterminada, miocardiopatía dilatada e hipertrófica, dos muertes de causa indeterminada, una muerte sin registros obtenibles y dos muertes con información pendiente.
1.) Enrojecimiento.
2.) hinchazón y dolor en el lugar de la inyección.
3.) irritabilidad.
4.) somnolencia
5.) pérdida del apetito.
6.) fiebre.
7.) síncope.
Para reacciones más graves, como TRASTORNOS DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO y otros eventos graves, el fabricante se refirió a las reacciones informadas por el uso de Hiberix en lugar de a su propia vacuna. No se sabe si MenHibrix puede causar DAÑO FETAL cuando se lo administra a una mujer embarazada o si puede afectar la capacidad de reproducción.
1.) El hombre ha hecho grandes descubrimientos y a través de algunas de sus VACUNAS como el caso de la Viruela EDWARD JENNER quien en 1.796 paso a la Historia al descubrir la vacuna que puso fin a esa enfermedad en TODO EL MUNDO, y cuyo último caso fue registrado en SOMALIA, 1.977 en el hombre ALI MAALIN quien también QUEDO INMORTALIZADO como el último caso.
2.) Se han hecho grandes descubrimientos en cuanto a VACUNAS muchas de las cuales son necesarias para evitar EPIDEMIAS, es cierto, tal es el caso de la HEPATITIS A Y B.
3.) Pero también algunas VACUNAS HAN SIDO GRANDES FRACASOS, como la vacuna contra la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME (LYMErix) y contra el VPH (GARDASIL Y CERVARIX) que lejos de prevenir han ocasionado mas enfermedad y muertes.
4.) Muchas de las VACUNAS contienen adyuvantes como ALUMINIO Y TIMEROSAL (MERCURIO) los cuales son desencadenantes de reacciones inmunológicas, y en lugar de prevenir, desencadena enfermedades.
5.) Otras vacunas por su MAL DISEÑO, producen efectos secundarios severos y algunas de ellas están vinculadas a probados casos de AUTISMO.
6.) La administración de las VACUNAS DEBERIA ser en espacios de tiempo bien estudiados, más prolongados, no llevar a un nino y colocarle 5 o 6 vacunas en una sola sesión. En mi opinión ese es UNO DE LOS GRANDES FALLOS.
7.) La corte de estados Unidos tiene lista la llamada resolución 327 donde ordena la obligatoriedad de las vacunas, discutida en el Congreso el 16 de Mayo 2.017 alegando la seguridad de las vacunas y que estas no ocasionan efectos secundarios. Están equivocados. SON necesarias, es cierto, pero muchas de ellas pueden MATARTE o ENFERMAN a ti o a tus hijos por siempre.
8.) Es tu decisión VACUNARTE, pero en estados unidos el gobierno acaba de poner presa por 7 días a una madre (Rebbeca Bredow) que se negó a colocarle varias vacunas a su hijo pensando en su salud.
9.) En JAPON el gobierno elimino la obligatoriedad de algunas VACUNAS, y PROHIBIO otras, y es uno de los paises con mayor indice de salud en los niños.
10.) Las Redes Sociales han logrado expandir en la comunidad mundial el problema actual de las VACUNAS, y el rechazo de la poblacion hacia ellas.
Todo esto que escribí es la CRISTALINA realidad, y está bien soportado, como siempre DERMAGIC EXPRESS te dice la verdad, no hay invento, lee las referencias BIBLIOGRAFICAS.
Saludos a Todos
Dr. José Lapenta
1.) Risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccination in Germany.
2.) Clinical Features of Post-Vaccination Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Korea.
3.) Lichen planus secondary to rabies vaccination.
4.) Lichen planus occurring after influenza vaccination: report of three cases and review of the literature.
5.) Lichen planus after HBV vaccination in a child: a case report from Nepal.
6.) Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.
7.) Hepatitis B vaccination and associated oral manifestations: a non-systematic review of literature and case reports.
8.) A case-series of adverse events, positive re-challenge of symptoms, and events in identical twins following hepatitis B vaccination: analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database and literature review.
9.) A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
10.) Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis.
11.) Allergic reactions to Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
12.) The web and public confidence in MMR vaccination in Italy.
13.) Media coverage of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism controversy and its relationship to MMR immunization rates in the United States.
14.) Vaccine Adverse Events: Separating Myth from Reality.
15.) Refusal to Vaccinate Child Gets Mom Jail Time: A Deeper Analysis
16.) Why Japan banned MMR vaccine
17.) Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine
18.) A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
19.) Raila Odinga: Tetanus vaccination is a mass sterilization on women
20.) Infant Dies Following 5 Vaccine Doses
23.) Vaccines do NOT cause injuries, according to House Resolution 327
24.) H. RES. 327
25.) Neurological complications of vaccination with outer surface protein A (OspA).
26.) Spirochetal Lipoproteins and Immune Evasion
27.) Does a New Hepatitis Vaccine Cause Heart Attacks?
28.) FDA extends review on Dynavax's Heplisav-B, but management remains confident
29.) Can Hib Vaccine Cause Injury?
1.) Risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccination in Germany.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Nov;23(11):1192-204. doi: 10.1002/pds.3638. Epub 2014 May 10.
Prestel J1, Volkers P, Mentzer D, Lehmann HC, Hartung HP, Keller-Stanislawski B; GBS Study Group.
Collaborators (370)
Gerber J, Heyden M, Klötzsch C, Linster E, Langel S, Bößenecker W, Bamberg C, Gerlach R, Reckhardt M, Borak P, Braun H, Harzheim M, Isenhardt K, Bader P, Glocker F, Reimers CD, Riesterer-Hemm G, Trabold R, Homberg V, Klee R, von Rosen F, Daffertshofer M, Hofler D, Hofstadt U, Baumsteiger C, Dreger J, Stachulski F, Harms H, Kauert A, Haas J, von Brevern M, Völzke E, Ducke F, Böhme H, Koennecke HC, Ecke A, Koennecke HC, Bähr D, Nabavi DG, Hopmann D, Porz D, Neumayer B, Müller T, Kitzrow M, Börnke C, Schröder A, Kowalski T, Günther J, Boeckler D, Reinshagen A, Sarholz M, Böhm KD, Weiland T, Kuhlmann RJ, Heide W, Heider S, Schüler O, Schepelmann K, Claus D, Kunesch E, Yaretskyy G, Spieker S, Jung S, Spitzer C, Busch A, Schneider H, Machetanz J, Grehl H, Nolden-Koch M, Wilmsen H, Lehmann H, Seitz R, Griese M, Schmitt HM, Dietze C, Holz J, Leinisch E, Derfuß T, Linker R, Reinhardt FM, Krämer M, Koeppen S, Gerhard H, Bauer H, Stolze H, Jost V, Steinmetz H, Schütz H, Böhm J, Rauer S, Klotz JM, Schneider A, Biemann M, Blaes F, Krämer H, Guthke K, Schmidt H, Krumpolt H, Schiess D, Roth M, Fuchs HH, Schneider E, Wohlfarth K, Müller T, Sick W, Schwandt D, Wellach I, Töpper RF, Koehler J, Rosenkranz T, Knepel S, Duwe T, Stiller M, Rieke K, Baas H, Brunotte P, Tümmler J, Heidenreich F, Stangel M, Stift T, Ringleb P, Kaendler S, Humbroich K, Plöger H, Sitzer M, Dieter J, Dietz M, Eicke M, Ochs G, Güldenring A, Hagemann G, Zinke J, Fetter M, Herath H, Escheu G, Stingele R, Berthold A, Schmitt E, Haupt WF, Petereit HF, Limmroth V, von Giesen HJ, Kirsch B, Heckmann JG, Beuche W, Schattenfroh C, Tampier-Pohl C, Friedl R, Oberwittler C, Schlenker M, Trillenberg P, Abushammala A, Schabet M, Eßer M, Thümen A, Lins H, Vielhaber S, Bayerl J, Tackenberg B, Hachgenei A, Meisenheim GK, Philipps J, Tings T, Franz O, Jauß M, Berthele A, München TU, Hupfer W, Nagi M, Dziewas R, Kusch W, Lobenstein S, Fischer V, Syed N, Bitsch A, Jahnke U, Allendörfer J, Dietrich W, Görtzen A, Stark E, Wenning W, Neumann F, Petrick M, Kaiser R, Niehoff T, Deymann R, Hartmann R, Christe W, Görlitz C, Hotz M, Buchner H, Balzer K, Braune HJ, Kindl HJ, Leschnik O, Lohner H, Zettl U, Kiefer R, Krauth S, Hansberg T, Matrisch H, Vetter T, Schepelmann K, Schade B, Nguento A, Fortwängler T, Hartnack F, Neuhaus O, Wennrich M, Leopold HC, Tebben J, Polzer U, Sieb P, Huss GP, Kuhl V, Gawlitza M, Freudenberger T, Rieder G, Schröder K, Bös M, Krüger T, Rechlin M, Bufler J, Angerer M, Möller P, Eppinger B, Dömges F, Albrecht P, Kotterba S, Stolz E, Schmidt N, Trottenberg T, Feige P, Hufschmidt A, Svrakova L, Haensch CA, Kastrau F, Schmidt P, Reiners K, Weinmann E, Merkelbach S, Bachhuber A, Hermann W, Häusler M, Toth M, Weiß BM, Stein D, Klepper J, Hirsch T, von Moers A, Brandes H, Botsch M, Köhler C, Franke I, Kössel H, Kauffmann B, Schwalm H, Kirschstein M, Tribukait U, Mandl M, Böhmann H, Schaetz K, Hebing B, Steinert M, Eichholz S, von Lilien-Waldau T, Karenfort M, Kretzschmar B, Trollmann R, Schmiedel G, Dördelmann M, Kieslich M, Mause U, Grüber C, Korinthenberg R, Heubner G, Mattes J, Radlow U, Repp R, Klinge J, Genseke R, Gsinn S, Gebhardt B, Papsch M, Mutlak S, Brockmann K, Koch G, Mandelkow F, v Blanckenburg P, Bertram U, Vieker S, Peltner HU, Sander M, Shamdeen MG, Nowka S, Koch W, Walkenhorst H, Rubens T, Westerbeck K, Rübo J, Wiater A, Pflumm K, Bensch J, Engelhardt H, Deja M, Borte M, Tibussek D, Bosse H, Rinschen K, Härtel C, Gaude-Wagener M, Beyer U, Pädiatrie A, Peters H, Kowalzik F, Seipelt P, Zippel S, Pargac KN, Schobeß A, Müller W, Baethmann M, Leiz S, Gehrmann A, Makowski C, Fiedler B, Böswald M, Weisbrod T, Kintzel K, Franz C, Feickert HJ, Kühl PG, Schneider M, Raab K, Beyer P, Kauther KD, Reiter HL, Heubner G, Behl ES, Trefz FK, Hoffmann HG, Buss M, Olbertz DM, Hempel L, Agricola G, Horneff G, Augustin KS, Mihatsch W, Kurre A, Colling S, Burghard R, Soditt V, Feierfeil K, Hornbrook D, Kellner L, Pernice W, Schirmer D, Alber M, Geerken S, Kratz M, Köhler A, Knuf M, Repinska T, Buller M, Becker JC, Niesytto C, Skopnik H, Borusiak P, Verbeek T, Gabler I, Winkelmann T.
Author information
Division of Safety of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Langen, Germany.
A prospective, epidemiologic study was conducted to assess whether the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccination in Germany almost exclusively using an AS03-adjuvanted vaccine (Pandemrix) impacts the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and its variant Fisher syndrome (FS).
Potential cases of GBS/FS were reported by 351 participating hospitals throughout Germany. The self-controlled case series methodology was applied to all GBS/FS cases fulfilling the Brighton Collaboration (BC) case definition (levels 1-3 of diagnostic certainty) with symptom onset between 1 November 2009 and 30 September 2010 reported until end of December 2010.
Out of 676 GBS/FS reports, in 30 cases, GBS/FS (BC levels 1-3) occurred within 150 days following influenza A(H1N1) vaccination. The relative incidence of GBS/FS within the primary risk period (days 5-42 post-vaccination) compared with the control period (days 43-150 post-vaccination) was 4.65 (95%CI [2.17, 9.98]). Similar results were found when stratifying for infections within 3 weeks prior to onset of GBS/FS and when excluding cases with additional seasonal influenza vaccination. The overall result of temporally adjusted analyses supported the primary finding of an increased relative incidence of GBS/FS following influenza A(H1N1) vaccination.
The results indicate an increased risk of GBS/FS in temporal association with pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccination in Germany.
2.) Clinical Features of Post-Vaccination Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Korea.
J Korean Med Sci. 2017 Jul;32(7):1154-1159. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2017.32.7.1154.
Park YS1, Lee KJ2, Kim SW2, Kim KM2, Suh BC3.
Author information
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea.
Division of Epidemic Intelligence Service, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cheongju, Korea.
Department of Neurology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy and it is also the most commonly reported severe adverse event following immunization in adults. To evaluate the results of clinical and laboratory features of GBS after vaccination in Korea, we analyzed the claims-based data from 2002 to 2014 using materials collected for the Advisory Committee Vaccination Injury Compensation (ACVIC) meeting including, clinical features, nerve conduction studies (NCSs), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiles, treatment, and outcomes. Forty-eight compensated GBS cases (median age, 15 years; interquartile range [IQR], 13-51; male:female ratio, 1:1) of 68 suspected GBS were found following immunization and all of them with influenza immunizations with either monovalent (n = 35) or trivalent (n = 13). Among them, 30 cases fulfilled the Brighton criteria level 1-3 (62.5%). The median duration between the onset of symptoms to nadir, duration of the nadir, and total admission period were 3 (IQR, 2-7 days), 2 (IQR, 1-5 days), and 14 (IQR, 6-33 days) days, respectively. The most frequently reported symptom was quadriparesis which was present in 36 cases (75%) at nadir. CSF examination revealed albuminocytologic dissociation in 25.0% and NCS was abnormal in 61.8%. After treatment, most of them showed improvement. Clinical features were similar to typical post-infectious GBS and there were both demyelinating and axonal forms suggesting heterogeneous pathogenic mechanism. In order to improve the diagnostic certainty of post-vaccination GBS, careful documentation of clinical features and timely diagnostic work-up with follow-up studies are needed.
3.) Lichen planus secondary to rabies vaccination.
Dermatol Online J. 2017 Mar 15;23(3). pii: 13030/qt3hr3t4hs.
An I1, Demir V, İbiloğlu İ, Akdeniz S.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disease withdistinctive clinical manifestations. The etiology of LPremains unknown. Recently, numerous cases of LPdeveloping after hepatitis B, influenza, and combined DTaP-IPV-MMR vaccine have been described. In thisreport, we present the second case of LP after rabiesvaccination.
4.) Lichen planus occurring after influenza vaccination: report of three cases and review of the literature.
Dermatology. 2010;221(4):296-9. doi: 10.1159/000321191. Epub 2010 Nov 3.
Sato NA1, Kano Y, Shiohara T.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
Although influenza vaccine is thought to be effective and safe, it occasionally causes systemic reactions such as toxic epidermal necrolysis, bullous pemphigoid, lichen planus (LP), etc. The period of increased risk of developing these events was different depending on the immune responses induced by the vaccination. We report 3 cases of LP which appeared after an influenza vaccination. Our cases indicate that the period of increased risk of developing vaccine-related LP was concentrated within 2 weeks after vaccination, and that the vaccine alone represents a triggering factor necessary for immune alteration sufficient for the development of LP. Because these adverse events tend to develop over a predictable time course, the time of onset may give an important clue to the diagnosis of vaccine-related diseases. We suggest that a history of recent vaccination should be sought in all patients presenting with linear LP.==========================================================================
5.) Lichen planus after HBV vaccination in a child: a case report from Nepal.
J Dermatol. 2000 Sep;27(9):618-20.
Agrawal S1, Garg VK, Joshi A, Agarwalla A, Sah SP.
Author information
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal.
Vaccination against hepatitis B virus has rarely been associated with lichen planus. We report a case of this kind in a child from Nepal. A 12-year-old boy had developed generalized itchy violaceous papules and plaques six weeks after the second dose of hepatitis B virus vaccine. Serum HBsAg and HBeAb were negative, but HBsAb was positive. New crops of generalized, similar eruptions developed after the booster dose of vaccine. All the lesions resolved within three months of systemic steroid therapy. There was no recurrence after one year of follow up. Awareness of such an association is necessary, especially in children, because vaccination campaigns are increasing.
6.) Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.
Int J Dermatol. 2004 Aug;43(8):562-4.
Calista D1, Morri M.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, M. Bufalini Hospital, Cesena, Italy.
In May 1996, as part of his routine antihepatitis B (hepB) vaccination plan, a 28-year-old HbsAg-negative man, hospital worker, received his first dose (20 microg) of a recombinant vaccine (EngerixB-B, Smith Kline and Beecham, Belgium), administered via deltoid injection. The patient was otherwise healthy and taking no medication. Thirty days after the 2nd booster dose, several pruritic, polygonal, purple, papules appeared on the volar aspect of the patient's wrists. New lesions gradually spread to the arms and trunk (Fig. 1). The clinical diagnosis of lichen planus (LP) was confirmed by histology, which revealed hyperorthokeratosis, hypergranulosis, vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer cells and a dense, band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in the superficial dermis. The disease started to heal after treatment with topical clobetasol propionate 0.05% and sun exposure during the following summer. Five days after the 3rd booster dose, in November 1996, the dermatosis relapsed on the forearms, trunk, and legs. On that occasion, routine laboratory tests, including a complete blood count, blood chemistry and liver function tests, were within normal limits. Screening serologic tests for autoantibodies including antinuclear antibodies, antidouble-stranded DNA, anti-SS-A, anti-SS-B and anti-Sm were all negative. As a result of the inadequate levels of antihepatitis B antibodies, less than 10 IU/l in May 1998, in a high-risk patient who was frequently exposed to blood and its products, an additional booster dose was performed. Three days later a new recurrence of disseminated lichen planus occurred. The patient was successfully treated with prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks. There was no recurrence the following year.
7.) Hepatitis B vaccination and associated oral manifestations: a non-systematic review of literature and case reports.
Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014 Nov;4(6):829-36. doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.144870.
Tarakji B1, Ashok N1, Alakeel R2, Azzeghaibi S1, Umair A1, Darwish S1, Mahmoud R3, Elkhatat E3.
Author information
Department of Oral Maxillofacial Sciences, Alfarabi College of Dentistry and Nursing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, King Saud University, Alfarabi College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Restorative Dentistry Sciences, Alfarabi College of Dentistry and Nursing, Saudi Arabia.
Hepatitis B vaccine has been administered in children and adults routinely to reduce the incidence of the disease. Even though, hepatitis B vaccine is considered as highly safe, some adverse reactions have been reported. A literature search was carried out in PubMed, accessed via the National Library of Medicine PubMed interface, searching used the following keywords: Hepatitis B vaccine and complications from 1980 to 2014. A total of 1147 articles were obtained out of which articles, which discuss the complications occurring orally or occurring elsewhere in the body, which have the potential to manifest orally after hepatitis B vaccination were selected. A total of 82 articles were identified which included 58 case series or case reports, 15 review articles, 4 cross sectional studies, 3 prospective cohort studies, one retrospective cohort study and a case control study. After reviewing the literature, we observed that complications seen after Hepatitis B vaccination are sudden infant death syndrome, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, vasculititis optic neuritis, anaphylaxis, systemic lupus erytymatosus, lichen planus and neuro-muscular disorder. Of these complications, some are manifested orally or have the potential to manifest orally. Although, most of the complications are self-limiting, some are very serious conditions, which require hospitalization with immediate medical attention.
8.) A case-series of adverse events, positive re-challenge of symptoms, and events in identical twins following hepatitis B vaccination: analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database and literature review.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004 Nov-Dec;22(6):749-55.
Geier MR1, Geier DA.
Author information
The Genetic Centers of America, MedCon, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland 20905, USA.
Adverse events and positive re-challenge of symptoms reported in the scientific literature and to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following hepatitis B vaccination (HBV) were examined.
The VAERS and PubMed (1966-2003) were searched for autoimmune conditions including arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, myelitis, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS), glomerulonephritis, pancytopenia/thrombocytopenia, fatigue, and chronic fatigue, and Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) following HBV.
HBV was associated with a number of serious conditions and positive re-challenge or significant exacerbation of symptoms following immunization. There were 415 arthritis, 166 rheumatoid arthritis, 130 myelitis, 4 SLE, 100 optic neuritis, 101 GBS, 29 glomerulonephritis, 283 pancytopenia/thrombocytopenia, and 183 MS events reportedfollowing HBV A total of 465 positive re-challenge adverse events were observed following adult HBV that occurred sooner and with more severity than initial adverse event reports. A case-report of arthritis occurring in identical twins was also identified.
Evidence from biological plausibility, case-reports, case-series, epidemiological, and now for positive re-challenge and exacerbation of symptoms, and events in identical twins was presented. One would have to consider that there is causal relationship between HBV and serious autoimmune disorders among certain susceptible vaccine recipients in a defined temporal period following immunization. In immunizing adults, the patient, with the help of their physician, should make an informed consent decision as to whether to be immunized or not, weighing the small risks of the adverse effects of HBV with the risk of exposure to deadly hepatitis B virus.
9.) A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2002 Nov-Dec;20(6):767-71.
Geier DA1, Geier MR.
Author information
MedCon, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.
This analysis examined the incidence rate of chronic arthritis adverse reactions reported following adult rubella and hepatitis B vaccinations. In this analysis, etiologic mechanisms for chronic arthritis following adult rubella and hepatitis B vaccines were also explored.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed for the incidence rate of reported cases of chronic arthritis in comparison to Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) and tetanus toxoid adult vaccine control groups.
Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult rubella vaccination were primarily reported in females (female/male ratio = 3.0), at about 45 years-old, and at a mean onset time of 10-11 days following vaccination. Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult hepatitis B vaccination were also primarily reported in females(female/male ratio = 3.5), at about 33 years-old, and with a mean onset time of 16 days following vaccination. The incidence rates of chronic arthritis following adult rubella and adult hepatitis B vaccinations were statistically significantly increased, by chi 2 analysis, in comparison to the adult vaccine control groups. The attributable risk of chronic arthritis following adult rubella vaccine ranged from 32 to 53 and from 5.1 to 9.0 following adult hepatitis B vaccine in comparison to the adult vaccine control groups.
This study revealed that adult rubella and adult hepatitis B vaccines were statistically associated with chronic arthritis which persisted for at least one year. The etiology for these adverse reactions may involve autoimmune mechanisms. Furthermore, potential biases in the reporting rates of adverse reactions to VAERS were not observed.
10.) Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2002 Nov-Dec;49(48):1571-5.
Geier DA1, Geier MR.
Author information
Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Hepatitis B is the most important infectious cause of acute and chronic liver disease. Hepatitis B vaccine, a highly purified, genetically engineered, single antigen vaccine, has generally been accepted as a safe vaccine. In 2000, the Institute of Medicine noted that few vaccines for any disease have been actively monitored for adverse effects over long periods and encouraged evaluation of active long-term monitoring studies of large populations to further evaluate the relative safety of vaccines. The aim of this study was to accept the charge of the 2000 Institute of Medicine Report and extend our own work to determine the frequency of gastrointestinal adverse reactions after hepatitis B vaccination and determine if this frequency was increased over the background rate of gastrointestinal conditions in the U.S. adult population.
A retrospective examination of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database from July 1990 through August 1999 for hepatitis B vaccination and associated gastrointestinal reactions was made. Additionally, as controls, hepatitis A and rubella vaccination associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in adults were analyzed.
Our analysis shows that the 40-year-old female population between four to eight days after hepatitis B vaccination was at increased risk for developing gastrointestinal reactions.
Hepatitis B vaccination was statistically associated by chi 2 analysis with gastrointestinal reactions including: hepatitis, gastrointestinal disease and liver function test abnormalities in comparison to our vaccine control groups. The reaction rate observed is outweighed by the benefits of the vaccine. Further analysis is needed to determine the mechanisms by which hepatitis B vaccine is associated with gastrointestinal reactions.
11.) Allergic reactions to Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2003 Nov;23(4):665-97.
Plesner AM1.
Author information
Department of Medical Officers of Health, Copenhagen County, Islands Brygge 67 DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.
Erratum in
Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2004 May;24(2):335.
The JEV widely is used in Asian countries each year and is an important vaccine for travelers to the East from other parts of the world. JE virus is a zoonotic disease with natural reservoirs and cannot be eliminated. Although a declining incidence of JE has been observed in Asia because of reduced transmission by agricultural approaches and vaccination, the most important control measure now, and in the future, is vaccination of humans against JE. The inactivated vaccine, produced from infected mouse-brain-derived tissue, is the only commercially available vaccine. There are several concerns with the use of this vaccine. It is expensive, requires two or three doses to achieve protective efficacy, and, in practice, requires further booster doses to maintain immunity. The apparent increase in allergic reactions in the first part of the 1990s has set focus on the safety of the JEV. A cheap, live attenuated SA 14-14-2 vaccine is used almost exclusively in China and parts of Korea, but there have been no trials of SA 14-14-2 vaccine outside JE endemic countries. The vaccine seems to be highly efficient, and few adverse events have been observed; however, PHK cells are used for the production of this vaccine, and these cells are not approved by the WHO. A satisfactory cell substrate is needed. A committee under the WHO has proposed that for the live JEV, there should be validity of the assays for retrovirus when applied to PHK cell substrate and validity of the mouse assays for neurovirulence. Further information should be reviewed on the long-term follow-up of recipients of the vaccine. Several new types of vaccines have reached the phase of clinical trials; however, studies remain to be completed. Until a new vaccine is available, the priority of surveillance of adverse events and the continuous reporting of such events to the users of the vaccines must be of importance. This fact is highlighted by the possibility of the varying frequency of adverse events with different batches over the years. The WHO offers information and recommendations for vaccines in the EPI and issues a series of updated papers on other vaccines that are of international public health importance (eg, JEV). The development of alternative efficient, safe, and appropriately priced JEVs is recommended, as is intensified surveillance of adverse events. Prospective vaccine studies of safety may be limited because of sample size and because rare adverse events may not be detected. Several new initiatives have been taken to improve surveillance of adverse events to vaccines within the past 10 years. In Japan, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of efforts taken to improve vaccine safety, and surveillance of adverse events and possibilities of compensation for vaccine-related injuries are in place. In Vietnam, a database to detect adverse events after vaccination has been established; the project involves active visits to data collectors at the vaccination sites. Comparative studies of adverse events, such as one recent study from Japan and the United States, are important for the evaluation of the reporting systems. The reporting rate for JEV adverse events from Japan was approximately one order of magnitude lower than that in the United States. Japan had strict predefined reporting criteria and time limits for observations. If time limits for the observation are too strict (eg, defining a possible neurologic reaction to occur within 1 week after vaccination), later reactions will not be included (eg, if ADEM is elicited by a vaccine, the symptoms cannot be expected to occur until weeks after the vaccination). The passive surveillance systems have limitations with an underreporting of adverse events, depending on clinical seriousness, temporal proximity to vaccination, awareness of healthcare workers, and tradition of reporting particular events. In developed countries, surveillance of adverse events is formalized, although not necessarily optimal. An increase in reporting would be expected when the reporting of adverse events is mandatory. Reports have been sent to VAERS, the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, and the European Union Pharmacovigilance System. A Brighton collaboration has been implemented to enhance comparability of vaccine safety data. Public health authorities in specific countries, such as the CDC in the United States and the National Advisory Committee in Canada, regularly have published information on the JE situation in Asia and the preventive measures to be taken, including information on the vaccines and adverse reactions. The conventional recommendation is that travelers should be vaccinated if they will spend more than 1 month in a JE endemic area or in areas with epidemic transmission with even shorter periods. Although the risk for JE for short-term travelers is considered small (1 case per 1 million travelers per year), sporadic cases, including deaths, have been reported among tourists traveling to endemic areas. Risk for travelers in rural districts in the season of risk is considerably higher (range, 1 case per 5000 travelers to 1 case per 20,000 travelers per week). Doctors who advise travelers should be updated on the latest JE occurrences in Asia. Updates on the JE situation can be found on bulletins at or are available from the WHO or CDC. The allergic reactions primarily described after vaccination with the inactivated mouse-brain-derived JEV have been observed in several countries during the 1900s. Allergic reactions, including the mucocutaneous and neurologic reactions reported after JE vaccination, may vary in frequency, and these reactions should be evaluated meticulously yearly. This step enables recommendations, including information on possible side effects, to be given in an optimal way.
12.) The web and public confidence in MMR vaccination in Italy.
Vaccine. 2017 Aug 16;35(35 Pt B):4494-4498. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.07.029. Epub 2017 Jul 20.
Aquino F1, Donzelli G2, De Franco E3, Privitera G1, Lopalco PL4, Carducci A2.
Author information
Department of Translational Research, N.T.M.S. - University of Pisa, Via Savi 10, 56126 Pisa, Italy.
Department of Biology - University of Pisa, Via S. Zeno 35, 56127 Pisa, Italy.
Division of Public Health and Nutrition - Area of Pisa, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest, Galleria Gerace 14, 56124 Pisa, Italy.
Department of Translational Research, N.T.M.S. - University of Pisa, Via Savi 10, 56126 Pisa, Italy. Electronic address:
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage in Italy has been decreasing starting from 2012 and, at the present, none of the Italian regions has achieved the goal of 95% coverage target. A decision of the Court of Justice of Rimini in March 2012 that awarded vaccine-injury compensation for a case of autism has been indicated as a probable trigger event leading to a reduction of vaccine confidence in Italy. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between MMR vaccination coverage to online search trends and social network activity on the topic "autism and MMR vaccine", during the period 2010-2015. A significant inverse correlation was found between MMR vaccination coverage and Internet search activity, tweets and Facebook posts. New media might have played a role in spreading misinformation. Media monitoring could be useful to assess the level of vaccine hesitancy and to plan and target effective information campaigns.
13.) Media coverage of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism controversy and its relationship to MMR immunization rates in the United States.
Pediatrics. 2008 Apr;121(4):e836-43. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-1760.
Smith MJ1, Ellenberg SS, Bell LM, Rubin DM.
Author information
Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The purpose of this work was to assess the association between media coverage of the MMR-autism controversy and MMR immunization in the United States.
The public-use files of the National Immunization Survey were used to estimate annual MMR coverage from 1995 to 2004. The primary outcome was selective measles-mumps-rubella nonreceipt, that is, those children who received all childhood immunizations except MMR. Media coverage was measured by using LexisNexis, a comprehensive database of national and local news media. Factors associated with MMR nonreceipt were identified by using a logistic regression model.
Selective MMR nonreceipt, occurring in as few as 0.77% of children in the 1995 cohort, rose to 2.1% in the 2000 National Immunization Survey. Children included in the 2000 National Immunization Survey were born when the putative link between MMR and autism surfaced in the medical literature but before any significant media attention occurred. Selective nonreceipt was more prevalent in private practices and unrelated to family characteristics. MMR nonreceipt returned to baseline before sustained media coverage of the MMR-autism story began.
There was a significant increase in selective MMR nonreceipt that was temporally associated with the publication of the original scientific literature, suggesting a link between MMR and autism, which preceded media coverage of the MMR-autism controversy. This finding suggests a limited influence of mainstream media on MMR immunization in the United States.
14.) Vaccine Adverse Events: Separating Myth from Reality.
Spencer JP1, Trondsen Pawlowski RH1, Thomas S1.
Author information
Conemaugh Family Medicine Residency Program, Johnstown, PA, USA.
Vaccines are one of the most successful medical advances in modern times. Most vaccine-preventable illnesses are unfamiliar to modern parents. Because of this, parents are increasingly questioning the necessity of immunizing their children, especially because no vaccine is completely free of adverse effects or the risk of complications. Family physicians should be aware of the risks and benefits of recommended immunizations. Thimerosal is currently used only in multidose vials of influenza vaccine, and exposure through vaccines is not associated with adverse neurologic outcomes. The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is not associated with autism. Vaccines are associated with local reactions, such as pain and erythema. The rotavirus vaccine minimally increases the rate of intussusception, whereas other vaccines minimally increase the risk of syncope. Although immunization with the human papillomavirus vaccine is recommended for all boys and girls, vaccination rates remain low. Physicians should guide parents to credible resources if they are considering vaccine refusal. If a recommended vaccine is refused, proper documentation is essential. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program track adverse events and allow compensation for documented harms from vaccinations
15.) Refusal to Vaccinate Child Gets Mom Jail Time: A Deeper Analysis
October 7th 2017 at 10:15 am
Written By: Jefferey Jaxen
“I want to make it perfectly clear. We’re leaving here today. Dad’s picking the child up and he’s going to be vaccinated regardless of what Mom did or didn’t do.”
These were the words of Oakland County judge Karen McDonald during the open minutes of the recent court room proceedings that continue to grab international headlines. Metro Detroit’s Rebecca Bredow, the Mom, now sits in an Oakland Country jail with a criminal record forever attached to her name. Her 9-year-old son is now in temporary custody of his father who is ordered by the court to bring the child up to date on the boy’s vaccination status, which will be up to eight vaccines “…as rapidly as medically necessary.”
Unfortunately in America, the end result of cases like Bredow’s are becoming more and more common.
Some are saying Bredow refused to vaccinate her child and is getting what she deserved but is it really that simple? The mainstream, corporate media narrative is attempting to paint a picture that Bredow’s case is an uncommon, one-and-done occurrence. The narrative is also suggesting that the family court process, when vaccination status is concerned, is a stone solid justice machine based on 'settled vaccine science.' The reality is that the judge and the court are taking a known and dangerous medical risk with another person’s child that they have no right to take. Do courts have the right to order an unavoidably unsafe medical intervention like vaccination in custody cases?
At minute 3:30 Judge McDonald makes clear her forced vaccination agenda.
Joel Dorfman of Michigan for Vaccine Choice, a group that advocates for parents’ rights to refuse vaccines told the Detroit Free Press, “If this child is injured as a result of being given eight immunizations, who do you think is going to take care of the child? The judge?”
According to Judge McDonald, Bredow’s case is about her refusal to follow court orders she previously agreed to. McDonald ruled Bredow was in criminal contempt for not following a 2016 agreement to vaccinate her child. However Bredow says that her attorney at the time signed the order and advised her not to worry since she had filed state waivers and vaccine exemptions each year in Michigan for her child. In Michigan, parents or guardians of children enrolled in public and private schools are required to attend an educational session before they are granted waivers.
Charlie Langton ✔@charlielangton
Mom goes to jail for not vaccinating her kid. But what is this case really about? On @FOX2News - @WWJ950
3:54 PM - Oct 4, 2017
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Lecturing from the bench, Judge McDonald told Bredow “I understand you love your children. But what I don’t think you understand is that your son has two parents, and dad gets a say,” Her statement seems reasonable yet it is important to note that Bredow has primary caregiver status. Digging deeper into the information of the case, Judge McDonald’s recent ruling gives physical custody of the child to the ex-husband James Horne. In the past, Child Protective Services did an investigation on Horne and the case was confirmed as a Category 3 revealing a preponderance of evidence against him which the court knew about.
What about medical expert testimony? Although Bredow’s case didn’t involve the testimony of an expert witness or medical professional, this tactic is often a nonstarter in US courts. The courts don’t decide and rule on the science, their job is to weigh the evidence. For each doctor or expert witness brave enough to go on record against the safety of vaccines in a given case, there are many more doctors who are will testify for them. In addition, all US health agencies and organizations still toe the line for the false ‘safe and effective’ vaccine narrative and refuse to factor in any new or highly relevant information that says otherwise.
During the recent ruling, Judge McDonald appeared to be reading from a prewritten statement when handing down her decision suggesting that she did not factor in the day’s testimony and dialogue. If that is the case, perhaps McDonald’s prewritten decision was in response to the attention Bredow drew to the case by going to the media. Section 600.1715 of Michigan’s Revised Judicature Act of 1961 states:
“If the contempt consists of the omission to perform some act or duty that is still within the power of the person to perform, the imprisonment shall be terminated when the person performs the act or duty or no longer has the power to perform the act or duty…”
The “act or duty” to vaccinate Bredow’s 9-year-old child was ordered by the court to be done by the ex-husband. In addition, Bredow no longer had the power to perform the act or duty in question. It seems that, given the language of the act, Bredow’s jail time was handed down as a warning and a lesson rather than a necessary legal measure.
16.) Why Japan banned MMR vaccine
by JENNY HOPE, Daily Mail
Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine seven years ago - virtually the only developed nation to turn its back on the jab.
Government health chiefs claim a four-year experiment with it has had serious financial and human costs.
Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say.
The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions.
Official figures show there were three deaths while eight children were left with permanent handicaps ranging from damaged hearing and blindness to loss of control of limbs.
The government reconsidered using MMR in 1999 but decided it was safer to keep the ban and continue using individual vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella.
The British Department of Health said Japan had used a type of MMR which included a strain of mumps vaccine that had particular problems and was discontinued in the UK because of safety concerns.
The Japanese government realised there was a problem with MMR soon after its introduction in April 1989 when vaccination was compulsory. Parents who refused had to pay a small fine.
An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000.
The ministry switched to another MMR vaccine in October 1991 but the incidence was still high with one in 1,755 children affected. No separate record has been kept of claims involving autism.
Tests on the spinal fluid of 125 children affected were carried out to see if the vaccine had got into the children's nervous systems. They found one confirmed case and two further suspected cases.
In 1993, after a public outcry fuelled by worries over the flu vaccine, the government dropped the requirement for children to be vaccinated against measles or rubella.
Dr Hiroki Nakatani, director of the Infectious Disease Division at Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare said that giving individual vaccines cost twice as much as MMR 'but we believe it is worth it'.
In some areas parents have to pay, while in others health authorities foot the bill.
However, he admitted the MMR scare has left its mark. With vaccination rates low, there have been measles outbreaks which have claimed 94 lives in the last five years.
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17.) Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine
For many years, controversy has surrounded the three-in-one vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. Most notably, the MMR vaccine is infamous for its disputed connection to autism, and despite the fact that it has been blamed in vaccine courts for causing autism, vaccine supporters still deny its fault in skyrocketing rates of autism spectrum disorder, which is at least one in 68 children, with even higher rates of diagnosis among boys. [1, 2]
However, the vaccine has other serious risks in addition to the relationship it has with unmanageable numbers of autism in children, which has led to a ban of this vaccine in one industrialized nation.
The Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine from its vaccination program in 1993, after a record number of children developed adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and death. [3]
The MMR Vaccine’s Tragic History in Japan
The MMR vaccine was introduced in Japan in April 1989, and parents who refused the compulsory vaccine were fined. After three months of analysis, officials realized that one in 900 children developed adverse reactions to the vaccine, a rate that was 2,000 times higher than the expected rate.
Officials had hoped to resolve the problem by switching to another version of the vaccine, but the excessive amount of adverse reactions persisted, with one in 1,755 children affected. Testing of 125 children’s spinal fluid determined that the vaccines had entered one child’s nervous system, with two additional suspected cases.
Four years later, in 1993, the government removed the MMR mandate against measles and rubella. A doctor from Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare admitted that the separate, individual doses of measles and rubella cost twice as much to administer, and he defended the decision, stating, “but we believe it is worth it.” Furthermore, a member of the health ministry also stated that the ban has not caused an increase in deaths from measles. [4]
Japanese officials were also concerned about the MMR vaccine causing additional cases of mumps, citing numerous studies in The Lancet. [5]
Mumps and hepatitis B vaccines are not part of the national immunization program in Japan. [6]
What Many Parents Don’t Know About the MMR Vaccine
The list of adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, straight from Merck’s vaccine package inserts, is long and alarming. A shortened version of the vaccine damage associated with the MMR vaccine includes vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, ear pain, nerve deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia, and death. [7, 8]
A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows the following statistics from the United States: over 75,000 adverse events have been reported from any combination of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, including, most notably:
78 deaths
85 cases of deafness
48 cases of decreased eye contact
92 cases of developmental delay
855 reported cases of autism
116 cases of intellectual disability
401 reports of speech disorders
276 reports of loss of consciousness
143 cases of encephalitis
74 cases of meningitis
111 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
692 cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)
748 cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)
653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic clonic seizures
1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection)
And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
147 cases of measles
384 cases of mumps
29 cases of rubella [9]
The number of adverse events following vaccination are vastly underreported, as acknowledged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The National Vaccine Information Center estimates that less than one to ten percent of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported. Many of the numbers reported above could therefore be multiplied by one hundred to determine a more accurate amount of adverse reactions. [10, 11]
Japan Takes a Protective Stance Against Other Vaccines, Too
The flu vaccine has also been the subject of controversy in Japan, after 100 deaths occurred from the vaccine by the end of 2009. Japan’s health ministry has been criticized for for its cautious stance against vaccines, but so far, government officials have wisely defended their position, citing public safety as the paramount concern.
Finally, the Japanese government has also taken a protective stance against vaccines on behalf of its young girls, suspending the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine in 2013 after numerous cases of serious adverse events were reported, with one report citing as many as 1,968 adverse events, 358 of which were classified as serious.
Japanese officials were concerned about the well-being of their young citizens, despite having invested $187 million in the program. Damage payments to only a fraction of the victims who have suffered adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine have reached $6 million. [12]
Additionally, since 2011, at least 38 infants have been reported to have died after they had been vaccinated against haemophilus influenza B and streptococcus pneumonia, according to records compiled by the health ministry in Japan.
Japanese Officials Speak Out
Japan has been criticized for being behind the times when it comes to vaccination. Vaccine advocates claim that Japan has not kept pace with other developed countries regarding the use of vaccines. Despite listing 110 infectious diseases in a government registry, Japan offers vaccines for only 22 of those.
Some Japanese health experts disagree, however. Hiroko Mori, a vaccine researcher, is one of those experts. He was the former head of the infectious disease division at Japan’s National Institute of Public Health.
He has noted that Japan has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world and has advocated for fewer vaccines, stating that the country’s excellent sanitation and nutrition has boosted children’s health.
He observed,
“Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally.
There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’ The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.”
Tetsuo Nakayama, Dean of Kitasato University’s Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences, is an expert who supports vaccines, but he, too, acknowledges the risks of vaccination, stating that:
“There is no guarantee that your child will not be that one out of 1,000. You have to compare the risks between the side effects and what will happen if you are infected with the disease naturally.
Under the existing law, the decision to vaccinate your child or not is basically left up to the parents, but there is not enough information out there for them to make an informed decision.”
Masako Koga, a former representative of the Consumers Union of Japan, has shared his concerns about the ulterior motives behind mass vaccination programs:
“Vaccines should only be given to those who need them but that is not happening. The global industry is being driven by a strategy that promotes VPD [vaccine preventable diseases].
We must put a stop to it. Vaccines have close ties to money. From development to circulation to research on side effects, there are a lot of vested interests involved.”
He also summarized what motivates many parents’ decisions not to vaccinate their children:
“There is no knowing who will suffer side effects as a result of vaccination.
[Proponents of vaccination] say the chance of suffering a side effect is 1 in a million. For parents, however, that one is everything.”
Japanese officials have made decisions that value the health and safety of their citizens when they have removed vaccines with dangerous side effects from their national vaccination program.
Japan boasts a low infant mortality rate, despite — or perhaps because of — mandating only a fraction of the vaccines required by other developed countries, including the United States.
If you wish to learn more about the harmful ingredients in vaccines or the potential adverse reactions, we have compiled an easy-to-navigate list of vaccine package inserts from the manufacturers that you can view or download here.
Has your child suffered an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine or the HPV vaccine, both of which have been removed from Japan’s national vaccination program? If so, please share your story in our comment section below.
18.) A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
Thu Nov 6, 2014 - 2:29 pm EST
Autthor: Steve Weatherbe
UPDATE (Nov. 12): Kenya's government has launched an investigation into the Catholic Church's allegations. See follow up article here.
Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.
According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.
“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”
Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4, “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”
But the government says the vaccine is safe. Health Minister James Macharia even told the BBC, “I would recommend my own daughter and wife to take it because I entirely 100% agree with it and have confidence it has no adverse health effects.”
And Dr. Collins Tabu, head of the Health Ministry’s immunization branch, told the Kenyan Nation, that “there is no other additive in the vaccine other than the tetanus antigen.”
Tabu said the same vaccine has been used for 30 years in Kenya. Moreover, “there are women who were vaccinated in October 2013 and March this year who are expectant. Therefore we deny that the vaccines are laced with contraceptives.”
Newspaper stories also report women getting pregnant after being vaccinated.
Responds Dr. Ngare: “Either we are lying or the government is lying. But ask yourself, ‘What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?’” Dr. Ngare added: “The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country.”
Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews that several things alerted doctors in the Church’s far-flung medical system of 54 hospitals, 83 health centres, and 17 medical and nursing schools to the possibility the anti-tetanus campaign was secretly an anti-fertility campaign.
Why, they ask does it involve an unprecedented five shots (or “jabs” as they are known, in Kenya) over more than two years and why is it applied only to women of child-bearing years, and why is it not being conducted without the usual fanfare of government publicity?
“Usually we give a series three shots over two to three years, we give it anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women or children.” said Dr. Ngare. “If this is intended to inoculate children in the womb, why give it to girls starting at 15 years? You cannot get married till you are 18.” The usual way to vaccinate children is to wait till they are six weeks old.”
But it is the five-vaccination regime that is most alarming. “The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.”
It is HCG that has been found in all six samples sent to the University of Nairobi medical laboratory and another in South Africa. The bishops and doctors warn that injecting women with HCG , which mimics a natural hormone produced by pregnant women, causes them to develop antibodies against it. When they do get pregnant, and produce their own version of HCG, it triggers the production of antibodies that cause a miscarriage.
“We knew that the last time this vaccination with five injections has been used was in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994,” said Dr. Ngare. “It didn’t cause miscarriages till three years later,” which is why, he added, the counterclaims that women who got the vaccination recently and then got pregnant are meaningless.
Ngare said WHO tried to bring the same anti-fertility program into Kenya in the 1990s. “We alerted the government and it stopped the vaccination. But this time they haven’t done so.”
Ngare also contrasted the secrecy of this campaign with the usual fanfare accompanying national vaccination efforts. “They usually bring all the stakeholders together three months before the campaign, like they did with polio a little while ago. And they use staff in all the centres to give out the vaccine.” But with this anti-tetanus campaign, “only a few operatives from the government are allowed to give it out. They come with a police escort. They take it away with them when they are finished. Why not leave it with the local medical staff to administer?”
Brian Clowes of Human Life International in Virginia told LifeSite News that WHO was not involved in the Nicaragua, Mexican and Philippines campaigns. “They try to maintain a spotless record. They let organizations like United Nations Population Fund and USAID do the dirty work.”
In the previous cases, said Clowes, the vaccinators insisted their product was pure until it was shown not to be. Then they claimed the positive tests for HCG were isolated, accidental contaminations in the manufacturing process.
LifeSiteNews has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from “Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A” and 10 “women’s health advocates” from around the world, to discuss the use of “fertility regulating vaccines.” It describes the “anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine” as the most advanced.
One million Kenyan women and girls have been vaccinated so far with another 1.3 million to go. The vaccination is targeting women, according to the government, in order to inoculate their children in the womb against tetanus as well. The government says 550 children die of tetanus yearly.
In covering the contest of words the pro-government Nation found plenty of women who had been vaccinated and were now pregnant, even one who was the wife of a former Catholic priest who left the Church to marry. The paper ignored Kenya’s reliance on the Catholic medical system, while setting the bishops’ stand in a questionable historical context of irrational responses “largely based on religious beliefs,” the more recent murder of vaccination teams in Nigeria, and even of CIA conspiracy theories.
Why would the UN want to suppress the population in developing countries? “Racism,” is Brian Clowes’ first explanation. “Also, the developed countries want to get hold of their natural resources. And lately, there is the whole bogus global warming thing.”
Dr. Ngare said it was the Catholic Church’s hope that the government could have resolved the matter quietly by testing the vaccine. “But the government has chosen to be combative,” forcing Kenya’s bishops and Catholic doctors to go public.
WHO’s Kenyan office and several WHO media contacts in Washington, D.C. failed to respond to LifeSiteNews enquiries over a 24-hour period.
19.) Raila Odinga: Tetanus vaccination is a mass sterilization on women
Published Tue, September 12th 2017 at 00:00, Updated September 11th 2017 at 22:43 GMT +3
Opposition chief Raila Odinga has reignited the tetanus vaccination debate, claiming it was a State-sponsored tool for mass sterilisation. Raila, in rare support for the Catholic Church which at some point opposed the vaccine, accused the Government of what he termed 'State-sponsored infertility in women'. In January 2014 and 2015, the Catholic bishops vehemently opposed the vaccine, claiming that one-third of the vials tested contained a hormone linked to birth control. The church claimed that the vaccine was targeting women of child-bearing age and that it contained elements that prevented them from conceiving. Raila seems to be reading from a similar script, claiming that multiple results from health experts had confirmed that the tetanus vaccine used in the immunisation exercise triggered infertility in women aged between 14 and 49. Forced practice "Sterilisation without full, free, and informed consent globally is an involuntary, coercive, and/or forced practice and is a violation of fundamental human rights," said Raila. The National Super Alliance (NASA) leader demanded that the Government provide a complete list of all those who took part in the vaccination, apologise to them, and explain how it intends to reverse the damage. He said should NASA form the next government, it will set up a task force to establish the vaccine's victims, recommend appropriate compensation for them, assign responsibility, and initiate ways of reversing the damage. "This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed against the women of Kenya and the most diabolical attempt at social engineering. No one can tell the worth of a woman's fertility or sterility," said Raila. Growing populations He said that as a result of the administration of the vaccine, thousands of girls and women aged between 14 and 49 from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children because of what he described as 'State-sponsored sterilisation'. "Based on results that are now available to us, it is clear that the tetanus vaccination is one of the most callous human rights abuses committed against innocent girls and women in Kenya," he said.
20.) Infant Dies Following 5 Vaccine Doses
Life after losing a loved one to vaccines is very painful. With a heavy heart, we share Sebastian Ryan Morley’s story. He was a healthy boy whose life ended after routine vaccinations. Sebastian’s mother and grandmother have worked many years in both the veterinary and human healthcare fields. What they were taught in school led them to believe vaccines were safe, but now they will never vaccinate again. We thank his family for coming forward and sharing very important information the public isn’t usually made aware of.
Sebastian’s grandmother, Valerie Murfin, shared:
“On December 11, 2002, when my grandson Sebastian was seven months old, he was taken in for his six month well child checkup. My daughter Natasha, who is his mother, was not bullied into getting him vaccinated, she was just following what she thought was good advice, what we both thought was good advice at one time.
During this visit, Sebastian received the vaccines for DTaP, hepatitis B, and HiB. This is five vaccine doses.
Sebastian began vomiting two days later and suffered jaundice. After turning yellow around his mouth on 12-15-02, his mom took him to the doctor because he became very lethargic. She was begging for him not to die on the drive to the doctor’s office. They admitted him to St. Peter Hospital, in Olympia, where he stayed for two days.
Tests were run and it was found that Sebastian’s liver was failing. After an ultrasound showed his liver stopped swelling, they allowed him to be discharged, but warned my daughter not to let him bump his head or anything, because he could bleed out.
Before being discharged, his doctor did more blood work and told my daughter that she would call her, and that they assumed Sebastian had hepatitis C somehow. This was six days after the vaccines were given to him, on 12-17-02.”
Sebastian’s Brain Swelled and His Organs Shut Down
“That phone call came in on 12-20-15 and the news made my daughter aware it was urgent. Sebastian was rushed to the ER at Seattle Children’s Hospital. This is where he stayed and suffered, for more than a month.
Towards the end of his stay, his eyes were no longer responsive and one swelled up horribly; his choke reflex was gone. I think his little brain had had enough of all the additional chemicals he received while in the hospital. Sebastian’s brain had swelled outside of his soft spot, they had no more hope for him, and they wanted to turn off the machines.
My daughter came out of that room, looked at me and said, ‘Don’t let them kill my baby, Mom.’ I had to tell her he was already gone. I watched the light die in my daughter’s eyes.
They did unplug him. He died in his mom and dad’s arms. He died on January 22, 2003, at just 8 ½ months old. Forty-two days after that well child visit, multiple organs of his shut down and his little body couldn’t fight anymore.
My most helpless moment in my life was when I had seen the ultrasound of Sebastian’s brain. By this time, all of his organs were shutting down. They had him in a medically-induced coma for about the last five days. The first three days, they would let him wake up. The last two days, he stopped waking up, even when coming out of the anesthesia.
Ultimately, if he hadn’t had the vaccines, none of this would have happened.
My daughter did question the vaccines with the doctor that gave them and her initial response was that they just never see that. Although Sebastian’s doctor later on was more supportive of the fact that vaccines could not be ruled out.
His cause of death listed on his death certificate is ‘Fulminant Liver Failure of Unknown Etiology,’ though the pathologist stated clearly when he wrote, ‘Because this child was vaccinated less than 24 hours prior to onset of illness, we can NOT rule out the vaccines as causative.’
This is as close anyone gets to admission that the vaccines were responsible.”
Vaccines Were The Only Plausible Cause Of Sebastian’s Liver Failure
“In the days he was in the in the pediatric ICU at the hospital, they did every test they could at the time. There was no physiological or environmental reason for his liver failing. I kept saying in the hospital, he was just vaccinated, to look into the vaccines, but hospital staff did not make the connection.
After Sebastian got sick and was taken to the hospital, that was when my daughter also made the vaccine connection; I made sure she was aware. Even the hospital doctors kept saying vaccine reactions never happen. If I weren’t so vocal about it, they wouldn’t have put the vaccines into the equation.
His pediatrician, who actually worked with him, has been very helpful. She felt it was important enough to report Sebastian’s reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS).
We appreciated her acknowledging what happened to my grandson but Sebastian’s passing has not stopped her from vaccinating other children.
On Sebastian’s VAERS report, some things were reported inaccurately. His age wasn’t listed correctly; he was seven months old when he received the six month vaccines. We tried fixing the discrepancies in the report, but we were not able to get anyone who would correct them.
Considering most parents and doctors have never reported a reaction to VAERS, due to not being informed and doctors not being enforced to report reactions, mistakes can occur due to being unfamiliar with the process and sometimes, the mistakes occur on the VAERS end, because reps don’t list the information provided correctly.
It is hard to read this. Knowing how Sebastian suffered from the vaccines is why my family will not vaccinate further.”
Sebastian Became More Sick After Each Hepatitis B Vaccine
“When I was in the hospital while Sebastian was there, I overheard two nurses talking in the hall. One nurse was from the pediatric ICU, where Sebastian was, and the other nurse was from the neonatal unit, where the preemies are.
The nurse from the neonatal unit said to the other, ‘Well, we just vaccinated all the babies, I hope we have beds open,’ meaning these premature babies that were doing fine in the neonatal unit were just vaccinated and the neonatal nurse was saying to the pediatric ICU nurse that they hope they have beds open because these babies are now needing to be put on respirators, since they are now in critical care. Because of the hepatitis B vaccine just given to them, now the babies aren’t doing well anymore. Doctors and nurses are more aware of vaccine injuries than they lead you to believe.
My daughter is not able to be the champion for Sebastian as I am. She is firmly against any vaccines, as you can imagine, but in 2003, she was so vilified. She cheers me on in our fight. We didn’t know about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program until four years after Sebastian passed away. The deadline to file was two years after he passed away, so it was too late for us to file a claim.
My daughter found out she was pregnant the day after Sebastian’s funeral. She had a baby girl who will be 12 in September 2015. Sebastian’s sister has never been vaccinated and is completely healthy.
Since this happened, my daughter did still see the same pediatrician after having our granddaughter, but she never pushed my daughter to vaccinate her. When my granddaughter was about three years old, because of a change in insurance, this forced my daughter to change pediatricians as well. She does love and miss Dr. O’Leary and would probably still see her to this day, if she had the choice, because she did not ever pressure her to vaccinate again.
Even though she was the one who vaccinated Sebastian leading to his passing, this doctor acknowledged his death and respected my daughter’s choice as a mother to not vaccinate further. It was important she had a doctor who understood why she no longer wanted to vaccinate.
We believe it was the third hepatitis B vaccine that was the cause of Sebastian’s health decline. After each set of hepatitis B-containing vaccines, Sebastian got more and more sick. After his first hep B shot was given two days after birth, he got diarrhea and had a fever. He wouldn’t take the breast milk and he got dehydrated. At three and four days old, my daughter was devastated as a new mom who had to feed him formula the first week.
After Sebastian received his second hepatitis B vaccine, along with the other two month vaccines, his mom had gone to Six Flags as a treat from her friends and Sebastian’s dad called her saying he was very lethargic and had a fever. Sebastian’s dad Jeff gave him medicine and watched him like a hawk, as he seemingly got better.
Then his last set of shots given contained the hepatitis B vaccine and his liver shut down.
The reason we also think the hep B vaccine played a big part in this is because I can’t be vaccinated, because my immune system mimics the disease when vaccinated to prevent it. I think Sebastian may have gotten this trait from me. His immune system saw hepatitis and killed his liver.
I have read studies since this happened, involving mice, which show this can happen. I spent three years in allergy treatment and through this process, my immunologist discovered my immune system issues. After three years, he finally admitted there was no way to fix my allergies.
In my family, I have a brother with Crohn’s disease and two cousins with lupus; my mother has immune-mediated kidney disease. I have an aunt with rheumatoid arthritis. All of us were vaccinated in the past. Vaccines are clearly not great for everybody. Physicians ask you about familial heart disease, diabetes … why not immune system issues that may be contraindicated for an immune system stimulant?”
Sebastian’s Story Has Never Made the News
“This is not the type of story any vaccine supporter, which mainstream media serves, will allow out. My point is, until you have a reaction close to you, until it hits you in the face, you want to believe that those in power have your best interest at heart.
If your doctor’s intake money is getting cut by the insurance company for not following standardized prophylactic treatments, and your sales rep is pressuring you into buying a cheap vaccine, you buy in bulk and everyone gets vaccinated.
If you don’t vaccinate, your doctor’s bottom line is affected. If your doctor fails to get a good family history, on any disease in your family, and then pushes vaccines as 100 percent safe and effective, then perhaps your doctor doesn’t have your best interest in mind. This is a major income for all involved.”
Human Vaccines Are Just As Harmful As Pet Vaccines
“I worked in animal medicine for 26 years, I gave thousands of vaccines to pets and I knew vaccines were causing many problems. I had been gathering doubts about vaccines in that field for years, which led me to leave the day practice I worked at and go into a specialty field, where vaccines were not required.
At the vet clinic I worked for, I had serious issues with the way Pfizer handled their sale; right away, they misrepresented themselves, trying to sell us pet vaccines. In the 1990s, dogs received what I call the alphabet shot (DHLPPC) for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and coronavirus.
About 85-90 percent of smaller dogs under 20 pounds reacted to the leptospirosis vaccine. These dogs were having many types of reactions, some life-threatening, lifelong, and a few died within hours. Bichon Frises, little white furry dogs, are notorious for dropping dead after vaccination and a lot of Bichon Frise owners and breeders won’t vaccinate their dogs.
So many dogs get the diseases they are vaccinated for. The fact that so many dogs reacted was a clue. Back then, most people still had bigger dogs. In the 1990s, there was a shift to the smaller house dogs and that made the incidence of vaccine reactions go up.
I asked the Pfizer rep, ‘Wouldn’t it be prudent to remove the leptospirosis from the vaccine?’ He answered that it was not cost effective to remove the ingredient. I had been gathering doubts about vaccines in that field for a long time, but this really opened my eyes.
After the Pfizer rep said it wasn’t cost effective to remove leptospirosis, (which is stupid really, in my humble opinion, because you just don’t put that ingredient in since it was causing so much harm in these pets), I asked the rep what Pfizer recommended. His answer was to give a high-dose steroid (their high-priced product, another money maker), five minutes before the vaccine.
They expected us to suppress the immune system with the steroid Solu-Medrol®, to then immediately turn around and stimulate it with the vaccine. That didn’t even make medical sense. As I said before, that conversation was an eye opener. That guy must have hated me because I began questioning every vaccine they rolled out.
The rabies vaccine is the worst. It was causing many health problems, including immune system problems and gut problems and I witnessed some dogs would just drop dead on the table after they received the rabies vaccine.
I also witnessed cats having a huge incidence of injection site carcinomas. On the back of the shoulders where we injected them, horrible tumors would develop. Even if surgery was performed, ultimately this still killed the cats, a process I’ve seen take two years. I brought this up to the vaccine rep because I was concerned about what I was observing. The answer to that from the rep was to vaccinate low on the leg, marking which vaccine and which leg was injected. That way, if a tumor developed, you can amputate.
At the time, the feline leukemia vaccine seemed to be the culprit. I believe now that the vaccine manufacturers were aware then that all of the vaccines could be problematic. In general, any of the vaccines could cause this and they don’t test them for causing cancer; now I see why, so they can’t be blamed when they cause cancer.
If the companies are so into making money that they don’t care about their patients, it doesn’t make sense to use their products. Due to what I was learning and the vaccine reactions I was witnessing, I left that practice to go into a specialty field, where vaccines were not required. I have other stories, but that was my light bulb moment. Regarding human vaccines being safer, I just really believed that human medicine HAD to be different and safer, but I was wrong.”
Our Family Will Never Vaccinate Again
“When I left, I started working at Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, WA, in their Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s ICU, working with fourth year students on practical emergency and critical care.This was years before Sebastian was even born. It was a six hour drive from where my kids lived. I moved back to Seattle after Sebastian died. I remained in specialty medicine where I finished my career in internal medicine. Ironically, a high percentage of our patients suffered from vaccine-related immune-mediated disease.
My daughter also worked in the same veterinary clinic I did. She stayed in the day practice a while longer and she was working there when Sebastian was harmed. Sadly, I guess I didn’t really convey the problems I saw in vaccines then. I really believed that human medicine HAD to have more safety measures than veterinary medicine.
I always wondered if I had yelled louder about the dangers of vaccinating, would things be different? My daughter assures me that she trusted her doctor and would have followed the recommendations anyway. My family will never vaccinate anyone under our care.
My daughter left the field of veterinary medicine, too. She now works in the field of human medicine and is the medical assistant for a doctor in a foot and ankle clinic. She also doesn’t have to vaccinate. Since Sebastian passed away, my daughter has always been up front with her employers, that she won’t vaccinate patients and she discloses all information to patients, if her practice gave vaccines.
Despite their differences of opinion, even with her knowledge about the harm these vaccines are causing, she loves the doctor she is working with, even though he is still a vaccine person, though not as rigid as he once was. She calls this ‘little steps,’ I think.
Prior to me becoming disabled after I broke my back in 2008, I had subbed for a friend who went on vacation. At the one day clinic I subbed in, I gave complete disclosure on vaccines, letting them know I won’t give them. They didn’t invite me back. I never went back to a day practice other than that.
Nowadays, my job is sharing Sebastian’s story, and working against the mandates we know will be revisiting us in our state of Washington. It takes a huge amount of my time. We have to speak for those who can’t anymore. In this, we gather.
I am thankful to Sallie O. Elkordy, Host of ‘The Mary and Sallie Show,’ who allowed me to share Sebastian’s story and to let people know what is happening to children and pets after vaccination.
Please, do your research, folks; know your risk of infection for said disease, if you want to vaccinate. Our immune systems work best when they are not chemically modified. I encourage folks to share my grandson’s story. It is the only thing that helps us come to terms with his death.
I gave Sebastian that first sink bath; it’s my favorite picture of him. Oh, if I could, I would give him a head noogie, because he would have just turned 13 this year and giving grandma a hug just isn’t cool when you’re 13.
In all seriousness, we miss him so much. Not a day goes by that he is not in our thoughts. The tears still fall. We would give anything to see what his 13 year-old self would have been.
It was a very difficult thing for us to go through, losing him the way we did. Like my daughter says, it’s been like a movie that you cannot turn off or rewrite the script. The sequel, I hope, sheds light on the other side, and stops the Vaccine Holocaust. We had the bad luck to win the vaccine lottery; with any decency in the country, countless others won’t be forced to.
If just one person chooses to inform themselves, if just one more person wakes up, if one family is saved from this hole carved out of our lives, then it gives us some peace. It gives this little man a voice, when he had been silenced for so long.
We love you, Sebastian. You will not be forgotten.
Love, Your Grandma,
Valerie Murfin”
In Our Hearts He Will Be Remembered
His mother Natasha wrote:
“I miss my little monkey everyday. Some days are easier than others but it’s still a very hard thing to swallow. My son’s life was like a very short movie. And just like that, it was over, with the saddest ending. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”
Published on Published onAugust 4, 2017
Author: Lori Dennis, MA,RP
Registered Psychotherapist, Speaker, Author of Lyme Madness
In the Tech and Science section of Newsweek, July 25, 2017, the headline reads: "Lyme disease vaccine on fast track for FDA approval."
Those of us in the Lyme world know that this is anything but good news. In fact, for those of us ‘in the know’, it's absolutely terrifying.
Why? you may ask. Why wouldn’t we want a vaccine to prevent this illness? After all, we’ve been hearing just how life-altering and debilitating this disease can be. Wouldn’t a vaccine protect us from this potential fate?
I will give you five key reasons to consider why a Lyme vaccine is something to stay very far away from. I urge you to do your own homework and give it great consideration before you or your loved ones choose to let your doctor provide you this now ‘fast-tracked’, soon to be available Lyme vaccine.
And please – when you do your homework, do NOT fall for the long-held, propaganda-driven ‘Lyme loonies’, anti-vaxxer’, ‘anti-science’ argument. This is nothing more than a false and desperate, shall we say childish, position that the powers that be continue to mount for their own personal benefit driven by profit and greed, and certainly not public good. Please don’t fall for these victim blaming, gas lighting, insidious behaviours. Be smarter than that. It may be too late for the millions suffering from this life altering illness … but it’s not too late for you.
Here are the five key reasons why you should NOT get the new Lyme vaccine:
We in the Lyme world have a long list of reasons not to trust that the medical ‘powers-that-be’ on the subject of Lyme disease. For forty years, they have been telling us that ‘there is no such thing as chronic Lyme, that there are no ticks here, that you couldn’t be this sick, we don’t know what’s wrong with you but it isn’t Lyme, it’s probably just ‘all in your head’. Around the world, in 80 countries and on every continent, people are chronically ill with Lyme disease and most cannot get treatment. It’s a do-it-yourself disease. Sufferers have to search far and wide for any type of relief. Most cannot afford to get out-of-the-box treatments, even if they can find them. Many die from this disease, too many by their own hand. YET … for decades now, the Lyme Cabal has been preaching that Lyme disease is ‘difficult to catch, easy to diagnose and easy to treat’. Tell the sick and infirm that this is true and see what happens.
Here is an example of the victim blaming – even worse, federally-funded victim blaming, using taxpayers hard-earned dollars:
“Advocacy for Lyme disease has become an increasingly important part of an antiscience movement that denies both the viral cause of AIDS and the benefits of vaccines and that supports unproven (sometimes dangerous) alternative medical treatments. Some activists portray Lyme disease, a geographically limited tick-borne infection, as a disease that is insidious, ubiquitous, difficult to diagnose, and almost incurable; they also propose that the disease causes mainly non-specific symptoms that can be treated only with long-term antibiotics and other unorthodox and unvalidated treatments. Similar to other antiscience groups, these advocates have created a pseudoscientific and alternative selection of practitioners, research, and publications and have coordinated public protests, accused opponents of both corruption and conspiracy, and spurred legislative efforts to subvert evidence-based medicine and peer-reviewed science. The relations and actions of some activists, medical practitioners, and commercial bodies involved in Lyme disease advocacy pose a threat to public health.”
When I had the chance to ask one of the co-authors, Dr. Raymond Dattwyler why he and his colleagues would write such an article, his response was “They were bothering us.” Enough said!
So, if in fact as these authors would like you to believe, Lyme disease is NOT insidious, ubiquitous, difficult to diagnose and incurable, then why are they bothering to create a vaccine at all. If Lyme disease is nothing more than a nuisance condition as some have misclassified it, then why bother? Why inoculate? Why fast track it? What’s the point? Why the hype? What’s the rush?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States – along with the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) have been the leading deniers of Lyme disease.
In 2012, when the CDC revised the official case number of new Lyme disease infections per year from 30,000 to over 300,000 new Lyme––overnight, those of us in the know understood that they were getting the public ready to accept this upcoming vaccine with open arms and a sense of relief. In other words, scare the public just enough to make them open to wanting this product without causing mass panic nationwide or worldwide. And without having to explain their denial to date.
Let it be known that 300,000 cases per year makes Lyme disease almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common than HIV/AIDS. So why is it that Lyme sufferers receive far more support and guidance from their fellow Lyme sufferers on Facebook than in any doctor’s office? Where are the Public Service Announcements that have not been issued by the government, the CDC, the IDSA? Why are infectious disease doctors most notorious for their denial of chronic Lyme disease?
Policy drivers have remained fixated on surveillance of ticks and the early, non-disseminated, acute stage of Lyme disease, rather than the millions of Lyme patients who have become disabled from prolonged exposure to infection and have become incapacitated. This class of patients have been widely ignored causing sufferers to have to go it alone, fight the medical system, experiencing denial of their illness and complete medical abandonment. Those in the know will tell you that Lyme disease can and often does become a life altering infection if not treated immediately. Just ask Duke University Professor Neil Spector, who required a heart transplant after experiencing four years of undiagnosed-untreated Lyme disease. Or Dr. Alfred Miller, a retired Mayo Clinic rheumatologist whose daughter-in-law was diagnosed with ALS at age 43 which spurred him to discover links between Lyme and ALS.
In 1993, the ‘Lyme Cabal’ were in Phase I and II of their OspA LYMErix vaccine trials.
What is OspA? Outer surface protein A transmitted by two types of dirty needles––the shed blebs of the spirochete (aka tick phylum) and the vaccine LYmerix. OspA detonates the immune system creating the same disease outcome regardless of which way it’s transmitted.
Make no mistake! The Lyme Cabal knew as early as Phase I trials that their OspA vaccine would cause the same disease as the tick-borne illness.
Ergo—their master plan … to create a definition of Lyme disease that would fit their upcoming vaccine model and thereby get the vaccine approved and to market.
So …in 1994, the CDC hosted a consensus conference in Dearborn, MI, along with a dozen labs across the country and together they falsified the very definition of Lyme disease by eliminating the neurological, immunosuppressive type which account for 85% of the cases.
If they conveniently ‘determined’ that the 85% group – those with an immunosuppression neurological outcome––simply did NOT exist, then they could claim that their vaccine was 85% effective. With no immunosuppressive, neurological disease to find, then the vaccine would be a hit with the remaining 15% who presented with an arthritic, bad-knee type only. A brilliant marketing scheme at the expense of millions worldwide for the years to come.
You see, you CANNOT create a vaccine for an OspA fungal antigen -- the TRUE definition of chronic Lyme. It can’t be done. And the OspA vaccination known as LYMErix caused the same disease from a syringe as it does when you get Lyme disease from a tick bite. LYMErix victim’s immune systems were destroyed by the vaccine because OspA is an endotoxin that causes immunosuppression and subsequent severe neurologic multi-system disease.
So by narrowing the definition and by claiming that only one type of the disease (the bad knee arthritic type) exists, then they could sell a vaccine. Not only that. They were also able to profit by limiting the number of labs that were sanctioned and thereby cornering the market on the patents of a variety of tick borne diseases
In 1998, the FDA approved a new recombinant Lyme vaccine, LYMErix™.
This OspA vaccine was in the end the very thing, the very fungal antigen, the very TLR2-agonist (structure equaling function), that caused the New Great Imitator outcomes of MS, ALS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, and more.
LYMErix did not produce antibodies. It is a fungal antigen. It activates latent herpesviruses, which are basically the main drivers of the MS and Lupus outcomes. And OspA-induced tolerance to similar TLR2-agonists causing the ALS and Chronic Fatigue outcomes (mycoplasma bear OspA-like antigens).
LYMErix vaccine (and the Tuberculosis vaccines) all failed because they caused immunosuppression, no antibodies, and they made the victims more susceptible to other infections.
The LYMErix vaccine caused the same disease that us tick bite sepsis victims know as “Chronic Lyme disease”. It was not taken off the market due to low sales. The manufacturer SmithKline Beecham was given an ultimatum in 2002 by the FDA to take it off the market or they would.
Why would the Lyme cabal purposely create a Lyme vaccine that is harmful. Well, first and foremost, there is a matter of patents and profits. Secondly, in order to get the vaccine to market, they have to show that the vaccine will create antibodies to produce a certain level of protection. And it is only when these lipids are exposed (OspA) that the immune system will see them and cause an immune response. "Falsify some data, throw out those volunteers, and do whatever you have to to make the data fit the scientific narrative." says Truthcures activist Beaux Reliosis. Here is a relatively new scientific report confirming that this is the case.
The falsified definition of Lyme disease created by the Lyme Cabal in 1994 followed by the driving force of this criminal act – their precious LYMErix vaccine – is the entire reason that millions world-over are suffering from this holy hell and why infectious disease doctors everywhere will tell you that ‘there is not such thing as chronic Lyme, it’s no more than a nuisance disease, it’s all in your head, it’s the celebrities creating hype and drama that is really the root of the problem.’ Those celebrities. Shame.
In case you’re interested, here are just a few of the LYMErix victims’ stories.
And this: “A wide range of neurological complications have been reported via the medical literature and the VAERS system after vaccination with recombinant outer surface protein A (OspA) of Borrelia. To explore this issue, 24 patients reporting neurological adverse events (AE) after vaccination with Lymerix, out of a group of 94 patients reporting adverse events after Lymerix vaccination, were examined for causation. Five reports of cerebral ischemia, two transient Ischemic attacks, five demyelinating events, two optic neuritis, two reports of transverse myelitis, and one non-specific demyelinating condition are evaluated in this paper.”
Bottom line: OspA is Pam3Cys. TLR2/1 fungal endotoxins cannot be a vaccine.*%20or%20p3c)%20and%20(immune%20suppression%20or%20tolerance)
And NOW, The French company Valneva is starting their phase 1 trials here in the United States and in Belgium this year.
Another version of the very same Osp vaccine.
What they fail to mention is that OspA is Pam3Cys. Which leads to immunosuppression and immune tolerance, reactivated viruses (EBV and CMV, Herpes) and opportunistic infections, multiple severe neurologic diseases occurring simultaneously, post-sepsis syndrome. A B-Cell AIDS destroying the lives of millions.
This new ‘fast-tracked” Lyme vaccine will represent just one more chapter in this global medical holocaust we know as chronic Lyme. We're all doing our best to warn YOU––the unsuspecting public––that you can't vaccinate against an OspA fungal antigen. It can't be done.
It will do nothing more than make you sick with permanent immunosuppression … and a life of hell.
Why would BigPharma want to 'sell' yet another OspA vaccine and risk making people sick? Your guess is as good as mine but we always know that our best bet is to follow the money. Enough time has passed since LYMErix. They've worked very hard to blame the victims for the last fiasco and take no responsibility. They've created just enough public concern about this so-called 'nuisance disease' that people will be lining up to get it. They are in a good space right now to bring a new vaccine to market and make a fortune. As long as they figure out how to mitigate some of the damage this time, they will walk away with a huge money-maker, and––yes––with casualties that they can once again blame on anti-vaxxers, Lyme loonies, and the media.
For the most part, the medical powers that be do NOT have your best interests at heart. Certainly not when it comes to chronic Lyme disease. They have too much to hide and nothing to gain by allowing it to come out from behind the well-placed forty year shadows. The medical-industrial complex is designed to make money. Period. It is not designed to make people well or to be concerned about public good.
Remember this. Do your research. Listen to those suffering. And think about whether it makes any sense that millions of people would be faking their illness for some personal gain and allow their lives to be destroyed for what?
Above all, read, research, ask questions, challenge your doctors, and think long and hard before you allow yourself or your loved ones to be forever destroyed by this up-and-coming Lyme vaccine.
Lori Dennis, MA, RP is a Registered Psychotherapist and the author of LYME MADNESS, named #1 NEW RELEASE in Immune System Health on Amazon. LYME MADNESS is available on Amazon. For more information on Lyme Madness, go to
Around 2,000 reported side effects after using Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine have determined Japanese government officials to withdraw Gardasil from the market in 2013, despite the vaccine being highly promoted in the United States and now approved by the European Union.
“Japanese health officials have recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions – hundreds of them serious,” reported Judicial Watch, the Washington-based corruption watchdog that has been monitoring the effects – and health costs – of the drug’s use in the United States for years.
“The alarming reports have led Japan’s government to take action, suspending recommendation for the controversial vaccine which is billed as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).”
“The U.S. government has taken the opposite approach amid equally alarming cases of serious side effects. Not only does the Obama administration continue recommending the vaccine (Gardasil), it spends large sums of taxpayer dollars promoting it and works hard to keep details involving its dangers secret.”
The side effects of using Gardasil include seizures, brain damage, blindness, paralysis, speech problems, pancreatitis and short-term memory loss, while other patients have died after taking the vaccine. Gardasil is given to little girls and costs around $600 per patient.
The organization confirmed that in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare warned local governments that the HPV vaccine should not be recommended amid safety concerns.
Japan’s officials had paid more than $187 million for “urgent HPV vaccination programs” for girls between 11 and 14 and visited junior high schools to promote the vaccine.
“Since the government began offering girls HPV shots, 1,968 adverse events were reported, including 358 that were evaluated as serious by a JMLHW committee. Parents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth,” Judicial Watch reported.
The damage payments of nearly $6 million covered only some of the 200 claims that have been filed to date.
23.) Vaccines do NOT cause injuries, according to House Resolution 327
(NaturalHealth365) The introduction of House Resolution 327 for consideration by the U.S. House of Representatives marks an attempt to take the vaccine injury cover-up to a whole new level. This action is indicative of the level of dangerous cluelessness and brainwashing being directed at the American public, as it relates to the dangers of vaccines.
This new resolution also highlights the influence of money some of these legislators are likely receiving from big pharma. House Resolution 327 asserts that there is “no credible evidence” to show vaccines cause disabling or life-threatening diseases in healthy adults or children.
This is just one of its numerous demonstrably false claims.
U.S. House members ignore the negative side effects of vaccines
The resolution was introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, CA) and is co-sponsored by at least 33 of his colleagues so far. These legislators are apparently unfamiliar with even basic vaccine facts and policy. Vaccine product inserts and the federal government’s own data list numerous vaccine side effects and the potential for vaccine injury.
The fact that the vaccine companies themselves warn about the risk of possible vaccine injury to both children and adults in otherwise good health should be reason enough to negate this resolution. However, the individuals behind the draft also seem to be unaware of the billions of dollars paid out by the vaccine court to the families of vaccine-injured children.
The vaccine court, or National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, has ruled for the plaintiffs in thousands of vaccine injury claims. This court has paid out over $3.5 billion in damages thus far since its founding in 1986.
House Resolution 327 calls vaccine side effects and risks “unfounded”
If vaccines are as safe as Schiff and his colleagues seem to believe, then why do vaccine companies and doctors seek liability protection from vaccine injuries? The resolution itself admits that vaccine recipients must be “monitored for adverse events” after vaccine shots are given.
House Resolution 327 also has the gall to call efforts toward vaccine safety and education the dissemination of “unfounded and debunked” theories about vaccine dangers and their risk to public health. You can read the entire text of House Resolution 327 here. (Notice how it reads like a press release issued by a vaccine company).
Full link here:
Fortunately, House Resolutions do not go directly to the Senate or President for consideration as a law even if passed. However, they are considered preferred policy positions and statements of consensus of the House of Representatives.
Take action: Contact your U.S. House representative
The fact that this resolution contains such outrageously flawed language and positions is disturbing to say the least. House Resolution 327 would enshrine demonstrably incorrect information about vaccines as preferred U.S. House of Representatives policy.
Numerous elements of the document can be easily refuted just by referencing the long list of publicly documented vaccine side effects and injuries.
Anyone who wishes to take action and voice their opposition regarding this resolution may do so by finding and messaging their House member directly. Contact information for U.S. House of Representatives members can be accessed here
24.) H. RES. 327
1st Session
Recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States.
May 16, 2017
Mr. Schiff (for himself, Mr. Marino, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Engel, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mr. Foster, Mr. Lowenthal, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Langevin, Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, Mr. Cooper, Ms. DeLauro, Mr. Garamendi, Mr. Blumenauer, Ms. DeGette, Mr. Grijalva, Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Ms. Eshoo, and Mr. Dent) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States.
Whereas the contributions of Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner to the discovery of the principles of vaccination and immunology are among the most consequential health findings in human history;
Whereas vaccines have made it possible for the world to have eradicated smallpox, saving approximately 5 million lives annually, and for the international community to be on the brink of eradicating polio and to have saved an estimated 5 million people from this incurable disease over the past 2 decades,
Whereas vaccines have dramatically reduced the spread of many more crippling and potentially life-threatening diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella, and vaccines prevent the spread of commonly infectious and potentially fatal diseases such as chickenpox, shingles, influenza, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningococcal disease, pneumococcal, rotavirus, and whooping cough (pertussis);
Whereas the scientific and medical communities are in overwhelming consensus that vaccines are both effective and safe, and the dissemination of unfounded, and debunked, theories about the dangers of vaccinations pose a great risk to public health, and scientifically sound education and outreach campaigns about vaccination and immunization are fundamental for a well-informed public;
Whereas an estimated 43,000 adults and 300 children die annually from vaccine-preventable diseases or their complications in the United States, and the health and livelihood of young children, seniors, individuals with immunodeficiency disorders, and those who cannot be vaccinated, is particularly compromised by communities with low vaccination rates;
Whereas substantial research has shown that vaccination is a highly cost-effective form of preventive medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that vaccinations will save nearly $295 billion in direct costs and $1.38 trillion in total societal costs in the United States;
Whereas vaccines in the United States undergo exhaustive safety testing before they are licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are monitored for adverse events after health care providers begin administering them to patients;
Whereas there are three post-marketing surveillance systems in the United States tracking adverse events after vaccination;
Whereas it is estimated that vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths among children born in the last 20 years, and that more than 100 million children all over the world are immunized each year and vaccines have saved an estimated 2.5 million children annually;
Whereas one in five children worldwide still lack access to even the most basic vaccines and, as a result, an estimated 1.5 million children a year die from vaccine-preventable conditions such as diarrhea and pneumonia or suffer from permanently debilitating illnesses;
Whereas a strong investment in medical research to improve existing vaccines and develop many more life-saving vaccines is beneficial to all, both at home and abroad, and a robust immunization infrastructure is essential to the public health and well-being of the people of the United States by preventing and isolating outbreaks of contagious diseases where they start;
Whereas encouraging high vaccination rates in the United States protects our citizens from contracting vaccine-preventable diseases that are pandemic in countries with low vaccination and immunization rates;
Whereas routine and up-to-date immunization is the most effective method available to prevent the infection and transmission of potentially fatal diseases; and
Whereas the United States has been a leader in promoting vaccinations around the world through the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and a host of other multilateral and nongovernmental organizations: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) commends the international community, global and domestic health organizations, the private sector, school and community leaders, and faith-based organizations for their tireless work and immense contributions to bolstering our global and domestic health through vaccination;
(2) affirms vaccines and immunizations save lives and are essential to maintain the public health, and the economic and national security of the people of the United States;
(3) recognizes that the lack of vaccination can cause a true public health crisis, and that there is no credible evidence to show that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases in healthy children or adults;
(4) encourages a continued commitment to research to improve vaccines and to develop new vaccines against other infectious and fatal diseases; and
(5) urges parents, in consultation with their health care provider, to follow the scientific evidence and consensus of medical experts in favor of timely vaccinations to protect their children and their community.
25.) Neurological complications of vaccination with outer surface protein A (OspA).
Int J Risk Saf Med. 2011;23(2):89-96. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2011-0527.
Marks DH1.
Author information
Department of Medicine, Cooper Green Mercy Hospital, Birmingham, AL, USA.
A wide range of neurological complications have been reported via the medical literature and the VAERS system after vaccination with recombinant outer surface protein A (OspA) of Borrelia. To explore this issue, 24 patients reporting neurological adverse events (AE) after vaccination with Lymerix, out of a group of 94 patients reporting adverse events after Lymerix vaccination, were examined for causation. Five reports of cerebral ischemia, two transient Ischemic attacks, five demyelinating events, two optic neuritis, two reports of transverse myelitis, and one non-specific demyelinating condition are evaluated in this paper. Caution is raised on not actively looking for neurologic AE, and for not considering causation when the incidence rate is too low to raise a calculable difference to natural occurence.
26.) Spirochetal Lipoproteins and Immune Evasion
Front Immunol. 2017; 8: 364.
Published online 2017 Mar 29. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00364
Alexei Christodoulides,1 Ani Boyadjian,1 and Theodoros Kelesidis1,*
Spirochetes are a major threat to public health. However, the exact pathogenesis of spirochetal diseases remains unclear. Spirochetes express lipoproteins that often determine the cross talk between the host and spirochetes. Lipoproteins are pro-inflammatory, modulatory of immune responses, and enable the spirochetes to evade the immune system. In this article, we review the modulatory effects of spirochetal lipoproteins related to immune evasion. Understanding lipoprotein-induced immunomodulation will aid in elucidating innate pathogenesis processes and subsequent adaptive mechanisms potentially relevant to spirochetal disease vaccine development and treatment.
27.) Does a New Hepatitis Vaccine Cause Heart Attacks?
by Milton Packer
August 02, 2017
The FDA has a really important question and wants your advice.
This is not a fairy tale. This is a real-life story.
Hepatitis B is a serious disease. A company (Dynavax) has a new hepatitis vaccine that induces hepatitis antibodies more vigorously than existing vaccines and does so after 2 doses (instead of the usual 3). The vaccine works through a unique adjuvant. The serological advantages of the Dynavax vaccine were demonstrated in a randomized trial of >8000 patients; about 5600 people received the new vaccine and about 2800 people received the existing standard.
Why does the FDA need your help?
In the trial, an acute myocardial infarction occurred in 14 people in the Dynavax group, but in only one person receiving the conventional vaccine. The events were confirmed by adjudication. Since the Dynavax group was twice as large, the risk of acute myocardial infarction in the trial was seven times greater with the new vaccine. The FDA wants to know if the new vaccine should be approved for use in millions of people.
What do you say? What recommendation would you make?
If you think this is just hypothetical, think again. On July 28, 2017, the FDA convened a public advisory committee meeting to consider this exact question. The members of the committee consisted primarily of experts in infectious diseases and immunology. I was the only cardiologist on the committee.
If the 14:1 imbalance was due to the play of chance, then the issue of myocardial infarction risk was spurious, and the vaccine should be approved. However, if the 14:1 imbalance reflected a real increase in cardiovascular risk, then approval of Dynavax vaccine would be problematic.
Was it biologically plausible for the new vaccine to cause heart attacks?
The new adjuvant in the vaccine caused an inflammatory response (of uncertain duration), and inflammation is an important cause of rupture of atherosclerotic plaques. So a causal linkage was not out of the question.
Was the imbalance in myocardial infarctions due to the play of chance?
That was a good question, but it was impossible to know. Many might think that calculation of a P value would help, but it wouldn't. P values have a place in clinical trials, but not when the number of events is so small and the number of comparisons is so great. So no one asked for or showed any P values during the meeting. Everyone agreed that statistics could not resolve the uncertainty.
If you wanted to know if the 14:1 imbalance represented a real risk, you needed more information. You needed comparative data in 50,000 people. The fastest way of obtaining that evidence was through a post-marketing trial. But a post-marketing trial was possible only if the vaccine was approved for public use.
So what recommendation would you have made to the FDA?
The FDA asked the committee if there was reasonable evidence that the vaccine was safe. On July 28, the committee vote 12-1 (with 3 abstentions) in favor of the safety of the new vaccine. I was one of the three abstentions. Most of the committee believed that the vaccine's serological advantages outweighed the uncertainty, but the vote is non-binding. The FDA will decide on the new vaccine by August 10.
Why did I abstain? Based on the available data, it was impossible for anyone to know if the imbalance in myocardial infarctions was real or spurious. So although the question was fascinating and the discussion was terrific, my vote wasn't that complicated.
There is a simple rule in life: if you don't know, you should say that you don't know.
28.) FDA extends review on Dynavax's Heplisav-B, but management remains confident
The fate of hepatitis B vaccine candidate Heplisav-B has sent developer Dynavax’s shares, and its investors, on a wild ride in recent days. A request by the FDA for more details of the vaccine’s postmarketing surveillance plan sent the company's stock slightly downward, but both management and analysts said they remain confident in approval.
Given the closeness of the FDA's action date for the vaccine on August 10, Dynavax said that after discussion with the agency they have agreed to extend the review date for up to three months to finalize details of the postmarketing study.
The agency’s request mainly centers on ensuring accurate, timely collection of real-world safety data from Heplisav-B use.
During an analyst call Thursday afternoon, Dynavax CEO Eddie Gray stressed that the FDA’s request is “wholly consistent with” what the agency's expert panel had expressed earlier in the week. During that panel, experts voted 12 to 1 in favor of the shot’s safety profile, a result that sent Dynavax’s stock to a one-year high. But the panel also raised concerns about the proposed design of the surveillance program.
RELATED: Heplisav-B approval ‘highly probable’ as FDA Advisory Committee favors Dynavax on third try
“This delay … does not in any way impact our confidence that the vaccine should be approved or our internal launch plans and timeline,” Gray said during the call.
Perhaps because the issue was already well expressed during the FDA panel discussion, Dynavax's share price is gradually recovering from a slight slip Friday. At least one analyst shared Dynavax’s optimism.
“[W]e don’t view this delay as fundamentally changing the narrative, and continue to see approval as a matter of when, not if,” RBC Capital Markets analyst Matthew Eckler wrote in a note to investors. “The recent positive FDA AdCom was a key derisking event for Heplisav-B, and given the vaccine’s superior profile, it has the potential to capture significant market share, as well as drive expansion.”
Eckler previously projected that the vaccine could reach peak U.S. sales of $290 million in 2026.
Under the current plan, Dynavax is aiming to launch the shot, a challenger to GlaxoSmithKline’s Engerix-B, in the U.S. in early 2018. It's proposing to conduct the phase 4 study in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente Northern California to monitor medical records for 20,000 Heplisav-B recipients against 20,000 others who receive the GSK shot during a 12-month follow-up. It's likely that cardiac incidents, for which an imbalance was seen in a phase 3 study, will be the main focus.
Gray added that the company is on track to present to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at their meeting in late October, even if it’s before the Nov. 10 FDA decision deadline.
29.) Can Hib Vaccine Cause Injury?
Mild side effects such as redness, warmth, or swelling where the shot was given have been reported in connection with administration of Hib vaccines. Fever over 101 degrees F may occur, and can last two to three days. Sysemic reactions include irritability and lethargy. However, more severe reactions have also been reported in both clinical trials with all of the vaccines as well as to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
According to (a searchable VAERS database) as of June 2012, there have been 12,140 serious adverse events reported to VAERS in connection with all Hib vaccines combined. Most of this number were children under age 3 (11,278). Serious reactions included deaths (471) and such things as anaphylactic reaction, asthma, pneumonia, convulsions, noninfectious encephalitis, acute pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, sepsis, seizures, cerebral edema.
In clinical trials the severity of adverse reactions varied depending on which vaccine was given, and which other vaccines were given with them at the same time. Some of the events reported by the manufacturers included:
ActHIB — tenderness, erythema, induration, fever, irritability, drowsiness, anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting; when combined with DTP vaccine by reconstitution, adverse reactions included: tenderness, erythema, induration, fever, irritability, drowsiness, anorexia, diarrhea, persistent crying, and one hypotonic/hypresponsive episode (which is consistent with the HHE rate observed with DTP vaccination alone)
Hiberix — when co-administered with DTaP-HBV-IPV: redness, pain and swelling at injection site, fever, fussiness, loss of appetite, restlessness, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting; post-marketing reported adverse events included extensive swelling of the vaccinated limb, anaphylactic reactions, angioedema, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode, syncope, apnea, rash, urticarial, somnolence.
PedvaxHIB — adverse events during clinical trials included irritability, sleepiness, injection siter pain/soreness, erythema, swelling induration, unusual high-pitched crying, prolonged crying (more than 4 hours), diarrhea, vomiting, crying, pain, otitis media, rash, and upper respiratory infection; potential adverse events may include early onset of Hib disease and Guillain-Barre syndrome; in post-marketing, reported adverse events included lymphadenopathy, angioedema, febrile seizures and injection site abscess.
Comvax — (children in clinical trials were monitored five days) with the most frequently cited events being mild, transient signs and symptoms of inflammation at the injection site, pain/soreness, erythema, swelling, induration, somnolence, irritability, anorexia, vomiting, otitis media, fever, diarrhea, upper respiratory infection, rash, rhinorrhea, respiratory congestion, cough, candidiasis; in post-marketing: anaplylaxis, angioedema, urticarial, erythema multiforme, thrombocytopenia, seizure, febrile seizures, lymphadenopathy, pruritus, arthralgia, dyspnea, tachycardia, syncope, elevation of liver enzymes, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, arthritis, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, agitation, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, alopecia, conjunctivitis, visual disturbances.
Pentacel — redness, swelling, tenderness at injection site, increase in arm circumference (dose 4), fever, lethargy, inconsolable crying, fussiness, irritability, hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, seizures, febrile seizures, bronchiolitis, dehydration, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, asthma, pneumonia, encephalopathy, and four deaths attributed to asphyxia due to suffocation, head trauma, Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS), and neuroblastoma; in post-marketing, reported adverse events included cyanosis, vomiting, diarrhea, extensive swelling of injected limb including swelling that involved adjacent joints, invasive Hib disease (classified as vaccine failure), rash, urticarial, meningitis, rhinitis, viral infection, decreased appetitie, somnolence, HHE, depressed level of consciousness, screaming, apnea, cough, erythema, skin discoloroation, and pallor.
MenHibrix — redness, swelling and pain at injection site, irritability, drowsiness, loss of appetitie, fever, and syncope. For more severe reactions such as nervous system disorders and other serious events, the manufacturer referred to reactions reported by the use of Hiberix rather than its own vaccine. It is not known whether MenHibrix can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or whether it can affect reproduction capacity. 1
Besides the deaths reported in the clinical trials, deaths have been recorded in post-marketing reports as well. In fact, an open letter to Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, in March 2012 calls attention to the deaths the author says are connected with the pentavalent (DPT + Hib + Hepatitis B vaccine in India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Pakistan.2 The authors add that the cause of the problem is unrelated to the brand or manufacturer or lot of the vaccine:
“It appears to be a form of ‘hypersensitivity reaction’ as described in the post mortem report on one of the children in Kerala. The vaccine can be administered to many patients without problems and there is no available method at present to predict which infant will react adversely.”
In a pediatric safety and use review of Pentacel in February 2010 the U.S. FDA discussed reported adverse reactions attributed to the vaccine in post-marketing, noting that Pentacel is now marketed in 11 countries, and there have been no safety-related labeling revisions. At the meeting, the FDA reported that 775 adverse reactions, 177 of which were considered serious including 26 deaths, had been reported to VAERS in connection with Pentacel between June 20, 2008 (when Pentacel was licensed) and October 31, 2009. The deaths were attributed to SIDS (12 cases), congenital/genetic conditions, respiratory infections, positional asphyxia, anoxic encephalopathy, cardiac arrest of undetermined etiology, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, two deaths of undetermined cause, one death with no records obtainable, and two deaths with information pending.
The FDA said the SIDS reports “do not raise any concerns about a causal relationship with Pentacel.” The FDA also quoted the Institue of Medicine, which reviewed the data, and the IOM said: “The evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between exposure to multiple vaccines and SIDS.” The FDA noted that “the sponsor is voluntarily conducting a descriptive, epidemiological safety surveillance study that will include at least 10,000 Pentacel recipients” with comparison groups of infants who receive other DTaP-containing products.3
Antigenuria has been reported after receipt of purified capsular polysaccharide H. influenza b vaccine. In one reported case, a 27-month-old child developed asceptic meningitis two days after getting the vaccine. Tests revealed that antigenuria was secondary to the vaccination.4,5,6None of the vaccines have been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.
When co-administered with DTaP-HBV-IPV:
3.) FEVER.
Postmarketing adverse events included:
7.) APNEA.
8.) RASH.
PEDAVAXHIB: (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)
Adverse events during clinical trials INCLUDED:
1.) irritability.
2.) drowsiness.
3.) pain / pain by injection.
4.) erythema.
5.) Swollen induration.
6.) Unusual acute crying, prolonged crying (more than 4 hours).
7.) diarrhea.
8.) vomiting.
9.) crying.
10.) pain.
11.) otitis media.
12.) upper respiratory tract rash and infection
Potential adverse events may include the early onset of Hib disease and GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME; in subsequent marketing, reported adverse events included:
1.) lymphadenopathy.
2.) angioedema.
3.) febrile convulsions.
4.) abscess at the injection site.
PENTACEL:(Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Inactivated Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) Vaccine. APPROVAL: 2.008
1.) Redness.
2.) swelling.
3.) sensitivity at the injection site.
4.) increase in the circumference of the arm (dose 4).
5.) fever.
6.) lethargy.
7.) inconsolable crying.
8.) irritability.
9.) episodes of hypointensive hypotonia.
10.) seizures.
11.) febrile convulsions.
12.) bronchiolitis.
13.) dehydration.
14.) pneumonia.
15.) gastroenteritis.
16.) asthma.
17.) pneumonia.
18.) encephalopathy.
19.) four deaths attributed to asphyxia.
20.) Cranioencephalic trauma.
21.) sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
22.) neuroblastoma.
in postmarketing, reported adverse events included:
1.) cyanosis.
2.) vomiting.
3.) diarrhea.
4.) Extensive swelling of the injected limb, including swelling involving Adjacent joints.
5.) Invasive Hib disease (classified as vaccine failure).
6.) rash.
7.) urticaria.
8.) meningitis.
9.) rhinitis.
10.) viral infection.
11.) decreased appetite.
12.) drowsiness, HHE, depressed level of consciousness.
13.) screams.
14.) apnea.
15.) cough.
16.) erythema.
17.) discoloration of the skin and pallor.
In relation to the PENTACEL vaccine, the FDA reported: 775 adverse reactions, 177 of which were considered serious, including 26 DEATHS, between June 20, 2008 (when Pentacel was licensed) and October 31, 2009. Deaths were attributed to SIDS (12 cases), congenital / genetic conditions, respiratory infections, positional asphyxia, anoxic encephalopathy, cardiac arrest of undetermined etiology, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, two deaths of indeterminate cause, one death without available records and two deaths with pending information .
MENHIBRIX: X (Meningococcal Groups C and Y and Haemophilus b Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine) APPROVAL: 2.012
1.) Redness.
2.) swelling and pain at the injection site.
3.) irritability.
4. drowsiness
5.) loss of appetite.
6.) fever.
7.) syncope.
For more serious reactions, such as NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS and other serious events, the manufacturer referred to reactions reported by the use of Hiberix instead of his own vaccine. It is not known whether MenHibrix can cause FETAL HARM when given to a pregnant woman or if it may affect reproduction capacity.
1.) The man has made great discoveries and through some of his VACCINES such as the case of smallpox EDWARD JENNER who in 1.796 passed to History when discovering the vaccine that put an end to that disease in ALL THE WORLD, and whose last case was registered in SOMALIA, 1,977 in the man ALI MAALIN who also WAS IMMORTALIZED as the last case.
2.) Great discoveries have been made regarding VACCINES many of which are necessary to avoid EPIDEMIC, it is true, such is the case of HEPATITIS A and B.
3.) But also some vaccines have been great failures, such as the vaccine against LYME DISEASE (LYMErix) and HPV (GARDASIL AND CERVARIX) that far from preventing have caused more disease and deaths.
4.) Many of the VACCINES contain adjuvants such as ALUMINUM AND THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) which are triggers of immunological reactions, and instead of preventing, it triggers disease.
5.) Other vaccines for their BAD DESIGN, produce severe side effects and some of them are linked to proven cases of AUTISM.
6.) The administration of the VACCINES SHOULD be in well-studied, longer periods of time, not take a child and put 5 or 6 vaccines in a single session. In my opinion that is ONE OF THE GREAT FAULTS.
7.) The United States court has called the so-called resolution 327 where it orders the mandatory vaccines, discussed in Congress on May 16, 2017, alleging the safety of vaccines and that these do not cause side effects. They are wrong. The vaccines are necessary, it is true, but many of them can KILL you or SICK you or your childs for ever and ever.
8.) It is your decision to TAKE THE VACCINE, but in the United States, the government has just put in jail for 7 days a mother (Rebbeca Bredow) who refused to put several shots to her son thinking about his health.
9.) In JAPAN, the government eliminated the mandatory of some VACCINES, and banned others, and is one of the countries with the highest health index in children.
10.) The Social Networks have succeeded in expanding in the world community the current problem of VACCINES, and the rejection of the population towards them.
11.) The most questioned VACCINE of all is the MMR against Rubella measles, and mump, and to which it has been associated cases of AUTISM, death and other diseases, in fact it is the most rejected today.
All this I wrote is the CRYSTAL reality, and is well supported, as always DERMAGIC EXPRESS tells you the truth, there is no invention, read the BIBLIOGRAPHIC references.
Greetings to all
Dr. José Lapenta
Bienvenidos una vez mas todos los amigos, médicos, dermatólogos, gente alrededor del mundo, lectores del DERMAGIC EXPRESS, hoy una vez más hablando del controversial tema de las VACUNAS, bajo el nombre NO-VAXX, SIEMPRE DI: NUNCA DE NUEVO.
Para comenzar les diré una vez más, que esta no es la primera vez y quizá no será la ultima, que hablo sobre este tema que hoy día se ha convertido en uno de los más discutidos en la comunidad mundial, tema QUE HA REVIVIDO por los efectos ADVERSOS y MUERTES ocasionadas por las VACUNAS CONTRA EL VPH, GARDASIL y CERVARIX, los casos de AUTISMO Y muerte provocados por algunas VACUNAS, y para derramar la gota del vaso, EL próximo NACIMIENTO DE LA "NUEVA" VACUNA VL15 de la farmacéutica Valneva CONTRA la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME.
Primeramente hay que dividir a la población en tres grupos: 1.) Aquellos que no saben o desconocen el problema de las VACUNAS o no les interesa. 2.) Los "VAXERS" aquellas personas que están de acuerdo con la VACUNAS. Y 3.) Los llamados ANTI-VAXERS, aquellas personas que por una u otra razón se oponen a las VACUNACIONES, individuales y masivas, la mayoría de ellas porque algún familiar o hijo sufrió EFECTOS ADVERSOS o MUERTE por alguna VACUNA, o personalmente quedo INCAPACITADO luego de alguna vacunación.
Para darle TOTAL credibilidad a este post voy a comenzar colocándote los EFECTOS ADVERSOS Y MUERTES reportados por el SISTEMA DE NOTIFICACION DE EVENTOS ADVERSOS (VAERS) En los estados Unidos sobre la VACUNA CONTRA EL SARMPION, RUBEOLA Y PAROTIDITIS, la muy conocida MMR.
Se reportaron 75.000 mil efectos adversos que incluyen:
EN GENERAL: vómitos, diarrea, anafilaxia, dolor de oído, sordera nerviosa, diabetes, artritis, mialgia, encefalitis, convulsiones febriles, neumonía y muerte; EN DETALLE:
1.) 78 muertes
2.) 85 casos de sordera
3.) 48 casos de disminución del contacto visual
4.) 92 casos de retraso en el desarrollo
5.) 855 casos reportados de autismo
6.) 116 casos de discapacidad intelectual
7.) 401 informes de trastornos del habla
8.) 276 informes de pérdida de conciencia
9.) 143 casos de encefalitis
10.) 74 casos de meningitis
11.) 111 casos de síndrome de Guillain-Barré.
12.) 692 casos de alteración de la marcha (no poder caminar normalmente)
13.) 748 casos de hipoquinesia (pérdida parcial o total del movimiento muscular)
14.) 653 informes de hipotonía (pobre tono muscular)
15.) 4874 informes de convulsiones, incluidas las convulsiones febriles y las convulsiones tónicas clónicas
En algunos casos, la VACUNA ha causado las mismas enfermedades que se supone que previene, con los siguientes datos informados al VAERS:
Estos números no son EXACTOS pues el reporte es del 1 al 10% de las reacciones, por lo tanto pueden ser mayores.
Sobre esta VACUNA MMR quizá no sabías que EL GOBIERNO JAPONES, la prohibió en el año 1.993 (hace 24 años) después que 1.800.000 niños fueron vacunados con 2 tipos MMR y un alto porcentaje presento signos de MENINGITIS NO VIRAL y OTRAS RECACCIONES ADVERSAS, entre las que destacan 3 NIÑOS MUERTOS, y 8 CON DISCAPACIDADES PERMANENTES: SORDERA, CEGUERA y PERDIDA DEL CONTROL DE LAS EXTREMIDADES. Además cito textualmente:
"....De las 3,969 reclamaciones de INDEMNIZACION MEDICA relacionadas con las vacunas en los últimos 30 años, una cuarta parte lo hicieron los afectados por la vacuna combinada contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola..."
En 1.999 JAPON considero volver a utilizar la VACUNA pero prefirió mantener LA PROHIBICION y utilizar individualmente las VACUNAS contra SARAMPION, PAROTIDITIS Y RUBEOLA. El costo es más elevado, pero vale la pena. Los efectos SECUNDARIOS Y MUERTES son menores.
De la vacuna GARSASIL y CERVARIX y sus efectos adversos ya te he hablado bastante y los links los tienes acá:
Pero lo que quizá no sabias tu que te colocas del lado de los "VAXERS" es que JAPON una potencia mundial PROHIBIO, "BANEO" la VACUNA GARDASIL en el año 2.013 debido al reporte de aproximadamente 2.000 EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS, cientos de los cuales fueron GRAVES.
"...Desde que el gobierno comenzó a ofrecer inyecciones de VPH para niñas, se notificaron 1.968 eventos adversos, de los cuales 358 fueron evaluados como serios por un comité JMLHW. Los padres comenzaron a llamar al ministro de salud del país y le proporcionaron videos en los que las niñas que habían recibido la vacuna contra el VPH sufrían alteraciones de la marcha, tics corporales y convulsiones. En otros casos, muchas niñas a las que se les inyectó la vacuna cayeron al suelo, lesionándose la cabeza o la cara y algunas fracturándose la mandíbula o los dientes..."
Y aun asi esta "VACUNA sigue siendo patrocinada en muchos paises como la gran MARAVILLA para combatir el VPH. y sigue utilizandose por gobiernos que quiza aun sabiendo el daño que causan, las implementan en la poclacion. Aqui habria que pensar cual es la motivacion de ellos para hacer esto ? dinero ? desconocimiento? complicidad ? Estas preguntas se las dejo a la audiencia.
El 6 de noviembre de 2014 "explota" en KENYA un escándalo en relación a la VACUNA contra el TETANOS, donde varios doctores encontraron en varios estudios de esta VACUNA evidencia de la existencia dentro de ellas de la HORMONA HGC (gonadotrofina corionica humana), la cual fue desarrollada por la OMS en él año 1.992.
Esto fue denunciado por varios Doctores bajo el concepto que se estaba implementando una ESTERILIZACION MASIVA a través de estas VACUNAS, la HGC en conjunción con los rastros de la vacuna contra el tétano crearía anticuerpos que evitarían el embarazo en las niñas, provocando UN ABORTO espontaneo. La VACUNA fue suministrada a 2.3 millones de niñas y mujeres en edad fértil.
Hoy, 17 de Septiembre de 2.017 se volvió a abrir el debate sobre este caso donde se acusa al gobierno de haber implementado la VACUNA en los años 2.014 Y 2.015 exponiéndose que 1/3 de los viales contienen HGC, una hormona asociada al control de la natalidad en niñas y mujeres en edad comprendida entre 14 y 49 años de edad.
Se dice que entre 50.000 y 500.000 mil mujeres y niñas quedaron esterilizadas con este método. Y cito textualmente:
"...."Este es el mayor crimen contra la humanidad jamás cometido contra las mujeres de Kenia y el intento más diabólico de ingeniería social...."
Este tema ya te lo explique ampliamente y puedes leerlo aquí: NUEVA VACUNA VL15 DE VALNEVA CONTRA LA ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, OTRO FRAUDE MÁS?
Vuelvo a hablar sobre este tema porque me encuentro con la información que LA FDA está acelerando el paso para la aprobación de esta "NUEVA VACUNA" contra la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME o ERITEMA CRONICO MIGRANS, producida por la ESPIROQUETA BORRELIA BURGDORFERI y transmitida por una GARRAPATA del género IXODES.
Por si no lo sabías se reportan anualmente en los ESTADOS UNIDOS 300.000 mil casos nuevos de esta enfermedad, EL DOBLE de los casos de cáncer de seno y 6 veces más que los casos de SIDA.
En el año 1.998 se aprobó una VACUNA bajo el nombre de LYMErix basada en el antígeno de superficie OspA de la BORRELIA, agente causal, la cual fue un tremendo desastre, dicha VACUNA tuvo que ser sacada del mercado en el año 2.002 por los innumerables efectos secundarios, enfermedades y MUERTE ocasionados por la misma.
Estudios posteriores determinaron que este antígeno OspA tiene la capacidad de "disparar" el sistema inmune de la persona OCASIONANDO LA MISMA ENFERMEDAD que "SUPUESTAMENTE" te va a evitar la vacuna, y además otras ENFERMEDADES AUTOINMUNES como ARTRITIS, LUPUS y otras, y esto se debe a que REALMENTE el Antígeno Ospa ES UNA ENDOTOXINA que ocasiona INMUNOSUPRESION y ENFERMEDADES NEUROLOGICAS MULTISISTEMICAS.
Aquí viene la gran pregunta ? Conocía el laboratorio fabricante de este evento ? o lo encubrió para ganar unos cuantos dólares y acallar la NECESIDAD DE LA POBLACION de una cura contra esta enfermedad QUE estaba aumentando alarmante, todo bajo el apoyo de la FDA.
El resultado final fue catastrófico, tú puedes leer acá LA HISTORIA DE ALGUNAS VICTIMAS DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, pero no todo quedo allí.
Hoy 2.017, 15 años después de LYMErix el aumento a 300.000 mil casos nuevos por año de la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, Una farmacéutica Francesas llamada VALNEVA se viene con una SUPUESTA NUEVA VACUNA, la cual no es más que un "CLON" de la vieja LYMERIX pues también está basada en el antígeno OspA, si esto es así, aquí no queda otra que pensar 3 cosas:
El sistema VAERS y PubMed entre los años (1966-2003) fueron buscados por condiciones autoinmunes y se reportaron las siguientes enfermedades, luego de la vacunación contra HEPATITIS B:
17.) LIQUEN PLANO: Enfermedad dermatológica, quizá el efecto secundario mas reportado.Para no dejar el tema inconcluso se viene UNA NUEVA VACUNA CONTRA LA HEPATITIS B en jóvenes a partir de los 18 años por la farmacéutica DYNAVAX, se denomina HELIPSAV-B (TM) la cual ESTA BASADA EN EL ANTIGENO DE SUPERFICIE DEL VIRUS DE la hepatitis B, según los estudios esta vacuna sería superior a la ya conocida ENGERIX-B (HEPTAVAX-B) porque "SUPUESTAMENTE" ofrece una mayor protección, con menos dosis (2), ENGERIX-B son tres dosis al 0, 1, Y 6to mes.
La FDA en este caso acaba de retrasar la aprobación de dicha VACUNA para noviembre de 2.017 y estaría en el mercado para comienzos del 2.018. EL PRINCIPAL OBSTACULO para su aprobación es el efecto secundario de la misma sobre el CORAZON y la producción de INFARTO, por ello la FDA vuelve a retrasar la aprobación de la misma, esperando que la empresa MUESTRE estudios posteriores a su comercialización que demuestren seguridad con respecto a este tema delicado.
Por si no lo sabías DYNAVAX HELIPSAV-B ha sido rechazada para su aprobación por la FDA en dos (2) ocasiones previas en él año 2.013 y el año 2.016, este es su tercer intento. En uno de ellos la misma compañía abandono por su propia cuenta el intento de aprobación alegando que no estaban seguros de su CONFIABILIDAD.
Esto provoco una caída en la BOLSA DE VALORES DE DYNAVAX al fallar en su segundo intento de aprobación, Y REPITO la razón del retraso en esta aprobación fue que en que los ESTUDIOS PREVIOS con esta VACUNA HUBO 14 CASOS DE INFARTO AL MIOCARDIO.
La VACUNA todavía NO ha sido APROBADA y ya se proyecta una ganancia de 290 MILLONES DE dólares para él año 2.026... Saque usted sus conclusiones.
En Alemania se hizo un estudio entre noviembre 2.009 y diciembre del 2.010 para evaluar la vacuna PANDEMRIX contra la influenza AH1N1 y su relación con el SINDROME DE GUILLAIN BARRE (GBS) Y su variante EL SINDROME DE FISHER (FS), dicha vacuna contiene el adyuvante ASO3. Hubo reportes de 351 Hospitales con 676 casos de GB / FS.
De los 676 casos reportados 30 ocurrieron entre los primero 150 días posterior a la vacunación contra la GRIPE AH1N1 Y EL RESULTADO GLOBAL de la investigación fue que hubo una mayor incidencia DE SINDROME DE GUILLAIN BARRE (GBS) y su variante SINDROME DE FISHER (FS) asociados a la VACUNACION contra la GRIPE AH1N1 con la VACUNA PANDEMRIX.
Para finalizar este caliente tema te traigo las reacciones adversas Y MUERTES reportadas por el sistema VAERS de las VACUNAS contra Haemophilus Influenzae tipo B (hiB): Desde junio de 2,012, se han notificado 12.140 eventos adversos graves al Sistema de Informe de Eventos Adversos a Vacunas (VAERS) en relación con todas las VACUNAS Hib combinadas.
1.) Sensibilidad.
2.) eritema.
3.) induración.
4.) fiebre.
5.) irritabilidad.
6.) somnolencia.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrea.
9.) vómitos.
cuando se combinó con la vacuna DTP por reconstitución, las reacciones adversas incluyeron:
1.) dolor a la palpación.
2.) eritema.
3.) induración.
4.) fiebre.
5.) irritabilidad.
6.) somnolencia.
7.) anorexia.
8.) diarrea.
9.) llanto persistente.
10.) episodio hipotónico / hipotensor (que es consistente con la tasa de HHE observada con la vacunación con DTP SOLA)
HIBERIX: (Haemophilus b VACUNA CONJUGADA (ToxoidE TETANICO ConjugaDO) apprOBADA 2.009
7.) APNEA.
8.) RASH.
Los eventos adversos durante los ensayos clínicos INCLUYERON:
1.) irritabilidad.
2.) somnolencia.
3.) dolor / dolor por inyección.
4.) eritema.
5.) induración hinchada.
6.) llanto inusual agudo, llanto prolongado (más de 4 horas).
7.) diarrea.
8.) vómitos.
9.) llanto.
10.) dolor.
11.) otitis media.
12.) erupción e infección de las vías respiratorias superiores
los eventos adversos potenciales pueden incluir la aparición temprana de la enfermedad Hib y el síndrome de Guillain-Barre; en la comercialización posterior, los eventos adversos informados incluyeron:
1.) linfadenopatía.
2.) angioedema.
3.) convulsiones febriles.
4.) absceso en el lugar de la inyección.
1.) Enrojecimiento.
2.) hinchazón.
3.) sensibilidad en el lugar de la inyección.
4.) aumento de la circunferencia del brazo (dosis 4).
5.) fiebre.
6.) letargo.
7.) llanto inconsolable.
8.) irritabilidad.
9.) episodios de hipotonía hipointensiva.
10.) convulsiones.
11.) convulsiones febriles.
12.) bronquiolitis.
13.) deshidratación.
14.) neumonía.
15.) gastroenteritis.
16.) asma.
17.) neumonía.
18.) encefalopatía.
19.) cuatro muertes atribuidas por asfixia.
20.) traumatismo craneoencefálico.
21.) síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL).
22.) neuroblastoma.
en la postcomercialización, los eventos adversos informados incluyeron:
1.) cianosis.
2.) vómitos.
3.) diarrea.
4.) hinchazón extensa de la extremidad inyectada, incluyendo Hinchazón que involucraba articulaciones adyacentes.
5.) enfermedad Hib invasiva (clasificada como falla de la vacuna).
6.) erupción cutánea.
7.) urticaria.
8.) meningitis.
9.) rinitis.
10.) infección viral.
11.) disminución del apetito.
12.) somnolencia, HHE, nivel de conciencia deprimido.
13.) gritos.
14.) apnea.
15.) tos.
16.) eritema.
17.) decoloración de la piel y palidez.
En relación a la vacuna PENTACEL la FDA informo: 775 reacciones adversas, 177 de las cuales se consideraron graves, incluidas 26 MUERTES, entre el 20 de junio de 2008 (cuando Pintase tenía licencia) y el 31 de octubre de 2009. Las muertes se atribuyeron a SIDS (12 casos), condiciones congénitas / genéticas, infecciones respiratorias, asfixia posicional, encefalopatía anóxica, paro cardíaco de etiología indeterminada, miocardiopatía dilatada e hipertrófica, dos muertes de causa indeterminada, una muerte sin registros obtenibles y dos muertes con información pendiente.
1.) Enrojecimiento.
2.) hinchazón y dolor en el lugar de la inyección.
3.) irritabilidad.
4.) somnolencia
5.) pérdida del apetito.
6.) fiebre.
7.) síncope.
Para reacciones más graves, como TRASTORNOS DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO y otros eventos graves, el fabricante se refirió a las reacciones informadas por el uso de Hiberix en lugar de a su propia vacuna. No se sabe si MenHibrix puede causar DAÑO FETAL cuando se lo administra a una mujer embarazada o si puede afectar la capacidad de reproducción.
1.) El hombre ha hecho grandes descubrimientos y a través de algunas de sus VACUNAS como el caso de la Viruela EDWARD JENNER quien en 1.796 paso a la Historia al descubrir la vacuna que puso fin a esa enfermedad en TODO EL MUNDO, y cuyo último caso fue registrado en SOMALIA, 1.977 en el hombre ALI MAALIN quien también QUEDO INMORTALIZADO como el último caso.
2.) Se han hecho grandes descubrimientos en cuanto a VACUNAS muchas de las cuales son necesarias para evitar EPIDEMIAS, es cierto, tal es el caso de la HEPATITIS A Y B.
3.) Pero también algunas VACUNAS HAN SIDO GRANDES FRACASOS, como la vacuna contra la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME (LYMErix) y contra el VPH (GARDASIL Y CERVARIX) que lejos de prevenir han ocasionado mas enfermedad y muertes.
4.) Muchas de las VACUNAS contienen adyuvantes como ALUMINIO Y TIMEROSAL (MERCURIO) los cuales son desencadenantes de reacciones inmunológicas, y en lugar de prevenir, desencadena enfermedades.
5.) Otras vacunas por su MAL DISEÑO, producen efectos secundarios severos y algunas de ellas están vinculadas a probados casos de AUTISMO.
6.) La administración de las VACUNAS DEBERIA ser en espacios de tiempo bien estudiados, más prolongados, no llevar a un nino y colocarle 5 o 6 vacunas en una sola sesión. En mi opinión ese es UNO DE LOS GRANDES FALLOS.
7.) La corte de estados Unidos tiene lista la llamada resolución 327 donde ordena la obligatoriedad de las vacunas, discutida en el Congreso el 16 de Mayo 2.017 alegando la seguridad de las vacunas y que estas no ocasionan efectos secundarios. Están equivocados. SON necesarias, es cierto, pero muchas de ellas pueden MATARTE o ENFERMAN a ti o a tus hijos por siempre.
8.) Es tu decisión VACUNARTE, pero en estados unidos el gobierno acaba de poner presa por 7 días a una madre (Rebbeca Bredow) que se negó a colocarle varias vacunas a su hijo pensando en su salud.
9.) En JAPON el gobierno elimino la obligatoriedad de algunas VACUNAS, y PROHIBIO otras, y es uno de los paises con mayor indice de salud en los niños.
10.) Las Redes Sociales han logrado expandir en la comunidad mundial el problema actual de las VACUNAS, y el rechazo de la poblacion hacia ellas.
Todo esto que escribí es la CRISTALINA realidad, y está bien soportado, como siempre DERMAGIC EXPRESS te dice la verdad, no hay invento, lee las referencias BIBLIOGRAFICAS.
Saludos a Todos
Dr. José Lapenta
1.) Risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccination in Germany.
2.) Clinical Features of Post-Vaccination Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Korea.
3.) Lichen planus secondary to rabies vaccination.
4.) Lichen planus occurring after influenza vaccination: report of three cases and review of the literature.
5.) Lichen planus after HBV vaccination in a child: a case report from Nepal.
6.) Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.
7.) Hepatitis B vaccination and associated oral manifestations: a non-systematic review of literature and case reports.
8.) A case-series of adverse events, positive re-challenge of symptoms, and events in identical twins following hepatitis B vaccination: analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database and literature review.
9.) A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
10.) Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis.
11.) Allergic reactions to Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
12.) The web and public confidence in MMR vaccination in Italy.
13.) Media coverage of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism controversy and its relationship to MMR immunization rates in the United States.
14.) Vaccine Adverse Events: Separating Myth from Reality.
15.) Refusal to Vaccinate Child Gets Mom Jail Time: A Deeper Analysis
16.) Why Japan banned MMR vaccine
17.) Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine
18.) A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
19.) Raila Odinga: Tetanus vaccination is a mass sterilization on women
20.) Infant Dies Following 5 Vaccine Doses
23.) Vaccines do NOT cause injuries, according to House Resolution 327
24.) H. RES. 327
25.) Neurological complications of vaccination with outer surface protein A (OspA).
26.) Spirochetal Lipoproteins and Immune Evasion
27.) Does a New Hepatitis Vaccine Cause Heart Attacks?
28.) FDA extends review on Dynavax's Heplisav-B, but management remains confident
29.) Can Hib Vaccine Cause Injury?
1.) Risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccination in Germany.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Nov;23(11):1192-204. doi: 10.1002/pds.3638. Epub 2014 May 10.
Prestel J1, Volkers P, Mentzer D, Lehmann HC, Hartung HP, Keller-Stanislawski B; GBS Study Group.
Collaborators (370)
Gerber J, Heyden M, Klötzsch C, Linster E, Langel S, Bößenecker W, Bamberg C, Gerlach R, Reckhardt M, Borak P, Braun H, Harzheim M, Isenhardt K, Bader P, Glocker F, Reimers CD, Riesterer-Hemm G, Trabold R, Homberg V, Klee R, von Rosen F, Daffertshofer M, Hofler D, Hofstadt U, Baumsteiger C, Dreger J, Stachulski F, Harms H, Kauert A, Haas J, von Brevern M, Völzke E, Ducke F, Böhme H, Koennecke HC, Ecke A, Koennecke HC, Bähr D, Nabavi DG, Hopmann D, Porz D, Neumayer B, Müller T, Kitzrow M, Börnke C, Schröder A, Kowalski T, Günther J, Boeckler D, Reinshagen A, Sarholz M, Böhm KD, Weiland T, Kuhlmann RJ, Heide W, Heider S, Schüler O, Schepelmann K, Claus D, Kunesch E, Yaretskyy G, Spieker S, Jung S, Spitzer C, Busch A, Schneider H, Machetanz J, Grehl H, Nolden-Koch M, Wilmsen H, Lehmann H, Seitz R, Griese M, Schmitt HM, Dietze C, Holz J, Leinisch E, Derfuß T, Linker R, Reinhardt FM, Krämer M, Koeppen S, Gerhard H, Bauer H, Stolze H, Jost V, Steinmetz H, Schütz H, Böhm J, Rauer S, Klotz JM, Schneider A, Biemann M, Blaes F, Krämer H, Guthke K, Schmidt H, Krumpolt H, Schiess D, Roth M, Fuchs HH, Schneider E, Wohlfarth K, Müller T, Sick W, Schwandt D, Wellach I, Töpper RF, Koehler J, Rosenkranz T, Knepel S, Duwe T, Stiller M, Rieke K, Baas H, Brunotte P, Tümmler J, Heidenreich F, Stangel M, Stift T, Ringleb P, Kaendler S, Humbroich K, Plöger H, Sitzer M, Dieter J, Dietz M, Eicke M, Ochs G, Güldenring A, Hagemann G, Zinke J, Fetter M, Herath H, Escheu G, Stingele R, Berthold A, Schmitt E, Haupt WF, Petereit HF, Limmroth V, von Giesen HJ, Kirsch B, Heckmann JG, Beuche W, Schattenfroh C, Tampier-Pohl C, Friedl R, Oberwittler C, Schlenker M, Trillenberg P, Abushammala A, Schabet M, Eßer M, Thümen A, Lins H, Vielhaber S, Bayerl J, Tackenberg B, Hachgenei A, Meisenheim GK, Philipps J, Tings T, Franz O, Jauß M, Berthele A, München TU, Hupfer W, Nagi M, Dziewas R, Kusch W, Lobenstein S, Fischer V, Syed N, Bitsch A, Jahnke U, Allendörfer J, Dietrich W, Görtzen A, Stark E, Wenning W, Neumann F, Petrick M, Kaiser R, Niehoff T, Deymann R, Hartmann R, Christe W, Görlitz C, Hotz M, Buchner H, Balzer K, Braune HJ, Kindl HJ, Leschnik O, Lohner H, Zettl U, Kiefer R, Krauth S, Hansberg T, Matrisch H, Vetter T, Schepelmann K, Schade B, Nguento A, Fortwängler T, Hartnack F, Neuhaus O, Wennrich M, Leopold HC, Tebben J, Polzer U, Sieb P, Huss GP, Kuhl V, Gawlitza M, Freudenberger T, Rieder G, Schröder K, Bös M, Krüger T, Rechlin M, Bufler J, Angerer M, Möller P, Eppinger B, Dömges F, Albrecht P, Kotterba S, Stolz E, Schmidt N, Trottenberg T, Feige P, Hufschmidt A, Svrakova L, Haensch CA, Kastrau F, Schmidt P, Reiners K, Weinmann E, Merkelbach S, Bachhuber A, Hermann W, Häusler M, Toth M, Weiß BM, Stein D, Klepper J, Hirsch T, von Moers A, Brandes H, Botsch M, Köhler C, Franke I, Kössel H, Kauffmann B, Schwalm H, Kirschstein M, Tribukait U, Mandl M, Böhmann H, Schaetz K, Hebing B, Steinert M, Eichholz S, von Lilien-Waldau T, Karenfort M, Kretzschmar B, Trollmann R, Schmiedel G, Dördelmann M, Kieslich M, Mause U, Grüber C, Korinthenberg R, Heubner G, Mattes J, Radlow U, Repp R, Klinge J, Genseke R, Gsinn S, Gebhardt B, Papsch M, Mutlak S, Brockmann K, Koch G, Mandelkow F, v Blanckenburg P, Bertram U, Vieker S, Peltner HU, Sander M, Shamdeen MG, Nowka S, Koch W, Walkenhorst H, Rubens T, Westerbeck K, Rübo J, Wiater A, Pflumm K, Bensch J, Engelhardt H, Deja M, Borte M, Tibussek D, Bosse H, Rinschen K, Härtel C, Gaude-Wagener M, Beyer U, Pädiatrie A, Peters H, Kowalzik F, Seipelt P, Zippel S, Pargac KN, Schobeß A, Müller W, Baethmann M, Leiz S, Gehrmann A, Makowski C, Fiedler B, Böswald M, Weisbrod T, Kintzel K, Franz C, Feickert HJ, Kühl PG, Schneider M, Raab K, Beyer P, Kauther KD, Reiter HL, Heubner G, Behl ES, Trefz FK, Hoffmann HG, Buss M, Olbertz DM, Hempel L, Agricola G, Horneff G, Augustin KS, Mihatsch W, Kurre A, Colling S, Burghard R, Soditt V, Feierfeil K, Hornbrook D, Kellner L, Pernice W, Schirmer D, Alber M, Geerken S, Kratz M, Köhler A, Knuf M, Repinska T, Buller M, Becker JC, Niesytto C, Skopnik H, Borusiak P, Verbeek T, Gabler I, Winkelmann T.
Author information
Division of Safety of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Langen, Germany.
A prospective, epidemiologic study was conducted to assess whether the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccination in Germany almost exclusively using an AS03-adjuvanted vaccine (Pandemrix) impacts the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and its variant Fisher syndrome (FS).
Potential cases of GBS/FS were reported by 351 participating hospitals throughout Germany. The self-controlled case series methodology was applied to all GBS/FS cases fulfilling the Brighton Collaboration (BC) case definition (levels 1-3 of diagnostic certainty) with symptom onset between 1 November 2009 and 30 September 2010 reported until end of December 2010.
Out of 676 GBS/FS reports, in 30 cases, GBS/FS (BC levels 1-3) occurred within 150 days following influenza A(H1N1) vaccination. The relative incidence of GBS/FS within the primary risk period (days 5-42 post-vaccination) compared with the control period (days 43-150 post-vaccination) was 4.65 (95%CI [2.17, 9.98]). Similar results were found when stratifying for infections within 3 weeks prior to onset of GBS/FS and when excluding cases with additional seasonal influenza vaccination. The overall result of temporally adjusted analyses supported the primary finding of an increased relative incidence of GBS/FS following influenza A(H1N1) vaccination.
The results indicate an increased risk of GBS/FS in temporal association with pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccination in Germany.
2.) Clinical Features of Post-Vaccination Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Korea.
J Korean Med Sci. 2017 Jul;32(7):1154-1159. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2017.32.7.1154.
Park YS1, Lee KJ2, Kim SW2, Kim KM2, Suh BC3.
Author information
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea.
Division of Epidemic Intelligence Service, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cheongju, Korea.
Department of Neurology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy and it is also the most commonly reported severe adverse event following immunization in adults. To evaluate the results of clinical and laboratory features of GBS after vaccination in Korea, we analyzed the claims-based data from 2002 to 2014 using materials collected for the Advisory Committee Vaccination Injury Compensation (ACVIC) meeting including, clinical features, nerve conduction studies (NCSs), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiles, treatment, and outcomes. Forty-eight compensated GBS cases (median age, 15 years; interquartile range [IQR], 13-51; male:female ratio, 1:1) of 68 suspected GBS were found following immunization and all of them with influenza immunizations with either monovalent (n = 35) or trivalent (n = 13). Among them, 30 cases fulfilled the Brighton criteria level 1-3 (62.5%). The median duration between the onset of symptoms to nadir, duration of the nadir, and total admission period were 3 (IQR, 2-7 days), 2 (IQR, 1-5 days), and 14 (IQR, 6-33 days) days, respectively. The most frequently reported symptom was quadriparesis which was present in 36 cases (75%) at nadir. CSF examination revealed albuminocytologic dissociation in 25.0% and NCS was abnormal in 61.8%. After treatment, most of them showed improvement. Clinical features were similar to typical post-infectious GBS and there were both demyelinating and axonal forms suggesting heterogeneous pathogenic mechanism. In order to improve the diagnostic certainty of post-vaccination GBS, careful documentation of clinical features and timely diagnostic work-up with follow-up studies are needed.
3.) Lichen planus secondary to rabies vaccination.
Dermatol Online J. 2017 Mar 15;23(3). pii: 13030/qt3hr3t4hs.
An I1, Demir V, İbiloğlu İ, Akdeniz S.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disease withdistinctive clinical manifestations. The etiology of LPremains unknown. Recently, numerous cases of LPdeveloping after hepatitis B, influenza, and combined DTaP-IPV-MMR vaccine have been described. In thisreport, we present the second case of LP after rabiesvaccination.
4.) Lichen planus occurring after influenza vaccination: report of three cases and review of the literature.
Dermatology. 2010;221(4):296-9. doi: 10.1159/000321191. Epub 2010 Nov 3.
Sato NA1, Kano Y, Shiohara T.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
Although influenza vaccine is thought to be effective and safe, it occasionally causes systemic reactions such as toxic epidermal necrolysis, bullous pemphigoid, lichen planus (LP), etc. The period of increased risk of developing these events was different depending on the immune responses induced by the vaccination. We report 3 cases of LP which appeared after an influenza vaccination. Our cases indicate that the period of increased risk of developing vaccine-related LP was concentrated within 2 weeks after vaccination, and that the vaccine alone represents a triggering factor necessary for immune alteration sufficient for the development of LP. Because these adverse events tend to develop over a predictable time course, the time of onset may give an important clue to the diagnosis of vaccine-related diseases. We suggest that a history of recent vaccination should be sought in all patients presenting with linear LP.==========================================================================
5.) Lichen planus after HBV vaccination in a child: a case report from Nepal.
J Dermatol. 2000 Sep;27(9):618-20.
Agrawal S1, Garg VK, Joshi A, Agarwalla A, Sah SP.
Author information
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal.
Vaccination against hepatitis B virus has rarely been associated with lichen planus. We report a case of this kind in a child from Nepal. A 12-year-old boy had developed generalized itchy violaceous papules and plaques six weeks after the second dose of hepatitis B virus vaccine. Serum HBsAg and HBeAb were negative, but HBsAb was positive. New crops of generalized, similar eruptions developed after the booster dose of vaccine. All the lesions resolved within three months of systemic steroid therapy. There was no recurrence after one year of follow up. Awareness of such an association is necessary, especially in children, because vaccination campaigns are increasing.
6.) Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.
Int J Dermatol. 2004 Aug;43(8):562-4.
Calista D1, Morri M.
Author information
Department of Dermatology, M. Bufalini Hospital, Cesena, Italy.
In May 1996, as part of his routine antihepatitis B (hepB) vaccination plan, a 28-year-old HbsAg-negative man, hospital worker, received his first dose (20 microg) of a recombinant vaccine (EngerixB-B, Smith Kline and Beecham, Belgium), administered via deltoid injection. The patient was otherwise healthy and taking no medication. Thirty days after the 2nd booster dose, several pruritic, polygonal, purple, papules appeared on the volar aspect of the patient's wrists. New lesions gradually spread to the arms and trunk (Fig. 1). The clinical diagnosis of lichen planus (LP) was confirmed by histology, which revealed hyperorthokeratosis, hypergranulosis, vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer cells and a dense, band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in the superficial dermis. The disease started to heal after treatment with topical clobetasol propionate 0.05% and sun exposure during the following summer. Five days after the 3rd booster dose, in November 1996, the dermatosis relapsed on the forearms, trunk, and legs. On that occasion, routine laboratory tests, including a complete blood count, blood chemistry and liver function tests, were within normal limits. Screening serologic tests for autoantibodies including antinuclear antibodies, antidouble-stranded DNA, anti-SS-A, anti-SS-B and anti-Sm were all negative. As a result of the inadequate levels of antihepatitis B antibodies, less than 10 IU/l in May 1998, in a high-risk patient who was frequently exposed to blood and its products, an additional booster dose was performed. Three days later a new recurrence of disseminated lichen planus occurred. The patient was successfully treated with prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks. There was no recurrence the following year.
7.) Hepatitis B vaccination and associated oral manifestations: a non-systematic review of literature and case reports.
Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014 Nov;4(6):829-36. doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.144870.
Tarakji B1, Ashok N1, Alakeel R2, Azzeghaibi S1, Umair A1, Darwish S1, Mahmoud R3, Elkhatat E3.
Author information
Department of Oral Maxillofacial Sciences, Alfarabi College of Dentistry and Nursing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, King Saud University, Alfarabi College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Restorative Dentistry Sciences, Alfarabi College of Dentistry and Nursing, Saudi Arabia.
Hepatitis B vaccine has been administered in children and adults routinely to reduce the incidence of the disease. Even though, hepatitis B vaccine is considered as highly safe, some adverse reactions have been reported. A literature search was carried out in PubMed, accessed via the National Library of Medicine PubMed interface, searching used the following keywords: Hepatitis B vaccine and complications from 1980 to 2014. A total of 1147 articles were obtained out of which articles, which discuss the complications occurring orally or occurring elsewhere in the body, which have the potential to manifest orally after hepatitis B vaccination were selected. A total of 82 articles were identified which included 58 case series or case reports, 15 review articles, 4 cross sectional studies, 3 prospective cohort studies, one retrospective cohort study and a case control study. After reviewing the literature, we observed that complications seen after Hepatitis B vaccination are sudden infant death syndrome, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, vasculititis optic neuritis, anaphylaxis, systemic lupus erytymatosus, lichen planus and neuro-muscular disorder. Of these complications, some are manifested orally or have the potential to manifest orally. Although, most of the complications are self-limiting, some are very serious conditions, which require hospitalization with immediate medical attention.
8.) A case-series of adverse events, positive re-challenge of symptoms, and events in identical twins following hepatitis B vaccination: analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database and literature review.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004 Nov-Dec;22(6):749-55.
Geier MR1, Geier DA.
Author information
The Genetic Centers of America, MedCon, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland 20905, USA.
Adverse events and positive re-challenge of symptoms reported in the scientific literature and to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following hepatitis B vaccination (HBV) were examined.
The VAERS and PubMed (1966-2003) were searched for autoimmune conditions including arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, myelitis, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS), glomerulonephritis, pancytopenia/thrombocytopenia, fatigue, and chronic fatigue, and Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) following HBV.
HBV was associated with a number of serious conditions and positive re-challenge or significant exacerbation of symptoms following immunization. There were 415 arthritis, 166 rheumatoid arthritis, 130 myelitis, 4 SLE, 100 optic neuritis, 101 GBS, 29 glomerulonephritis, 283 pancytopenia/thrombocytopenia, and 183 MS events reportedfollowing HBV A total of 465 positive re-challenge adverse events were observed following adult HBV that occurred sooner and with more severity than initial adverse event reports. A case-report of arthritis occurring in identical twins was also identified.
Evidence from biological plausibility, case-reports, case-series, epidemiological, and now for positive re-challenge and exacerbation of symptoms, and events in identical twins was presented. One would have to consider that there is causal relationship between HBV and serious autoimmune disorders among certain susceptible vaccine recipients in a defined temporal period following immunization. In immunizing adults, the patient, with the help of their physician, should make an informed consent decision as to whether to be immunized or not, weighing the small risks of the adverse effects of HBV with the risk of exposure to deadly hepatitis B virus.
9.) A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2002 Nov-Dec;20(6):767-71.
Geier DA1, Geier MR.
Author information
MedCon, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.
This analysis examined the incidence rate of chronic arthritis adverse reactions reported following adult rubella and hepatitis B vaccinations. In this analysis, etiologic mechanisms for chronic arthritis following adult rubella and hepatitis B vaccines were also explored.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed for the incidence rate of reported cases of chronic arthritis in comparison to Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) and tetanus toxoid adult vaccine control groups.
Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult rubella vaccination were primarily reported in females (female/male ratio = 3.0), at about 45 years-old, and at a mean onset time of 10-11 days following vaccination. Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult hepatitis B vaccination were also primarily reported in females(female/male ratio = 3.5), at about 33 years-old, and with a mean onset time of 16 days following vaccination. The incidence rates of chronic arthritis following adult rubella and adult hepatitis B vaccinations were statistically significantly increased, by chi 2 analysis, in comparison to the adult vaccine control groups. The attributable risk of chronic arthritis following adult rubella vaccine ranged from 32 to 53 and from 5.1 to 9.0 following adult hepatitis B vaccine in comparison to the adult vaccine control groups.
This study revealed that adult rubella and adult hepatitis B vaccines were statistically associated with chronic arthritis which persisted for at least one year. The etiology for these adverse reactions may involve autoimmune mechanisms. Furthermore, potential biases in the reporting rates of adverse reactions to VAERS were not observed.
10.) Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2002 Nov-Dec;49(48):1571-5.
Geier DA1, Geier MR.
Author information
Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Hepatitis B is the most important infectious cause of acute and chronic liver disease. Hepatitis B vaccine, a highly purified, genetically engineered, single antigen vaccine, has generally been accepted as a safe vaccine. In 2000, the Institute of Medicine noted that few vaccines for any disease have been actively monitored for adverse effects over long periods and encouraged evaluation of active long-term monitoring studies of large populations to further evaluate the relative safety of vaccines. The aim of this study was to accept the charge of the 2000 Institute of Medicine Report and extend our own work to determine the frequency of gastrointestinal adverse reactions after hepatitis B vaccination and determine if this frequency was increased over the background rate of gastrointestinal conditions in the U.S. adult population.
A retrospective examination of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database from July 1990 through August 1999 for hepatitis B vaccination and associated gastrointestinal reactions was made. Additionally, as controls, hepatitis A and rubella vaccination associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in adults were analyzed.
Our analysis shows that the 40-year-old female population between four to eight days after hepatitis B vaccination was at increased risk for developing gastrointestinal reactions.
Hepatitis B vaccination was statistically associated by chi 2 analysis with gastrointestinal reactions including: hepatitis, gastrointestinal disease and liver function test abnormalities in comparison to our vaccine control groups. The reaction rate observed is outweighed by the benefits of the vaccine. Further analysis is needed to determine the mechanisms by which hepatitis B vaccine is associated with gastrointestinal reactions.
11.) Allergic reactions to Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2003 Nov;23(4):665-97.
Plesner AM1.
Author information
Department of Medical Officers of Health, Copenhagen County, Islands Brygge 67 DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.
Erratum in
Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2004 May;24(2):335.
The JEV widely is used in Asian countries each year and is an important vaccine for travelers to the East from other parts of the world. JE virus is a zoonotic disease with natural reservoirs and cannot be eliminated. Although a declining incidence of JE has been observed in Asia because of reduced transmission by agricultural approaches and vaccination, the most important control measure now, and in the future, is vaccination of humans against JE. The inactivated vaccine, produced from infected mouse-brain-derived tissue, is the only commercially available vaccine. There are several concerns with the use of this vaccine. It is expensive, requires two or three doses to achieve protective efficacy, and, in practice, requires further booster doses to maintain immunity. The apparent increase in allergic reactions in the first part of the 1990s has set focus on the safety of the JEV. A cheap, live attenuated SA 14-14-2 vaccine is used almost exclusively in China and parts of Korea, but there have been no trials of SA 14-14-2 vaccine outside JE endemic countries. The vaccine seems to be highly efficient, and few adverse events have been observed; however, PHK cells are used for the production of this vaccine, and these cells are not approved by the WHO. A satisfactory cell substrate is needed. A committee under the WHO has proposed that for the live JEV, there should be validity of the assays for retrovirus when applied to PHK cell substrate and validity of the mouse assays for neurovirulence. Further information should be reviewed on the long-term follow-up of recipients of the vaccine. Several new types of vaccines have reached the phase of clinical trials; however, studies remain to be completed. Until a new vaccine is available, the priority of surveillance of adverse events and the continuous reporting of such events to the users of the vaccines must be of importance. This fact is highlighted by the possibility of the varying frequency of adverse events with different batches over the years. The WHO offers information and recommendations for vaccines in the EPI and issues a series of updated papers on other vaccines that are of international public health importance (eg, JEV). The development of alternative efficient, safe, and appropriately priced JEVs is recommended, as is intensified surveillance of adverse events. Prospective vaccine studies of safety may be limited because of sample size and because rare adverse events may not be detected. Several new initiatives have been taken to improve surveillance of adverse events to vaccines within the past 10 years. In Japan, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of efforts taken to improve vaccine safety, and surveillance of adverse events and possibilities of compensation for vaccine-related injuries are in place. In Vietnam, a database to detect adverse events after vaccination has been established; the project involves active visits to data collectors at the vaccination sites. Comparative studies of adverse events, such as one recent study from Japan and the United States, are important for the evaluation of the reporting systems. The reporting rate for JEV adverse events from Japan was approximately one order of magnitude lower than that in the United States. Japan had strict predefined reporting criteria and time limits for observations. If time limits for the observation are too strict (eg, defining a possible neurologic reaction to occur within 1 week after vaccination), later reactions will not be included (eg, if ADEM is elicited by a vaccine, the symptoms cannot be expected to occur until weeks after the vaccination). The passive surveillance systems have limitations with an underreporting of adverse events, depending on clinical seriousness, temporal proximity to vaccination, awareness of healthcare workers, and tradition of reporting particular events. In developed countries, surveillance of adverse events is formalized, although not necessarily optimal. An increase in reporting would be expected when the reporting of adverse events is mandatory. Reports have been sent to VAERS, the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, and the European Union Pharmacovigilance System. A Brighton collaboration has been implemented to enhance comparability of vaccine safety data. Public health authorities in specific countries, such as the CDC in the United States and the National Advisory Committee in Canada, regularly have published information on the JE situation in Asia and the preventive measures to be taken, including information on the vaccines and adverse reactions. The conventional recommendation is that travelers should be vaccinated if they will spend more than 1 month in a JE endemic area or in areas with epidemic transmission with even shorter periods. Although the risk for JE for short-term travelers is considered small (1 case per 1 million travelers per year), sporadic cases, including deaths, have been reported among tourists traveling to endemic areas. Risk for travelers in rural districts in the season of risk is considerably higher (range, 1 case per 5000 travelers to 1 case per 20,000 travelers per week). Doctors who advise travelers should be updated on the latest JE occurrences in Asia. Updates on the JE situation can be found on bulletins at or are available from the WHO or CDC. The allergic reactions primarily described after vaccination with the inactivated mouse-brain-derived JEV have been observed in several countries during the 1900s. Allergic reactions, including the mucocutaneous and neurologic reactions reported after JE vaccination, may vary in frequency, and these reactions should be evaluated meticulously yearly. This step enables recommendations, including information on possible side effects, to be given in an optimal way.
12.) The web and public confidence in MMR vaccination in Italy.
Vaccine. 2017 Aug 16;35(35 Pt B):4494-4498. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.07.029. Epub 2017 Jul 20.
Aquino F1, Donzelli G2, De Franco E3, Privitera G1, Lopalco PL4, Carducci A2.
Author information
Department of Translational Research, N.T.M.S. - University of Pisa, Via Savi 10, 56126 Pisa, Italy.
Department of Biology - University of Pisa, Via S. Zeno 35, 56127 Pisa, Italy.
Division of Public Health and Nutrition - Area of Pisa, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest, Galleria Gerace 14, 56124 Pisa, Italy.
Department of Translational Research, N.T.M.S. - University of Pisa, Via Savi 10, 56126 Pisa, Italy. Electronic address:
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage in Italy has been decreasing starting from 2012 and, at the present, none of the Italian regions has achieved the goal of 95% coverage target. A decision of the Court of Justice of Rimini in March 2012 that awarded vaccine-injury compensation for a case of autism has been indicated as a probable trigger event leading to a reduction of vaccine confidence in Italy. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between MMR vaccination coverage to online search trends and social network activity on the topic "autism and MMR vaccine", during the period 2010-2015. A significant inverse correlation was found between MMR vaccination coverage and Internet search activity, tweets and Facebook posts. New media might have played a role in spreading misinformation. Media monitoring could be useful to assess the level of vaccine hesitancy and to plan and target effective information campaigns.
13.) Media coverage of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism controversy and its relationship to MMR immunization rates in the United States.
Pediatrics. 2008 Apr;121(4):e836-43. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-1760.
Smith MJ1, Ellenberg SS, Bell LM, Rubin DM.
Author information
Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The purpose of this work was to assess the association between media coverage of the MMR-autism controversy and MMR immunization in the United States.
The public-use files of the National Immunization Survey were used to estimate annual MMR coverage from 1995 to 2004. The primary outcome was selective measles-mumps-rubella nonreceipt, that is, those children who received all childhood immunizations except MMR. Media coverage was measured by using LexisNexis, a comprehensive database of national and local news media. Factors associated with MMR nonreceipt were identified by using a logistic regression model.
Selective MMR nonreceipt, occurring in as few as 0.77% of children in the 1995 cohort, rose to 2.1% in the 2000 National Immunization Survey. Children included in the 2000 National Immunization Survey were born when the putative link between MMR and autism surfaced in the medical literature but before any significant media attention occurred. Selective nonreceipt was more prevalent in private practices and unrelated to family characteristics. MMR nonreceipt returned to baseline before sustained media coverage of the MMR-autism story began.
There was a significant increase in selective MMR nonreceipt that was temporally associated with the publication of the original scientific literature, suggesting a link between MMR and autism, which preceded media coverage of the MMR-autism controversy. This finding suggests a limited influence of mainstream media on MMR immunization in the United States.
14.) Vaccine Adverse Events: Separating Myth from Reality.
Spencer JP1, Trondsen Pawlowski RH1, Thomas S1.
Author information
Conemaugh Family Medicine Residency Program, Johnstown, PA, USA.
Vaccines are one of the most successful medical advances in modern times. Most vaccine-preventable illnesses are unfamiliar to modern parents. Because of this, parents are increasingly questioning the necessity of immunizing their children, especially because no vaccine is completely free of adverse effects or the risk of complications. Family physicians should be aware of the risks and benefits of recommended immunizations. Thimerosal is currently used only in multidose vials of influenza vaccine, and exposure through vaccines is not associated with adverse neurologic outcomes. The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is not associated with autism. Vaccines are associated with local reactions, such as pain and erythema. The rotavirus vaccine minimally increases the rate of intussusception, whereas other vaccines minimally increase the risk of syncope. Although immunization with the human papillomavirus vaccine is recommended for all boys and girls, vaccination rates remain low. Physicians should guide parents to credible resources if they are considering vaccine refusal. If a recommended vaccine is refused, proper documentation is essential. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program track adverse events and allow compensation for documented harms from vaccinations
15.) Refusal to Vaccinate Child Gets Mom Jail Time: A Deeper Analysis
October 7th 2017 at 10:15 am
Written By: Jefferey Jaxen
“I want to make it perfectly clear. We’re leaving here today. Dad’s picking the child up and he’s going to be vaccinated regardless of what Mom did or didn’t do.”
These were the words of Oakland County judge Karen McDonald during the open minutes of the recent court room proceedings that continue to grab international headlines. Metro Detroit’s Rebecca Bredow, the Mom, now sits in an Oakland Country jail with a criminal record forever attached to her name. Her 9-year-old son is now in temporary custody of his father who is ordered by the court to bring the child up to date on the boy’s vaccination status, which will be up to eight vaccines “…as rapidly as medically necessary.”
Unfortunately in America, the end result of cases like Bredow’s are becoming more and more common.
Some are saying Bredow refused to vaccinate her child and is getting what she deserved but is it really that simple? The mainstream, corporate media narrative is attempting to paint a picture that Bredow’s case is an uncommon, one-and-done occurrence. The narrative is also suggesting that the family court process, when vaccination status is concerned, is a stone solid justice machine based on 'settled vaccine science.' The reality is that the judge and the court are taking a known and dangerous medical risk with another person’s child that they have no right to take. Do courts have the right to order an unavoidably unsafe medical intervention like vaccination in custody cases?
At minute 3:30 Judge McDonald makes clear her forced vaccination agenda.
Joel Dorfman of Michigan for Vaccine Choice, a group that advocates for parents’ rights to refuse vaccines told the Detroit Free Press, “If this child is injured as a result of being given eight immunizations, who do you think is going to take care of the child? The judge?”
According to Judge McDonald, Bredow’s case is about her refusal to follow court orders she previously agreed to. McDonald ruled Bredow was in criminal contempt for not following a 2016 agreement to vaccinate her child. However Bredow says that her attorney at the time signed the order and advised her not to worry since she had filed state waivers and vaccine exemptions each year in Michigan for her child. In Michigan, parents or guardians of children enrolled in public and private schools are required to attend an educational session before they are granted waivers.
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Lecturing from the bench, Judge McDonald told Bredow “I understand you love your children. But what I don’t think you understand is that your son has two parents, and dad gets a say,” Her statement seems reasonable yet it is important to note that Bredow has primary caregiver status. Digging deeper into the information of the case, Judge McDonald’s recent ruling gives physical custody of the child to the ex-husband James Horne. In the past, Child Protective Services did an investigation on Horne and the case was confirmed as a Category 3 revealing a preponderance of evidence against him which the court knew about.
What about medical expert testimony? Although Bredow’s case didn’t involve the testimony of an expert witness or medical professional, this tactic is often a nonstarter in US courts. The courts don’t decide and rule on the science, their job is to weigh the evidence. For each doctor or expert witness brave enough to go on record against the safety of vaccines in a given case, there are many more doctors who are will testify for them. In addition, all US health agencies and organizations still toe the line for the false ‘safe and effective’ vaccine narrative and refuse to factor in any new or highly relevant information that says otherwise.
During the recent ruling, Judge McDonald appeared to be reading from a prewritten statement when handing down her decision suggesting that she did not factor in the day’s testimony and dialogue. If that is the case, perhaps McDonald’s prewritten decision was in response to the attention Bredow drew to the case by going to the media. Section 600.1715 of Michigan’s Revised Judicature Act of 1961 states:
“If the contempt consists of the omission to perform some act or duty that is still within the power of the person to perform, the imprisonment shall be terminated when the person performs the act or duty or no longer has the power to perform the act or duty…”
The “act or duty” to vaccinate Bredow’s 9-year-old child was ordered by the court to be done by the ex-husband. In addition, Bredow no longer had the power to perform the act or duty in question. It seems that, given the language of the act, Bredow’s jail time was handed down as a warning and a lesson rather than a necessary legal measure.
16.) Why Japan banned MMR vaccine
by JENNY HOPE, Daily Mail
Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine seven years ago - virtually the only developed nation to turn its back on the jab.
Government health chiefs claim a four-year experiment with it has had serious financial and human costs.
Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say.
The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions.
Official figures show there were three deaths while eight children were left with permanent handicaps ranging from damaged hearing and blindness to loss of control of limbs.
The government reconsidered using MMR in 1999 but decided it was safer to keep the ban and continue using individual vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella.
The British Department of Health said Japan had used a type of MMR which included a strain of mumps vaccine that had particular problems and was discontinued in the UK because of safety concerns.
The Japanese government realised there was a problem with MMR soon after its introduction in April 1989 when vaccination was compulsory. Parents who refused had to pay a small fine.
An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000.
The ministry switched to another MMR vaccine in October 1991 but the incidence was still high with one in 1,755 children affected. No separate record has been kept of claims involving autism.
Tests on the spinal fluid of 125 children affected were carried out to see if the vaccine had got into the children's nervous systems. They found one confirmed case and two further suspected cases.
In 1993, after a public outcry fuelled by worries over the flu vaccine, the government dropped the requirement for children to be vaccinated against measles or rubella.
Dr Hiroki Nakatani, director of the Infectious Disease Division at Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare said that giving individual vaccines cost twice as much as MMR 'but we believe it is worth it'.
In some areas parents have to pay, while in others health authorities foot the bill.
However, he admitted the MMR scare has left its mark. With vaccination rates low, there have been measles outbreaks which have claimed 94 lives in the last five years.
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17.) Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine
For many years, controversy has surrounded the three-in-one vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. Most notably, the MMR vaccine is infamous for its disputed connection to autism, and despite the fact that it has been blamed in vaccine courts for causing autism, vaccine supporters still deny its fault in skyrocketing rates of autism spectrum disorder, which is at least one in 68 children, with even higher rates of diagnosis among boys. [1, 2]
However, the vaccine has other serious risks in addition to the relationship it has with unmanageable numbers of autism in children, which has led to a ban of this vaccine in one industrialized nation.
The Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine from its vaccination program in 1993, after a record number of children developed adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and death. [3]
The MMR Vaccine’s Tragic History in Japan
The MMR vaccine was introduced in Japan in April 1989, and parents who refused the compulsory vaccine were fined. After three months of analysis, officials realized that one in 900 children developed adverse reactions to the vaccine, a rate that was 2,000 times higher than the expected rate.
Officials had hoped to resolve the problem by switching to another version of the vaccine, but the excessive amount of adverse reactions persisted, with one in 1,755 children affected. Testing of 125 children’s spinal fluid determined that the vaccines had entered one child’s nervous system, with two additional suspected cases.
Four years later, in 1993, the government removed the MMR mandate against measles and rubella. A doctor from Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare admitted that the separate, individual doses of measles and rubella cost twice as much to administer, and he defended the decision, stating, “but we believe it is worth it.” Furthermore, a member of the health ministry also stated that the ban has not caused an increase in deaths from measles. [4]
Japanese officials were also concerned about the MMR vaccine causing additional cases of mumps, citing numerous studies in The Lancet. [5]
Mumps and hepatitis B vaccines are not part of the national immunization program in Japan. [6]
What Many Parents Don’t Know About the MMR Vaccine
The list of adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, straight from Merck’s vaccine package inserts, is long and alarming. A shortened version of the vaccine damage associated with the MMR vaccine includes vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, ear pain, nerve deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia, and death. [7, 8]
A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows the following statistics from the United States: over 75,000 adverse events have been reported from any combination of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, including, most notably:
78 deaths
85 cases of deafness
48 cases of decreased eye contact
92 cases of developmental delay
855 reported cases of autism
116 cases of intellectual disability
401 reports of speech disorders
276 reports of loss of consciousness
143 cases of encephalitis
74 cases of meningitis
111 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
692 cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)
748 cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)
653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic clonic seizures
1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection)
And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
147 cases of measles
384 cases of mumps
29 cases of rubella [9]
The number of adverse events following vaccination are vastly underreported, as acknowledged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The National Vaccine Information Center estimates that less than one to ten percent of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported. Many of the numbers reported above could therefore be multiplied by one hundred to determine a more accurate amount of adverse reactions. [10, 11]
Japan Takes a Protective Stance Against Other Vaccines, Too
The flu vaccine has also been the subject of controversy in Japan, after 100 deaths occurred from the vaccine by the end of 2009. Japan’s health ministry has been criticized for for its cautious stance against vaccines, but so far, government officials have wisely defended their position, citing public safety as the paramount concern.
Finally, the Japanese government has also taken a protective stance against vaccines on behalf of its young girls, suspending the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine in 2013 after numerous cases of serious adverse events were reported, with one report citing as many as 1,968 adverse events, 358 of which were classified as serious.
Japanese officials were concerned about the well-being of their young citizens, despite having invested $187 million in the program. Damage payments to only a fraction of the victims who have suffered adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine have reached $6 million. [12]
Additionally, since 2011, at least 38 infants have been reported to have died after they had been vaccinated against haemophilus influenza B and streptococcus pneumonia, according to records compiled by the health ministry in Japan.
Japanese Officials Speak Out
Japan has been criticized for being behind the times when it comes to vaccination. Vaccine advocates claim that Japan has not kept pace with other developed countries regarding the use of vaccines. Despite listing 110 infectious diseases in a government registry, Japan offers vaccines for only 22 of those.
Some Japanese health experts disagree, however. Hiroko Mori, a vaccine researcher, is one of those experts. He was the former head of the infectious disease division at Japan’s National Institute of Public Health.
He has noted that Japan has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world and has advocated for fewer vaccines, stating that the country’s excellent sanitation and nutrition has boosted children’s health.
He observed,
“Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally.
There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’ The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.”
Tetsuo Nakayama, Dean of Kitasato University’s Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences, is an expert who supports vaccines, but he, too, acknowledges the risks of vaccination, stating that:
“There is no guarantee that your child will not be that one out of 1,000. You have to compare the risks between the side effects and what will happen if you are infected with the disease naturally.
Under the existing law, the decision to vaccinate your child or not is basically left up to the parents, but there is not enough information out there for them to make an informed decision.”
Masako Koga, a former representative of the Consumers Union of Japan, has shared his concerns about the ulterior motives behind mass vaccination programs:
“Vaccines should only be given to those who need them but that is not happening. The global industry is being driven by a strategy that promotes VPD [vaccine preventable diseases].
We must put a stop to it. Vaccines have close ties to money. From development to circulation to research on side effects, there are a lot of vested interests involved.”
He also summarized what motivates many parents’ decisions not to vaccinate their children:
“There is no knowing who will suffer side effects as a result of vaccination.
[Proponents of vaccination] say the chance of suffering a side effect is 1 in a million. For parents, however, that one is everything.”
Japanese officials have made decisions that value the health and safety of their citizens when they have removed vaccines with dangerous side effects from their national vaccination program.
Japan boasts a low infant mortality rate, despite — or perhaps because of — mandating only a fraction of the vaccines required by other developed countries, including the United States.
If you wish to learn more about the harmful ingredients in vaccines or the potential adverse reactions, we have compiled an easy-to-navigate list of vaccine package inserts from the manufacturers that you can view or download here.
Has your child suffered an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine or the HPV vaccine, both of which have been removed from Japan’s national vaccination program? If so, please share your story in our comment section below.
18.) A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
Thu Nov 6, 2014 - 2:29 pm EST
Autthor: Steve Weatherbe
UPDATE (Nov. 12): Kenya's government has launched an investigation into the Catholic Church's allegations. See follow up article here.
Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.
According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.
“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”
Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4, “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”
But the government says the vaccine is safe. Health Minister James Macharia even told the BBC, “I would recommend my own daughter and wife to take it because I entirely 100% agree with it and have confidence it has no adverse health effects.”
And Dr. Collins Tabu, head of the Health Ministry’s immunization branch, told the Kenyan Nation, that “there is no other additive in the vaccine other than the tetanus antigen.”
Tabu said the same vaccine has been used for 30 years in Kenya. Moreover, “there are women who were vaccinated in October 2013 and March this year who are expectant. Therefore we deny that the vaccines are laced with contraceptives.”
Newspaper stories also report women getting pregnant after being vaccinated.
Responds Dr. Ngare: “Either we are lying or the government is lying. But ask yourself, ‘What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?’” Dr. Ngare added: “The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country.”
Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews that several things alerted doctors in the Church’s far-flung medical system of 54 hospitals, 83 health centres, and 17 medical and nursing schools to the possibility the anti-tetanus campaign was secretly an anti-fertility campaign.
Why, they ask does it involve an unprecedented five shots (or “jabs” as they are known, in Kenya) over more than two years and why is it applied only to women of child-bearing years, and why is it not being conducted without the usual fanfare of government publicity?
“Usually we give a series three shots over two to three years, we give it anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women or children.” said Dr. Ngare. “If this is intended to inoculate children in the womb, why give it to girls starting at 15 years? You cannot get married till you are 18.” The usual way to vaccinate children is to wait till they are six weeks old.”
But it is the five-vaccination regime that is most alarming. “The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.”
It is HCG that has been found in all six samples sent to the University of Nairobi medical laboratory and another in South Africa. The bishops and doctors warn that injecting women with HCG , which mimics a natural hormone produced by pregnant women, causes them to develop antibodies against it. When they do get pregnant, and produce their own version of HCG, it triggers the production of antibodies that cause a miscarriage.
“We knew that the last time this vaccination with five injections has been used was in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994,” said Dr. Ngare. “It didn’t cause miscarriages till three years later,” which is why, he added, the counterclaims that women who got the vaccination recently and then got pregnant are meaningless.
Ngare said WHO tried to bring the same anti-fertility program into Kenya in the 1990s. “We alerted the government and it stopped the vaccination. But this time they haven’t done so.”
Ngare also contrasted the secrecy of this campaign with the usual fanfare accompanying national vaccination efforts. “They usually bring all the stakeholders together three months before the campaign, like they did with polio a little while ago. And they use staff in all the centres to give out the vaccine.” But with this anti-tetanus campaign, “only a few operatives from the government are allowed to give it out. They come with a police escort. They take it away with them when they are finished. Why not leave it with the local medical staff to administer?”
Brian Clowes of Human Life International in Virginia told LifeSite News that WHO was not involved in the Nicaragua, Mexican and Philippines campaigns. “They try to maintain a spotless record. They let organizations like United Nations Population Fund and USAID do the dirty work.”
In the previous cases, said Clowes, the vaccinators insisted their product was pure until it was shown not to be. Then they claimed the positive tests for HCG were isolated, accidental contaminations in the manufacturing process.
LifeSiteNews has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from “Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A” and 10 “women’s health advocates” from around the world, to discuss the use of “fertility regulating vaccines.” It describes the “anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine” as the most advanced.
One million Kenyan women and girls have been vaccinated so far with another 1.3 million to go. The vaccination is targeting women, according to the government, in order to inoculate their children in the womb against tetanus as well. The government says 550 children die of tetanus yearly.
In covering the contest of words the pro-government Nation found plenty of women who had been vaccinated and were now pregnant, even one who was the wife of a former Catholic priest who left the Church to marry. The paper ignored Kenya’s reliance on the Catholic medical system, while setting the bishops’ stand in a questionable historical context of irrational responses “largely based on religious beliefs,” the more recent murder of vaccination teams in Nigeria, and even of CIA conspiracy theories.
Why would the UN want to suppress the population in developing countries? “Racism,” is Brian Clowes’ first explanation. “Also, the developed countries want to get hold of their natural resources. And lately, there is the whole bogus global warming thing.”
Dr. Ngare said it was the Catholic Church’s hope that the government could have resolved the matter quietly by testing the vaccine. “But the government has chosen to be combative,” forcing Kenya’s bishops and Catholic doctors to go public.
WHO’s Kenyan office and several WHO media contacts in Washington, D.C. failed to respond to LifeSiteNews enquiries over a 24-hour period.
19.) Raila Odinga: Tetanus vaccination is a mass sterilization on women
Published Tue, September 12th 2017 at 00:00, Updated September 11th 2017 at 22:43 GMT +3
Opposition chief Raila Odinga has reignited the tetanus vaccination debate, claiming it was a State-sponsored tool for mass sterilisation. Raila, in rare support for the Catholic Church which at some point opposed the vaccine, accused the Government of what he termed 'State-sponsored infertility in women'. In January 2014 and 2015, the Catholic bishops vehemently opposed the vaccine, claiming that one-third of the vials tested contained a hormone linked to birth control. The church claimed that the vaccine was targeting women of child-bearing age and that it contained elements that prevented them from conceiving. Raila seems to be reading from a similar script, claiming that multiple results from health experts had confirmed that the tetanus vaccine used in the immunisation exercise triggered infertility in women aged between 14 and 49. Forced practice "Sterilisation without full, free, and informed consent globally is an involuntary, coercive, and/or forced practice and is a violation of fundamental human rights," said Raila. The National Super Alliance (NASA) leader demanded that the Government provide a complete list of all those who took part in the vaccination, apologise to them, and explain how it intends to reverse the damage. He said should NASA form the next government, it will set up a task force to establish the vaccine's victims, recommend appropriate compensation for them, assign responsibility, and initiate ways of reversing the damage. "This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed against the women of Kenya and the most diabolical attempt at social engineering. No one can tell the worth of a woman's fertility or sterility," said Raila. Growing populations He said that as a result of the administration of the vaccine, thousands of girls and women aged between 14 and 49 from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children because of what he described as 'State-sponsored sterilisation'. "Based on results that are now available to us, it is clear that the tetanus vaccination is one of the most callous human rights abuses committed against innocent girls and women in Kenya," he said.
20.) Infant Dies Following 5 Vaccine Doses
Life after losing a loved one to vaccines is very painful. With a heavy heart, we share Sebastian Ryan Morley’s story. He was a healthy boy whose life ended after routine vaccinations. Sebastian’s mother and grandmother have worked many years in both the veterinary and human healthcare fields. What they were taught in school led them to believe vaccines were safe, but now they will never vaccinate again. We thank his family for coming forward and sharing very important information the public isn’t usually made aware of.
Sebastian’s grandmother, Valerie Murfin, shared:
“On December 11, 2002, when my grandson Sebastian was seven months old, he was taken in for his six month well child checkup. My daughter Natasha, who is his mother, was not bullied into getting him vaccinated, she was just following what she thought was good advice, what we both thought was good advice at one time.
During this visit, Sebastian received the vaccines for DTaP, hepatitis B, and HiB. This is five vaccine doses.
Sebastian began vomiting two days later and suffered jaundice. After turning yellow around his mouth on 12-15-02, his mom took him to the doctor because he became very lethargic. She was begging for him not to die on the drive to the doctor’s office. They admitted him to St. Peter Hospital, in Olympia, where he stayed for two days.
Tests were run and it was found that Sebastian’s liver was failing. After an ultrasound showed his liver stopped swelling, they allowed him to be discharged, but warned my daughter not to let him bump his head or anything, because he could bleed out.
Before being discharged, his doctor did more blood work and told my daughter that she would call her, and that they assumed Sebastian had hepatitis C somehow. This was six days after the vaccines were given to him, on 12-17-02.”
Sebastian’s Brain Swelled and His Organs Shut Down
“That phone call came in on 12-20-15 and the news made my daughter aware it was urgent. Sebastian was rushed to the ER at Seattle Children’s Hospital. This is where he stayed and suffered, for more than a month.
Towards the end of his stay, his eyes were no longer responsive and one swelled up horribly; his choke reflex was gone. I think his little brain had had enough of all the additional chemicals he received while in the hospital. Sebastian’s brain had swelled outside of his soft spot, they had no more hope for him, and they wanted to turn off the machines.
My daughter came out of that room, looked at me and said, ‘Don’t let them kill my baby, Mom.’ I had to tell her he was already gone. I watched the light die in my daughter’s eyes.
They did unplug him. He died in his mom and dad’s arms. He died on January 22, 2003, at just 8 ½ months old. Forty-two days after that well child visit, multiple organs of his shut down and his little body couldn’t fight anymore.
My most helpless moment in my life was when I had seen the ultrasound of Sebastian’s brain. By this time, all of his organs were shutting down. They had him in a medically-induced coma for about the last five days. The first three days, they would let him wake up. The last two days, he stopped waking up, even when coming out of the anesthesia.
Ultimately, if he hadn’t had the vaccines, none of this would have happened.
My daughter did question the vaccines with the doctor that gave them and her initial response was that they just never see that. Although Sebastian’s doctor later on was more supportive of the fact that vaccines could not be ruled out.
His cause of death listed on his death certificate is ‘Fulminant Liver Failure of Unknown Etiology,’ though the pathologist stated clearly when he wrote, ‘Because this child was vaccinated less than 24 hours prior to onset of illness, we can NOT rule out the vaccines as causative.’
This is as close anyone gets to admission that the vaccines were responsible.”
Vaccines Were The Only Plausible Cause Of Sebastian’s Liver Failure
“In the days he was in the in the pediatric ICU at the hospital, they did every test they could at the time. There was no physiological or environmental reason for his liver failing. I kept saying in the hospital, he was just vaccinated, to look into the vaccines, but hospital staff did not make the connection.
After Sebastian got sick and was taken to the hospital, that was when my daughter also made the vaccine connection; I made sure she was aware. Even the hospital doctors kept saying vaccine reactions never happen. If I weren’t so vocal about it, they wouldn’t have put the vaccines into the equation.
His pediatrician, who actually worked with him, has been very helpful. She felt it was important enough to report Sebastian’s reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS).
We appreciated her acknowledging what happened to my grandson but Sebastian’s passing has not stopped her from vaccinating other children.
On Sebastian’s VAERS report, some things were reported inaccurately. His age wasn’t listed correctly; he was seven months old when he received the six month vaccines. We tried fixing the discrepancies in the report, but we were not able to get anyone who would correct them.
Considering most parents and doctors have never reported a reaction to VAERS, due to not being informed and doctors not being enforced to report reactions, mistakes can occur due to being unfamiliar with the process and sometimes, the mistakes occur on the VAERS end, because reps don’t list the information provided correctly.
It is hard to read this. Knowing how Sebastian suffered from the vaccines is why my family will not vaccinate further.”
Sebastian Became More Sick After Each Hepatitis B Vaccine
“When I was in the hospital while Sebastian was there, I overheard two nurses talking in the hall. One nurse was from the pediatric ICU, where Sebastian was, and the other nurse was from the neonatal unit, where the preemies are.
The nurse from the neonatal unit said to the other, ‘Well, we just vaccinated all the babies, I hope we have beds open,’ meaning these premature babies that were doing fine in the neonatal unit were just vaccinated and the neonatal nurse was saying to the pediatric ICU nurse that they hope they have beds open because these babies are now needing to be put on respirators, since they are now in critical care. Because of the hepatitis B vaccine just given to them, now the babies aren’t doing well anymore. Doctors and nurses are more aware of vaccine injuries than they lead you to believe.
My daughter is not able to be the champion for Sebastian as I am. She is firmly against any vaccines, as you can imagine, but in 2003, she was so vilified. She cheers me on in our fight. We didn’t know about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program until four years after Sebastian passed away. The deadline to file was two years after he passed away, so it was too late for us to file a claim.
My daughter found out she was pregnant the day after Sebastian’s funeral. She had a baby girl who will be 12 in September 2015. Sebastian’s sister has never been vaccinated and is completely healthy.
Since this happened, my daughter did still see the same pediatrician after having our granddaughter, but she never pushed my daughter to vaccinate her. When my granddaughter was about three years old, because of a change in insurance, this forced my daughter to change pediatricians as well. She does love and miss Dr. O’Leary and would probably still see her to this day, if she had the choice, because she did not ever pressure her to vaccinate again.
Even though she was the one who vaccinated Sebastian leading to his passing, this doctor acknowledged his death and respected my daughter’s choice as a mother to not vaccinate further. It was important she had a doctor who understood why she no longer wanted to vaccinate.
We believe it was the third hepatitis B vaccine that was the cause of Sebastian’s health decline. After each set of hepatitis B-containing vaccines, Sebastian got more and more sick. After his first hep B shot was given two days after birth, he got diarrhea and had a fever. He wouldn’t take the breast milk and he got dehydrated. At three and four days old, my daughter was devastated as a new mom who had to feed him formula the first week.
After Sebastian received his second hepatitis B vaccine, along with the other two month vaccines, his mom had gone to Six Flags as a treat from her friends and Sebastian’s dad called her saying he was very lethargic and had a fever. Sebastian’s dad Jeff gave him medicine and watched him like a hawk, as he seemingly got better.
Then his last set of shots given contained the hepatitis B vaccine and his liver shut down.
The reason we also think the hep B vaccine played a big part in this is because I can’t be vaccinated, because my immune system mimics the disease when vaccinated to prevent it. I think Sebastian may have gotten this trait from me. His immune system saw hepatitis and killed his liver.
I have read studies since this happened, involving mice, which show this can happen. I spent three years in allergy treatment and through this process, my immunologist discovered my immune system issues. After three years, he finally admitted there was no way to fix my allergies.
In my family, I have a brother with Crohn’s disease and two cousins with lupus; my mother has immune-mediated kidney disease. I have an aunt with rheumatoid arthritis. All of us were vaccinated in the past. Vaccines are clearly not great for everybody. Physicians ask you about familial heart disease, diabetes … why not immune system issues that may be contraindicated for an immune system stimulant?”
Sebastian’s Story Has Never Made the News
“This is not the type of story any vaccine supporter, which mainstream media serves, will allow out. My point is, until you have a reaction close to you, until it hits you in the face, you want to believe that those in power have your best interest at heart.
If your doctor’s intake money is getting cut by the insurance company for not following standardized prophylactic treatments, and your sales rep is pressuring you into buying a cheap vaccine, you buy in bulk and everyone gets vaccinated.
If you don’t vaccinate, your doctor’s bottom line is affected. If your doctor fails to get a good family history, on any disease in your family, and then pushes vaccines as 100 percent safe and effective, then perhaps your doctor doesn’t have your best interest in mind. This is a major income for all involved.”
Human Vaccines Are Just As Harmful As Pet Vaccines
“I worked in animal medicine for 26 years, I gave thousands of vaccines to pets and I knew vaccines were causing many problems. I had been gathering doubts about vaccines in that field for years, which led me to leave the day practice I worked at and go into a specialty field, where vaccines were not required.
At the vet clinic I worked for, I had serious issues with the way Pfizer handled their sale; right away, they misrepresented themselves, trying to sell us pet vaccines. In the 1990s, dogs received what I call the alphabet shot (DHLPPC) for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and coronavirus.
About 85-90 percent of smaller dogs under 20 pounds reacted to the leptospirosis vaccine. These dogs were having many types of reactions, some life-threatening, lifelong, and a few died within hours. Bichon Frises, little white furry dogs, are notorious for dropping dead after vaccination and a lot of Bichon Frise owners and breeders won’t vaccinate their dogs.
So many dogs get the diseases they are vaccinated for. The fact that so many dogs reacted was a clue. Back then, most people still had bigger dogs. In the 1990s, there was a shift to the smaller house dogs and that made the incidence of vaccine reactions go up.
I asked the Pfizer rep, ‘Wouldn’t it be prudent to remove the leptospirosis from the vaccine?’ He answered that it was not cost effective to remove the ingredient. I had been gathering doubts about vaccines in that field for a long time, but this really opened my eyes.
After the Pfizer rep said it wasn’t cost effective to remove leptospirosis, (which is stupid really, in my humble opinion, because you just don’t put that ingredient in since it was causing so much harm in these pets), I asked the rep what Pfizer recommended. His answer was to give a high-dose steroid (their high-priced product, another money maker), five minutes before the vaccine.
They expected us to suppress the immune system with the steroid Solu-Medrol®, to then immediately turn around and stimulate it with the vaccine. That didn’t even make medical sense. As I said before, that conversation was an eye opener. That guy must have hated me because I began questioning every vaccine they rolled out.
The rabies vaccine is the worst. It was causing many health problems, including immune system problems and gut problems and I witnessed some dogs would just drop dead on the table after they received the rabies vaccine.
I also witnessed cats having a huge incidence of injection site carcinomas. On the back of the shoulders where we injected them, horrible tumors would develop. Even if surgery was performed, ultimately this still killed the cats, a process I’ve seen take two years. I brought this up to the vaccine rep because I was concerned about what I was observing. The answer to that from the rep was to vaccinate low on the leg, marking which vaccine and which leg was injected. That way, if a tumor developed, you can amputate.
At the time, the feline leukemia vaccine seemed to be the culprit. I believe now that the vaccine manufacturers were aware then that all of the vaccines could be problematic. In general, any of the vaccines could cause this and they don’t test them for causing cancer; now I see why, so they can’t be blamed when they cause cancer.
If the companies are so into making money that they don’t care about their patients, it doesn’t make sense to use their products. Due to what I was learning and the vaccine reactions I was witnessing, I left that practice to go into a specialty field, where vaccines were not required. I have other stories, but that was my light bulb moment. Regarding human vaccines being safer, I just really believed that human medicine HAD to be different and safer, but I was wrong.”
Our Family Will Never Vaccinate Again
“When I left, I started working at Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, WA, in their Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s ICU, working with fourth year students on practical emergency and critical care.This was years before Sebastian was even born. It was a six hour drive from where my kids lived. I moved back to Seattle after Sebastian died. I remained in specialty medicine where I finished my career in internal medicine. Ironically, a high percentage of our patients suffered from vaccine-related immune-mediated disease.
My daughter also worked in the same veterinary clinic I did. She stayed in the day practice a while longer and she was working there when Sebastian was harmed. Sadly, I guess I didn’t really convey the problems I saw in vaccines then. I really believed that human medicine HAD to have more safety measures than veterinary medicine.
I always wondered if I had yelled louder about the dangers of vaccinating, would things be different? My daughter assures me that she trusted her doctor and would have followed the recommendations anyway. My family will never vaccinate anyone under our care.
My daughter left the field of veterinary medicine, too. She now works in the field of human medicine and is the medical assistant for a doctor in a foot and ankle clinic. She also doesn’t have to vaccinate. Since Sebastian passed away, my daughter has always been up front with her employers, that she won’t vaccinate patients and she discloses all information to patients, if her practice gave vaccines.
Despite their differences of opinion, even with her knowledge about the harm these vaccines are causing, she loves the doctor she is working with, even though he is still a vaccine person, though not as rigid as he once was. She calls this ‘little steps,’ I think.
Prior to me becoming disabled after I broke my back in 2008, I had subbed for a friend who went on vacation. At the one day clinic I subbed in, I gave complete disclosure on vaccines, letting them know I won’t give them. They didn’t invite me back. I never went back to a day practice other than that.
Nowadays, my job is sharing Sebastian’s story, and working against the mandates we know will be revisiting us in our state of Washington. It takes a huge amount of my time. We have to speak for those who can’t anymore. In this, we gather.
I am thankful to Sallie O. Elkordy, Host of ‘The Mary and Sallie Show,’ who allowed me to share Sebastian’s story and to let people know what is happening to children and pets after vaccination.
Please, do your research, folks; know your risk of infection for said disease, if you want to vaccinate. Our immune systems work best when they are not chemically modified. I encourage folks to share my grandson’s story. It is the only thing that helps us come to terms with his death.
I gave Sebastian that first sink bath; it’s my favorite picture of him. Oh, if I could, I would give him a head noogie, because he would have just turned 13 this year and giving grandma a hug just isn’t cool when you’re 13.
In all seriousness, we miss him so much. Not a day goes by that he is not in our thoughts. The tears still fall. We would give anything to see what his 13 year-old self would have been.
It was a very difficult thing for us to go through, losing him the way we did. Like my daughter says, it’s been like a movie that you cannot turn off or rewrite the script. The sequel, I hope, sheds light on the other side, and stops the Vaccine Holocaust. We had the bad luck to win the vaccine lottery; with any decency in the country, countless others won’t be forced to.
If just one person chooses to inform themselves, if just one more person wakes up, if one family is saved from this hole carved out of our lives, then it gives us some peace. It gives this little man a voice, when he had been silenced for so long.
We love you, Sebastian. You will not be forgotten.
Love, Your Grandma,
Valerie Murfin”
In Our Hearts He Will Be Remembered
His mother Natasha wrote:
“I miss my little monkey everyday. Some days are easier than others but it’s still a very hard thing to swallow. My son’s life was like a very short movie. And just like that, it was over, with the saddest ending. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”
Published on Published onAugust 4, 2017
Author: Lori Dennis, MA,RP
Registered Psychotherapist, Speaker, Author of Lyme Madness
In the Tech and Science section of Newsweek, July 25, 2017, the headline reads: "Lyme disease vaccine on fast track for FDA approval."
Those of us in the Lyme world know that this is anything but good news. In fact, for those of us ‘in the know’, it's absolutely terrifying.
Why? you may ask. Why wouldn’t we want a vaccine to prevent this illness? After all, we’ve been hearing just how life-altering and debilitating this disease can be. Wouldn’t a vaccine protect us from this potential fate?
I will give you five key reasons to consider why a Lyme vaccine is something to stay very far away from. I urge you to do your own homework and give it great consideration before you or your loved ones choose to let your doctor provide you this now ‘fast-tracked’, soon to be available Lyme vaccine.
And please – when you do your homework, do NOT fall for the long-held, propaganda-driven ‘Lyme loonies’, anti-vaxxer’, ‘anti-science’ argument. This is nothing more than a false and desperate, shall we say childish, position that the powers that be continue to mount for their own personal benefit driven by profit and greed, and certainly not public good. Please don’t fall for these victim blaming, gas lighting, insidious behaviours. Be smarter than that. It may be too late for the millions suffering from this life altering illness … but it’s not too late for you.
Here are the five key reasons why you should NOT get the new Lyme vaccine:
We in the Lyme world have a long list of reasons not to trust that the medical ‘powers-that-be’ on the subject of Lyme disease. For forty years, they have been telling us that ‘there is no such thing as chronic Lyme, that there are no ticks here, that you couldn’t be this sick, we don’t know what’s wrong with you but it isn’t Lyme, it’s probably just ‘all in your head’. Around the world, in 80 countries and on every continent, people are chronically ill with Lyme disease and most cannot get treatment. It’s a do-it-yourself disease. Sufferers have to search far and wide for any type of relief. Most cannot afford to get out-of-the-box treatments, even if they can find them. Many die from this disease, too many by their own hand. YET … for decades now, the Lyme Cabal has been preaching that Lyme disease is ‘difficult to catch, easy to diagnose and easy to treat’. Tell the sick and infirm that this is true and see what happens.
Here is an example of the victim blaming – even worse, federally-funded victim blaming, using taxpayers hard-earned dollars:
“Advocacy for Lyme disease has become an increasingly important part of an antiscience movement that denies both the viral cause of AIDS and the benefits of vaccines and that supports unproven (sometimes dangerous) alternative medical treatments. Some activists portray Lyme disease, a geographically limited tick-borne infection, as a disease that is insidious, ubiquitous, difficult to diagnose, and almost incurable; they also propose that the disease causes mainly non-specific symptoms that can be treated only with long-term antibiotics and other unorthodox and unvalidated treatments. Similar to other antiscience groups, these advocates have created a pseudoscientific and alternative selection of practitioners, research, and publications and have coordinated public protests, accused opponents of both corruption and conspiracy, and spurred legislative efforts to subvert evidence-based medicine and peer-reviewed science. The relations and actions of some activists, medical practitioners, and commercial bodies involved in Lyme disease advocacy pose a threat to public health.”
When I had the chance to ask one of the co-authors, Dr. Raymond Dattwyler why he and his colleagues would write such an article, his response was “They were bothering us.” Enough said!
So, if in fact as these authors would like you to believe, Lyme disease is NOT insidious, ubiquitous, difficult to diagnose and incurable, then why are they bothering to create a vaccine at all. If Lyme disease is nothing more than a nuisance condition as some have misclassified it, then why bother? Why inoculate? Why fast track it? What’s the point? Why the hype? What’s the rush?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States – along with the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) have been the leading deniers of Lyme disease.
In 2012, when the CDC revised the official case number of new Lyme disease infections per year from 30,000 to over 300,000 new Lyme––overnight, those of us in the know understood that they were getting the public ready to accept this upcoming vaccine with open arms and a sense of relief. In other words, scare the public just enough to make them open to wanting this product without causing mass panic nationwide or worldwide. And without having to explain their denial to date.
Let it be known that 300,000 cases per year makes Lyme disease almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common than HIV/AIDS. So why is it that Lyme sufferers receive far more support and guidance from their fellow Lyme sufferers on Facebook than in any doctor’s office? Where are the Public Service Announcements that have not been issued by the government, the CDC, the IDSA? Why are infectious disease doctors most notorious for their denial of chronic Lyme disease?
Policy drivers have remained fixated on surveillance of ticks and the early, non-disseminated, acute stage of Lyme disease, rather than the millions of Lyme patients who have become disabled from prolonged exposure to infection and have become incapacitated. This class of patients have been widely ignored causing sufferers to have to go it alone, fight the medical system, experiencing denial of their illness and complete medical abandonment. Those in the know will tell you that Lyme disease can and often does become a life altering infection if not treated immediately. Just ask Duke University Professor Neil Spector, who required a heart transplant after experiencing four years of undiagnosed-untreated Lyme disease. Or Dr. Alfred Miller, a retired Mayo Clinic rheumatologist whose daughter-in-law was diagnosed with ALS at age 43 which spurred him to discover links between Lyme and ALS.
In 1993, the ‘Lyme Cabal’ were in Phase I and II of their OspA LYMErix vaccine trials.
What is OspA? Outer surface protein A transmitted by two types of dirty needles––the shed blebs of the spirochete (aka tick phylum) and the vaccine LYmerix. OspA detonates the immune system creating the same disease outcome regardless of which way it’s transmitted.
Make no mistake! The Lyme Cabal knew as early as Phase I trials that their OspA vaccine would cause the same disease as the tick-borne illness.
Ergo—their master plan … to create a definition of Lyme disease that would fit their upcoming vaccine model and thereby get the vaccine approved and to market.
So …in 1994, the CDC hosted a consensus conference in Dearborn, MI, along with a dozen labs across the country and together they falsified the very definition of Lyme disease by eliminating the neurological, immunosuppressive type which account for 85% of the cases.
If they conveniently ‘determined’ that the 85% group – those with an immunosuppression neurological outcome––simply did NOT exist, then they could claim that their vaccine was 85% effective. With no immunosuppressive, neurological disease to find, then the vaccine would be a hit with the remaining 15% who presented with an arthritic, bad-knee type only. A brilliant marketing scheme at the expense of millions worldwide for the years to come.
You see, you CANNOT create a vaccine for an OspA fungal antigen -- the TRUE definition of chronic Lyme. It can’t be done. And the OspA vaccination known as LYMErix caused the same disease from a syringe as it does when you get Lyme disease from a tick bite. LYMErix victim’s immune systems were destroyed by the vaccine because OspA is an endotoxin that causes immunosuppression and subsequent severe neurologic multi-system disease.
So by narrowing the definition and by claiming that only one type of the disease (the bad knee arthritic type) exists, then they could sell a vaccine. Not only that. They were also able to profit by limiting the number of labs that were sanctioned and thereby cornering the market on the patents of a variety of tick borne diseases
In 1998, the FDA approved a new recombinant Lyme vaccine, LYMErix™.
This OspA vaccine was in the end the very thing, the very fungal antigen, the very TLR2-agonist (structure equaling function), that caused the New Great Imitator outcomes of MS, ALS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, and more.
LYMErix did not produce antibodies. It is a fungal antigen. It activates latent herpesviruses, which are basically the main drivers of the MS and Lupus outcomes. And OspA-induced tolerance to similar TLR2-agonists causing the ALS and Chronic Fatigue outcomes (mycoplasma bear OspA-like antigens).
LYMErix vaccine (and the Tuberculosis vaccines) all failed because they caused immunosuppression, no antibodies, and they made the victims more susceptible to other infections.
The LYMErix vaccine caused the same disease that us tick bite sepsis victims know as “Chronic Lyme disease”. It was not taken off the market due to low sales. The manufacturer SmithKline Beecham was given an ultimatum in 2002 by the FDA to take it off the market or they would.
Why would the Lyme cabal purposely create a Lyme vaccine that is harmful. Well, first and foremost, there is a matter of patents and profits. Secondly, in order to get the vaccine to market, they have to show that the vaccine will create antibodies to produce a certain level of protection. And it is only when these lipids are exposed (OspA) that the immune system will see them and cause an immune response. "Falsify some data, throw out those volunteers, and do whatever you have to to make the data fit the scientific narrative." says Truthcures activist Beaux Reliosis. Here is a relatively new scientific report confirming that this is the case.
The falsified definition of Lyme disease created by the Lyme Cabal in 1994 followed by the driving force of this criminal act – their precious LYMErix vaccine – is the entire reason that millions world-over are suffering from this holy hell and why infectious disease doctors everywhere will tell you that ‘there is not such thing as chronic Lyme, it’s no more than a nuisance disease, it’s all in your head, it’s the celebrities creating hype and drama that is really the root of the problem.’ Those celebrities. Shame.
In case you’re interested, here are just a few of the LYMErix victims’ stories.
And this: “A wide range of neurological complications have been reported via the medical literature and the VAERS system after vaccination with recombinant outer surface protein A (OspA) of Borrelia. To explore this issue, 24 patients reporting neurological adverse events (AE) after vaccination with Lymerix, out of a group of 94 patients reporting adverse events after Lymerix vaccination, were examined for causation. Five reports of cerebral ischemia, two transient Ischemic attacks, five demyelinating events, two optic neuritis, two reports of transverse myelitis, and one non-specific demyelinating condition are evaluated in this paper.”
Bottom line: OspA is Pam3Cys. TLR2/1 fungal endotoxins cannot be a vaccine.*%20or%20p3c)%20and%20(immune%20suppression%20or%20tolerance)
And NOW, The French company Valneva is starting their phase 1 trials here in the United States and in Belgium this year.
Another version of the very same Osp vaccine.
What they fail to mention is that OspA is Pam3Cys. Which leads to immunosuppression and immune tolerance, reactivated viruses (EBV and CMV, Herpes) and opportunistic infections, multiple severe neurologic diseases occurring simultaneously, post-sepsis syndrome. A B-Cell AIDS destroying the lives of millions.
This new ‘fast-tracked” Lyme vaccine will represent just one more chapter in this global medical holocaust we know as chronic Lyme. We're all doing our best to warn YOU––the unsuspecting public––that you can't vaccinate against an OspA fungal antigen. It can't be done.
It will do nothing more than make you sick with permanent immunosuppression … and a life of hell.
Why would BigPharma want to 'sell' yet another OspA vaccine and risk making people sick? Your guess is as good as mine but we always know that our best bet is to follow the money. Enough time has passed since LYMErix. They've worked very hard to blame the victims for the last fiasco and take no responsibility. They've created just enough public concern about this so-called 'nuisance disease' that people will be lining up to get it. They are in a good space right now to bring a new vaccine to market and make a fortune. As long as they figure out how to mitigate some of the damage this time, they will walk away with a huge money-maker, and––yes––with casualties that they can once again blame on anti-vaxxers, Lyme loonies, and the media.
For the most part, the medical powers that be do NOT have your best interests at heart. Certainly not when it comes to chronic Lyme disease. They have too much to hide and nothing to gain by allowing it to come out from behind the well-placed forty year shadows. The medical-industrial complex is designed to make money. Period. It is not designed to make people well or to be concerned about public good.
Remember this. Do your research. Listen to those suffering. And think about whether it makes any sense that millions of people would be faking their illness for some personal gain and allow their lives to be destroyed for what?
Above all, read, research, ask questions, challenge your doctors, and think long and hard before you allow yourself or your loved ones to be forever destroyed by this up-and-coming Lyme vaccine.
Lori Dennis, MA, RP is a Registered Psychotherapist and the author of LYME MADNESS, named #1 NEW RELEASE in Immune System Health on Amazon. LYME MADNESS is available on Amazon. For more information on Lyme Madness, go to
Around 2,000 reported side effects after using Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine have determined Japanese government officials to withdraw Gardasil from the market in 2013, despite the vaccine being highly promoted in the United States and now approved by the European Union.
“Japanese health officials have recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions – hundreds of them serious,” reported Judicial Watch, the Washington-based corruption watchdog that has been monitoring the effects – and health costs – of the drug’s use in the United States for years.
“The alarming reports have led Japan’s government to take action, suspending recommendation for the controversial vaccine which is billed as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).”
“The U.S. government has taken the opposite approach amid equally alarming cases of serious side effects. Not only does the Obama administration continue recommending the vaccine (Gardasil), it spends large sums of taxpayer dollars promoting it and works hard to keep details involving its dangers secret.”
The side effects of using Gardasil include seizures, brain damage, blindness, paralysis, speech problems, pancreatitis and short-term memory loss, while other patients have died after taking the vaccine. Gardasil is given to little girls and costs around $600 per patient.
The organization confirmed that in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare warned local governments that the HPV vaccine should not be recommended amid safety concerns.
Japan’s officials had paid more than $187 million for “urgent HPV vaccination programs” for girls between 11 and 14 and visited junior high schools to promote the vaccine.
“Since the government began offering girls HPV shots, 1,968 adverse events were reported, including 358 that were evaluated as serious by a JMLHW committee. Parents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth,” Judicial Watch reported.
The damage payments of nearly $6 million covered only some of the 200 claims that have been filed to date.
23.) Vaccines do NOT cause injuries, according to House Resolution 327
(NaturalHealth365) The introduction of House Resolution 327 for consideration by the U.S. House of Representatives marks an attempt to take the vaccine injury cover-up to a whole new level. This action is indicative of the level of dangerous cluelessness and brainwashing being directed at the American public, as it relates to the dangers of vaccines.
This new resolution also highlights the influence of money some of these legislators are likely receiving from big pharma. House Resolution 327 asserts that there is “no credible evidence” to show vaccines cause disabling or life-threatening diseases in healthy adults or children.
This is just one of its numerous demonstrably false claims.
U.S. House members ignore the negative side effects of vaccines
The resolution was introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, CA) and is co-sponsored by at least 33 of his colleagues so far. These legislators are apparently unfamiliar with even basic vaccine facts and policy. Vaccine product inserts and the federal government’s own data list numerous vaccine side effects and the potential for vaccine injury.
The fact that the vaccine companies themselves warn about the risk of possible vaccine injury to both children and adults in otherwise good health should be reason enough to negate this resolution. However, the individuals behind the draft also seem to be unaware of the billions of dollars paid out by the vaccine court to the families of vaccine-injured children.
The vaccine court, or National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, has ruled for the plaintiffs in thousands of vaccine injury claims. This court has paid out over $3.5 billion in damages thus far since its founding in 1986.
House Resolution 327 calls vaccine side effects and risks “unfounded”
If vaccines are as safe as Schiff and his colleagues seem to believe, then why do vaccine companies and doctors seek liability protection from vaccine injuries? The resolution itself admits that vaccine recipients must be “monitored for adverse events” after vaccine shots are given.
House Resolution 327 also has the gall to call efforts toward vaccine safety and education the dissemination of “unfounded and debunked” theories about vaccine dangers and their risk to public health. You can read the entire text of House Resolution 327 here. (Notice how it reads like a press release issued by a vaccine company).
Full link here:
Fortunately, House Resolutions do not go directly to the Senate or President for consideration as a law even if passed. However, they are considered preferred policy positions and statements of consensus of the House of Representatives.
Take action: Contact your U.S. House representative
The fact that this resolution contains such outrageously flawed language and positions is disturbing to say the least. House Resolution 327 would enshrine demonstrably incorrect information about vaccines as preferred U.S. House of Representatives policy.
Numerous elements of the document can be easily refuted just by referencing the long list of publicly documented vaccine side effects and injuries.
Anyone who wishes to take action and voice their opposition regarding this resolution may do so by finding and messaging their House member directly. Contact information for U.S. House of Representatives members can be accessed here
24.) H. RES. 327
1st Session
Recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States.
May 16, 2017
Mr. Schiff (for himself, Mr. Marino, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Engel, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mr. Foster, Mr. Lowenthal, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Langevin, Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, Mr. Cooper, Ms. DeLauro, Mr. Garamendi, Mr. Blumenauer, Ms. DeGette, Mr. Grijalva, Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Ms. Eshoo, and Mr. Dent) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States.
Whereas the contributions of Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner to the discovery of the principles of vaccination and immunology are among the most consequential health findings in human history;
Whereas vaccines have made it possible for the world to have eradicated smallpox, saving approximately 5 million lives annually, and for the international community to be on the brink of eradicating polio and to have saved an estimated 5 million people from this incurable disease over the past 2 decades,
Whereas vaccines have dramatically reduced the spread of many more crippling and potentially life-threatening diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella, and vaccines prevent the spread of commonly infectious and potentially fatal diseases such as chickenpox, shingles, influenza, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningococcal disease, pneumococcal, rotavirus, and whooping cough (pertussis);
Whereas the scientific and medical communities are in overwhelming consensus that vaccines are both effective and safe, and the dissemination of unfounded, and debunked, theories about the dangers of vaccinations pose a great risk to public health, and scientifically sound education and outreach campaigns about vaccination and immunization are fundamental for a well-informed public;
Whereas an estimated 43,000 adults and 300 children die annually from vaccine-preventable diseases or their complications in the United States, and the health and livelihood of young children, seniors, individuals with immunodeficiency disorders, and those who cannot be vaccinated, is particularly compromised by communities with low vaccination rates;
Whereas substantial research has shown that vaccination is a highly cost-effective form of preventive medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that vaccinations will save nearly $295 billion in direct costs and $1.38 trillion in total societal costs in the United States;
Whereas vaccines in the United States undergo exhaustive safety testing before they are licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are monitored for adverse events after health care providers begin administering them to patients;
Whereas there are three post-marketing surveillance systems in the United States tracking adverse events after vaccination;
Whereas it is estimated that vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths among children born in the last 20 years, and that more than 100 million children all over the world are immunized each year and vaccines have saved an estimated 2.5 million children annually;
Whereas one in five children worldwide still lack access to even the most basic vaccines and, as a result, an estimated 1.5 million children a year die from vaccine-preventable conditions such as diarrhea and pneumonia or suffer from permanently debilitating illnesses;
Whereas a strong investment in medical research to improve existing vaccines and develop many more life-saving vaccines is beneficial to all, both at home and abroad, and a robust immunization infrastructure is essential to the public health and well-being of the people of the United States by preventing and isolating outbreaks of contagious diseases where they start;
Whereas encouraging high vaccination rates in the United States protects our citizens from contracting vaccine-preventable diseases that are pandemic in countries with low vaccination and immunization rates;
Whereas routine and up-to-date immunization is the most effective method available to prevent the infection and transmission of potentially fatal diseases; and
Whereas the United States has been a leader in promoting vaccinations around the world through the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and a host of other multilateral and nongovernmental organizations: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) commends the international community, global and domestic health organizations, the private sector, school and community leaders, and faith-based organizations for their tireless work and immense contributions to bolstering our global and domestic health through vaccination;
(2) affirms vaccines and immunizations save lives and are essential to maintain the public health, and the economic and national security of the people of the United States;
(3) recognizes that the lack of vaccination can cause a true public health crisis, and that there is no credible evidence to show that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases in healthy children or adults;
(4) encourages a continued commitment to research to improve vaccines and to develop new vaccines against other infectious and fatal diseases; and
(5) urges parents, in consultation with their health care provider, to follow the scientific evidence and consensus of medical experts in favor of timely vaccinations to protect their children and their community.
25.) Neurological complications of vaccination with outer surface protein A (OspA).
Int J Risk Saf Med. 2011;23(2):89-96. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2011-0527.
Marks DH1.
Author information
Department of Medicine, Cooper Green Mercy Hospital, Birmingham, AL, USA.
A wide range of neurological complications have been reported via the medical literature and the VAERS system after vaccination with recombinant outer surface protein A (OspA) of Borrelia. To explore this issue, 24 patients reporting neurological adverse events (AE) after vaccination with Lymerix, out of a group of 94 patients reporting adverse events after Lymerix vaccination, were examined for causation. Five reports of cerebral ischemia, two transient Ischemic attacks, five demyelinating events, two optic neuritis, two reports of transverse myelitis, and one non-specific demyelinating condition are evaluated in this paper. Caution is raised on not actively looking for neurologic AE, and for not considering causation when the incidence rate is too low to raise a calculable difference to natural occurence.
26.) Spirochetal Lipoproteins and Immune Evasion
Front Immunol. 2017; 8: 364.
Published online 2017 Mar 29. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00364
Alexei Christodoulides,1 Ani Boyadjian,1 and Theodoros Kelesidis1,*
Spirochetes are a major threat to public health. However, the exact pathogenesis of spirochetal diseases remains unclear. Spirochetes express lipoproteins that often determine the cross talk between the host and spirochetes. Lipoproteins are pro-inflammatory, modulatory of immune responses, and enable the spirochetes to evade the immune system. In this article, we review the modulatory effects of spirochetal lipoproteins related to immune evasion. Understanding lipoprotein-induced immunomodulation will aid in elucidating innate pathogenesis processes and subsequent adaptive mechanisms potentially relevant to spirochetal disease vaccine development and treatment.
27.) Does a New Hepatitis Vaccine Cause Heart Attacks?
by Milton Packer
August 02, 2017
The FDA has a really important question and wants your advice.
This is not a fairy tale. This is a real-life story.
Hepatitis B is a serious disease. A company (Dynavax) has a new hepatitis vaccine that induces hepatitis antibodies more vigorously than existing vaccines and does so after 2 doses (instead of the usual 3). The vaccine works through a unique adjuvant. The serological advantages of the Dynavax vaccine were demonstrated in a randomized trial of >8000 patients; about 5600 people received the new vaccine and about 2800 people received the existing standard.
Why does the FDA need your help?
In the trial, an acute myocardial infarction occurred in 14 people in the Dynavax group, but in only one person receiving the conventional vaccine. The events were confirmed by adjudication. Since the Dynavax group was twice as large, the risk of acute myocardial infarction in the trial was seven times greater with the new vaccine. The FDA wants to know if the new vaccine should be approved for use in millions of people.
What do you say? What recommendation would you make?
If you think this is just hypothetical, think again. On July 28, 2017, the FDA convened a public advisory committee meeting to consider this exact question. The members of the committee consisted primarily of experts in infectious diseases and immunology. I was the only cardiologist on the committee.
If the 14:1 imbalance was due to the play of chance, then the issue of myocardial infarction risk was spurious, and the vaccine should be approved. However, if the 14:1 imbalance reflected a real increase in cardiovascular risk, then approval of Dynavax vaccine would be problematic.
Was it biologically plausible for the new vaccine to cause heart attacks?
The new adjuvant in the vaccine caused an inflammatory response (of uncertain duration), and inflammation is an important cause of rupture of atherosclerotic plaques. So a causal linkage was not out of the question.
Was the imbalance in myocardial infarctions due to the play of chance?
That was a good question, but it was impossible to know. Many might think that calculation of a P value would help, but it wouldn't. P values have a place in clinical trials, but not when the number of events is so small and the number of comparisons is so great. So no one asked for or showed any P values during the meeting. Everyone agreed that statistics could not resolve the uncertainty.
If you wanted to know if the 14:1 imbalance represented a real risk, you needed more information. You needed comparative data in 50,000 people. The fastest way of obtaining that evidence was through a post-marketing trial. But a post-marketing trial was possible only if the vaccine was approved for public use.
So what recommendation would you have made to the FDA?
The FDA asked the committee if there was reasonable evidence that the vaccine was safe. On July 28, the committee vote 12-1 (with 3 abstentions) in favor of the safety of the new vaccine. I was one of the three abstentions. Most of the committee believed that the vaccine's serological advantages outweighed the uncertainty, but the vote is non-binding. The FDA will decide on the new vaccine by August 10.
Why did I abstain? Based on the available data, it was impossible for anyone to know if the imbalance in myocardial infarctions was real or spurious. So although the question was fascinating and the discussion was terrific, my vote wasn't that complicated.
There is a simple rule in life: if you don't know, you should say that you don't know.
28.) FDA extends review on Dynavax's Heplisav-B, but management remains confident
The fate of hepatitis B vaccine candidate Heplisav-B has sent developer Dynavax’s shares, and its investors, on a wild ride in recent days. A request by the FDA for more details of the vaccine’s postmarketing surveillance plan sent the company's stock slightly downward, but both management and analysts said they remain confident in approval.
Given the closeness of the FDA's action date for the vaccine on August 10, Dynavax said that after discussion with the agency they have agreed to extend the review date for up to three months to finalize details of the postmarketing study.
The agency’s request mainly centers on ensuring accurate, timely collection of real-world safety data from Heplisav-B use.
During an analyst call Thursday afternoon, Dynavax CEO Eddie Gray stressed that the FDA’s request is “wholly consistent with” what the agency's expert panel had expressed earlier in the week. During that panel, experts voted 12 to 1 in favor of the shot’s safety profile, a result that sent Dynavax’s stock to a one-year high. But the panel also raised concerns about the proposed design of the surveillance program.
RELATED: Heplisav-B approval ‘highly probable’ as FDA Advisory Committee favors Dynavax on third try
“This delay … does not in any way impact our confidence that the vaccine should be approved or our internal launch plans and timeline,” Gray said during the call.
Perhaps because the issue was already well expressed during the FDA panel discussion, Dynavax's share price is gradually recovering from a slight slip Friday. At least one analyst shared Dynavax’s optimism.
“[W]e don’t view this delay as fundamentally changing the narrative, and continue to see approval as a matter of when, not if,” RBC Capital Markets analyst Matthew Eckler wrote in a note to investors. “The recent positive FDA AdCom was a key derisking event for Heplisav-B, and given the vaccine’s superior profile, it has the potential to capture significant market share, as well as drive expansion.”
Eckler previously projected that the vaccine could reach peak U.S. sales of $290 million in 2026.
Under the current plan, Dynavax is aiming to launch the shot, a challenger to GlaxoSmithKline’s Engerix-B, in the U.S. in early 2018. It's proposing to conduct the phase 4 study in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente Northern California to monitor medical records for 20,000 Heplisav-B recipients against 20,000 others who receive the GSK shot during a 12-month follow-up. It's likely that cardiac incidents, for which an imbalance was seen in a phase 3 study, will be the main focus.
Gray added that the company is on track to present to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at their meeting in late October, even if it’s before the Nov. 10 FDA decision deadline.
29.) Can Hib Vaccine Cause Injury?
Mild side effects such as redness, warmth, or swelling where the shot was given have been reported in connection with administration of Hib vaccines. Fever over 101 degrees F may occur, and can last two to three days. Sysemic reactions include irritability and lethargy. However, more severe reactions have also been reported in both clinical trials with all of the vaccines as well as to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
According to (a searchable VAERS database) as of June 2012, there have been 12,140 serious adverse events reported to VAERS in connection with all Hib vaccines combined. Most of this number were children under age 3 (11,278). Serious reactions included deaths (471) and such things as anaphylactic reaction, asthma, pneumonia, convulsions, noninfectious encephalitis, acute pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, sepsis, seizures, cerebral edema.
In clinical trials the severity of adverse reactions varied depending on which vaccine was given, and which other vaccines were given with them at the same time. Some of the events reported by the manufacturers included:
ActHIB — tenderness, erythema, induration, fever, irritability, drowsiness, anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting; when combined with DTP vaccine by reconstitution, adverse reactions included: tenderness, erythema, induration, fever, irritability, drowsiness, anorexia, diarrhea, persistent crying, and one hypotonic/hypresponsive episode (which is consistent with the HHE rate observed with DTP vaccination alone)
Hiberix — when co-administered with DTaP-HBV-IPV: redness, pain and swelling at injection site, fever, fussiness, loss of appetite, restlessness, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting; post-marketing reported adverse events included extensive swelling of the vaccinated limb, anaphylactic reactions, angioedema, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode, syncope, apnea, rash, urticarial, somnolence.
PedvaxHIB — adverse events during clinical trials included irritability, sleepiness, injection siter pain/soreness, erythema, swelling induration, unusual high-pitched crying, prolonged crying (more than 4 hours), diarrhea, vomiting, crying, pain, otitis media, rash, and upper respiratory infection; potential adverse events may include early onset of Hib disease and Guillain-Barre syndrome; in post-marketing, reported adverse events included lymphadenopathy, angioedema, febrile seizures and injection site abscess.
Comvax — (children in clinical trials were monitored five days) with the most frequently cited events being mild, transient signs and symptoms of inflammation at the injection site, pain/soreness, erythema, swelling, induration, somnolence, irritability, anorexia, vomiting, otitis media, fever, diarrhea, upper respiratory infection, rash, rhinorrhea, respiratory congestion, cough, candidiasis; in post-marketing: anaplylaxis, angioedema, urticarial, erythema multiforme, thrombocytopenia, seizure, febrile seizures, lymphadenopathy, pruritus, arthralgia, dyspnea, tachycardia, syncope, elevation of liver enzymes, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, arthritis, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, agitation, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, alopecia, conjunctivitis, visual disturbances.
Pentacel — redness, swelling, tenderness at injection site, increase in arm circumference (dose 4), fever, lethargy, inconsolable crying, fussiness, irritability, hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, seizures, febrile seizures, bronchiolitis, dehydration, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, asthma, pneumonia, encephalopathy, and four deaths attributed to asphyxia due to suffocation, head trauma, Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS), and neuroblastoma; in post-marketing, reported adverse events included cyanosis, vomiting, diarrhea, extensive swelling of injected limb including swelling that involved adjacent joints, invasive Hib disease (classified as vaccine failure), rash, urticarial, meningitis, rhinitis, viral infection, decreased appetitie, somnolence, HHE, depressed level of consciousness, screaming, apnea, cough, erythema, skin discoloroation, and pallor.
MenHibrix — redness, swelling and pain at injection site, irritability, drowsiness, loss of appetitie, fever, and syncope. For more severe reactions such as nervous system disorders and other serious events, the manufacturer referred to reactions reported by the use of Hiberix rather than its own vaccine. It is not known whether MenHibrix can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or whether it can affect reproduction capacity. 1
Besides the deaths reported in the clinical trials, deaths have been recorded in post-marketing reports as well. In fact, an open letter to Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, in March 2012 calls attention to the deaths the author says are connected with the pentavalent (DPT + Hib + Hepatitis B vaccine in India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Pakistan.2 The authors add that the cause of the problem is unrelated to the brand or manufacturer or lot of the vaccine:
“It appears to be a form of ‘hypersensitivity reaction’ as described in the post mortem report on one of the children in Kerala. The vaccine can be administered to many patients without problems and there is no available method at present to predict which infant will react adversely.”
In a pediatric safety and use review of Pentacel in February 2010 the U.S. FDA discussed reported adverse reactions attributed to the vaccine in post-marketing, noting that Pentacel is now marketed in 11 countries, and there have been no safety-related labeling revisions. At the meeting, the FDA reported that 775 adverse reactions, 177 of which were considered serious including 26 deaths, had been reported to VAERS in connection with Pentacel between June 20, 2008 (when Pentacel was licensed) and October 31, 2009. The deaths were attributed to SIDS (12 cases), congenital/genetic conditions, respiratory infections, positional asphyxia, anoxic encephalopathy, cardiac arrest of undetermined etiology, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, two deaths of undetermined cause, one death with no records obtainable, and two deaths with information pending.
The FDA said the SIDS reports “do not raise any concerns about a causal relationship with Pentacel.” The FDA also quoted the Institue of Medicine, which reviewed the data, and the IOM said: “The evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between exposure to multiple vaccines and SIDS.” The FDA noted that “the sponsor is voluntarily conducting a descriptive, epidemiological safety surveillance study that will include at least 10,000 Pentacel recipients” with comparison groups of infants who receive other DTaP-containing products.3
Antigenuria has been reported after receipt of purified capsular polysaccharide H. influenza b vaccine. In one reported case, a 27-month-old child developed asceptic meningitis two days after getting the vaccine. Tests revealed that antigenuria was secondary to the vaccination.4,5,6None of the vaccines have been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.