miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017



Virus del  zika,  Microcefalia y Mosquitos Transgénicos. 

Zika virus, Microcephaly and Transgenic Mosquitoes. 




   Virus del Zika, Erupción antebrazoss





Hola amigos de la red DERMAGIC EXPRESS de nuevo con ustedes con un tema bien caliente: EL ZIKA, LA MICROCEFALIA Y LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS. El virus del ZIKA pertenece a la familia FLAVIVIDIRAE, genero FLAVIVIRUS, y clasificados como ARBOVIRUS. 

Aislado por primera vez en primates en el año 1.947 en el mono RHESUS macaco, procedente de ZIKA una selva tropical de UGANDA cerca del Lago Victoria, de allí su nombre. Un año despues en 1.948 fue aislado del mosquito AEDES AFRICANUM, y en 1.952 fue reportada la infeccion en humanos tambien en UGANDA mediante un muestreo de sueros donde se encontro el virus.

Posteriormente se descubrió que el mosquitos AEDES AEGYPTUS y AEDES ALBOPICTUS, también transmiten el virus. 

Pero el primer caso verdadero de aislamiento del virus del ZIKA fue en el año 1.964 por el científico SIMPSON, quien se inyecto a si mismo cuando estaba aislando el virus de mosquitos infectados.

Desde el primer reporte en 1.952 el virus comenzo a diseminarse lentamente entre la poblacion de esas regiones de AFRICA, y hasta 2.007 solo fueron reportados 13 casos de infeccion humana en AFRICA y el SUDESTE ASIATICO. Es muy importante que conozcas este dato.

En abril del 2.007 se reporta el primer brote de ZIKA fuera de África en las islas del Pacifico (Micronesia), específicamente la ISLA de YAP. Posteriormente aparece otro brote en la POLINESIA FRANCESA en los años 2.013-2.014. En el año 2.015 aparece en AMERICA DEL SUR, principalmente BRASIL y COLOMBIA, también VENEZUELA y resto de paises de Suramérica. En 2.015 también el ZIKA hace su aparición en los ESTADOS UNIDOS. En 2.016 es reportado en las ANTILLAS FRANCESAS. 

Desde 2.015 el CDC DE ATLANTA (Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades) reporta entre 440.000 - 1.300.000 posibles casos de ZIKA en BRASIL. Para el 19 de Enero 2.016, los paises: EL SALVADOR, VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, BRASIL, SURINAM, GUAYANA FRANCESA, HONDURAS, MEJICO Y PANAMA, son declaradas zonas con epidemia activa. 

Continuando con estos datos HISTORICOS sobre el ZIKA, en el año 2.008 se reporta el primer caso de transmisión sexual del virus, en el 2.014 se reporta el Síndrome de Guillan Barre post Infección del ZIKA virus, en el 2.015 la MICROCEFALIA en niños nacidos de embarazadas contagiadas con ZIKA.
En los ESTADOS UNIDOS se hizo un estudio desde Enero de 2.015 hasta 27 de Diciembre de 2.016 el cual reporto 1.297 embarazadas de 44 Estados con infección relacionada al ZIKA. De 972 fetos o niños nacidos (embarazo completo) se reportaron 51 casos (5%) con defectos al nacer potencialmente asociados al ZIKA. Las anormalidades al nacer fueron principalmente la MICROCEFALIA y otras como defectos oculares, del cerebro, tubo neural y disfunciones neurológicas. 



Haciendo un repaso histórico de la familia FLAVIVIRUS tenemos que: Flaviviridae incluye DENGUE, virus del NILO OCCIDENTALZIKA, ENCEFALITIS JAPONESA y virus de la FIEBRE AMARILLA. 


Virus zika erupción mano y antebrazo


 1.) ZIKA: transmitido por mosquitos Aedes Aegypus y Albopictus. El virus atraviesa la placenta, asociado con defectos al nacer principalmente MICROCEFALIA, no se trasmite por la lactación, transmitido también por transfusiones sanguíneas. NO HAY VACUNA para prevenir. SE TRANSMITE POR RELACIONES SEXUALES. 

2.) FIEBRE AMARILLA: transmitida por mosquitos Aedes Aegypus y Albopictus, puede haber transmisión placentaria, un solo caso de niño reportado que murió al nacer. (EXISTE VACUNA). NO SE TRANSMITE POR RELACIONES SEXUALES. 

3.) ENCEFALITIS JAPONESA: transmitida por los mosquitos: Culex tritaeniorhynchus y Culex vishnui, atraviesa la placenta, asociado con defectos al nacer. (EXISTE VACUNA, aprobada en 2.013), NO SE TRANSMITE POR RELACIONES SEXUALES. 

4.) FIEBRE DEL NILO OCCIDENTAL: Trasmitida por los mosquitos: Culex pipiens Culex tarsalis y Culex quinquefasciatus, poca probabilidad de atravesar la placenta. Trasmitido también por transfusiones sanguíneas, la lactancia y trasplante de órganos. No se han descrito defectos al nacer (NO HAY VACUNA PARA HUMANOS SI PARA CABALLOS), NO SE TRANSMITE POR RELACIONES SEXUALES.

5.) DENGUE: Trasmitida por los mosquitos Aedes Aegypus, Aedes Albopictus, Aedes. polynesiensis y Aedes scutellaris. El virus atraviesa la placenta, pero no esta asociado con defectos al nacer, también se transmite por transfusiones sanguíneas y trasplante de órganos (NO EXISTE VACUNA), NO SE TRASNMITE POR RELACIONES SEXUALES. 

Déjame recordarte antes de continuar, que los mosquitos AEDES AEGYPTUS Y ALBOPICTUS además del ZIKA, DENGUE Y FIEBRE AMARILLA, transmiten la enfermedad viral CHIKUNGUNYA originaria de TANZANIA la cual también fue epidémica en las AMERICAS en los últimos años.

De estas tres, FIEBRE AMARILLA TIENE VACUNA, quedan ZIKA DENGUE Y CHIKUNGUNYA QUE NO TIENEN VACUNA, de las cuales DENGUE Y CHIKUNGUNYA no producen DAÑOS AL FETO, aun siendo reportada su transmisión transplacentaria. 

ENTONCES SOLO QUEDA EL ZIKA (involucrado a daños fetales) de la familia FLAVIVIDIRAE para nuestras regiones de AMERICA, porque la ENCEFALITIS JAPONESA y LA FIEBRE DEL NILO en AMERICA del SUR no han sido reportados casos autóctonos, probablemente sus vectores, mosquitos del genero CULEX, no sobreviven en estos climas, al contrario del genero AEDES. 

En ESTADOS UNIDOS se reportaron en 2.016 unos 2.038 casos de FIEBRE DEL NILO, de los cuales, 1.140 (56%) fueron clasificados como enfermedad neuro invasiva. 

Te estoy narrando toda esta HISTORIA para que entiendas muy bien lo que ahora te voy a explicar, y tiene que ver con LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS. 


Lo primero que comienzo en decirte es que existe una compañía de nominada OXITEC, la cual creo unos mosquitos genéticamente modificados para combatir el DENGUE, este mosquito es conocido con el nombre CODIGO DE OX513A, el mosquito fue liberado en BRASIL en el año 2.015, en JUAZEIRO, el sitio donde se han reportado el mayor numero de casos de MICROCEFALIA y defectos congénitos. 

Los estudios sobre esta modificación genética comenzaron en 2.010, y ya para esa fecha se decía que un 3 - 4% de estos mosquitos podría sobrevivir. 
Pero realmente este mosquito fue creado en el año 2.012 e iba a ser liberado en PANAMA para luchar contra el DENGUE HEMORRAGICO en esa zona. Este plan fue abortado debido a que el numero de casos en dicha localidad no era tan numeroso. 


Virus zika, mosquitos transgenicos

Este mosquito (MACHO) con el genoma modificado fundamentalmente fecunda a mosquitos hembras que darán nacimiento a una generación de mosquitos que "SUPUESTAMENTE" morirán antes de llegar a la edad adulta. Esta es la base de la creación del mosquito OX513A.

Se utilizo para ello el mosquito del genero AEDES AEGYPTUS o ALBOPICTUS. Recordemos que estos mosquitos trasmiten DENGUE, CHIKUNGUNYA Y ZIKA. "Una maravilla", un mosquito "TERMINATOR", que acabaría con estas epidemias al disminuir la población de sus congéneres. 

El mosquito es una cepa macho que al acoplarse a la hembra dará una generación de mosquitos que teóricamente no llegara a la fase adulta SI EL ANTIBIOTICO TETRACICLINA NO ESTA PRESENTE EN SU DESARROLLO. Que significa esto ??? 

LA TETRACICLINA ES EL ANTIDOTO que evita que EL MOSQUITO MUERA genéticamente y pueda desarrollarse y ser posteriormente liberado. Esto es lo que explica la compañía OXITEC en relacion a como fueron creados los mosquitos. 

Este evento de la TETRACICLINA fue comentado por la misma compañía OXITEC quien refirió que en presencia de tetraciclina aun en bajas cantidades el mosquito TRANSGENICO podía sobrevivir en un 15% aproximadamente y fecundar a otras hembras lo cual aumentaría la población de mosquitos. 

Incluso en ausencia del antibiótico tetraciclina, una “subpoblación” de los mosquitos Aedes genéticamente modificados en teoría podría desarrollarse y prosperar, “capaz de sobrevivir y prosperar a pesar de las nuevas” versiones de mosquitos transgénicos 'puros' que todavía tienen ese gen intacto. 

Este evento te lo estoy contando porque BRASIL es el tercer pais del mundo consumidor de TETRACICLINAS en el campo agrario. Ya este evento habla por si solo de que el MOSQUITO TRANSGENICO iba a ser un fracaso EN BRASIL antes de ser liberado, pues la presencia de TETRACICLINAS EN AGUAS Y SUELOS permitiría al mosquito sobrevivir. Aun así lo hicieron.
Por otra parte debemos recordar que desde que el ZIKA fue descubierto en 1.947 a través de los años y como pudiste leer, los brotes fueron esporádicos y NUNCA SE REPORTO CASOS DE MICROCEFALIA NI TRANSMISION A TRAVES DE RELACIONES SEXUALES hasta el año 2.015 cuando fueron liberados estos mosquitos transgénicos.

El primer caso de ZIKA en BRASIL fue reportado en 2.015, y asi como de la nada aparecio una EPIDEMIA A GRAN ESCALA afectado a paises vecinos como VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA y resto de suramerica, repito año en que fueron "LIBERADOS" los mosquitos transgenicos.

Con respecto a la MICROCEFALIA, se reportaron 4.000 casos en BRASIL, la mayoría de la localidad de JUAZEIRO donde fueron liberados los mosquitos transgénicos. Y como te dije desde que existe el ZIKA pasaron mas de 65 años donde nunca SE REPORTO ESTA MALFORMACION ASOCIADA AL ZIKA. 

Científicos dicen que la MICROCEFALIA también es producida por falta de vitamina C y pesticidas contaminantes de aguas y productos comestibles procedentes de la agricultura. He aquí el punto álgido del tema: 

1.) Algunos autores defienden la teoria de que NO FUE EL ZIKA CAUSANTE DE LOS CASOS DE MICROCEFALIA EN BRASIL, sino los pesticidas utilizados en la agricultura.

2.) Otros se pronuncian POR LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS y los culpan de la gran epidemia que azoto a toda suramerica. 

Haciendo una pausa mientras escribo estos EXPEDIENTES SECRETOS, me recordé de la famosa película JURASIK PARK y WORLD donde fueron creados genéticamente DINOSAURIOS, los cuales presentaron un comportamiento diferente al esperado. Al final un total desastre tratando de salvarse todos, de estos DINOSAURIOS dotados con una inteligencia especial. 

Con los mosquitos TRANSGENICOS, probablemente ocurrió lo mismo, en lugar de ¨SALVADORES¨, se convirtieron EN ¨DISEMINADORES¨ de la enfermedad. 

Por otra parte 4.000 casos de MICROCEFALIA casi todos pertenecientes al área donde fueron liberados LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS da mucho que hablar: 



En otros paises circundantes los casos de MICROCEFALIA REPORTADOS son muy pocos en relacion a los 4.000 reportados en BRASIL, quizá el que le sigue fue COLOMBIA con 200 casos, pero no todos de una misma zona como el caso de BRASIL. 
Incluso se reportaron casos en los ESTADOS UNIDOS que es un pais bien estricto en lo que respecta a sus estudios científicos.  

SERA QUE LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS fueron liberados por "ETAPAS" desde el año en que comenzaron los BROTES ? para justificar que se avecinaba una epidemia en gran escala. Por supuesto ESTADOS UNIDOS no lo podían dejar afuera. Nadie se quedo afuera. 

Otro detalle es el aspecto en relacion A LA TRANSMISION A TRAVES DE RELACIONES SEXUALES. NINGUNO, REPITO NINGUNO DE LOS VIRUS DE LA FAMILIA FLAVIVIDIRAE, se transmite a través del sexo, EXCEPTO EL VIRUS ZIKA, por eso te puse mas arriba las características de LOS VIRUS FLAVIVIRUS. 

Aquí es donde te digo que la MANIPULACION GENETICA DE ESTOS MOSQUITOS PUDO ocasionar una mutación genética en el ARN del virus ZIKA y darle mayor VIRULENCIA con capacidad de transmitirse a través de la relacion sexual. 

Científicos comparan la EPIDEMIA del ZIKA con la del A1HN1, donde se demostró que este virus fue patentado en un LABORATORIO. Epidemias temporales que buscan crear pánico, disminuir la población, utilizar VACUNAS para hacer dinero o enfermarte a través de ellas. (probado están los innumerables efectos adversos ocasionados por la vacunas contra A1HN1) .

Y una bonita manera de evitar la superpoblación es el aspecto de TRANSMISION A TRAVES DE RELACIONES SEXUALES, utilizar el CONDON, abortos terapéuticos en embarazadas con ZIKA, en fin panico colectivo en las embarazadas con el aspecto de la MICROCEFALIA.

Si te lees las referencias bibliográficas te encontraras que hay estudios científicos que comprueban los aspectos del ZIKA VIRUS que conté al principio. pero también te puse las referencias donde te cuento el aspecto de LOS MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS. 

QUIERES MI OPINION ? te la voy a dar:  

1.) Son demasiados casos DE MICROCEFALIA en BRASIL (4.000) para atribuírselos todos al ZIKA. 

2.) Con respecto a la transmisión a través de RELACIONES SEXUALES, respetando a todos estos científicos que como he dicho dan su vida por mejorar e informarnos con sus descubrimientos. NO CREO QUE SE TRASMITA EL ZIKA A TRAVES DEL SEXO, es mi opinión particular. 

La única manera que este virus ZIKA se transmita a través del sexo ES QUE HAYA CAMBIADO su ARN, en otras palabras hubo una mutación, ESPONTANEA O PROVOCADA. 

Y con respecto a los MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS, mosquito OX513A: 

3.) Opino que fue UN TOTAL DESASTRE GENETICO, y que los científicos o compañías como OXITEC no deberían estar jugando A JURASIK PARK O WORLD, para mejorar nuestra salud. De hecho la Organización mundial para la Salud (OMS) en su ultimo comunicado al respecto NO APRUEBA EL USO de esta practica para combatir las epidemias. 

También te cuento que hubo otro "EXPERIMENTO" de "LANZAR" mosquitos Aedes Aegyptus en BRASIL infectados con una bacteria llamada WOLBACHIA la cual inhibe la transmisión del ZIKA VIRUS para evitar la diseminación de la enfermedad. La OMS (Organización mundial para la Salud) hoy día tampoco aprueba esta practica.

Por cierto ayer, 19 Abril 2.017 fueron LIBERADOS 20.000 mil mosquitos machos Aedes Aegyptus, infectados con la bacteria WOLBACHIA en Miami Florida cerca de Cayo Hueso (sur de la Florida)  para "PROBAR" si este método funciona para combatir al virus del ZIKA. Como te explique anteriormente los insectos "CONTAMINADOS" fecundan las hembras y los huevos no llegan a desarrollarse. 

El Distrito de Control de Mosquitos de los Cayos de Florida (FKMCD) contrato a la compañía "MOSQUITOMATE" para ejecutar el trabajo, y estudia la posibilidad de recurrir a los MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS DE OXITEC, pero grupos ecologistas y vecinos se oponen. 

Leíste bien la palabra ? "PROBAR" si el método funciona. !!! 

Con apenas el primer reporte de ZIKA autóctono en la Florida hecho en 2.016 y unos 200 casos el Condado de Cayo Hueso se lanza esta "Aventura" o experimento, después del DESASTRE ocurrido en BRASIL con los MOSQUITOS TRANSGENICOS. 

Se les olvido  a la gente lo que recomendó recientemente la Organización Mundial para la Salud (OMS) acerca de estas practicas? 

Y me pregunto? Donde están los métodos clásicos para evitar las superpoblaciones de mosquitos que en tiempos pasados fueron tan efectivos ? 

Saque usted sus propias conclusiones !!! 

Para finalizar si eres mujer y estas embarazada, y adquiriste ZIKA VIRUS, realiza un seguimiento estricto del embarazo, para ver como evoluciona y asesórate bien sobre las malformaciones congénitas asociadas. Pienso que es la única manera de saber realmente si el aspecto MICROCEFALIA y otros defectos al nacer son una realidad con este VIRUS o una FALSEDAD, al igual con el tema de la transmisión a través de RELACIONES SEXUALES. 

Para darte una mejor documentación te voy a colocar la foto donde un LABORATORIO "orgullosamente" publico la PATENTE del virus AH1N1 causante de la "FAMOSA PANDEMIA MUNDIAL" de esta virosis, el cual DERMAGIC EXPRESS publico en 2.009 y donde quedo demostrado que se trato de un siniestro plan para disminuir la población mundial y crear pánico en la población. El famoso tema hoy discutido: ... 


AH1N1 Patente del virus 2008

" EL SOMETIMIENTO de la poblacion a manos de "LA PRIMERA ORDEN... o mas poderosos..."

 Representa el ZIKA VIRUS, la NUEVA "VERSION" de la AH1N1 ? solo el tiempo hablara ! 

Estos EXPEDIENTES SECRETOS son un tributo a BRASIL específicamente la localidad de JUAZEIRO donde por primera vez en la HISTORIA DE LA HUMANIDAD se pone en practica la MANIPULACIÓN GENÉTICA . 

Saludos a todos.

Dr. José Lapenta
Dr. José M. Lapenta.

Hello friends of the DERMAGIC EXPRESS network again with you with a hot topic: THE ZIKA VIRUS, MICROCEPHALY AND THE TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES. The ZIKA virus belongs to the family FLAVIVIDIRAE, genus FLAVIVIRUS, and classified as ARBOVIRUS.

First discovered in primates in the year 1.947 in the monkey RHESUS macacus coming from ZIKA a tropical forest of UGANDA near Lake Victoria, from there its name. One year later in 1.948 he was isolated from the AEDES AFRICANUM mosquito, and in 1.952 the infection in humans was also reported in UGANDA by a sample of sera where the virus was found.

Later it was discovered that the mosquitoes AEDES AEGYPTUS and AEDES ALBOPICTUS, also transmit the virus.

But the first true case of isolation of the ZIKA virus was in 1.964 by the scientist SIMPSON, who injected himself when he was isolating the virus from infected mosquitoes.

Since the first report in 1.952 the virus began to spread slowly among the population of these AFRICA regions, and until 2.007, only 13 cases of human infection were reported in AFRICA and SOUTHEAST ASIA. This is very important that you know this.

In April 2.007, the first outbreak of ZIKA outside of Africa in the Pacific Islands (Micronesia), specifically the YAP ISLAND, is reported. Another outbreak appears in FRENCH POLYNESIA in the years 2.013-2.014. In the year 2.015 appears in SOUTH AMERICA, mainly BRAZIL and COLOMBIA, also VENEZUELA and other countries of South America. In 2.015 also the ZIKA makes its appearance in the UNITED STATES. In 2.016 it is reported in the FRENCH ANTILLES.

Since 2.000, the CDC DE ATLANTA (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) reports between 440.000 - 1.300.000 possible cases of ZIKA in BRAZIL. For January 19, 2.016 the countries: EL SALVADOR, VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, BRAZIL, SURINAME, FRENCH GUIANA, HONDURAS, MEXICO and PANAMA, are declared areas with active epidemic.

Continuing with these HISTORICAL data on the ZIKA, in 2.008 the first case of sexual transmission of the virus is reported, in the year 2.014 Guillan Barre Syndrome is reported post ZIKA virus infection, in the 2.015 MICROCEPHALY in children born of pregnant women Infected with ZIKA.

In the US, a study was conducted from January 2.016 to December 27, 2.016, which reported 1.297 pregnant women from 44 States with ZIKA-related infection. Of 972 fetuses or children born (complete pregnancy) 51 cases (5%) were reported with birth defects associated with ZIKA. The abnormalities at birth were mainly the MICROCEPHALY, and others as ocular defects, of the brain, neural tube and neurological dysfunctions.



A historical review of the FLAVIVIRUS family we have: Flaviviridae includes DENGUE, WEST NILE FEVER virus, ZIKA, JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS and YELLOW FEVER virus.


Virus zika rash hand,  forearm
1.) ZIKA: transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes Aegypus and Albopictus. The virus crosses the placenta, associated with defects at birth mainly MICROCEPHALY, is not transmitted by lactation, also transmitted by blood transfusions. NO VACCINE to prevent. IS TRANSMITTED BY SEXUAL RELATIONS.

2.) YELLOW FEVER: transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes Aegypus and Albopictus, there may be placental transmission, a single case of a reported child who died at birth. (EXISTS VACCINE). NOT TRANSMITTED BY SEXUAL RELATIONS.

3.) JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS: transmitted by mosquitoes: Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui, crosses the placenta, associated with defects at birth. (THERE IS A VACCINE, approved in 2.013), NOT TRANSMITTED BY SEXUAL RELATIONS.

4.) WEST NILE FEVER: Transmitted by mosquitoes: Culex pipiens Culex tarsalis and Culex quinquefasciatus, little probablity to cross the placenta. Also transmitted by blood transfusions, lactation and organ transplantation. No birth defects have been described (NO HUMAN VACCINES, VACCINE FOR HORSES), NOT TRANSMITTED BY SEXUAL RELATIONS.

5.) DENGUE: Transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes Aegypus, Aedes Albopictus, Aedes. Polynesiensis and Aedes scutellaris. The virus crosses the placenta but is not associated with defects at birth, it is also transmitted by blood transfusions and organ transplantation (NO VACCINES), NOT TRANSMITTED BY SEXUAL RELATIONS.

Let me remind you before continuing, that the mosquitoes AEDES AEGYPTUS AND ALBOPICTUS in addition to the ZIKA, DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, transmit the viral disease CHIKUNGUNYA originating from TANZANIA which was also epidemic in the AMERICAS in the last years.

Of these three, YELLOW FEVER HAS A VACCINE, there remain ZIKA DENGUE AND CHIKUNGUNYA THAT DO NOT HAVE A VACCINE, of which DENGUE AND CHIKUNGUNYA do not cause DAMAGE TO THE FETUS, even though its transplacental transmission is reported.

THEN, ONLY THE ZIKA (fetal harm) of the FLAVIVIDIRAE family is remain for our regions of AMERICA, because the JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS and THE WEST NILE FEVER in SOUTH AMERICA have not been reported autochthonous cases, probably their vectors, mosquitoes of the genus CULEX, Do not survive in these climates, unlike the AEDES genre.

In the United States, 2.038 cases of NILE FEVER were reported in 2.016, of which 1.140 (56%) were classified as neuroinvasive disease.

I am telling you all this HISTORY so that you understand very well what I am going to explain to you, and it has to do with TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES.


The first thing I beginn to tell you is that there is a company named OXITEC, which created genetically modified mosquitoes to combat DENGUE, this mosquito is known by the name CODE OF OX513A, the mosquito was released in BRAZIL in the year 2.015, in JUAZEIRO, the site where the greatest number of MICROCEPHALY and congenital defects have been reported.

Studies on this genetic modification began in 2.010, and by that time it was said that 3-4% of these mosquitoes could survive.

But really this mosquito was created in the year 2.012 and was to be released in PANAMA to fight HEMORRHAGIC DENGUE in that area. This plan was aborted because the number of cases in that locality was not so numerous.

This mosquito (MALE) with the modified genome fundamentally fertilizes female mosquitoes that would give rise to a generation of mosquitoes that "SUPPOSELY" would die before reaching adulthood. This is the basis of the creation of the mosquito OX513A.

The mosquito of the genus AEDES AEGYPTUS or ALBOPICTUS was used for this purpose. Let us remember that these mosquitoes transmit DENGUE, CHIKUNGUNYA and ZIKA. "A marvel", a 'TERMINATOR' mosquito, that would end these epidemics by decreasing the population of its congeners.

Virus zika,  transgenic mosquitoes

The mosquito is a male strain that when coupled to the female will give a generation of mosquitoes that theoretically would not reach adulthood IF THE TETRACYCLIN ANTIBIOTIC IS NOT PRESENT IN ITS DEVELOPMENT. What does this mean ???

TETRACYCLINE is the ANTIDOTE that prevents mosquitoes from genetically dying and can be developed and released. This is what explains the company OXITEC in relation to how the mosquitoes were created.

This event of TETRACYCLINE was commented by the same company OXITEC who said that in the presence of tetracycline even in low amounts the TRANSGENIC mosquito could survive in about 15% and fertilize other females which would increase the mosquito population.

Even in the absence of the antibiotic tetracycline, a "subpopulation" of genetically modified Aedes mosquitoes could in theory be developed and thrived, "able to survive and thrive despite the new versions of 'pure' transgenic mosquitoes that still have that gene intact.

This event I am telling you because BRAZIL is the third country of the world consuming TETRACYCLIN in the agricultural field. Already this event speaks for itself that the TRANSGENIC MOSQUITO was going to be a failure in BRAZIL before being released, as the presence of TETRACYCLINES IN WATERS AND SOILS would allow the mosquito to survive. Even so they did.

On the other hand we must remember that since the ZIKA was discovered in 1.947 through the years and as you could read, the outbreaks were sporadic and I NEVER REPORT CASES OF MICROCEPHALY OR TRANSMISSION THROUGH SEXUAL RELATIONS until the year 2.015 when these were released Transgenic mosquitoes.

The first case of ZIKA in BRAZIL was reported in 2.015, and just as out of nowhere appeared a GREAT SCALE EPIDEMIC affected neighboring countries like VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA and the rest of South America, I repeat year in which the transgenic mosquitoes were "RELEASED".

With respect to MICROCEPHALY, 4.000 cases were reported in BRAZIL, most of the town of JUAZEIRO where the transgenic mosquitoes were released. And as I told you since ZIKA existed more than 65 years passed where I never REPORT THIS MALFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH ZIKA.

Scientists say that the MICROCEPHALY is also produced by lack of vitamin C and pesticides contaminating water and edible products from agriculture. Here is the point of the subject:

1.) Some authors defend the theory that it was not ZIKA CAUSING OF THE CASES OF MICROCEPHALY IN BRAZIL, but the pesticides used in agriculture.

2.) Others are pronounced BY THE TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES and blame them of the great epidemic that spread to all suramerica.

Pausing as I write these SECRET X-FILES, I remember the famous movie JURASIK PARK and WORLD where they were genetically created DINOSAURS, which presented a different behavior than expected. In the end a total disaster trying to save all of these DINOSAURS endowed with a special intelligence.

With TRANSGENIC mosquitoes, probably the same thing happened, instead of "LIFE SAVERS", they became "DISSEMINATORS" of the disease.

On the other hand 4.000 cases of MICROCEPHALY almost all belonging to the area where they were released TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES gives much to speak:



In other surrounding countries the cases of REPORTED MICROCEPHALY are very few in relation to the 4.000 reported in BRAZIL, perhaps the one that followed was COLOMBIA with 200 cases, but not all of the same area as the case of BRAZIL.

There have even been reported cases in the US which is a very strict country with their scientific studies.

THE TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES WERE RELEASED BY "STAGES" SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE OUTBREAKS ? To justify a large-scale epidemic. Of course the US could not leave it out. Nobody stayed outside.

Another aspect is related to TRANSMISSION THROUGH SEXUAL RELATIONS. NONE, I REPEAT NONE OF THE VIRUSES OF THE FLAVIVIDIRAE FAMILY, it is transmitted through sex. EXCEPT THE ZIKA VIRUS, that's why I put you above the characteristics of FLAVIVIRUS VIRUS.

This is where I tell you that the GENETIC MANIPULATION OF THESE MOSQUITOES MIGHT cause a genetic mutation in the RNA of the ZIKA virus and give it greater VIRULENCE with the capacity to transmit through sexual relationship.

Scientists compare the ZIKA EPIDEMY with that of A1HN1, where it was demonstrated that this virus was patented in a LABORATORY. Temporary epidemics that seek to create panic, to diminish the population, to use VACCINES to make money or to get sick through them. (Proven the innumerable adverse effects caused by the vaccines against A1HN1).

A "nice way" to avoid overpopulation is the aspect of TRANSMISSION THROUGH SEXUAL RELATIONS, use the CONDOM, therapeutic abortions in pregnant with ZIKA, collective panic in the pregnant with the aspect of the MICROCEPHALY.

If you read the bibliographical references you will find that there are scientific studies that check the aspects of the ZIKA VIRUS that tell you at the beginning. But I also put the references where I tell you the aspect of TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES.

DO YOU WANT MY OPINION? I'll give it to you:

1.) There are too many cases of MICROCEPHALY in BRAZIL (4.000) to attribute them all to ZIKA.

2.) With regard to the transmission through SEXUAL RELATIONS, respecting all these scientists that as I said, give their life to improve and inform us with their discoveries. I DO NOT BELIEVE ZIKA IS TRANSFERRED THROUGH SEX, it is my particular opinion.

The only way this virus ZIKA is transmitted through sex is that it has changed its RNA, in other words there was a mutation, SPONTANEOUS OR PROVOCATED.

And with respect to TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES: mosquito OX513A

 3.) I think it was a TOTAL GENETIC DISASTER, and that scientists or companies like OXITEC should not be playing JURASIK PARK or WORLD, to improve our health. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) in its latest communication does NOT APPROVE the use of this practice to fight epidemics.

I also tell you that there was another "EXPERIMENT" of "LAUNCH" Aedes Aegyptus mosquitoes in BRAZIL infected with a bacterium called WOLBACHIA which inhibits the transmission of ZIKA VIRUS to avoid the spread of the disease. Also WHO (World Health Organization ) does not approve this practice today.

By the way, yesterday 19 April 2,017 were released 20,000 thousand male Aedes Aegyptus mosquitoes, infected with the bacterium WOLBACHIA in Miami Florida near Bone Key (South Florida) to "TEST" if this method works to fight the ZIKA virus. As I explained before, the "CONTAMINATED" insects fertilize the females and the eggs do not get developed.

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) has contracted with the company "MOSQUITOMATE" to carry out the work, and studies the posibility of using the OXITEC TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES, but environmental groups and neighbors oppose it.

Did you read "well" the word ? "TEST" if the method works. !!!

With just the first report of autochthonous  ZIKA VIRUS in Florida done in 2,016 and about 200 cases the County of  Bone Key is launched this "Adventure" or experiment, after the DISASTER happened in BRAZIL with TRANSGENIC MOSQUITOES.

Do people forget what the World Health Organization (WHO) recently recommended about these practices?

And i ask myself? Where are the classic methods to avoid the overpopulations of mosquitoes that in the past were so effective?

Draw your own conclusions !!!

To finish, if you are a woman and you are pregnant, and you have acquired ZIKA VIRUS, strictly follow the pregnancy, to see how it evolves about the associated congenital malformations. I think it is the only way to really know if the MICROCEPHALY aspect and other birth defects are a reality with this VIRUS or is a FAKE, as with the subject of transmission through SEXUAL RELATIONS.

To give you a better documentation I will place the photo where a LABORATORY "proudly" published the PATENT of the virus AH1N1 causing the "FAMOUS WORLD PANDEMIC" of this virus, which DERMAGIC EXPRESS published in 2.009 and where it was proven that was a sinister plan to reduce the world population and create panic in the society. The famous theme discussed today: ... 

"THE SUBMISSION OF the population at the hands of" THE FIRST ORDER ... or more powerful ... "

AH1N1 swine flu virus patent 2008

Represents the ZIKA VIRUS, the NEW "VERSION" of H1N1? Only time will talk

These SECRET X-FILES are a tribute to BRAZIL specifically the locality of JUAZEIRO where for the first time in the HISTORY OF HUMANITY the GENETIC HANDLING..

Greetings to all.
Dr. Jose Lapenta.  

====================================================================== REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS / BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 
1.) Vital Signs: Update on Zika Virus-Associated Birth Defects and Evaluation of All U.S. Infants with Congenital Zika Virus Exposure - U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry, 2016.
2.) Transmission of Zika virus through breast milk and other breastfeeding-related bodily-fluids: A systematic review.
3.) Emergence of Zika Virus Epidemic and the National Response in Jamaica.
4.) Zika Virus Transmission - Region of the Americas, May 15, 2015-December 15, 2016.
5.) Inhibition of Zika virus by Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti.
6.) Does Zika Virus Cause Microcephaly - Applying the Bradford Hill Viewpoints.
7.) Temporal patterns and geographic heterogeneity of Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreaks in French Polynesia and Central America.
8.) Zika virus and pregnant women: A psychological approach.
9.) Computational identification of mutually homologous Zika virus miRNAs that target microcephaly genes.
10.) Preliminary Report of Microcephaly Potentially Associated with Zika Virus Infection During Pregnancy - Colombia, January-November 2016.
12.) [Zika virus infection: a new public health emergency with great media impact].
13.) Zika virus: a new arboviral public health problem.
14.) Zika infection and the development of neurological defects.
15.) A live-attenuated Zika virus vaccine candidate induces sterilizing immunity in mouse models.
16.) Vaccine protection against Zika virus from Brazil.
17.) Preventative Vaccines for Zika Virus Outbreak: Preliminary Evaluation.
18.) Zika: the origin and spread of a mosquito-borne virus.
19.) The larvicide pyriproxyfen blamed during the Zika virus outbreak does not cause microcephaly in zebrafish embryos.
20.) Use of transgenic Aedes aegypti in Brazil: risk perception and assessment.
21.) Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released in Brazil in 2015 Linked to the Current Zika Epidemic?
22.) Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
23.) Experts Admit Zika Threat Fraud
24.) Epidemiology, Prevention, and Potential Future Treatments of Sexually Transmitted Zika Virus Infection.
25.) Propaganda Machine Takes Aim at Zika Virus. The Causes of Microcephaly
26.) Surveillance report of Zika virus among Canadian travellers returning from the Americas.
27.) Zika virus shedding in human milk during lactation: an unlikely source of infection?
28.) First Zika-positive donations in the continental United States.
29.) Sexually acquired Zika virus: a systematic review.
30.) Zika puzzle in Brazil: peculiar conditions of viral introduction and dissemination - A Review.
31.) The Complement System in Flavivirus Infections.
32.) Zika virus infection, associated microcephaly, and low yellow fever vaccination coverage in Brazil: is there any causal link?
33.) Inhibition of Zika virus by Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti.

34.) Despliegan Mosquitos infectados con una bacteria para combatir el zika.
1.) Vital Signs: Update on Zika Virus-Associated Birth Defects and Evaluation of All U.S. Infants with Congenital Zika Virus Exposure - U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry, 2016.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017 Apr 7;66(13):366-373. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6613e1.

Reynolds MR, Jones AM, Petersen EE, Lee EH, Rice ME, Bingham A, Ellington SR, Evert N, Reagan-Steiner S, Oduyebo T, Brown CM, Martin S, Ahmad N, Bhatnagar J, Macdonald J, Gould C, Fine AD, Polen KD, Lake-Burger H, Hillard CL, Hall N, Yazdy MM, Slaughter K, Sommer JN, Adamski A, Raycraft M, Fleck-Derderian S, Gupta J, Newsome K, Baez-Santiago M, Slavinski S, White JL, Moore CA, Shapiro-Mendoza CK, Petersen L, Boyle C, Jamieson DJ, Meaney-Delman D, Honein MA; U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry Collaboration.
Collaborators (215)

Adair J1, Ruberto I2, Haselow DT3, Im L3, Jilek W4, Lehmann MS5, Olney R4, Porse CC4, Ramstrom KC4, Sowunmi S4, Marzec NS6, Davis K7, Esponda-Morrison B7, Fraser MZ7, O'Connor CA7, Chung W8, Richardson F8, Sexton T8, Stocks ME8, Woldai S8, Bundek AM9, Zambri J10, Goldberg C11, Eisenstein L12, Jackson J13, Kopit R14, Logue T15, Mendoza R16, Feldpausch A17, Graham T17, Mann S18, Park SY18, Carter KK19, Potts EJ20, Stevens T20, Simonson S21, Tonzel JL21, Davis S22, Robinson S23, Hyun JK24, Jenkins EM24, Piccardi M24, Reid LD24, Dunn JE25, Higgins CA25, Lin AE26, Munshi GS25, Sandhu K25, Scotland SJ25, Soliva S25, Copeland G27, Signs KA27, Schiffman E28, Byers P29, Hand S29, Mulgrew CL30, Hamik J31, Koirala S31, Ludwig LA31, Fredette CR32, Garafalo K33, Worthington K33, Ropri A34, Ade JN35, Alaali ZS35, Blog D35, Brunt SJ36, Bryant P36, Burns AE35, Bush S36, Carson K35, Dean AB36, Demarest V36, Dufort EM35, Dupuis Ii AP36, Sullivan-Frohm A35, Furuya AM36, Fuschino M36, Glaze VH37, Griffin J35, Hidalgo C35, Kulas KE36, Lamson DM36, Lance LA35, Lee WT36, Limberger R36, Many PS35, Marchewka MJ36, Naizby BE35, Polfleit M35, Popowich M36, Rahman T35, Rem T35, Robbins AE35, Rowlands JV35, Seaver C35, Seward KA35, Smith L35, Sohi I35, St George K36, Souto MI38, Wester RE35, Wong SJ36, Zeng L36, Ackelsberg J39, Alex B39, Ballen V39, Baumgartner J39, Bloch D39, Clark S39, Conners E39, Cooper H39, Davidson A39, Dentinger C39, Deocharan B39, DeVito A39, Fu J39, Hrusa G39, Iqbal M39, Iwamoto M39, Jones L39, Kubinson H39, Lash M39, Layton M39, Lee CT39, Liu D39, McGibbon E39, Moy M39, Ngai S39, Parton HB39, Peterson E39, Poy J39, Rakeman J39, Stoute A39, Thompson C39, Weiss D39, Westheimer E39, Winters A39, Younis M39, Chan RL40, Cronquist LJ41, Caton L42, Lind L43, Nalluswami K43, Perella D44, Brady DS45, Gosciminski M45, McAuley P45, Drociuk D46, Leedom V47, Witrick B46, Bollock J48, Hartel MB49, Lucinski LS49, McDonald M49, Miller AM49, Ponson TA49, Price L49, Nance AE50, Peterson D51, Cook S52, Martin B52, Oltean H53, Neary J53, Baker MA54, Cummons K54, Bryan K55, Arnold KE56, Arth AC56, Bollweg BC56, Cragan JD56, Dawson AL56, Denison AM56, Dziuban EJ56, Estetter L56, Silva-Flannery L56, Free RJ56, Galang RR56, Gary J56, Goldsmith CS56, Green C56, Hale GL56, Hayes HM56, Igbinosa I56, Keating MK56, Khan S57, Kim SY56, Lampe M56, Lewis A56, Mai C56, Martines RB56, Miers B56, Moore J56, Muehlenbachs A56, Nahabedian J56, Panella A56, Parihar V56, Patel MM56, Rabeneck DB56, Rasmussen SA56, Ritter JM56, Rollin DC56, Sanders JH56, Shieh WJ56, Simeone RM56, Simon EL56, Sims JR56, Spivey PJ56, Talley-McRae H56, Tshiwala AK56, VanMaldeghem K56, Viens L56, Wainscott-Sargent A58, Williams T56, Zaki S56.
Author information

Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Arizona.
Arizona Department of Health Services.
Arkansas Department of Health.
California Department of Public Health.
California Department of Public Health, Center for Family Health, California Birth Defects Monitoring Program.
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Dallas County Health and Human Services.
Delaware Division of Public Health.
Delaware Division of Public Health, Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology.
Miami, Dade County Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Florida Department of Health.
Orange County Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Palm Beach County Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Miami/Dade County Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Broward County Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Georgia Department of Public Health.
Hawaii Department of Health.
Idaho Division of Public Health, CDC, U.S. Public Health Service.
Indiana State Department of Health.
Louisiana Department of Health.
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Massachusetts General Hospital for Children.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Minnesota Department of Health.
Mississippi State Department of Health.
State of Montana.
Division of Public Health, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
New Jersey Department of Health.
New Mexico State Department of Health.
New York State Department of Health.
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health.
Health Research Inc.
Rockland County Department of Health.
New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene.
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health.
North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Disease Control.
Oklahoma State Department of Health.
Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
Rhode Island Department of Health.
South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology.
South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Division of Maternal and Child Health.
South Dakota Department of Health DIS.
Tennessee Department of Health.
Utah Birth Defect Network, Utah Department of Health.
Utah Department of Health.
Vermont Department of Health.
Washington State Department of Health.
West Virginia Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health.
Wyoming Department of Health.
Carter Consulting.


In collaboration with state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, CDC established the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry (USZPR) in early 2016 to monitor pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection and their infants.

This report includes an analysis of completed pregnancies (which include live births and pregnancy losses, regardless of gestational age) in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (DC) with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection reported to the USZPR from January 15 to December 27, 2016. Birth defects potentially associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy include brain abnormalities and/or microcephaly, eye abnormalities, other consequences of central nervous system dysfunction, and neural tube defects and other early brain malformations.

During the analysis period, 1,297 pregnant women in 44 states were reported to the USZPR. Zika virus-associated birth defects were reported for 51 (5%) of the 972 fetuses/infants from completed pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4%-7%); the proportion was higher when restricted to pregnancies with laboratory-confirmed Zika virus infection (24/250 completed pregnancies [10%, 95% CI = 7%-14%]). Birth defects were reported in 15% (95% CI = 8%-26%) of fetuses/infants of completed pregnancies with confirmed Zika virus infection in the first trimester. Among 895 liveborn infants from pregnancies with possible recent Zika virus infection, postnatal neuroimaging was reported for 221 (25%), and Zika virus testing of at least one infant specimen was reported for 585 (65%).

These findings highlight why pregnant women should avoid Zika virus exposure. Because the full clinical spectrum of congenital Zika virus infection is not yet known, all infants born to women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection during pregnancy should receive postnatal neuroimaging and Zika virus testing in addition to a comprehensive newborn physical exam and hearing screen. Identification and follow-up care of infants born to women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection during pregnancy and infants with possible congenital Zika virus infection can ensure that appropriate clinical services are available.
2.) Transmission of Zika virus through breast milk and other breastfeeding-related bodily-fluids: A systematic review.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Apr 10;11(4):e0005528. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005528. [Epub ahead of print]

Colt S1, Garcia-Casal MN2, Peña-Rosas JP2, Finkelstein JL1, Rayco-Solon P2, Weise Prinzo ZC2, Mehta S1.
Author information

Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States of America.
Evidence and Programme Guidance, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.


Zika virus (ZIKV) infection is an emerging mosquito-borne disease, which is associated with an increase in central nervous system malformations and newborn microcephaly cases. This review investigated evidence of breastfeeding transmission from ZIKV-infected mothers to their children and the presence of ZIKV infection in breastfeeding-related fluids.

We conducted a systematic review of observational studies, case studies, and surveillance reports involving breastfeeding women with ZIKV infection in several international databases. Data extraction and analysis were conducted following a PROSPERO-registered protocol. From 472 non-duplicate records, two case reports met criteria for inclusion. We reviewed three cases of ZIKV infection among lactating mothers near the time of delivery. Two of the three (2/3) associated newborns had evidence of ZIKV infection. ZIKV was detected in breast milk of all three mothers. Breast milk detection results were positive in all mothers (3/3) by RT-PCR, one was positive by culture (1/3), and none was tested for ZIKV-specific antibodies. Serum samples were ZIKV positive in all mothers (3/3), and sweat was not tested for ZIKV.

We describe three cases of ZIKV-infected breastfeeding mothers who were symptomatic within three days of delivery, and two cases with ZIKV-infected newborns. While ZIKV was detected in the breast milk of all three mothers, the data are not sufficient to conclude ZIKV transmission via breastfeeding. More evidence is needed to distinguish breastfeeding transmission from other perinatal transmission routes.
3.) Emergence of Zika Virus Epidemic and the National Response in Jamaica.
West Indian Med J. 2016 Sep 26;65(1):243-249. doi: 10.7727/wimj.2016.488.

Webster-Kerr KR1, Christie C2, Grant A3, Chin D3, Burrowes H3, Clarke K3, Wellington I3, Shaw K3, De La Haye W3.
Author information

Ministry of Health, Kingston, Jamaica. E-mail:;
Department of Child and Adolescent Health, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Ministry of Health, Kingston, Jamaica.


Jamaica, along with the Americas, experienced major epidemics of arboviral diseases transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito in recent years. These include dengue fever in 2012, Chikungunya fever in 2014 and Zika virus infection (ZIKV) in 2016. We present the emergence of the ZIKV epidemic in Jamaica and outline the national response.

The Ministry of Health's preparedness included: heightened surveillance, clinical management guidance, vector control and management, laboratory capacity strengthening, training and staffing, risk communication and public education, social mobilization, inter-sectoral collaboration, resource mobilization and international cooperation.

The first case of ZIKV was confirmed on January 29, 2016 with date of onset of January 17, 2016. From January 3 to July 30, 2016 (Epidemiological Week (EW) 1-30), 4648 cases of ZIKV were recorded (4576 suspected, 72 laboratory-confirmed). Leading symptoms were similar among suspected and confirmed cases: rash (71% and 88%), fever (65% and 53%) and joint pains (47% and 38%). There were 17 suspected cases of Guillain Barre syndrome; 383 were reported in pregnant women, with no reports of microcephaly to date. Zika and dengue viruses were circulating predominantly in 2016. At EW30, 1744 cases of dengue were recorded (1661 suspected and 83 confirmed). Dengue serotypes 3 and 4 were circulating with 121 reports of dengue haemorrhagic fever.

The possibility exists for endemicity of ZIKV similar to dengue and chikungunya in Jamaica. A ZIKV vaccine, similar to the dengue and chikungunya vaccines, is needed to be fast-tracked into clinical trials to mitigate the effects of this disease.
4.) Zika Virus Transmission - Region of the Americas, May 15, 2015-December 15, 2016.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017 Mar 31;66(12):329-334. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6612a4.

Ikejezie J, Shapiro CN, Kim J, Chiu M, Almiron M, Ugarte C, Espinal MA, Aldighieri S.

Zika virus, a mosquito-borne flavivirus that can cause rash with fever, emerged in the Region of the Americas on Easter Island, Chile, in 2014 and in northeast Brazil in 2015 (1). In response, in May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which serves as the Regional Office of the Americas for the World Health Organization (WHO), issued recommendations to enhance surveillance for Zika virus. Subsequently, Brazilian investigators reported Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), which had been previously recognized among some patients with Zika virus disease, and identified an association between Zika virus infection during pregnancy and congenital microcephaly (2). On February 1, 2016, WHO declared Zika virus-related microcephaly clusters and other neurologic disorders a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.* In March 2016, PAHO developed case definitions and surveillance guidance for Zika virus disease and associated complications (3). Analysis of reports submitted to PAHO by countries in the region or published in national epidemiologic bulletins revealed that Zika virus transmission had extended to 48 countries and territories in the Region of the Americas by late 2016. Reported Zika virus disease cases peaked at different times in different areas during 2016. Because of ongoing transmission and the risk for recurrence of large outbreaks, response efforts, including surveillance for Zika virus disease and its complications, and vector control and other prevention activities, need to be maintained.
5.) Inhibition of Zika virus by Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti.
Microb Cell. 2016 Jun 27;3(7):293-295. doi: 10.15698/mic2016.07.513.

Caragata EP1, Dutra HL1, Moreira LA1.
Author information

Mosquitos Vetores: Endossimbiontes e Interação Patógeno-Vetor, Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou - Fiocruz, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.


Through association with cases of microcephaly in 2015, Zika virus (ZIKV) has transitioned from a relatively unknown mosquito-transmitted pathogen to a global health emergency, emphasizing the need to improve existing mosquito control programs to prevent future disease outbreaks. The response to Zika must involve a paradigm shift from traditional to novel methods of mosquito control, and according to the World Health Organization should incorporate the release of mosquitoes infected with the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachiapipientis. In our recent paper [Dutra, HLC et al., Cell Host & Microbe 2016] we investigated the potential of Wolbachia infections in Aedes aegypti to restrict infection and transmission of Zika virus recently isolated in Brazil. Wolbachia is now well known for its ability to block or reduce infection with a variety of pathogens in different mosquito species including the dengue (DENV), yellow fever, and chikungunya viruses, and malaria-causing Plasmodium, and consequently has great potential to control mosquito-transmitted diseases across the globe. Our results demonstrated that the wMel Wolbachia strain in Brazilian Ae. aegypti is a strong inhibitor of ZIKV infection, and furthermore appears to prevent transmission of infectious viral particles in mosquito saliva, which highlights the bacterium's suitability for more widespread use in Zika control.
6.) Does Zika Virus Cause Microcephaly - Applying the Bradford Hill Viewpoints.
PLoS Curr. 2017 Feb 22;9. pii: ecurrents.outbreaks.2fced6e886074f6db162a00d4940133b. doi: 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.2fced6e886074f6db162a00d4940133b.

Awadh A1, Chughtai AA2, Dyda A3, Sheikh M4, Heslop DJ, MacIntyre CR3.
Author information

University Of New South Wales University Of New South Wales.
University of New South Wales.
School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Faculty of Medicine The University of New South Wales.


Zika virus has been documented since 1952, but been associated with mild, self-limiting disease. Zika virus is classified as an arbovirus from a family of Flaviviridae and primarily spread by Aedes Aegypti mosquitos. However, in a large outbreak in Brazil in 2015, Zika virus has been associated with microcephaly.

In this review we applied the Bradford-Hill viewpoints to investigate the association between Zika virus and microcephaly. We examined historical studies, available data and also compared historical rates of microcephaly prior to the Zika virus outbreak. The available evidence was reviewed against the Bradford Hill viewpoints.

All the nine criteria were met to varying degrees: strength of association, consistency of the association, specificity, temporality, plausibility, coherence, experimental evidence, biological gradient and analogy. Conclusion: Using the Bradford Hill Viewpoints as an evaluation framework for causation is highly suggestive that the association between Zika virus and microcephaly is causal. Further studies using animal models on the viewpoints which were not as strongly fulfilled would be helpful.
7.) Temporal patterns and geographic heterogeneity of Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreaks in French Polynesia and Central America.
PeerJ. 2017 Mar 21;5:e3015. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3015. eCollection 2017.

Hsieh YH1.
Author information

Department of Public Health and Center for Infectious Disease Education and Research, China Medical University , Taichung , Taiwan.


Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission has been reported in 67 countries/territories in the Oceania region and the Americas since 2015, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare ZIKV as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in February 2016, due to its strong association with medical complications such as microcephaly and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). However, a substantial gap in knowledge still exists regarding differing temporal pattern and potential of transmission of ZIKV in different regions of the world.

We use a phenomenological model to ascertain the temporal patterns and transmission potential of ZIKV in various countries/territories, by fitting the model to Zika case data from Yap Island and French Polynesia in the Oceania region and 11 countries/territories with confirmed case data, namely, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, and Suriname, to pinpoint the waves of infections in each country/territory and to estimate the respective basic reproduction number R0.

Six of these time series datasets resulted in statistically significant model fit of at least one wave of reported cases, namely that of French Polynesia, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Suriname and Saint Martin. However, only Colombia and Guatemala exhibited two waves of cases while the others had only one wave. Temporal patterns of the second wave in Colombia and the single wave in Suriname are very similar, with the respective turning points separated by merely a week. Moreover, the mean estimates of R0 for Colombia, Guatemala and Suriname, all land-based populations, range between 1.05 and 1.75, while the corresponding mean estimates for R0 of island populations in French Polynesia, Puerto Rico and Saint Martin are significantly lower with a range of 5.70-6.89. We also fit the Richards model to Zika case data from six main archipelagos in French Polynesia, suggesting the outbreak in all six island populations occurred during the same time, albeit with different peak time, with mean R0 range of 3.09-5.05.

Using the same modeling methodology, in this study we found a significant difference between transmissibility (as quantified by R0) in island populations as opposed to land-based countries/territories, possibly suggesting an important role of geographic heterogeneity in the spread of vector-borne diseases and its future course, which requires further monitoring. Our result has potential implications for planning respective intervention and control policies targeted for island and land-based populations.
8.) Zika virus and pregnant women: A psychological approach.
Psychol Health. 2017 Mar 27:1-12. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1307369. [Epub ahead of print]

Filgueiras Meireles JF1, Neves CM1, Morgado FF2, Caputo Ferreira ME1.
Author information

a Psychology Post-Graduation Program , Federal University of Juiz de Fora , Juiz de Fora , Brazil.
b Faculty of Physical Education , Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil.


Zika virus presents risk of physical harm to pregnant women, but the fear of infection is also affecting women around the world. There is a gap in the research on Zika virus in the areas involving the impact on the psychosocial well-being of pregnant women. Therefore, this study is aimed at the investigation of the psychosocial adjustment of pregnant women to the risks of Zika virus infection during pregnancy. We investigated 14 pregnant women who were classified in three different groups: six in the first trimester, five in the second trimester and three in the third trimester, aged from 28 to 40 years (33.43 ± 3.76 years). Content analysis was used to interpret data. Our results show that the psychosocial adjustment of participants was significantly negative and included five aspects: (1) negative feelings, (2) changes in family planning, (3) adopting new customs (avoiding places of risk, use of specific clothes and use of repellent), (4) changed attitudes regarding body image and (5) feeling of external demand regarding prevention. The fear of Zika virus infection and all its associated risks have a negative biopsychosocial impact on the pregnant women in this study.
9.) Computational identification of mutually homologous Zika virus miRNAs that target microcephaly genes.
Libyan J Med. 2017 Dec;12(1):1304505. doi: 10.1080/19932820.2017.1304505.

McLean E1, Bhattarai R1, Hughes BW1, Mahalingam K2, Bagasra O1.
Author information

a Department of Biology, South Carolina Center for Biotechnology , Claflin University , SC , USA.
b Information Technology and Department of Computer Science & Mathematics , Claflin University , Orangeburg , SC , USA.


Background Zika virus (ZIKV) has been associated with a variety of neuropathologies, including microcephaly. We hypothesize that ZIKV genes activate host microRNAs (miRNAs) causing dysfunctional development of human fetal brains. Objectives/methods A bioinformatics search for miRNA genome-wide binding sites in the prototypic ZIKV (strain MR766) was undertaken to hunt for miRNAs with significant similarities with MCPH genetic sequences responsible for inducing MCHP in human fetal brains. Results Six ZIKV miRNAs were found to share mutual homology with 12 MCPH genetic sequences responsible for inducing MCPH. Noteworthy was miR-1304, which expressed 100% identity to six different MCPH genes. Conclusions We suggest that following infection of fetal neurons ZIKV may modulate the action of various miRNAs, and miR-1304 in particular, resulting in microcephaly.
10.) Preliminary Report of Microcephaly Potentially Associated with Zika Virus Infection During Pregnancy - Colombia, January-November 2016.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016 Dec 16;65(49):1409-1413. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6549e1.

Cuevas EL, Tong VT, Rozo N, Valencia D, Pacheco O, Gilboa SM, Mercado M, Renquist CM, González M, Ailes EC, Duarte C, Godoshian V, Sancken CL, Turca AM, Calles DL, Ayala M, Morgan P, Perez EN, Bonilla HQ, Gomez RC, Estupiñan AC, Gunturiz ML, Meaney-Delman D, Jamieson DJ, Honein MA, Martínez ML.

In Colombia, approximately 105,000 suspected cases of Zika virus disease (diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, regardless of laboratory confirmation) were reported during August 9, 2015-November 12, 2016, including nearly 20,000 in pregnant women (1,2). Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a known cause of microcephaly and serious congenital brain abnormalities and has been associated with other birth defects related to central nervous system damage (3). Colombia's Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) maintains national surveillance for birth defects, including microcephaly and other central nervous system defects. This report provides preliminary information on cases of congenital microcephaly identified in Colombia during epidemiologic weeks 5-45 (January 31-November 12) in 2016. During this period, 476 cases of microcephaly were reported, compared with 110 cases reported during the same period in 2015. The temporal association between reported Zika virus infections and the occurrence of microcephaly, with the peak number of reported microcephaly cases occurring approximately 24 weeks after the peak of the Zika virus disease outbreak, provides evidence suggesting that the period of highest risk is during the first trimester of pregnancy and early in the second trimester of pregnancy. Microcephaly prevalence increased more than fourfold overall during the study period, from 2.1 per 10,000 live births in 2015 to 9.6 in 2016. Ongoing population-based birth defects surveillance is essential for monitoring the impact of Zika virus infection during pregnancy on birth defects prevalence and measuring the success in preventing Zika virus infection and its consequences, including microcephaly.
Rev Prat. 2016 Jun;66(6):641-7.

[Article in French]
Bourée P.

Zika virus is a flavivirus isolated in non human primates in 1647, then in humans 1954 (Uganda). It emerged on Micronesia (island af Yap) in 2007, then in French Polynesia in 2013-2014, in South America (mostly in Brazil and Colombia) in 2015 and in French West Indies in 2016. It is transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes. Zika virus infection is symptomatic in only 20% of cases and clinical presentation is associated with mild illness. But several neurological complications are reported (as Guillain-Barré syndrome: 48 cases in French Polynesia) and congenital malformations (microcephaly). Laboratory diagnosis is based on virus isolation by PCR. There is no specific treatment or vaccine available against the Zika virs. Prevention is based on measures of protection from mosquitoes bites.
12.) [Zika virus infection: a new public health emergency with great media impact].
Gac Sanit. 2016 Nov - Dec;30(6):468-471. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2016.05.015. Epub 2016 Jul 26.

[Article in Spanish]
Caylà JA1, Domínguez Á2, Rodríguez Valín E3, de Ory F4, Vázquez A4, Fortuny C5; Grupo de trabajo sobre Zika del Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP).
Author information

Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España; Servicio de Epidemiología, Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona, Barcelona, España. Electronic address:
Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España; Departament de Salut Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España; Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, España.
Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España; Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, España.
Programa de Prevención, Vigilancia y Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles (PREVICET) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España; Unitat d'Infeccions, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona), España.


Infection with Zika virus (ZV) has become a new epidemic, with great impact on the media, and is having a strong effect in Latin American countries. Its possible association with microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare on 1 February 2016 that this epidemic is a public health emergency of international concern. Epidemiological data show an increasing incidence in countries like Brazil and Colombia, and that the epidemic is still expanding in many other countries. Between January 2007 and 27 April 2016, the WHO detected transmission in 55 countries (in 42 of these, this was the first outbreak of Zika) and 1,198 microcephalies and other neurological disorders in Brazil. Also, during 2015-2016, 13 countries detected an increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome and/or confirmation of ZV associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Research has already demonstrated a causal relationship between microcephaly and other serious brain disorders in newborns and ZV infection in the mother. Clinically, many cases are asymptomatic and it can be difficult to distinguish this diagnosis from that of other arboviruses. Vector control in Spain is a priority because of the presence of the Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito). Early diagnosis is recommended, as is avoiding travel to endemic areas and unprotected sex, and ensuring that the high political profile, which can prevent this epidemic from becoming a high prevalence endemic disease, does not cause us to forget about other health problems.
13.) Zika virus: a new arboviral public health problem.
Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2016 Nov;61(6):523-527. Epub 2016 Jul 28.

Demir T1, Kilic S2.
Author information

Public Health Institution of Turkey, National Reference Laboratories of Microbiology, Ankara, Turkey.
Public Health Institution of Turkey, National Reference Laboratories of Microbiology, Ankara, Turkey.


Zika virus (ZIKV) is a single-stranded RNA virus in the Flaviviridae family and transmitted to human through infected mosquitos (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). Virus is closely related with other flaviviruses; dengue virus, yellow fever virus, West Nile virus, and Japanese encephalitis virus phylogenetically. Due to the possible relationship between virus and clinical features including microcephaly, ventricule, and eye deformities, Guillain-Barre syndrome increases the interest on this virus gradually. Along with the vector-borne transmission, exposure via blood transfusion and sexual contact are further concerns. Since December 2015, CDC reported 440.000-1.300.000 possible cases in Brazil and as of 19 January 2016, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Surinam, French Guana, Honduras, Mexico, and Panama are the countries with active epidemic. CDC recommends ZIKV screening for all pregnants including asymptomatic cases those living in the active epidemic areas. Recently, virus is detected in the USA and most European countries including UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, and Italy as a travel-associated infection. Owing to the changing world with increased capabilities for transportation globally, this vector-borne infection represents a valuable marker for the ability of spreading of any infection from its original area that it was first seen. In this review, we summarized the up-to-date data and reports in terms of the importance of the ZIKV infection in the public health
14.) Zika infection and the development of neurological defects.
Cell Microbiol. 2017 Mar 31. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12744. [Epub ahead of print]

Russo FB1,2, Jungmann P3, Beltrão-Braga PC1,2,4.
Author information

Department of Surgery, Laboratory of Stem Cell, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 05508-270, Brazil.
Department of Microbiology, Laboratory of Stem Cell and Disease Modeling, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 05508-900, Brazil.
Department of Pathology, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Department of Obstetrics, School of Arts Sciences and Humanities, São Paulo, SP., 03828-000, Brazil.


Starting with the outbreak in Brazil, Zika virus (ZIKV) infection has been correlated with severe syndromes such as Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) and Guillain- Barré Syndrome (GBS). Here we review the status of Zika virus pathogenesis in the central nervous system (CNS). One of the main concerns about ZIKV exposure during pregnancy is abnormal brain development, which results in microcephaly in newborns. Recent advances in in vitro research show that ZIKV can infect and obliterate cells from the CNS, such as progenitors, neurons, and glial cells. Neural progenitor cells seem to be the main target of the virus, with infection leading to less cell migration, neurogenesis impairment, cell death and, consequently, microcephaly in newborns. The downsizing of the brain can be directly associated with defective development of the cortical layer. In addition, in vivo investigations in mice reveal that ZIKV can cross the placenta and migrate to fetuses, but with a significant neurotropism, which results in brain damage for the pups. Another finding shows that hydrocephaly is an additional consequence of ZIKV infection, being detected during embryonic and fetal development in mouse, as well as after birth in humans. In spite of the advances in ZIKV research in the last year, the mechanisms underlying ZIKV infection in the (CNS) require further investigation particularly as there are currently no treatments or vaccines against ZIKV infection.
15.) A live-attenuated Zika virus vaccine candidate induces sterilizing immunity in mouse models.
Nat Med. 2017 Apr 10. doi: 10.1038/nm.4322. [Epub ahead of print]

Shan C1, Muruato AE2,3, Nunes BT1,4, Luo H5, Xie X1, Medeiros DB1,4, Wakamiya M1, Tesh RB2,6, Barrett AD2,6,7, Wang T5,6,7, Weaver SC2,3,5,7,8, Vasconcelos PF4,9, Rossi SL2,6, Shi PY1,7,8,10.
Author information

Department of Biochemistry &Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Institute for Human Infections &Immunity, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Institute for Translational Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Department of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers, Evandro Chagas Institute, Ministry of Health, Ananindeua, Pará State, Brazil.
Department of Microbiology &Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Department of Pathology and Center for Biodefense &Emerging Infectious Diseases, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Sealy Center for Vaccine Development, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Sealy Center for Structural Biology &Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Department of Pathology, Pará State University, Belém, Brazil.
Department of Phamarcology &Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.


Zika virus (ZIKV) infection of pregnant women can cause a wide range of congenital abnormalities, including microcephaly, in the infant, a condition now collectively known as congenital ZIKV syndrome. A vaccine to prevent or significantly attenuate viremia in pregnant women who are residents of or travelers to epidemic or endemic regions is needed to avert congenital ZIKV syndrome, and might also help to suppress epidemic transmission. Here we report on a live-attenuated vaccine candidate that contains a 10-nucleotide deletion in the 3' untranslated region of the ZIKV genome (10-del ZIKV). The 10-del ZIKV is highly attenuated, immunogenic, and protective in type 1 interferon receptor-deficient A129 mice. Crucially, a single dose of 10-del ZIKV induced sterilizing immunity with a saturated neutralizing antibody titer, which no longer increased after challenge with an epidemic ZIKV, and completely prevented viremia. The immunized mice also developed a robust T cell response. Intracranial inoculation of 1-d-old immunocompetent CD-1 mice with 1 × 104 infectious focus units (IFU) of 10-del ZIKV caused no mortality, whereas infections with 10 IFU of wild-type ZIKV were lethal. Mechanistically, the attenuated virulence of 10-del ZIKV may be due to decreased viral RNA synthesis and increased sensitivity to type-1-interferon inhibition. The attenuated 10-del ZIKV was incapable of infecting mosquitoes after oral feeding of spiked-blood meals, representing an additional safety feature. Collectively, the safety and efficacy results suggest that further development of this promising, live-attenuated ZIKV vaccine candidate is warranted.
16.) Vaccine protection against Zika virus from Brazil.
Nature. 2016 Aug 25;536(7617):474-8.

Larocca RA, Abbink P, Peron JP, Zanotto PM, Iampietro MJ, Badamchi-Zadeh A, Boyd M, Ng'ang'a D, Kirilova M, Nityanandam R, Mercado NB, Li Z, Moseley ET, Bricault CA, Borducchi EN, Giglio PB, Jetton D, Neubauer G, Nkolola JP, Maxfield LF, De La Barrera RA, Jarman RG, Eckels KH, Michael NL, Thomas SJ, Barouch DH.

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a flavivirus that is responsible for the current epidemic in Brazil and the Americas. ZIKV has been causally associated with fetal microcephaly, intrauterine growth restriction, and other birth defects in both humans and mice. The rapid development of a safe and effective ZIKV vaccine is a global health priority, but very little is currently known about ZIKV immunology and mechanisms of immune protection. Here we show that a single immunization with a plasmid DNA vaccine or a purified inactivated virus vaccine provides complete protection in susceptible mice against challenge with a strain of ZIKV involved in the outbreak in northeast Brazil. This ZIKV strain has recently been shown to cross the placenta and to induce fetal microcephaly and other congenital malformations in mice. We produced DNA vaccines expressing ZIKV pre-membrane and envelope (prM-Env), as well as a series of deletion mutants. The prM-Env DNA vaccine, but not the deletion mutants, afforded complete protection against ZIKV, as measured by absence of detectable viraemia following challenge, and protective efficacy correlated with Env-specific antibody titers. Adoptive transfer of purified IgG from vaccinated mice conferred passive protection, and depletion of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in vaccinated mice did not abrogate this protection. These data demonstrate that protection against ZIKV challenge can be achieved by single-shot subunit and inactivated virus vaccines in mice and that Env-specific antibody titers represent key immunologic correlates of protection. Our findings suggest that the development of a ZIKV vaccine for humans is likely to be achievable.
17.) Preventative Vaccines for Zika Virus Outbreak: Preliminary Evaluation.
EBioMedicine. 2016 Nov;13:315-320. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.09.028. Epub 2016 Oct 3.

Kim E1, Erdos G2, Huang S1, Kenniston T1, Falo LD Jr2, Gambotto A3.
Author information

Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA.
Department of Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA; Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA.
Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA; Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA; Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA. Electronic address:


Since it emerged in Brazil in May 2015, the mosquito-borne Zika virus (ZIKV) has raised global concern due to its association with a significant rise in the number of infants born with microcephaly and neurological disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome. We developed prototype subunit and adenoviral-based Zika vaccines encoding the extracellular portion of the ZIKV envelope gene (E) fused to the T4 fibritin foldon trimerization domain (Efl). The subunit vaccine was delivered intradermally through carboxymethyl cellulose microneedle array (MNA). The immunogenicity of these two vaccines, named Ad5.ZIKV-Efl and ZIKV-rEfl, was tested in C57BL/6 mice. Prime/boost immunization regimen was associated with induction of a ZIKV-specific antibody response, which provided neutralizing immunity. Moreover, protection was evaluated in seven-day-old pups after virulent ZIKV intraperitoneal challenge. Pups born to mice immunized with Ad5.ZIKV-Efl were all protected against lethal challenge infection without weight loss or neurological signs, while pups born to dams immunized with MNA-ZIKV-rEfl were partially protected (50%). No protection was seen in pups born to phosphate buffered saline-immunized mice. This study illustrates the preliminary efficacy of the E ZIKV antigen vaccination in controlling ZIKV infectivity, providing a promising candidate vaccine and antigen format for the prevention of Zika virus disease.
18.) Zika: the origin and spread of a mosquito-borne virus.
Bull World Health Organ. 2016 Sep 1;94(9):675-686C. Epub 2016 Feb 9.

Kindhauser MK1, Allen T1, Frank V1, Santhana RS1, Dye C1.
Author information

World Health Organization, avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland .

Abstractin English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish

To describe the temporal and geographical distribution of Zika virus infection and associated neurological disorders, from 1947 to 1 February 2016, when Zika became a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

We did a literature search using the terms "Zika" and "ZIKV" in PubMed, cross-checked the findings for completeness against other published reviews and added formal notifications to WHO submitted under the International Health Regulations.

From the discovery of Zika virus in Uganda in 1947 to the declaration of a PHEIC by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 1 February 2016, a total of 74 countries and territories had reported human Zika virus infections. The timeline in this paper charts the discovery of the virus (1947), its isolation from mosquitos (1948), the first human infection (1952), the initial spread of infection from Asia to a Pacific island (2007), the first known instance of sexual transmission (2008), reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome (2014) and microcephaly (2015) linked to Zika infections and the first appearance of Zika in the Americas (from 2015).

Zika virus infection in humans appears to have changed in character as its geographical range has expanded from equatorial Africa and Asia. The change is from an endemic, mosquito-borne infection causing mild illness to one that can cause large outbreaks linked with neurological sequelae and congenital abnormalities.
19.) The larvicide pyriproxyfen blamed during the Zika virus outbreak does not cause microcephaly in zebrafish embryos.
Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 4;7:40067. doi: 10.1038/srep40067.

Dzieciolowska S1, Larroque AL2, Kranjec EA2, Drapeau P1,3, Samarut E1,3.
Author information

Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center (CRCHUM), Department of Neurosciences, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Drug Discovery Platform, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center, Montréal, QC, Canada.
DanioDesign Inc., Montréal, QC, Canada.


Although the zika virus (ZIKV) has now been strongly correlated with emerging cases of microcephaly in the Americas, suspicions have been raised regarding the use of pyriproxyfen, a larvicide that prevents mosquito development, in drinking water. The effects of this compound on neurodevelopment have not yet been addressed specifically in vertebrates. As a result, we aimed at addressing the effects, if any, of pyriproxyfen on neurodevelopment in the zebrafish embryo as a vertebrate model. Using zebrafish transgenic lines expressing GFP in different cell populations (elavl3 in newborn neurons, gfap and nestin in neural stem cells), we focused on the analysis of whole embryonic brain volume after confocal 3D-reconstruction and the quantification of purified neural stem cells during early neurodevelopment by FACS-cell sorting from whole in vivo embryos. Interestingly, though lethal at very high doses, pyriproxyfen did not cause brain malformation nor any significant changes in the number of observed stem cells in the developing central nervous system. Our data indicate that pyriproxyfen does not affect central nervous system development in zebrafish, suggesting that this larvicide on its own, may not be correlated with the increase in microcephaly cases reported recently.
20.) Use of transgenic Aedes aegypti in Brazil: risk perception and assessment.
Bull World Health Organ. 2016 Oct 1;94(10):766-771. Epub 2016 Aug 31.

Paes de Andrade P1, Aragão FJ2, Colli W3, Dellagostin OA4, Finardi-Filho F3, Hirata MH3, Lira-Neto AC5, Almeida de Melo M6, Nepomuceno AL2, Gorgônio da Nóbrega F3, Delfino de Sousa G7, Valicente FH2, Zanettini MH8.
Author information

Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Avenida Moraes Rego s/s, 50670-901, Recife, Brazil .
Embrapa, Brasília, Brazil .
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil .
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil .
Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco - IPA, Recife, Brazil .
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Brazil .
Faculdade Anhanguera, Brasília, Brazil .
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil .

Abstractin English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish

The OX513A strain of Aedes aegypti, which was developed by the British company Oxitec, expresses a self-limiting transgene that prevents larvae from developing to adulthood. In April 2014, the Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety completed a risk assessment of OX513A and concluded that the strain did not present new biological risks to humans or the environment and could be released in Brazil. At that point, Brazil became the first country to approve the unconstrained release of a genetically modified mosquito. During the assessment, the commission produced a comprehensive list of - and systematically analysed - the perceived hazards. Such hazards included the potential survival to adulthood of immature stages carrying the transgene - should the transgene fail to be expressed or be turned off by exposure to sufficient environmental tetracycline. Other perceived hazards included the potential allergenicity and/or toxicity of the proteins expressed by the gene, the potential for gene flow or increased transmission of human pathogens and the occupation of vacant breeding sites by other vector species. The Zika epidemic both elevated the perceived importance of Ae. aegypti as a vector - among policy-makers and regulators as well as the general public - and increased concerns over the release of males of the OX513A strain. We have therefore reassessed the potential hazards. We found that release of the transgenic mosquitoes would still be both safe and of great potential value in the control of diseases spread by Ae. aegypti, such as chikungunya, dengue and Zika.
21.) Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released in Brazil in 2015 Linked to the Current Zika Epidemic?
Source: Global Research, January 29, 2016
Reddit 26 January 2016

This seems like a case to me where mankind’s arrogance may have backfired on us.

Here is Oxitec back in 2015 proudly announcing that their GM mosquito has decimated the local mosquito population in a field trial:


Releases of the genetically engineered Oxitec mosquito, commonly known as ‘Friendly Aedes aegypti’, reduced the dengue mosquito population in an area of Juazeiro, Brazil by 95%, well below the modelled threshold for epidemic disease transmission.

Zika was first confirmed in Brazil in may of 2015, but had been seen in other nations before. Question: Why didn’t it cause an epidemic of birth defects in any other countries? How exactly would you miss a tenfold increase in children born with most of their brain missing? Zika in Brazil does not seem to behave like the Zika we were familiar with before.

How could the Zika catastrophe be linked to genetically modified mosquitoes?

The OX513A strain of male mosquitoes released in Juazeiro creates larvae that normally die in the absence of antibiotics, which is supposed to help decimate wild mosquito populations when these males are released in the wild. Problem here being of course, that “life, uh, finds a way”. An estimated 3-4% of the larvae survive to adulthood in the absence of the tetracycline antibiotic. These larvae should then be free to go on and reproduce and pass on their genes. In fact, they may be the only ones that are passing on their genes in places that have their wild mosquito population decimated by these experiments.

What is the effect on these mosquitoes that grow up with a mutilated genome? It is thought that this should introduce a fitness cost, that is, they should have greater difficulty surviving. What do we know about these mosquitoes? Has adequate research ever been done on how a genetically mutilated mosquito copes with viral infections? Could the mosquito be more susceptible to certain pathogens, that it then passes on to humans?

If a pathogen like the Zika virus can thrive in the mosquito without restraint, it could evolve into something far more dangerous than its original incarnation, pulling the lever on the slot machine with every replication until it hits the genetic jackpot.

Is it too much to ask for a moratorium on these types of genetic experiments?
22.) Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
Source: By Claire Bernish
Global Research, January 29, 2016
The Anti-Media 28 January 2016

The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations on Monday, February 1, concerning the Zika virus ‘explosive’ spread throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understandingwhy this outbreak happened is vital to curbing it. As the WHO statement said:

“A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes … is strongly suspected. [These links] have rapidly changed the risk profile of Zika, from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions.

“WHO is deeply concerned about this rapidly evolving situation for 4 main reasons: the possible association of infection with birth malformations and neurological syndromes; the potential for further international spread given the wide geographical distribution of the mosquito vector; the lack of population immunity in newly affected areas; and the absence of vaccines, specific treatments, and rapid diagnostic tests […]

“The level of concern is high, as is the level of uncertainty.”

Zika seemingly exploded out of nowhere. Though it was first discovered in 1947, cases only sporadically occurred throughout Africa and southern Asia. In 2007, the first case was reported in the Pacific. In 2013, a smattering of small outbreaks and individual cases were officially documented in Africa and the western Pacific. They also began showing up in the Americas. In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus — and the situation changed dramatically.

Brazil is now considered the epicenter of the Zika outbreak, which coincides with at least 4,000 reports of babies born with microcephaly just since October.

zika-microcephalyWhen examining a rapidly expanding potential pandemic, it’s necessary to leave no stone unturned so possible solutions, as well as future prevention, will be as effective as possible. In that vein, there was another significant development in 2015.

Oxitec first unveiled its large-scale, genetically-modified mosquito farm in Brazil in July 2012, with the goal of reducing “the incidence of dengue fever,” as The Disease Daily reported. Dengue fever is spread by the same Aedes mosquitoes which spread the Zika virus — and though they “cannot fly more than 400 meters,” WHO stated, “it may inadvertently be transported by humans from one place to another.” By July 2015, shortly after the GM mosquitoes were first released into the wild in Juazeiro, Brazil, Oxitec proudly announced they had “successfully controlled the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads dengue fever, chikungunya and zika virus, by reducing the target population by more than 90%.”

Though that might sound like an astounding success — and, arguably, it was — there is an alarming possibility to consider.

Nature, as one Redditor keenly pointed out, finds a way — and the effort to control dengue, zika, and other viruses, appears to have backfired dramatically.

The particular strain of Oxitec GM mosquitoes, OX513A, are genetically altered so the vast majority of their offspring will die before they mature — though Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher published concerns in a report in September 2010 that a known survival rate of 3-4 percent warranted further study before the release of the GM insects. Her concerns, which were echoed by several other scientists both at the time and since, appear to have been ignored — though they should not have been.

Those genetically-modified mosquitoes work to control wild, potentially disease-carrying populations in a very specific manner. Only the male modified Aedes mosquitoes are supposed to be released into the wild — as they will mate with their unaltered female counterparts. Once offspring are produced, the modified, scientific facet is supposed to ‘kick in’ and kill that larvae before it reaches breeding age — if tetracycline is not present during its development. But there is a problem.

According to an unclassified document from the Trade and Agriculture Directorate Committee for Agriculture dated February 2015, Brazil is the third largest in “global antimicrobial consumption in food animal production” — meaning, Brazil is third in the world for its use of tetracycline in its food animals. As a study by the American Society of Agronomy, et. al., explained, “It is estimated that approximately 75% of antibiotics are not absorbed by animals and are excreted in waste.” One of the antibiotics (or antimicrobials) specifically named in that report for its environmental persistence is tetracycline.

In fact, as a confidential internal Oxitec document divulged in 2012, that survival rate could be as high as 15% — even with low levels of tetracycline present. “Even small amounts of tetracycline can repress” the engineered lethality. Indeed, that 15% survival rate was described by Oxitec:

“After a lot of testing and comparing experimental design, it was found that [researchers] had used a cat food to feed the [OX513A] larvae and this cat food contained chicken. It is known that tetracycline is routinely used to prevent infections in chickens, especially in the cheap, mass produced, chicken used for animal food. The chicken is heat-treated before being used, but this does not remove all the tetracycline. This meant that a small amount of tetracycline was being added from the food to the larvae and repressing the [designed] lethal system.”

Even absent this tetracycline, as Steinbrecher explained, a “sub-population” of genetically-modified Aedes mosquitoes could theoretically develop and thrive, in theory, “capable of surviving and flourishing despite any further” releases of ‘pure’ GM mosquitoes which still have that gene intact. She added, “the effectiveness of the system also depends on the [genetically-designed] late onset of the lethality. If the time of onset is altered due to environmental conditions … then a 3-4% [survival rate] represents a much bigger problem…”

As the WHO stated in its press release, “conditions associated with this year’s El Nino weather pattern are expected to increase mosquito populations greatly in many areas.”

Incidentally, President Obama called for a massive research effort to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus, as one does not currently exist. Brazil has now called in 200,000 soldiers to somehow help combat the virus’ spread. Aedes mosquitoes have reportedly been spotted in the U.K. But perhaps the most ironic — or not — proposition was proffered on January 19, by the MIT Technology Review:

“An outbreak in the Western Hemisphere could give countries including the United States new reasons to try wiping out mosquitoes with genetic engineering.

“Yesterday, the Brazilian city of Piracicaba said it would expand the use of genetically modified mosquitoes …

“The GM mosquitoes were created by Oxitec, a British company recently purchased by Intrexon, a synthetic biology company based in Maryland. The company said it has released bugs in parts of Brazil and the Cayman Islands to battle dengue fever.”
23.) Experts Admit Zika Threat Fraud
Source: By Dr. Mercola
Global Research, June 07, 2016

We’re in the midst of prime mosquito season for much of the U.S. While the exact beginning and end of mosquito season are debatable, The Washington Post recently used Google search data to pinpoint the shape of mosquito season in the U.S.1

Presumably, Google searchers for mosquitoes increase as mosquitoes ramp up their activity in any given area. Using this premise, The Washington Post found that mosquito searchers shoot up in May and increase steadily through July, then drop off throughout the coming fall and winter months.

In the U.S., mosquito season is viewed as more of an itchy nuisance than a health threat, but that has changed somewhat this year, at least perceptually.

Fears of Zika virus, which some believe may be associated with suspected cases of the birth defect microcephaly, started in Brazil and have quickly spread throughout the U.S. But are such fears warranted?

Experts Admit Zika Threat Risk ‘Near Zero’

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would provide $622 million to fight Zika virus. Yet, by White House estimates, this is “woefully inadequate.” They’ve recommended directing $1.9 billion to fight this latest declared public health emergency

But mosquito experts are questioning the extent of emergency that actually exists. Chris Barker, Ph.D. a mosquito-borne virus researcher at the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, told WebMD:2

“I think the risk for Zika actually setting up transmission cycles that become established in the continental U.S. is near zero.”

Barker expects Zika to go the way of other tropical diseases spread by mosquitoes, such as dengue fever and chikungunya, in the U.S. with perhaps small clusters of outbreaks in southern states and little activity elsewhere.

Even in the Florida Keys (Florida, along with Louisiana and Texas, is said to be one of the states most at risk of mosquito-borne illnesses), the Monroe County Tourist Development Council reported:3

“Dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika viruses are currently not a health threat in the Florida Keys including Key West …

There has never been a report of a locally acquired case of chikungunya or Zika anywhere in the Florida Keys, according to officials at the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County.”

No Locally Transmitted Cases of Zika Virus Reported in U.S.

As of May 25, 2016, Zika has not been spread by mosquitoes anywhere in the continental U.S.4 Calls to control the Aedes mosquitoes, which may carry Zika, have increased nonetheless, including in New York state, where experts say the risk of local transmission is low.

Laura Harrington, Ph.D., chair of Entomology at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York told WebMD:5

“Here in New York state, there’s been a lot of pressure placed on mosquito-control districts to do as much as they can. And, they’re really strapped for resources, and there’s not a huge risk of transmission … ”

Maps released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show it’s possible for Aedes mosquitoes to travel as far north as New York, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri and California. According to Harrington, the maps are inaccurate and causing unnecessary hysteria. Harrington continued:6

“They’re showing this mosquito in places where there’s no way you’re going to find them … It’s really unfortunate, because it’s causing a lot of hysteria in places where people should be focusing on other health issues, like Lyme disease.”

GE Mosquitoes to Fight Zika Virus?

Biotech company Oxitec has created genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes that carry a “genetic kill switch.” When they mate with wild female mosquitoes, their offspring inherit the lethal gene and cannot survive.7

To achieve this feat, Oxitec has inserted protein fragments from the herpes virus, E. coli bacteria, coral and cabbage into the insects. The GE mosquitoes have proven lethal to native mosquito populations.

In the Cayman Islands, for instance, 96 percent of native mosquitoes were suppressed after more than 3 million GE mosquitoes were released in the area, with similar results reported in Brazil.8

Oxitec is seeking to release the GE mosquitoes in the U.S. to fight Zika, but as pointed out by Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston to USA Today, the GE mosquitoes have not been shown to reduce rates of diseases such as Zika.9

The GE mosquitoes may also prove to be too expensive for areas that are plagued with mosquito-borne diseases.

Environmental red flags have also been raised. The potential exists for these foreign genes, which hop from one place to another, to infect human blood by finding entry through skin lesions or inhaled dust.

Such transmission could potentially wreak havoc with the human genome by creating “insertion mutations” and other unpredictable types of DNA damage.10

And according to Todd Shelly, an entomologist for the Agriculture Department in Hawaii, 3.5 percent of the GE insects in a laboratory test survived to adulthood despite presumably carrying the lethal gene.11

It’s important to remember, too, that Oxitec wants emergency approval based on the supposed threat of a disease that has yet to have even one locally transmitted case.

Biotech Company Calls for ‘Emergency Approval’ of Controversial GE Mosquitoes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed with an environmental assessment submitted by Oxitec12 and stated that GE mosquitoes will not have a significant impact on the environment. Technically, this is referred to as a “finding of no significant impact” (FONSI).13

The FDA’s report is only preliminary, but Oxitec wants the FDA to throw caution to the wind and give the GE mosquitoes emergency approval in order to fight the Zika virus.

If approved, Oxitec, in partnership with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD), plans to release the GE mosquitoes, which go by the name of OX513A, in Key Haven, Florida, an island of the Florida Keys located about 1 mile east of Key West.

More than 270,000 people have submitted comments criticizing the FDA’s environmental assessment, and numerous environmental groups are calling for the agency to conduct a more thorough review of the GE mosquitoes’ risks. Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch, said:14

“The FDA really missed the mark on this one … The agency seems so eager to speed the process along that they have failed to do a real review of the potential risks, and are ignoring widespread concern in the community where the release will happen.”

No Permits Required to Spray Near Water

A Clean Water Act permit is generally required to spray pesticides in areas where they might end up in water. The permit is intended to keep the toxic chemicals from contaminating water, but now the Zika virus has been used as an excuse to do away with this common-sense precaution.

The language was inserted into the Zika Vector Control Act, which was passed by the House of Representatives. It would exempt pesticide applicators from needing a Clean Water Act permit, even when spraying near water.

Critics argued the bill would do little to help fight Zika virus, since mosquito-control agencies already have authority to apply pesticides in emergency situations to prevent the spread of infectious disease without applying for permits.

Opponents say the bill has nothing to do with combatting Zika and, instead has been on the table for years, with the majority pushing for its passage “under whatever name” was convenient at the time.15

Aerial Mosquito Spraying Linked to Increased Risk of Autism

Greed is pushing for a number of potentially dangerous “solutions” to combat mosquitoes and related diseases. By removing requirements for permits when spraying pesticides near water, it’s likely the use of these chemicals will skyrocket, including via aerial spraying.

Unfortunately, many may suffer as a result. In research presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 Meeting, aerial pesticide exposure was linked to an increased risk of developmental delays and autism spectrum disorder among children.16 The study compared children living in zip codes where aerial pesticide spraying was used each summer to combat mosquitoes that carry the eastern equine encephalitis virus, with children living in non-aerial-spraying zip codes.

Children exposed to the aerial pesticide spraying were about 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with autism or have a documented developmental delay than those living in areas that used other methods of pesticide application (such as manual spreading of granules).

If authorities use the supposed threat of Zika to increase aerial spraying, it could increase children’s risk of brain disorders, which is the opposite of what anti-Zika campaigns are supposed to achieve.

Are There Other Potential Explanations for an Increase in Microcephaly?

It’s possible Zika-carrying mosquitoes could be involved in suspected cases of microcephaly, but there are other factors that should be considered as well. For starters, the outbreak occurred in a largely poverty-stricken agricultural area of Brazil that uses large amounts of banned pesticides.

Between these factors and the lack of sanitation and widespread vitamin A and zinc deficiency, you already have the basic framework for an increase in poor health outcomes among newborn infants in that area. Environmental pollution and toxic pesticide exposure have been positively linked to a wide array of adverse health effects, including birth defects. For instance:

Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of microcephaly
The CDC lists malnutrition and exposure to toxic chemicals as known risk factors
The CDC also notes certain infections during pregnancy, including rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, and others are risk factors
Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Many experts agree that the threat of an epidemic outbreak of Zika virus on continental U.S. soil is virtually nonexistent. So you needn’t go dousing your backyard in chemicals in an attempt to stay safe from the Zika virus (whose connection to birth defects is still being explored). If however, mosquitoes are bothersome for you, there are some steps you can take to encourage them to live elsewhere.

Draining standing water, including pet bowls, gutters, garbage and recycling bins, spare tires, bird baths, children’s toys and so on, is important. This is where mosquitoes breed, so if you eliminate standing water you’ll eliminate many mosquitoes. Planting marigolds around your yard also works as a bug repellent because the flowers give off a fragrance that bugs do not like. This is a great way to ward off mosquitoes without using chemical insecticides.

A simple house fan could also help keep mosquitoes at bay if you’re having a get-together in your backyard or, for a longer-term solution, try installing a bat house (bats are voracious consumers of insects, especially mosquitoes).

It’s best to avoid using bug zappers in your yard, as these may actually attract more mosquitoes while killing beneficial insects. Insect foggers designed to clear insects out of your backyard should also be avoided, as they require the use of strong, potentially harmful, pesticides and don’t offer lasting protection.

Even those clip-on repellents and fans that are widely sold are best avoided, as they contain even more toxic ingredients than repellents that can be applied to your skin, and they pose an inhalation hazard.17

Some experts also recommend supplementing with one vitamin B1 tablet a day from April through October, and then adding 100 mg of B1 to a B-100 Complex daily during the mosquito season to make you less attractive to mosquitoes. Regularly consuming garlic may also help protect against mosquito bites, as may the following natural insect repellants:

Cinnamon leaf oil (one study found it was more effective at killing mosquitoes than DEET18)
Clear liquid vanilla extract mixed with olive oil
Wash with citronella soap, and then put some 100 percent pure citronella essential oil on your skin. Java citronella is considered the highest quality citronella on the market
Catnip oil (according to one study, this oil is 10 times more effective than DEET19)
24.) Epidemiology, Prevention, and Potential Future Treatments of Sexually Transmitted Zika Virus Infection.
Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2017 Apr;19(4):16. doi: 10.1007/s11908-017-0571-z.

Hamer DH1,2,3, Wilson ME4,5, Jean J6, Chen LH7,8.
Author information

Center for Global Health and Development, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
Department of Global Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Crosstown 3rd floor, 801 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA, 02118, USA.
Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Travel Medicine Center, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA, USA.


While mosquitoes have been primarily responsible for outbreaks of Zika virus worldwide, most prominently in the Americas during 2015 and 2016, there has been increased recognition of the importance of sexual transmission. We review human reports and animal model studies of Zika sexual transmission and summarize potential therapeutic candidates.

Male-to-female, male-to-male, and female-to-male transmission has been reported, among unprotected sexual contacts of returning travelers. Human studies have shown the potential importance of long-term persistence of Zika virus in semen while animal models have begun to yield important insights into pathogenesis of Zika infection of the genital tract. Adherence to federal and global guidelines for prevention of sexual transmission of Zika virus from travelers to their sexual partners represents the best strategy for reducing the risk of transmission outside of endemic areas. Active research on potential treatments may soon yield candidates for clinical trials.
25.) Propaganda Machine Takes Aim at Zika Virus. The Causes of Microcephaly
Source: By Dr. Mercola
Global Research, February 17, 2016 16 February 2016

It’s that time again — time for the pandemic outbreak propaganda machine to cry “Wolf!” and justify the mass use of vaccines and the necessity for chemical remediation. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already declaredanother global public health emergency.1 We’ve seen a string of these over-hyped virus scares over the past six years, from the bird and swine flu to Ebola — all of which died down as suddenly as they emerged, without causing the predicted widespread catastrophic damage in the real world. This year, it’s the Zika virus, which is being blamed for a rash of reports of microcephaly2,3 among infants born in Brazil. The condition, in which babies are born with unusually small heads, is said to have surged from an average of about 150 cases annually to more than 4,780 cases since October 2015.

Microcephaly Cases Vastly Over-Reported

The Brazilian government has already admitted that overly generous parameters resulted in dramatic over-reporting of the rare condition public health officials have associated with the Zika virus, which has been dubbed by the media as the “shrunken head” virus. To be on the safe side, when Zika-affected areas began seeing a rise in microcephaly, the Brazilian government asked health officials to report any case in which a child was born with a head circumference smaller than 33 centimeters. False positives were expected, and when they realized that most of these babies were in fact healthy and normal, the threshold was lowered to 32 centimeters in December. The limit may be lowered even further, to 31.9 centimeters for boys and 31.5 centimeters for girls. As reported by The New York Times:4

Of the cases examined so far, 404 have been confirmed as having microcephaly. Only 17 of them tested positive for the Zika virus… Another 709 babies have been ruled out as having microcephaly … underscoring the risks of false positives making the epidemic appear larger than it actually is. The remaining 3,670 cases are still being investigated. [Emphasis mine]

As noted by The New York Times, there’s actually very little scientific evidence tying the Zika virus to this particular condition. Still, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus a global health emergency5 on February 1, noting that the “main worry” is the virus’ potential link to microcephaly and subsequent brain damage. According to WHO, the Zika virus may have infected as many as 4 million people in the Americas, and public health officials in Brazil, Colombia and El Salvador are reportedly all researching the effects of Zika infection in pregnant women.

Poverty, Pollution, and Vitamin Deficiencies May Affect Microcephaly Rates in Brazil

The Zika virus was initially identified in 1947 in Uganda, where it was originally limited to rhesus monkeys. It’s an arbovirus, meaning the disease is transmitted via mosquito, tick or flea bites. According to ATCC,6 a “global biological materials resource…organization whose mission focuses on the acquisition, authentication, production, preservation, development, and distribution of standard reference microorganisms,” the Zika virus7 — which they sell for about $500 — causes paralysis and death.

In humans, Zika infection typically causes only mild flu-like symptoms, if any, and there does not appear to be any prior evidence suggesting it might cause birth defects. That certainly doesn’t exclude the possibility, of course, but there are many other factors and co-factors that offer a far more likely and rational explanation for the rise in microcephaly in this area of Brazil, besides Zika-carrying mosquitoes. For starters, the “outbreak” is occurring in a largely poverty-stricken agricultural area of Brazil that uses large amounts of banned pesticides.8,9,10

Between these factors and the lack of sanitation and widespread vitamin A and zinc deficiency, you already have the basic framework for an increase in poor health outcomes among newborn infants in that area.11 Environmental pollution12,13 and toxic pesticide exposure have been positively linked to a wide array of adverse health effects, including birth defects. When you add all these co-factors together, an increase in microcephaly doesn’t seem like such a far-fetched outcome.

Vitamin A Deficiency Linked to Microcephaly

Vitamin A and zinc deficiency is considered endemic in Brazil,14,15,16 and both of these nutritional deficiencies are known to depress immune function.17,18,19 More importantly, vitamin A deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of microcephaly specifically,20,21 and zinc is known to play an important role in the structure and function of the brain.22 Even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists malnutrition and exposure to toxic chemicals as two of the three known risk factors. The third is certain infections during pregnancy, including rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, and others.23 Researchers24 have also noted that microcephaly follows “an apparent autosomal recessive pattern,” and may be the result of a recessed gene.

Atrazine Also Implicated in Microcephaly

The pesticide Atrazine also appears to be a viable culprit. According to research25 published in 2011, small head circumference was listed as a side effect of prenatal Atrazine exposure. Atrazine is used to prevent pre- and post-emergence weeds and is the second most commonly used herbicide after Roundup. As noted by

The most obvious cause of birth defects in this area is direct contact and absorption of pesticides. A study of pesticide use on tomatoes27 in the Northern State of Pernambuco, Brazil, indicates high exposure to pesticide workers and poor application methods which threaten the ecology of the area. Women washed the pesticide application equipment, generally in the work environment, without protective clothing or without observing the recommended three-fold washing process … Of the women workers, 32% reported being pregnant more than five times … Almost three-quarters of the women (71%) reported miscarriages, and 11% reported having mentally and/or physically impaired offspring.

Why Is Brazil Overlooking Teratogenic Larvicide Added to Drinking Water in Affected Area?

A report28,29 by an Argentine physician’s organization called “Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns” also challenges the theory that Zika virus is responsible for the microcephaly cases in Brazil. They note that for the past 18 months, a chemical larvicide that causes malformations in mosquitoes (pyroproxyfen) has been applied to the drinking water in the affected area of Brazil. Pyroproxyfen is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, long-term strategic partners of Monsanto, and has been used in a state-controlled program to eradicate mosquitoes. This chemical inhibits growth in mosquito larvae, thereby producing malformations that disable and/or kill the mosquitoes. According to “Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns,” it’s also an endocrine disruptor and teratogenic, meaning it causes birth defects. The organization also points out that Zika virus has never been associated with birth defects previously, even in areas where 75 percent of the population has been infected. According to the report:

Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added Pyroproxyfen to drinking water are not a coincidence, even though the Ministry of Health places a direct blame on the Zika virus for this damage.

Aerial Spraying of Neonicotinoids Also Causes Skeletal Malformations

The list of pesticides that have the potential to disrupt fetal development is long. Yet another suspect is Imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid. In October 2012—around the same time that these women would have been getting pregnant–Brazil lifted its ban on aerial spraying of neonicotinoids. In30 2001, it was reported that Imidacloprid fed to pregnant rats and rabbits in “maternally toxic” doses caused skeletal malformation in a small percentage of fetuses.31,32 In December 2013, the U.K. Daily Mail33 also reported that neonicotinoids were suspected of causing developmental problems in babies and children. Another 2013 study34 showed adverse events with embryo development and neonicotinoids. Perhaps it’s not any single one of these pesticides that is to blame. Perhaps the rise in microcephaly cases is the result of exposure to a terrible mixture of toxic pesticides before or during pregnancy?

Mandatory Vaccination Program of Pregnant Women Took Effect 2015

Also, in October 2014 the Brazilian government mandated that all pregnant women must receive the pertussis-containing Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine, effective as of 2015.35 The fact that birth defects began rising toward the end of 2015 seems more suspicious in light of this mandate than the possibility that Zika infection is solely responsible — especially when you consider that pertussis vaccine has previously been linked to brain inflammation and brain damage in infants, and the safety of administering Tdap to pregnant women has never been proven.36 In the summer of 2015, Dr. Kathryn Edwards, director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, received a $307,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study the immune responses of pregnant women receiving Tdap, the vaccine in question.37 Her conclusions remain to be seen. But a number of previous studies have demonstrated that stimulating the immune system of a pregnant woman is a very bad idea. So why mandate Tdap vaccine but not vitamin A and zinc supplementation for pregnant women? Studies showing adverse health effects from maternal immune activation include but are not limited to the following samples:

Brain Behavior and Immunity 2001:38 Increased cytokine levels during pregnancy is a potential risk factor for psychotic illness in offspring

Biological Psychiatry 2006:39 Immune activation during pregnancy in mice leads to dopaminergic hyperfunction and cognitive impairment in the offspring, and may promote schizophrenia

Brain Behavior and Immunity 2006:40 Immune stimulation during pregnancy was found to promote neurodevelopmental mental diseases, including but not limited to schizophrenia in the offspring

Journal of Neuroscience 2007:41 Maternal immune activation alters fetal brain development, and may predispose children to schizophrenia and autism

Journal of Neuroscience 2008:42 Inflammation during a critical postnatal period causes a long-lasting increase in seizure susceptibility

Medical Veritas 2008:43 Excessive vaccination during brain development may promote autism spectrum disorders

Are Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Linked to Zika Infection?

Interestingly enough, the Gates Foundation has also financed the development of genetically-engineered (GE) mosquitoes,44designed by a biotech company called Oxitec to combat dengue fever and Zika — a project some suspect may have somehow backfired, resulting in a Zika outbreak instead.45 Considering the fact that the transgenic mosquitoes are designed to kill the offspring before they reach breeding maturity — they’re carrying a “suicide” or “self-destruct gene”46 if you will — you may wonder how such mosquitoes could possiblypromote the spread of Zika. Well, they can’t. Not intentionally, anyway, which is what some people have suggested. There are some potential problems though.

This genetic “kill switch” starts to fail in the presence of the antibiotic tetracycline.47 Brazil is the third largest consumer of antibiotics for food and animal production48 and, according to a 2009 analysis,49 an estimated 75 percent of the tetracyclines administered to farm animals end up being excreted in waste. The use of manure and sewage sludge as fertilizers is a major route of spread of antibiotics in the environment. (Little is known about the environmental impact of tetracycline, but Brazilian researchers50 have found alarming situations where the presence of these drugs in drinking water has resulted in bacterial resistance.) According to Oxitec documents,51 in the presence of tetracyclines the survival rate of the GE mosquitoes’ offspring may be as high as 15 percent. However, aside from not decimating the mosquito population as efficiently as intended, there’s really NO evidence to suggest that these GE mosquitoes are somehow intentional carriers of the Zika virus. That said, while the GE mosquitoes are supposed to be all male, which don’t bite, if females either happen to slip through the process, or for some reason survive, there may be a risk that they could transfer their modified DNA to the host. What the ramifications of this might be is unclear.

GE Mosquitoes Claim Success — Yet We Need Harsher Pesticides?

Oxitec released the first batches of transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands in September 2009.52 Malaysia releases followed in 2010. In July 2012, the company had set up a large-scale transgenic mosquito farm in Brazil. The GE mosquitoes were released into the wild in Juazeiro, Brazil in the summer of 2015, and shortly thereafter Oxitec announced53 they had “successfully controlled the Aedes aegyptimosquito that spreads dengue fever, chikungunya, and zika virus, by reducing the target population by more than 90 percent.” Research54 findings published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases claim the sterile breed had reduced the mosquito population in one Brazilian suburb by 95 percent. Despite such claims of successful decimation of the disease-carrying insect, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff recently made an announcement saying: “each federal public official has to transform into a combatant against the mosquito and its reproduction.” Thousands of soldiers and state employees have been enlisted to eradicate mosquitoes wherever they may lurk. “We will do everything, absolutely everything in our reach to protect you,”President Rousseff said55 in her speech, addressing all the mothers and future mothers of Brazil — and then she turns around and orders women and children to be fumigated with toxic chemicals! Oh, the tragic irony!

‘Health Experts’ Call for Return of DDT

Groups like the Manhattan Institute are even calling for the return of DDT56 to address the mosquito problem! This is despite the fact that DDT passes freely through the placenta during pregnancy,57 where it gains direct access to the developing fetus and its brain.58 Studies have linked DDT to high blood pressure, decreased fertility, premature delivery, adult diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.59Moreover, DDT has also been linked to microcephaly,60 so using this toxin would definitely not be the answer to the current problem! As noted by STATNews:61

“The United States banned DDT in 1972 after it was found to persist in the environment for decades, build up in food chains, and kill eagles, pelicans, and other wildlife. But the pesticide was never banned globally. Though the 2001 Stockholm Convention called on countries to eliminate use of DDT and related chemicals, DDT is still used in African and other countries to control malaria-carrying mosquitoes (which, as predicted, evolved widespread resistance to the chemical). A significant concern about DDT is that when a mosquito population evolves resistance to it (as individual insects that harbor DDT-defying mutations leave countless more descendants than vulnerable insects), the creatures also develop resistance to other, safer insecticides… Epidemiologist Brenda Eskenazi, Ph.D. of the University of California, San Francisco, who led a 2009 study raising concerns about the human health effects of DDT exposure, agreed that DDT might not work in Brazil and other countries where Zika is spreading. ‘They should use whatever they can to control the virus,’ she said, ‘but they have to do it safely.’ According to news photos, ‘men in hazmat suits are spraying pesticides around women and children’ who have no protective clothing or anything else, she said, ‘which is horrible and upsetting.'”

Foggers and Mosquito Sprays Don’t Work on This Mosquito

It’s astounding how short-sighted many are, but that’s what happens when you incite panic — people don’t stop to think. In this case, recommendations to use toxic foggers and sprays is bound to do FAR more harm than good, if for no other reason than the fact that they’re ineffective against Aedes aegypti, the species of mosquito in question.62 These tiny black and white striped mosquitoes do not fly far — their range being a mere 300 to 600 feet. Since it’s so difficult to catch them airborne, insecticidal sprays and foggers are mostly useless for controlling them. Also, they feed during the daytime, not at night, which is typically when the fog-trucks will roll through the neighborhood. As noted by

To feed, they have to stick close to their intended targets, a.k.a. us. They live under decks, patio furniture, and in homes that don’t have cool air — they don’t much like air conditioning. They especially love the drip trays that collect extra water under potted plants … They ‘can breed in incredibly small amounts of water,’ says Joe Conlon, spokesman for the American Mosquito Control Association.‘When I was in Suriname, South America, several years ago, I saw them breeding very happily in discarded soda bottle caps,’ he says. In New Jersey, researchers at Rutgers University found them breeding in water that had pooled in discarded snack-size potato chip bags.‘These mosquitoes are in people’s backyards,’ says Dina Fonseca, Ph.D., an entomologist and associate professor at Rutgers. They live in containers, she says, and are ‘urban, domestic mosquitoes.'”

Other questionable suggestions on the table include using X-rays and/or Gamma rays to sterilize mosquitoes. According to Reuters:64

Such laboratory-bred male mosquitoes could then be released in the wild to mate with the females of the species who then bear eggs that never hatch, thus reducing the number of insects in a given area without killing any animals or using chemicals.

Emergency Declaration Begins Another Round of Massive Profiteering


The emergency declaration begins another round of massive profiteering for drug and vaccine companies. And this year, the chemical- and biotech industries get to ride gunshot too. This is how they survive — scaring the heck out of people at regular intervals while making tons of money in the process. As expected, Zika vaccines are in the works, with companies racing to become the first to deliver a remedy,65,66 no matter how poorly tested and ultimately dangerous they might be — all under the auspices of saving tons of lives, of course.

Yet it’s worth remembering that any pandemic vaccine fast tracked to market in the U.S. during a “public health emergency” is completely shielded from liability for injuries and deaths.

Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck are all looking to develop a Zika vaccine. The Indian company Bharat Biotech somehow got a head start, and began working on two Zika vaccines in November 2014.67 Would it surprise you to find out that this company is also linked to the Gates Foundation? They received $50 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to research and conduct human trials on a malaria vaccine.68 Merck, Syngenta, and Bayer are also partners in the Gates Foundation, as are chemical giants Monsanto69 and DuPont. This unholy alliance is just one of the reasons why I don’t trust Bill Gates’ philanthropy, he might be one of the most dangerous individual powers on the planet.70

U.S. Overreacts Based on Poorly Constructed Fear Porn

Like many other nations, the U.S. has overreacted to the news and is increasing mosquito eradication efforts. According to some models, an estimated 200 million Americans, or over 60 PERCENT of the U.S. population, may become infected with Zika this summer.71 So far, about three dozen cases of Zika virus infection have been confirmed in 11 U.S. states — most of which, according to the report, were thought to have been acquired by people while out of the country. The CDC urges pregnant women to avoid traveling to countries with reported transmissions of the infection — a total of 24 countries so far.72 As noted by Reuters:73

“With no specific federal guideline yet in place to control the spread of the Zika virus in the United States, some mosquito-heavy states like Florida are stepping up spraying and education programs. But, the North and West have yet to boost prevention. Only one out of the more than 30 confirmed cases of Zika in the country appears to have been transmitted locally, in Dallas, Texas. Public health officials are bracing for the time when warmer weather increases the number of mosquitoes that can transmit the virus by biting an infected person and spreading it to others. The types of mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, are common in Florida, where mosquito season is year-round, and along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, including Houston.”

Panama, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Florida in the U.S. are also slated to receive Oxitec’s “self-destruct” mosquitoes74,75 and the longer the Zika scare continues, the more likely these little critters will be released in mosquito-ridden areas across the world. Is this wise? Chances are we may be in for some nasty surprises. As noted by Helen Wallace in 2012, a British environmentalist with the organization GeneWatch:76

This mosquito is Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, plain and simple. To open a box and let these man-made creatures fly free is a risk with dangers we haven’t even begun to contemplate.

We may not like the mosquito, but that doesn’t mean it serves no function in the ecosystem. If we successfully eradicate this mosquito, what might the ramifications be ecosystem-wide?

How Does U.S. Explain 25,000 Microcephaly Cases Annually — Without Zika?

In the U.S., approximately 25,000 infants are diagnosed with microcephaly each year.77 Brazil has about 70 percent of the population the U.S. has, and now reports just over 400 cases, 17 of which tested positive for the Zika virus. So is this reallythe global emergency it’s being made out to be? And more importantly, is Zika virus really responsible for these birth defects? Colombia reports that 3,177 pregnant women have tested positive for Zika virus, yet no cases of microcephaly have occurred.78

The evidence suggests implicating Zika virus may be a matter of convenience — leaders of the public-private partnership between industry and government are quickly blaming the rise in microcephaly on disease-carrying mosquitoes in order to sell more GE mosquitoes, to sell more toxic insecticides, and to have an excuse to develop and sell more vaccines. All the while, they are keeping hidden some of the most likely culprits — poor nutrition and toxic environmental exposures like pesticides, as well as vaccines given during pregnancy when the fetus is most susceptible to harm.

By throwing up a convenient veil in the form of Zika-infected mosquitoes, business can not only go on as usual, but grow and expand profits to boot. I have no immediate answers to this problem, other than a firm suggestion, and that is to put on your thinking cap and assess the situation based on what the actual evidence shows, and do not just go by the sound bytes regurgitated by the talking heads.

Sooner or later the insanity must end. We cannot expect a healthy infant and child population when pregnant women are assaulted with toxins at every turn.

And MORE toxins is NOT the answer! This really should be self-evident.

For all intents and purposes my review of the available evidence strongly suggests that the Zika virus is just another fabricated threat designed to support even further use of profitable but unproven and highly ineffective products like vaccines.
26.) Surveillance report of Zika virus among Canadian travellers returning from the Americas.
CMAJ. 2017 Mar 6;189(9):E334-E340. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.161241.

Boggild AK1, Geduld J2, Libman M2, Yansouni CP2, McCarthy AE2, Hajek J2, Ghesquiere W2, Mirzanejad Y2, Vincelette J2, Kuhn S2, Plourde PJ2, Chakrabarti S2, Freedman DO2, Kain KC2.
Author information
Department of Medicine (Boggild, Chakrabarti, Kain), Tropical Disease Unit, Division of Infectious Diseases, University Health Network and University of Toronto; Public Health Ontario Laboratories (Boggild), Public Health Ontario, Toronto, Ont.; Office of Border and Travel Health (Geduld), Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Ont.; The J.D. MacLean Centre for Tropical Diseases (Libman, Yansouni), McGill University, Montréal, Que.; Tropical Medicine and International Health Clinic (McCarthy), Division of Infectious Diseases, Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.; Division of Infectious Diseases (Hajek, Mirzanejad), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Infectious Diseases (Ghesquiere), Vancouver Island Health Authority, Victoria, BC; Department of Medicine (Ghesquiere), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Fraser Health (Mirzanejad), Surrey, BC; Hôpital Saint-Luc du CHUM (Vincelette), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Que.; Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Kuhn), Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Alberta Children's Hospital and University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.; Travel Health and Tropical Medicine Services (Plourde), Population and Public Health Program, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Winnipeg, Man.; Trillium Health Partners (Chakrabarti), Mississauga, Ont.; Department of Medicine (Freedman), Center for Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, Ala.; SAR Laboratories (Kain), Sandra Rotman Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Department of Medicine (Boggild, Chakrabarti, Kain), Tropical Disease Unit, Division of Infectious Diseases, University Health Network and University of Toronto; Public Health Ontario Laboratories (Boggild), Public Health Ontario, Toronto, Ont.; Office of Border and Travel Health (Geduld), Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Ont.; The J.D. MacLean Centre for Tropical Diseases (Libman, Yansouni), McGill University, Montréal, Que.; Tropical Medicine and International Health Clinic (McCarthy), Division of Infectious Diseases, Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.; Division of Infectious Diseases (Hajek, Mirzanejad), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Infectious Diseases (Ghesquiere), Vancouver Island Health Authority, Victoria, BC; Department of Medicine (Ghesquiere), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Fraser Health (Mirzanejad), Surrey, BC; Hôpital Saint-Luc du CHUM (Vincelette), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Que.; Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Kuhn), Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Alberta Children's Hospital and University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.; Travel Health and Tropical Medicine Services (Plourde), Population and Public Health Program, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Winnipeg, Man.; Trillium Health Partners (Chakrabarti), Mississauga, Ont.; Department of Medicine (Freedman), Center for Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, Ala.; SAR Laboratories (Kain), Sandra Rotman Centre, Toronto, Ont.

Widespread transmission of Zika virus in the Americas has occurred since late 2015. We examined demographic and travel-related characteristics of returned Canadian travellers with Zika infection acquired in the Americas to illuminate risk factors for acquisition and the clinical spectrum.

We analyzed demographic and travel-related data for returned Canadian travellers who presented to a CanTravNet site between October 2015 and September 2016 for care of Zika virus acquired in the Americas. Data were collected with use of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network data platform.

During the study period, 1118 travellers presented to a CanTravNet site after returning from the Americas, 41 (3.7%) of whom had Zika infection. Zika infection from the Americas was diagnosed at CanTravNet sites as often as dengue (n = 41) over the study period. In the first half of the study period, Zika virus burden was borne by people visiting friends and relatives in South America. In the latter half, coincident with the increased spread of Zika throughout the Caribbean and Central America, Zika virus occurred more often in tourists in the Caribbean. Forty (98%) of the travellers with Zika infection acquired it through probable mosquito exposure, and 1 had confirmed sexual acquisition. Congenital transmission occurred in 2 of 3 pregnancies. Two (5%) of those with Zika had symptoms resembling those of Guillain-Barré syndrome, 1 of whom also had Zika viral meningitis.

Even in this small cohort, we observed the full clinical spectrum of acute Zika virus, including adverse fetal and neurologic outcomes. Our observations suggest that complications from Zika infection are underestimated by data arising exclusively from populations where Zika is endemic. Travellers should adhere to mosquito-avoidance measures and barrier protection during sexual activity.
27.) Zika virus shedding in human milk during lactation: an unlikely source of infection?
Int J Infect Dis. 2017 Apr;57:70-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2017.01.042. Epub 2017 Feb 8.

Cavalcanti MG1, Cabral-Castro MJ2, Gonçalves JL2, Santana LS2, Pimenta ES3, Peralta JM4.
Author information

Serviço de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias, Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (HUCFF/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IMPG/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IMPG/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Serviço de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias, Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (HUCFF/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IMPG/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Electronic address:


Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission through non-mosquito-dependent routes has become increasingly important since reports of sexual transmission. Breastfeeding is a potential means of ZIKV transmission, but data on this remain limited. The cases of four mothers with laboratory-proven infections are reported. No disease evolved in three of the breastfed babies despite detectable maternal viremia and viruria, the presence of viral RNA shedding, and the isolation of infective particles in one milk sample. Fever and rash in one infant of a ZIKV-infected mother proved to be related to chikungunya virus infection. The results suggest that the presence of infective particles in breast milk may not be sufficient for the efficient perinatal transmission of ZIKV.
28.) First Zika-positive donations in the continental United States.
Transfusion. 2017 Mar;57(3pt2):762-769. doi: 10.1111/trf.14029. Epub 2017 Feb 5.

Galel SA1, Williamson PC2, Busch MP3, Stanek D4, Bakkour S3, Stone M3, Lu K3, Jones S5, Rossmann SN6, Pate LL1; cobas Zika IND Study Group.
Author information

Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Pleasanton, California.
Creative Testing Solutions, St Petersburg, Florida.
Blood Systems Research Institute, San Francisco, California.
Florida Department of Health, Tallahassee, Florida.
QualTex Laboratories, San Antonio, Texas.
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Houston, Texas.


Zika virus (ZIKV) has spread in the Americas, including parts of the southern United States, and infection can be associated with serious complications, including congenital brain abnormalities. Probable transfusion transmission of ZIKV has been documented in Brazil.

Preemptive testing of blood donations for ZIKV RNA was implemented in southern US states at risk of local transmission using a test approved under a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigational new drug application, cobas Zika. Screening was expanded after issuance of an updated FDA guidance. Donations reactive on initial screening were further tested by nucleic acid and antibody tests to determine the donor status.

Of 358,786 donations from US states screened by individual donation testing, 23 were initially reactive on cobas Zika. Fourteen of these represented probable ZIKV infection based on reactivity on additional nucleic acid testing or anti-Zika immunoglobulin M. Ten of the 14 donors reported travel to an identified ZIKV-active area within 90 days before donation (median time from end of travel to donation, 25 days; range, 6-71 days). Three donors with travel history also had a potential sexual exposure. Only seven of the 14 donations with probable ZIKV infection were detectable upon 1:6 dilution to simulate minipool testing. The estimated specificity of the cobas Zika test was 99.997%.

Screening of donations for ZIKV RNA can interdict ZIKV-infected donors. Donor risk factors include travel more than 4 weeks before donation and sexual exposure. Minipool screening would have detected only 50% of the RNA-positive donations.
29.) Sexually acquired Zika virus: a systematic review.
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2017 Jan 3. pii: S1198-743X(16)30659-0. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2016.12.027. [Epub ahead of print]

Moreira J1, Peixoto TM2, Siqueira AM3, Lamas CC4.
Author information

Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Electronic address:
Universidade do Grande Rio (Unigranrio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidade do Grande Rio (Unigranrio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Unidade de pesquisa cardiovascular, Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Zika virus (ZIKV) is transmitted to humans primarily by Aedes mosquito bites. However, circumstantial evidence points to a sexual transmission route.

To assess the sexually acquired ZIKV cases and to investigate the shedding of ZIKV in genital fluids.

PubMed, Scopus, Pro-MED-mail and WHO ZIKV notification databases from inception to December 2016.

Reports describing ZIKV acquisition through sex and studies reporting the detection or isolation of ZIKV in the genital fluids were included.

The risk of bias was assessed using the National Institute of Health Tool.

Eighteen studies reporting on sex-acquired ZIKV and 21 describing the presence of ZIKV in genital fluids were included. The overall risk of bias was moderate. Sexual transmission was male-female (92.5%), female-male (3.7%) and male-male (3.7%). Modes of sexual transmission were unprotected vaginal (96.2%), oral (18.5%) and anal (7.4%) intercourse. The median time between onset of symptoms in the index partner and presumed sexual transmission was 13 days (range 4-44 days). ZIKV RNA was detected in semen as late as 188 days (range 3-188 days) following symptom onset, and infectious virus was isolated in semen up to 69 days after symptom onset. No study reported ZIKV isolation from female genital samples, but detection did occur up to 13 days after symptom onset.

ZIKV is potentially sexually transmitted and persists in male genital secretions for a prolonged period after symptom onset. PROSPERO systematic review registration number CRD42016041475.
30.) Zika puzzle in Brazil: peculiar conditions of viral introduction and dissemination - A Review.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2017 Apr 6:0. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760160510. [Epub ahead of print]

Possas C1, Brasil P2, Marzochi MC3, Tanuri A4, Martins RM1, Marques ET5,6, Bonaldo MC7, Ferreira AG8, Lourenço-de-Oliveira R9, Nogueira RM10, Sequeira PC10, Marzochi KB3, Homma A1.
Author information

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Bio-Manguinhos, Assessoria Científica Sênior, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Laboratório de Pesquisa Clínica em Doenças Febris Agudas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Laboratório de Pesquisa Clínica e Vigilância em Leishmanioses, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães, Departamento de Virologia, Recife, PE, Brasil.
University of Pittsburgh, Center for Vaccine Research, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Flavivírus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Bio-Manguinhos, Departamento de Reativos para Diagnóstico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Mosquitos Transmissores de Hematozoários, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Flavivírus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.


This article discusses the peculiar conditions that favoured the unexpected introduction of Zika virus into the poorest northeastern region of Brazil in 2015, its speed of transmission to other Brazilian states, other Latin American countries and other regions, and the severity of related neurological disorders in newborns and adults. Contrasting with evidence that Zika had so far caused only mild cases in humans in the last six decades, the epidemiological scenario of this outbreak in Brazil indicates dramatic health effects: in 2015, an increase of 20-fold in notified cases of microcephaly and/or central nervous system (CNS) alterations suggestive of Zika congenital infection, followed by an exponential increase in 2016, with 2366 cumulative cases confirmed in the country by the end of December 2016. A significant increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults has also been reported. Factors involved in viral dissemination, neural pathogenesis and routes of transmission in Brazil are examined, such as the role of social and environmental factors and the controversies involved in the hypothesis of antibody-dependent enhancement, to explain the incidence of congenital Zika syndrome in Brazil. Responses to the Zika outbreak and the development of new products are also discussed.
31.) The Complement System in Flavivirus Infections.
Front Microbiol. 2017 Feb 14;8:213. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00213. eCollection 2017.

Conde JN1, Silva EM1, Barbosa AS2, Mohana-Borges R1.
Author information

Laboratório de Genômica Estrutural, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Laboratório de Bacteriologia, Instituto Butantan São Paulo, Brazil.


The incidence of flavivirus infections has increased dramatically in recent decades in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, affecting hundreds of millions of people each year. The Flaviviridae family includes dengue, West Nile, Zika, Japanese encephalitis, and yellow fever viruses that are typically transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks, and cause a wide range of symptoms, such as fever, shock, meningitis, paralysis, birth defects, and death. The flavivirus genome is composed of a single positive-sense RNA molecule encoding a single viral polyprotein. This polyprotein is further processed by viral and host proteases into three structural proteins (C, prM/M, E) and seven non-structural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5) that are involved in viral replication and pathogenicity. The complement system has been described to play an important role in flavivirus infection either by protecting the host and/or by influencing disease pathogenesis. In this mini-review, we will explore the role of complement system inhibition and/or activation against infection by the Flavivirus genus, with an emphasis on dengue and West Nile viruses.
32.) Zika virus infection, associated microcephaly, and low yellow fever vaccination coverage in Brazil: is there any causal link?
J Infect Dev Ctries. 2016 Jun 30;10(6):563-6. doi: 10.3855/jidc.8575.

De Góes Cavalcanti LP1, Tauil PL, Alencar CH, Oliveira W, Teixeira MM, Heukelbach J.
Author information

Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.


Since the end of 2014, Zika virus (ZIKV) infection has been rapidly spreading in Brazil.

To analyze the possible association of yellow fever vaccine with a protective effect against ZIKV-related microcephaly, the following spatial analyses were performed, using Brazilian municipalities as units: i) yellow fever vaccination coverage in Brazilian municipalities in individuals aged 15-49; ii) reported cases of microcephaly by municipality; and iii) confirmed cases of microcephaly related to ZIKV, by municipality. SaTScan software was used to identify clusters of municipalities for high risk of microcephaly.

There were seven significant high risk clusters of confirmed microcephaly cases, with four of them located in the Northeast where yellow fever vaccination rates were the lowest. The clusters harbored only 2.9% of the total population of Brazil, but 15.2% of confirmed cases of microcephaly.

We hypothesize that pregnant women in regions with high yellow fever vaccination coverage may pose their offspring to lower risk for development of microcephaly. There is an urgent need for systematic studies to confirm the possible link between low yellow fever vaccination coverage, Zika virus infection and microcephaly.
33.) Inhibition of Zika virus by Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti.
Microb Cell. 2016 Jun 27;3(7):293-295. doi: 10.15698/mic2016.07.513.

Caragata EP1, Dutra HL1, Moreira LA1.
Author information

Mosquitos Vetores: Endossimbiontes e Interação Patógeno-Vetor, Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou - Fiocruz, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.


Through association with cases of microcephaly in 2015, Zika virus (ZIKV) has transitioned from a relatively unknown mosquito-transmitted pathogen to a global health emergency, emphasizing the need to improve existing mosquito control programs to prevent future disease outbreaks. The response to Zika must involve a paradigm shift from traditional to novel methods of mosquito control, and according to the World Health Organization should incorporate the release of mosquitoes infected with the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachiapipientis. In our recent paper [Dutra, HLC et al., Cell Host & Microbe 2016] we investigated the potential of Wolbachia infections in Aedes aegypti to restrict infection and transmission of Zika virus recently isolated in Brazil. Wolbachia is now well known for its ability to block or reduce infection with a variety of pathogens in different mosquito species including the dengue (DENV), yellow fever, and chikungunya viruses, and malaria-causing Plasmodium, and consequently has great potential to control mosquito-transmitted diseases across the globe. Our results demonstrated that the wMel Wolbachia strain in Brazilian Ae. aegypti is a strong inhibitor of ZIKV infection, and furthermore appears to prevent transmission of infectious viral particles in mosquito saliva, which highlights the bacterium's suitability for more widespread use in Zika control.


34.) Despliegan Mosquitos infectados con una bacteria para combatir el zika

El Distrito de Control de Mosquitos de los Cayos de Florida (FKMCD, por su sigla en inglés) soltó 20 000 mosquitos macho Aedes Egypti infectados con una bacteria cerca de Cayo Hueso (sur de Florida) para probar si pueden ayudar a combatir el virus del Zika, informó este miércoles 19 de abril de 2017 esa entidad. La compañía MosquitoMate, que proporciona los mosquitos macho con la bacteria Wolbachia, afirma que cuando esos insectos criados en laboratorio se aparean con hembras salvajes de su especie, los huevos no llegan a desarrollarse y así la población decrece gradualmente, explicó Stephen Dobson, fundador de la empresa con sede en Kentucky. Los mosquitos de laboratorio se almacenan en unos tubos de cartón con tapas y basta con abrirlos y agitarlos para que se dispersen en el lugar elegido y hagan su trabajo. Así se hizo este martes en Stock Island, al norte de Cayo Hueso, uno de los sitios escogidos para una prueba que va a durar unos tres meses, con suelta de mosquitos dos veces por semana. Según el canal de noticias NBC 6, Dobson dijo que es necesario llegar a que los mosquitos de laboratorio con la bacteria sean siete por cada mosquito macho salvaje para lograr una disminución de la población de Aedes aegypti, el mosquito causante del zika, el dengue y el chikunguña. "Si la prueba con los mosquitos infectados con la bacteria Wolbachia es exitosa podríamos contar con una nueva herramienta para eliminar el mosquito e impedir que las enfermedades que transmiten entren a nuestras comunidades isleñas", dijo Andrea Leal, directora ejecutiva de FKMCD, en un comunicado. Florida es el único estado de Estados Unidos donde por ahora se ha registrado un brote de zika transmitido por mosquitos autóctonos. En julio de 2016 se identificó en un barrio de Miami el primer caso de zika no relacionado con viajes al extranjero en Estados Unidos y después hubo otros 200 casos. La autoridades de Florida se están preparando para la temporada de lluvias que es cuando los Aedes egypti hacen su aparición y coincide con el verano en el hemisferio norte. MosquitoMate hizo otra prueba con sus mosquitos infectados con la bacteria en Clovis, California, el año pasado. Las autoridades de los Cayos barajan también la posibilidad de usar mosquitos genéticamente modificados de la firma británica Oxitec, pero grupos ecologistas y algunos vecinos se oponen.



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