agosto 2017 - DERMAGIC EXPRESS / Dermatologia y Bibliografia - Dermatology & bibliography DERMAGIC EXPRESS / Dermatologia y Bibliografia - Dermatology & bibliography: agosto 2017

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017


Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever virus.!!

Virus de La Fiebre Hemorragica del Congo.. !!


Hello friends of the DERMAGIC EXPRESS network, today brings you another topic from the BUNYAVIRIDAE  VIRUS  group, causing many diseases like the one described previously HEARTLAND VIRUS. In this case it is the  CRIMEAN - CONGO HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS (CCFHV) 

The history of this VIRUS is long and I will summarize it, it has evolved from 1.100 to 1.500 years before Christ (BC). In the 12th century during the Crimean War and was known at the time as the "FEVER OF CRIMEA". Subsequently The Russians in 1.944 identified the disease by transmitting it from human to human in "volunteers" and called it "HEMORRHAGIC FEVER OF CRIMEA", but the virus was not isolated.

In 1.967 virologists Jack Woodall, David Simpson, Ghislaine Courtois and others were the first to publish reports on the virus they called "CONGO VIRUS", which was first isolated by GHISLAINE COURTOIS in 1.956. In the Belgian Congo. This strain was named V3010, and sent to the Rockefeller Foundation Virus Laboratory (RFVL) in New York. There it was determined that it was the same as another strain that was isolated in Uganda.

In 1.967 a deadly case was reported in Samarkand, a city in present-day Uzbekistan, one of the oldest inhabited cities in Central Asia, and Soviet virologist Mikhail Chumakov isolated the virus. Between 1.967 and 1.973, based on the publications previously described, the International Taxonomy Committee identified the virus as the "CRIMEAN - CONGO HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS (CCFHV)". 

The transmitter vector was also discovered and once again we find the TICKS, in this case the main transmitters of this disease are those of the genus: HYALOMMA, the most common being HYALOMMA MARGINATUM, and the genus RHIPICEPHALUS, and the most common RHIPICEPHALUS BURSA but there are many more that have been identified, among which stand out "

Hyalomma anatolicum, Hyalomma detritum, Hyalomma dromedarii, Hyalomma excavatum, Hyalomma turanicum, Haemaphysalis concinna, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma asiaticum, Haemaphysalis parva, Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma aegyptium, Haemaphysalis punctata, Dermacentor marginatus, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus

Unlike other transmitters of the BUNYAVIRIDAE group, the HYALOMMA genus acts not only as a VECTOR transmitter, it is also a natural HOST of the virus.

Among the animals in which the VIRUS has been detected are: sheep, goats, hares, cattle, dromedaries, camels, rodents, hedgehogs and birds, of which the TICK HYALOMMA MARGINATUM has been isolated in migratory birds, which have contributed to Dissemination of the disease to other regions.

Based on the sequence data, seven genotypes of the HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS OF THE CRIMEAN-CONGO (CCHFV) have been recognized: in the following countries:

1.) Senegal
2.) Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa
3.) Southern and Western Africa
4.) Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Russia and Turkey
5.) Greece
6.) Middle East, Iran and Pakistan
7.) China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).

In addition to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the disease has spread to the following countries: EGYPT, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, New Guinea, Senegal, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Magadascar, Central African Republic, SAUDI ARABIA, OMAN, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, INDIA, Turkey, Armenia, RUSSIA, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tumenistan, Tajikistan CHINA, Ukraine, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro , Slovenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and most recently SPAIN, which means that the disease is present in the continents: AFRICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA (EURASIA).


CRIMEAN -CONGO HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS. (CCHFV) is characterized by: fever, headache, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding of the skin, liver failure, with a mortality rate of 40%

The treatment of the disease is clearly symptomatic, several vaccines have been tested since the year 2.011, but today THERE IS NOT VACCINE available for this disease.

As interesting data exists another VIRUS called VIRUS TETE, also of the group of BUNYAVIRIDAE was isolated in the province of Tete in Monzambique which is presented in animals and humans, presenting in two forms THE VIRUS OF BAHIG and VIRUS OF MATRUTH, which were Isolated from TICKS in birds, specifically HYALOMMA MARGINATUM, besides TICKS it has been detected that mosquitoes, sandfly, are also vectors in this case.

You may be asking for this moment because I did this review on this disease also caused by BUNYAVIRIDADE VIRUS, and as always I will give you MY OPINION:







Finally, while the MAN spends MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN WEAPONS to attack the MAN, it destines little quantity TO ATTACK TO the LIVE AGENTS that are putting an end to HUMANITY, example of this they are the previously described: LYME DISEASE, POWASSAN VIRUS, SFTS VIRUSES, HEARTLAND VIRUS and today HEMORRHAGIC FEVER OF THE CRIMEAN CONGO VIRUS.

Also the human spends MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in producing some VACCINES that instead of protecting you, KILL yuorself. This is the case of the LYMErix VACCINE against LYME DISEASE of the laboratory GLAXOSMITHKLINE (GSK) that after being placed on the market in 1.998, had to be removed from it in the year 2.002 for the large amount of COLLATERAL DAMAGE caused to the Patients READ HERE THE HISTORY OF THE VICTIMS OF THE LYMErix VACCINE.

And today the GARDASIL VACCINE laboratory MERCK SHARP & DOHME manufactured to PREVENT SOME TYPES OF HPV who has KILLED and ILLNESSED MANY CHILDREN in the countries where it was commercialized, and today sued, August 18, 2,017 in COLOMBIA FOR 160 MILLION DOLLARS DAMAGE CAUSED TO Vaccinated population.


Greetings to all.

Dr. José Lapenta.

Hola amigos de la red DERMAGIC EXPRESS hoy te trae otro tema del grupo de VIRUS DE LOS BUNYAVIRIDADE, causantes de muchas enfermedades como el descrito anteriormente VIRUS DE HEARTLAND. En este caso se trata del VIRUS DE LA ENFERMEDAD HEMORRAGICA DE CRIMEA- EL CONGO (CCFHV) 

La historia de este VIRUS es larga y voy a hacer un resumen de ella, el mismo viene evolucionando desde 1.100 a 1.500 años antes de Cristo (AC). En el siglo XII durante la guerra de Crimea y se le conoció en ese entonces como la "FIEBRE DE CRIMEA". Posteriormente Los Rusos en 1.944 identificaron la enfermedad transmitiéndola de humano a humano en "voluntarios" y la llamaron "FIEBRE HEMORRAGICA DE CRIMEA", mas el virus no fue aislado.

En 1.967 los virólogos virólogos Jack Woodall , David Simpson, Ghislaine Courtois y otros fueron los primeros en publicar reportes sobre el virus que llamaron "VIRUS DEL CONGO", quien fue aislado por primera vez por GHISLAINE COURTOIS en 1.956.  en el Congo Belga. Esta cepa fue denominada V3010, y enviada al Laboratorio de Virus de la Fundación Rockefeller (RFVL) en Nueva York. Alli se determino que era igual a otra cepa que fue aislada en Uganda.

En 1.967 se registró un caso mortal en la localidad de Samarkand,  es una ciudad en la actual Uzbekistán, una de las más antiguas ciudades habitadas en Asia Central y el virologista soviético Mikhail Chumakov aisló el virus. Entre 1.967 y 1.973 en base a las publicaciones previamente descritas el Comité internacional de Taxonomía identifico al virus con el nombre de "VIRUS DE LA FIEBRE HEMOPRRAGICA DEL CONGO-CRIMEA (CCFHV) ".


También fue descubierto el vector transmisor y una vez más nos encontramos con las GARRAPATAS, en este caso las principales transmisoras de esta enfermedad son las del genus: HYALOMMA, siendo las más comunes la HYALOMMA MARGINATUM,  y el genus  RHIPICEPHALUS, y la más común  RHIPICEPHALUS BURSA pero hay muchísimas más que han sido identificadas, entre las que destacan"

Hyalomma anatolicum,  Hyalomma detritum, Hyalomma dromedarii, Hyalomma excavatum, Hyalomma turanicum, Haemaphysalis concinna, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma asiaticum, Haemaphysalis parva, Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma aegyptium, Haemaphysalis  punctata,  Dermacentor marginatus, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus

A diferencia de otras GARRAPATAS transmisoras del grupo de las BUNYAVIRIDAE, el genus HYALOMMA actua no solo como VECTOR transmisor, tambien es un RESERVORIO natural del virus.

Entre los animales
en que se ha detectado el VIRUS destacan: obejas, cabras, liebres, ganado, dromedarios, camellos, roedores, erizos y pájaros, de estos últimos se ha aislado la GARRAPATA HYALOMMA MARGINATUM, en aves migratorias, las cuales han contribuido a la diseminación de la enfermedad a otras regiones.

En base a los datos de la secuencia, se han reconocido siete genotipos del VIRUS DE LA FIEBRE HEMORRAGICA DEL -  CRIMEA( CCHFV) : en los siguientes países: 

1.) Senegal
2.) República Democrática del Congo y Sudáfrica
3.) África meridional y occidental
4.) Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo , Rusia y Turquía
5.) Grecia
6.) Oriente Medio, Irán y Pakistán
7.) China, Kazajstán, Tayikistán y Uzbekistán).

Además de la Republica Democrática del Congo, la enfermedad se ha extendido a los siguientes países: EGIPTO, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Nueva Guinea, Senegal, Etiopia, Sudan, Kenia, Uganda, Tanzania, Namibia, Sur África, zimbawe, Magadascar, Republica Central del África, ARABIA SAUDITA, Omán, Iraq, Irán, Turquía, Paquistan, INDIA , Turquía, Armenia, RUSIA, Azerbaiyán, Uzbequistan, Tumenistan, Tayikistán CHINA , Ucrania, Croacia, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Eslovenia, Georgia, Kirguistán y últimamente ESPAÑA, lo cual significa que la enfermedad está presente en los continentes: AFRICA, EUROPA, Y ASIA (EURASIA).

La enfermedad de la FIEBRE HEMORRAGICA DEL  VIRUS CRIMEA CONGO (CCHF) se caracteriza por: fiebre, dolor de cabeza, malestar general, vómitos, diarrea, sangrado de la piel, insuficiencia hepática,  con una mortalidad que llega al 40%
El tratamiento de la enfermedad es netamente sintomático, se han ensayado varias vacunas desde el año de 2.011 pero hoy día NO EXISTE VACUNA disponible para esta enfermedad.

Como dato interesante existe otro VIRUS denominado VIRUS TETE, tambien del grupo de los BUNYAVIRIDAE fue aislado en la provincia de Tete en Monzambique el cual se presenta en animales y humanos, presentándose en dos formas EL VIRUS DE BAHIG y VIRUS DE MATRUTH, los cuales fueron aislados de GARRAPATAS en pajaros, específicamente HYALOMMA MARGINATUM, además de LAS GARRAPATAS se ha detectado que los mosquitos tambien son vectores en este caso.

Quizá te estés preguntando para este momento porque hice esta revisión sobre esta enfermedad ocasionada tambien  por los VIRUS BUNYAVIRIDADE, y como siempre te voy a dar MI OPINION:






Para finalizar, mientras el HOMBRE gasta MILLONES DE DOLARES EN ARMAMENTO para atacar al HOMBRE, destina poca cantidad PARA ATACAR A LOS AGENTES VIVOS que están acabando con la HUMANIDAD, ejemplo de ello son las previamente descritas: ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, VIRUS DE POWASSAN, SFTS VIRUS, HEARTLAND VIRUS y hoy FIEBRE HEMORRAGICA DEL CONGO CRIMEA.

Tambien el humano gasta MILLONES DE DOLARES en producir algunas VACUNAS que en vez de protegerte MATAN. Tal es el caso de la VACUNA LYMErix contra la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME del laboratorio GLAXOSMITHKLINE(GSK) que luego de ser colocada en el mercado en 1.998, tuvo que ser sacada del mismo en el año 2.002 por la gran cantidad de DAÑOS COLATERALES ocasionados a los pacientes LEE ACA LA HISTORIA DE LAS VICTIMAS DE LA VACUNA LYMErix.

Y hoy día la VACUNA  GARDASIL del laboratorio MERCK SHARP & DOHME fabricada para PREVENIR ALGUNOS TIPOS DE VPH quien ha MATADO y ENFERMADO A MUCHOS NIÑOS en los países donde se comercializo, y hoy demandado, 18 de agosto de 2.017 en COLOMBIA POR 160 MILLONES DE DOLARES POR DAÑOS CAUSADOS A LOS VACUNADOS.

Saludos a Todos.

Dr. José Lapenta.
 1.) Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever among the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries) in Central Sudan.
 2.) Serosurvey of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Cattle, Mali, West Africa.
 3.) Autochthonous Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Spain.
 4.) Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: Tick-Host-Virus Interactions.
 5.) The role of ticks in the maintenance and transmission of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus: A review of published field and laboratory studies.
 6.) Country-wide seroprevalence studies on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and hantavirus
 infections in general population of Bulgaria.
 7.) Combination of RT-PCR and proteomics for the identification of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks.
 8.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks collected from humans, livestock, and picnic sites in the hyperendemic region of Turkey.
 9.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks from migratory birds, Morocco.
 10.) [Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever].
 11.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in various ixodid tick species from a highly endemic area.
 12.) Species distribution and detection of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) in field-collected ticks in Ankara Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey.
 13.) Species diversity of ixodid ticks feeding on humans in Amasya, Turkey: seasonal abundance and presence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
 14.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus-tick survey in endemic areas in Bulgaria.
 15.) Crimean--Congo hemorrhagic fever: a molecular survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Yazd province, Iran.
 16.) Towards an understanding of the migration of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
 1.) Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever among the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries) in Central Sudan.
 Virol J. 2017 Aug 3;14(1):147. doi: 10.1186/s12985-017-0816-3.

 Suliman HM1, Adam IA1, Saeed SI1, Abdelaziz SA2, Haroun EM3, Aradaib IE4,5.
 Author information

 Molecular Biology Laboratory (MBL), Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 32, Khartoum North, Sudan.
 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum North, Sudan.
 Scientific Research Directorate, Al-Mughtaribeen University, Khartoum, Sudan.
 Molecular Biology Laboratory (MBL), Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 32, Khartoum North, Sudan.
 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum North, Sudan.


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne viral zoonotic disease caused by Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), a member of the genus Nairovirus in the family Bunyaviridae. CCHF is typically asymptomatic in animals but can be highly fatal in humans approaching case fatality rate of approximately 30%. In the present investigation, a cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of CCHF and to identify the potential risk factors associated with CCHFV seropositivity among the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries) in Central Sudan.

 A total of 361 camels selected randomly from six localities were employed in the study. Sera sampled were tested for the presence of CCHFV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

 CCHFV seropositivity was recorded in 77 out of 361 animals accounting for a prevalence rate of 21.3%. Age (OR = 3.6, CI = 1.72-7.79, p-value = 0.026); locality (OR = 5.85, CI = 1.81-18.83, p- value = 0.003), tick number (OR = 4.6, CI = 1.37-9.81, P-value 0.04); tick control (OR = 2.2, CI, 1.11-4.35, P-value = 0.023) and breed (OR = 6.60, CI = 2.38-18.36, P-value = 0.001) were recorded as potential risk factors for contracting CCHF.

 The prevalence of CCHF is significantly high among camels in Khartoum State, Sudan. Age, breed, locality and tick control are considered as potential risk factors for contracting CCHF. This study would be expected to reduce the impact on the livelihood of pastoral communities and ultimately avoid disease spread in human.
 2.) Serosurvey of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Cattle, Mali, West Africa.
 Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Jun;96(6):1341-1345. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0818.

 Maiga O1, Sas MA2, Rosenke K3, Kamissoko B4, Mertens M2, Sogoba N1, Traore A4, Sangare M5, Niang M4, Schwan TG6, Maiga HM5, Traore SF1, Feldmann H3,7, Safronetz D7,8, Groschup MH2.
 Author information

 International Center for Excellence in Research, Malaria Research and Training Center, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Bamako, Mali.
 Institute of Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Isle of Riems-Greifswald, Germany.
 Laboratory of Virology, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, Montana.
 Central Veterinary Laboratory, Bamako, Mali.
 Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Bamako, Mali.
 Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, Montana.
 Deptartment of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
 Division of Zoonotic Diseases and Special Pathogens, National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


 AbstractCrimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a tick-borne disease caused by the arbovirus Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV, family Bunyaviridae, genus Nairovirus). CCHFV can cause a severe hemorrhagic fever with high-case fatality rates in humans. CCHFV has a wide geographic range and has been described in around 30 countries in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Africa including Mali and neighboring countries. To date, little is known about the prevalence rates of CCHFV in Mali. Here, using banked bovine serum samples from across the country, we describe the results of a seroepidemiological study for CCHFV aimed at identifying regions of circulation in Mali. In total, 1,074 serum samples were tested by a modified in-house CCHFV-IgG-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with confirmatory testing by commercial ELISA and immunofluorescence assay. Overall, 66% of samples tested were positive for CCHFV-specific IgG antibodies. Regional seroprevalence rates ranged from 15% to 95% and seemed to correlate with cattle density. Our results demonstrate that CCHFV prevalence is high in many regions in Mali and suggest that CCHFV surveillance should be established.
 3.) Autochthonous Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Spain.
 N Engl J Med. 2017 Jul 13;377(2):154-161. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1615162.

 Negredo A1, de la Calle-Prieto F1, Palencia-Herrejón E1, Mora-Rillo M1, Astray-Mochales J1, Sánchez-Seco MP1, Bermejo Lopez E1, Menárguez J1, Fernández-Cruz A1, Sánchez-Artola B1, Keough-Delgado E1, Ramírez de Arellano E1, Lasala F1, Milla J1, Fraile JL1, Ordobás Gavín M1, Martinez de la Gándara A1, López Perez L1, Diaz-Diaz D1, López-García MA1, Delgado-Jimenez P1, Martín-Quirós A1, Trigo E1, Figueira JC1, Manzanares J1, Rodriguez-Baena E1, Garcia-Comas L1, Rodríguez-Fraga O1, García-Arenzana N1, Fernández-Díaz MV1, Cornejo VM1, Emmerich P1, Schmidt-Chanasit J1, Arribas JR1; Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever@Madrid Working Group.
 Collaborators (145)

 Vázquez A, Hernández L, Herrero L, Molero F, Alami Tajri B, Alba Suarez AM, Aldeanueva Serrano ME, Alonso Domingo JJ, Aparicio Plaza E, Arabi Fernández O, Arsuaga Vicente M, Armijo Castillo MO, Avila Borja RM, Barrientos Martínez MI, Borrego Prieto P, Bretín Zornoza M, Cabildo Fajardo ML, Cachafeiro Fuciños L, Del Campo Ortún E, Campos Higueras JE, Casado Fernández L, Castaño Carmona AM, Castillo Portellano C, Cerón Serrano A, Cuesta Herrero Y, Del Carmen De Dompablo Ferrándiz M, Díaz Menendez M, Enriquez Calatrava V, Fernández Puntero B, Flores Cabeza EM, Galvez Charro M, García Hernandez R, García Expósito MA, Garcia Gonzalez C, García Sánchez M, Gómez Campos AM, Gómez Rodríguez E, Gómez Del Pulgar Carrillo E, González Herrero MA, González Herrezuelo I, González Navarro A, González Del Castillo AI, González Espinosa S, Gracia Pasamar JC, Granizo Lopez R, Gutierrez Plana C, Gutierrez Prieto M, Hermida Rodriguez J, Hernández Bernal M, Herrero Benito C, Herrero Alonso MT, Jara Orozco PA, Jiménez Castellano R, León Pérez M, López Lorente P, López Alvir C, López Díaz-Plaza Y, Lorenzo Velez C, Lucas Burgos V, Machón Rodríguez B, Mármol Martínez F, Marote Martín C, Martínez Corral C, Martínez Nieto SA, Martínez Quintana JI, Molins Bustamante C, Moreno Lozano E, Moreno Martinez C, Del Carmen Muñoz Gil M, Ortega Lucena C, Patrón Barambio PA, Perez Pacheco M, Del Rosario Rivero Gómez M, Rodriguez Diez R, San Juan Rodríguez A, Sanchez Arroyo V, Sanchez Villarejo M, Silva Montero AI, del Carmen Solera Martin De Nicolas M, Soriano Sánchez MA, Tapia García MR, Torres Hidalgo A, Robustillo Rodela A, Elola Vicente P, Arnalich F, Buño Soto A, García de Lorenzo A, Núñez C, Garcia-Pando CR, Martins Muñoz G, Velasquez-Alcala SG, Ángeles Sánchez-Castillo M, Rey-Cuevas E, Del Rosario Férnandez-Acevedo M, Borobia A, Aguirre Martín-Gil R, Alvarez-Castillo MC, Aragón-Peña A, de Burgos-Lunar C, Córdoba-Deorador E, Diezma-Criado JC, Domínguez-Berjón F, Esteban-Niveiro MJ, Bernardo-Ferrer Simó J, Fuentes-Rodriguez CY, Fuster F, Garcia-Mañosa I, Gil-Montalbán E, Ibáñez-Martí C, Insua Marisquerena E, Lasheras-Carbajo MD, Latasa-Zamalloa P, Angeles Lópaz-Perez M, Marino E, Martin-Martínez F, Martinez-Vidal M, de Miguel-Moro JI, Nieto-Juliá A, Noguerales-De la Obra R, Ortiz-Marrón H, Palomino-Lopez MT, Sanchez-Diaz J, Sánchez-Gómez A, Torrijano-Castillo MJ, Wijers I, Sierra-Matamoros MJ, Simón-Soria F, García Bordas J, Muñoz García P, Fernández RA, Goyanes MJ, Gijón Vidaurreta P, Martín-Rabadán P, Sánchez Carrillo C, Bouza E, Barrios JC, Guerrero JE, Bibiano C, Medina Iglesias P, Pacheco Puig R, Aguilar Huertas JL, Sanz de Miguel E, de Sansegundo Reyes M, Camacho Muñoz I, Cava F.
 Author information

 From the Arbovirus and Imported Viral Diseases Unit, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (A.N., M.P.S.-S., E.R.A., F.L.), Red de Investigación Colaborativa en Enfermedades Tropicales (A.N., M.P.S.-S., E.R.A., F.L.), High Level Isolation Unit (F.C.-P., M.M.-R., A.M.-Q., E.T., J.C.F., J. Manzanares, O.R.-F., V.M.C., J.R.A.) and Departments of Preventive Medicine (N.G.-A.) and Occupational Health (M.V.F.-D.), La Paz University Hospital, Intensive Care Unit (E.P.-H., A.M.G., L.L.P., D.D.-D., M.A.L.-G.) and Departments of Internal Medicine (B.S.-A.), Emergency (J.L.F.), and Occupational Health (P.D.-J.), Infanta Leonor University Hospital, Epidemiology Area of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (J.A.-M., M.O.G., E.R.-B., L.G.-C.), Intensive Care Unit (E.B.L., E.K.-D.) and Departments of Pathology (J. Menárguez, J. Milla) and Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (A.F.-C.), Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital, and Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Complutense University (J. Menárguez, J. Milla, A.F.-C.) - all in Madrid; and the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Arbovirus and Hemorrhagic Fever Reference and Research, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany (P.E., J.S.-C.).


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a widely distributed, viral, tickborne disease. In Europe, cases have been reported only in the southeastern part of the continent. We report two autochthonous cases in Spain. The index patient acquired the disease through a tick bite in the province of Ávila - 300 km away from the province of Cáceres, where viral RNA from ticks was amplified in 2010. The second patient was a nurse who became infected while caring for the index patient. Both were infected with the African 3 lineage of this virus. (Funded by Red de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Tropicales [RICET] and Efficient Response to Highly Dangerous and Emerging Pathogens at EU [European Union] Level [EMERGE].).
 4.) Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: Tick-Host-Virus Interactions.
 Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017 May 26;7:213. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00213. eCollection 2017.

 Papa A1, Tsergouli K1, Tsioka K1, Mirazimi A2,3,4.
 Author information

 Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of ThessalonikiThessaloniki, Greece.
 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska InstituteStockholm, Sweden.
 National Veterinary InstituteUppsala, Sweden.
 Public Health Agency of SwedenStockholm, Sweden.


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is transmitted to humans by bite of infected ticks or by direct contact with blood or tissues of viremic patients or animals. It causes to humans a severe disease with fatality up to 30%. The current knowledge about the vector-host-CCHFV interactions is very limited due to the high-level containment required for CCHFV studies. Among ticks, Hyalomma spp. are considered the most competent virus vectors. CCHFV evades the tick immune response, and following its replication in the lining of the tick's midgut, it is disseminated by the hemolymph in the salivary glands and reproductive organs. The introduction of salivary gland secretions into the host cells is the major route via which CCHFV enters the host. Following an initial amplification at the site of inoculation, the virus is spread to the target organs. Apoptosis is induced via both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Genetic factors and immune status of the host may affect the release of cytokines which play a major role in disease progression and outcome. It is expected that the use of new technology of metabolomics, transcriptomics and proteomics will lead to improved understanding of CCHFV-host interactions and identify potential targets for blocking the CCHFV transmission.
 5.) The role of ticks in the maintenance and transmission of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus: A review of published field and laboratory studies.
 Antiviral Res. 2017 Aug;144:93-119. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.05.010. Epub 2017 Jun 1.

 Gargili A1, Estrada-Peña A2, Spengler JR3, Lukashev A4, Nuttall PA5, Bente DA6.
 Author information

 Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA; Galveston National Laboratory, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA; Faculty of Health Sciences, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
 Veterinary Faculty, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Viral Special Pathogens Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA.
 Chumakov Institute for Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Molecular Medicine, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia.
 Department of Zoology, Oxford University, UK.
 Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA; Galveston National Laboratory, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. Electronic address:


 This manuscript is part of a series of reviews that aim to cover published research on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and its etiological agent, CCHF virus (CCHFV). The virus is maintained and transmitted in a vertical and horizontal transmission cycle involving a variety of wild and domestic vertebrate species that act as amplification hosts, without showing signs of illness. These vertebrates have traditionally been considered reservoirs of CCHFV, but in fact they develop only a transient viremia, while the virus can persist in ticks for their entire lifespan, and can also be transmitted vertically to the next generation. As a result, ticks are now considered to be both the vector and the reservoir for the virus. CCHFV has been detected in a wide range of tick species, but only a few have been proven to be vectors and reservoirs, mainly because most published studies have been performed under a broad variety of conditions, precluding definitive characterization. This article reviews the published literature, summarizes current knowledge of the role of ticks in CCHFV maintenance and transmission and provides guidance for how to fill the knowledge gaps. Special focus is given to existing data on tick species in which vertical passage has been demonstrated under natural or experimental conditions. At the same time, we identify earlier reports that used unreliable methods and perceptions to ascribe a vector role to some species of ticks, and have contributed to confusion regarding viral transmission. We also examine epidemiological pathways of CCHFV circulation and discuss priority areas for future research.
 6.) Country-wide seroprevalence studies on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and hantavirus
 infections in general population of Bulgaria.
 J Med Virol. 2017 Oct;89(10):1720-1725. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24868. Epub 2017 Jul 6.

 Christova I1, Panayotova E1, Trifonova I1, Taseva E1, Hristova T1, Ivanova V1.
 Author information

 National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria.


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and hantavirus infections are the two viral hemorrhagic fevers spread in Europe. To test actual circulation of CCHF virus (CCHFV) and hantaviruses in Bulgaria, we conducted country-wide seroepidemiological studies. Serum samples were collected prospectively from 1500 residents of all 28 districts in Bulgaria. CCHFV seroprevalence of 3.7% was revealed. Anamnesis for tick bites, contact with livestock, age over 40 years and residency in Haskovo district were found as risk factors. The highest CCHFV seroprevalence was observed in the known endemic districts in southeastern Bulgaria: Haskovo (28%) and Yambol (12%). Reactive samples were found in residents of 20 of the 28 districts in Bulgaria. In comparison with the previous studies, the data presented indicate that CCHFV increased substantially its circulation in the endemic regions and was introduced in many new areas. Hantavirus seroprevalence was based on results of the immunoblot and estimated as 3.1%. Surprisingly, contrary to all available data, Puumala virus seroprevalence rate was 2.3% versus 0.8% of Dobrava-Belgrade virus. Evidence for hantavirus IgG seropositivity was found in residents of 23 of the 28 districts in the country. The first hantavirus seroprevalence study in Bulgaria showed that Puumala virus is probably more wide-spread in the country than Dobrava-Belgrade virus.
 7.) Combination of RT-PCR and proteomics for the identification of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks.
 Heliyon. 2017 Jul 12;3(7):e00353. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00353. eCollection 2017 Jul.

 Fernández de Mera IG1, Chaligiannis I2, Hernández-Jarguín A1, Villar M1, Mateos-Hernández L1, Papa A2, Sotiraki S3, Ruiz-Fons F1, Cabezas-Cruz A4,5, Gortázar C1, de la Fuente J1,6.
 Author information

 SaBio. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Cinegéticos, IREC-CSIC-UCLM-JCCM, 13005 Ciudad Real, Spain.
 Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece.
 Veterinary Research Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation-Demeter, NAGREF Campus, 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece.
 Institute of Parasitology, Biology Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
 Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
 Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an emerging tick-borne zoonotic disease caused by the CCHF virus (CCHFV). In this study, an experimental approach combining RT-PCR and proteomics was used for the identification and characterization of CCHFV in 106 ticks from 7 species that were collected from small ruminants in Greece. The methodological approach included an initial screening for CCHFV by RT-PCR followed by proteomics analysis of positive and control negative tick samples. This novel approach allowed the identification of CCHFV-positive ticks and provided additional information to corroborate the RT-PCR findings using a different approach. Two ticks, Dermacentor marginatus and Haemaphysalis parva collected from a goat and a sheep, respectively were positive for CCHFV. The sequences for CCHFV RNA segments S and L were characterized by RT-PCR and proteomics analysis of tick samples, respectively. These results showed the possibility of combining analyses at the RNA and protein levels using RT-PCR and proteomics for the characterization of CCHFV in ticks. The results supported that the CCHFV identified in ticks are genetic variants of the AP92 strain. Although the AP92-like strains probably do not represent a high risk of CCHF to the population, the circulation of genetically diverse CCHFV strains could potentially result in the appearance of novel viral genotypes with increased pathogenicity and fitness.
 8.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks collected from humans, livestock, and picnic sites in the hyperendemic region of Turkey.
 Gunes T1, Poyraz O, Vatansever Z.
 Author information

 Vocational School of Health Services, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey.


 During June and July 2007, about 3125 adult ticks were collected from humans, animals, and vegetation in a hyperendemic region (Sivas and Tokat) of Turkey. A total of 2193 ticks were pooled in 225 pools and screened for the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) presence by antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Infection rates were calculated as the maximum likelihood estimation with 95% confidence intervals (CI). The dominant tick species was found to be Hyalomma marginatum with the following infestation rates in human, cattle and sheep, respectively: 47.43%, 66.07%, and 30.12%. Maximum likelihood estimation values of CCHFV in H. marginatum ticks collected from human, cattle, and sheep were 0.91% (CI 0.05-4.42), 2.10% (CI 1.12-3.64), and 3.11% (CI 1.18-6.87), respectively. CCHFV antigens were also demonstrated in Hyalomma excavatum, Haemaphysalis parva, and Boophilus annulatus ticks collected from cattle and Rhipicephalus bursa ticks from sheep. Our results suggest that the studied area might maintain its endemic properties in the near future unless effective tick control measures are implemented.
 9.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in ticks from migratory birds, Morocco.
 Emerg Infect Dis. 2013 Feb;19(2):260-3. doi: 10.3201/eid1902.121193.

 Palomar AM1, Portillo A, Santibáñez P, Mazuelas D, Arizaga J, Crespo A, Gutiérrez Ó, Cuadrado JF, Oteo JA.
 Author information

 Hospital San Pedro–CIBIR, Center of Rickettsioses and Arthropod-Borne Diseases, Logroño, Spain.


 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus was detected in ticks removed from migratory birds in Morocco. This finding demonstrates the circulation of this virus in northwestern Africa and supports the hypothesis that the virus can be introduced into Europe by infected ticks transported from Africa by migratory birds.
 10.) [Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever].
 Mikrobiyol Bul. 2006 Jul;40(3):279-87.

 [Article in Turkish]
 Güneş T1.
 Author information

 Cumhuriyet Universitesi, Sağlik Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu, Sivas.


 Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) virus is a tick-borne virus, which is a member of Bunyaviridae family, Nairovirus genus. CCHF virus has been isolated from 31 different tick species so far, and genus Hyalomma includes the basic vectors of which H. anatolicum, H. marginatum, H. detritum, H. dromedarii, H. excavatum and H. turanicum are frequently found in the geography in which Turkey takes place. The virus is transmitted via the bite of infected ticks or direct contact with CCHF infected patients and the products of infected animals. Following 2-9 days incubation period, the disease abruptly starts with fever, feeling cold, shivering, headache, muscle and joint aches. After a few days hemorrhage develops at various parts of the body. Since an effective vaccine and a specific antiviral therapy have not been found yet, the high mortality rate which may reach to 10-60%, and a wide geography affecting approximately 40 countries including Turkey, CCHF attracts the attention of both scientific and mediatic world, in recent years. In this article, the structure, vectors and reservoirs of CCHF virus, together with the epidemiology, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis and strategies of treatment and prevention, have been reviewed.
 11.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in various ixodid tick species from a highly endemic area.
 Vet Parasitol. 2012 May 25;186(3-4):546-52. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.11.010. Epub 2011 Nov 7.

 Tekin S1, Bursali A, Mutluay N, Keskin A, Dundar E.
 Author information

 Department of Biology, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Science & Art, 60250 Tokat, Turkey.


 Ticks are major vectors of numerous diseases affecting animals and humans. Presence of various tick-borne pathogens such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) in various tick species was documented. CCHF is a severe tick-borne illness caused by the CCHFV which is a member of the Nairovirus genus (family: Bunyaviridae). Presence of CCHFV was shown in the most prevalent ixodid tick species such as Hyalomma marginatum and Rhiphicephalus bursa in Turkey. In the present study, prevalence and species diversity of ixodid ticks carrying CCHFV in Tokat province where CCHF is highly endemic were determined by using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR). As a result, 15 out 745 ticks from various hosts (2%) were found to be CCHFV positive. The CCHFV positive ticks were Haemaphysalis concinna, Hyalomma anatolicum, Hyalomma detritum, Hyalomma marginatum, Hyalomma turanicum, Rhipicephalus bursa, and Rhiphicephalus turanicus indicating that multiple ixodid tick species may contribute to transmission of CCHFV to humans and animals in Turkey.
 12.) Species distribution and detection of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) in field-collected ticks in Ankara Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey.
 Exp Appl Acarol. 2012 Jan;56(1):75-84. doi: 10.1007/s10493-011-9492-y. Epub 2011 Sep 11.

 Hekimoglu O1, Ozer N, Ergunay K, Ozkul A.
 Author information

 Ecology Division, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe Ankara, Turkey.


 Ticks may act as vectors for a number of infectious diseases including Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). The causative agent is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV), a member of Bunyaviridae, causing extensive ecchymosis, visceral bleeding and hepatic dysfunction with a high fatality rate in the affected individuals. CCHF was initially recognized in Turkey in 2002 and the current number of reported cases exceeds 4,400. This study was conducted to confirm the presence of tick species established as potential CCHFV vectors and investigate CCHFV activity in ticks at Ankara province, Turkey's second most-densely populated province, where CCHF cases were demonstrated. A total of 1,196 adult ticks, collected from various animals and vegetation in 12 sites located in 5 counties of Ankara during April-July 2010 were identified to species level. Twenty-two tick pools from county K2 were also evaluated for the presence of CCHFV RNA via a one-step real-time RT-PCR assay and reactive results were further confirmed by an in house nested RT-PCR assay. Nine tick species were identified: Rhipicephalus bursa (44.9%), R. sanguineus (18.9%), R. turanicus (18.1%), Haemaphysalis parva (8.3%), Hyalomma marginatum marginatum (5.4%), H. aegyptium (1.4%), H. anatolicum excavatum (1.3%), Hae. punctata (0.3%) and Dermacentor marginatus (0.2%). A total of five tick pools (22.7%) were reactive in real-time and nested RT-PCR assays. The pools included R. bursa, H. m. marginatum and Hae. parva ticks, collected from mammal hosts from two villages in one county. This is the first documentation of CCHFV activity in ticks from Ankara province, which indicates requirement for detailed surveillance to predict high risk zones in the region.
 13.) Species diversity of ixodid ticks feeding on humans in Amasya, Turkey: seasonal abundance and presence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
 J Med Entomol. 2011 Jan;48(1):85-93.

 Bursali A1, Tekin S, Keskin A, Ekici M, Dundar E.
 Author information

 Department of Biology, Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Science & Art, 60250, Tokat, Turkey.


 Ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) are important pests transmitting tick-borne diseases such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) to humans. Between 2002 and 2009, numerous CCHF cases were reported in Turkey, including Amasya province. In the current study, species diversity, seasonal abundance of ticks, and presence of CCHF virus (CCHFV) in ticks infesting humans in several districts of Amasya province were determined. In the survey, a total of 2,528 ixodid ticks were collected from humans with tick bite from April to November 2008 and identified to species. Hyalomma marginatum (18.6%), Rhipicephalus bursa (10.3%), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (5.7%), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (2.2%), Dermacentor marginatus (2.5%), Haemaphysalis parva (3.6%), and Ixodes ricinus (1.6%) were the most prevalent species among 26 ixodid tick species infesting humans in Amasya province. Hyalomma franchinii Tonelli & Rondelli, 1932, was a new record for the tick fauna of Turkey. The most abundant species were the members of Hyalomma and Rhipicephalus through summer and declined in fall, whereas relative abundances of Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks were always low on humans in the province. Of 25 Hyalomma tick pools tested, seven pools were CCHFV positive by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Results indicated diversity of ixodid tick species infesting humans was very high, abundance of ticks changed by season, and ticks infesting humans had potential for transmitting CCHFV.
 14.) Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus-tick survey in endemic areas in Bulgaria.
 J Med Virol. 2012 Apr;84(4):608-14. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23214.

 Gergova I1, Kunchev M, Kamarinchev B.
 Author information

 Department of Military Epidemiology and Hygiene, Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria.


 The Balkan Peninsula and Bulgaria in particular, is a well-known endemic region for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF). This study describes the prevalence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) among tick populations from areas, previously recognized with emerging cases of CCHF disease in humans. These include regions from the Southeastern (regions of Kardzhali and Haskovo) and Central (region of Stara Zagora) parts of the country. For the period 2006-2010 a total of 911 adult ticks, collected from livestock in endemic areas were studied for presence of CCHFV by an immunofluorescence-hemocytes assay (IFHA) and a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The detection rate of CCHFV in the tick population was 2.09%. The prevalence of the virus was determined between 2.01% and 4.83% in the regions of Kardzhali and Haskovo, respectively (Southeastern Bulgaria). In the Central part of the country CCHFV infestation of the ticks was observed in 1.46% (region of Stara Zagora). The results confirmed the mosaic dispersion of CCHFV in the investigated regions. The principal infection vector in the surveyed areas was confirmed to be Hyalomma marginatum marginatum. Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Ixodes ricinus were also detected and may play a role in the transmission of CCHFV. Species distribution of CCHFV-positive ticks was as follows: H. m. marginatum-4.93%; R. sanguineus-2.33%; I. ricinus-1.02%. The combination of IFHA and RT-PCR that are used in this study are useful tools in the algorithm for monitoring endemic areas in Bulgaria.
 15.) Crimean--Congo hemorrhagic fever: a molecular survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Yazd province, Iran.
 Yaser SA1, Sadegh C, Zakkyeh T, Hassan V, Maryam M, Ali OM, Mojtaba GS.
 Author information

 Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.


 To determine the rate of Crimean--Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) infection in hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Yazd province of Iran.

 A molecular survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) was conducted in Yazd province during 2008-2009. A total of 140 hard ticks (three genera and 7 species) were collected from randomly selected villages and were exanimate for presence of CCHFV reverse transcription--polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method.

 CCHFV genome was found in 5.71% of hard ticks. All positive ticks were from Hyalomma genus. Positive ticks including: Hyalomma dromedarii, Hyalomma marginatum, Hyalomma anatolicum, Hyalomma detritum, Hyalomma asiaticum. We were not able to find virus in in Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Dermacentor marginatus. Results exhibited that Hyalomma is the main vector in the study area.

 Due to the presence of virus in 24 provinces' out of 31, we recommend the use of acaricides and repellent to prevent disease transmission among humans. Greta care should be taken by the people who are working in slaughter houses.
 16.) Towards an understanding of the migration of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
 ========================== ==============================================
 Mild M1, Simon M, Albert J, Mirazimi A.
 Author information

 Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, Nobels vag 16, 17182 Stockholm, Sweden.


 Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a lethal disease caused by Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV). It is one of the most widespread medically significant tick-borne pathogens, with a distribution that coincides well with the geographical occurrence of its tick vector, Hyalomma marginatum marginatum. Sporadic outbreaks of CCHF have previously been recognized in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe but, in the 21st century, outbreaks have become more frequent in former Yugoslavia, Turkey and Iran. It has been suggested that CCHFV is a migrating pathogen, but it is not clear to what extent. We have, for the first time, analysed the worldwide migration pattern of CCHFV. Our results showed that Turkey may be a donor in Europe, towards both the east and the west, while the United Arab Emirates acted as a donor in the Middle East, and China was found to be the origin for genotype 2. Finally, we showed that migration of CCHFV was unrestricted between Iran and Pakistan. Considering the distribution and coincidence of the tick vector with CCHFV and CCHF, and the fact that the tick vector is present in western Europe, future outbreaks may extend to include hitherto-naïve areas, suggesting that increased surveillance and geographical mapping of this lethal pathogen are needed.




  Produced by Dr. Jose Lapenta R. Dermatologist

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domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017


The Heartland Virus, another tick to die. ! 

El Virus de Heartland, otra garrapata para morir. !


Hello friends of the network today the DERMAGIC EXPRESS will continue talking about the controversial world of TICKS that today are invading our habitat and causing illness and DEATH by the viruses that transmit. Today it is the turn of the HEARTLAND VIRUS (HRTV), transmitted by the TICK AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM also known as LONE STAR, for the distinctive mark that presents this tick on the back which is similar to a UNIQUE STAR.
The history of this VIRUS begins in year 2.009, June when two farmers were hospitalized in the HEARTLAND MEDICAL CENTER, Saint Joseph Missouri presenting symptoms of FEVER, DIARRHEA, FATIGUE, LEUCOPENIA and TROMBOCYTOPENIA. The doctor who makes the first description of this emerging Virus was Dr. Scott Folk and the vector transmitter was identified as the LONE STAR (AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM) tick, which transmits the virus when it feeds on blood.
The cutaneous manifestation of the bite of this TICKS (AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM) is similar to the classic ERYTHEMA MIGRANS (EM) of the LYME DISEASE and is called STARI wich means SOURTHEN-TICK-RASH-ILLNESS or ERUPTION RASH DISEASE ASSOCIATED WITH TICKS OF THE SOURTHEN).
Later, similar cases were identified in: Northwestern Missouri (2.009) 2 cases. TENNESSEE (2,012-2.0130, 6 cases 1 death, MISSOURI, OKLAHOMA (2,014) 3 cases, 1 death, and ARKANSAS (2,017) 1 case. Until Today there have been reported about 20 cases of HEARTLAND VIRUS in North America since its discovery.
The identified VIRUS is a RNA virus of the family BUNYAVIRIDAE, genus PHLEBOVIRUS, species: HEARTLAND VIRUS, the name was given to the virus by the SITE (HEARTLAND) where it was discovered and has generated a NEW and extensive investigation on TICKS and The EMERGING diseases that transmit in addition to the already known LYME DISEASE, POWASSAN VIRUS and others.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) after describing the first cases of HEARTLAND VIRUS began to look for potential hosts and animal reservoirs of the virus. Nowadays 2.017, the virus has not yet been isolated from any domestic or wild animal, but there are studies suggesting that the WHITE-TAILED DEER and RACCOONS could be the hosts of the virus
In fact, in a study conducted in 2,012-2,013 in sera and ticks of 160 mammals (8 species) and 139 birds (26 species) in Missouri antibodies to HEARTLAND VIRUS (HRTV) were found in northern raccoons (42.6 %), Horses (17.4%), white-tailed deer (14.3%), dogs (7.7%), and Virginia opossums (3.8%), but not birds. It is believed, how i told you, that the WHITE-TAILED DEER and RACCOONS are the candidates to be the great hosts of the virus.
In other studies, antibodies to HRTV (HEARTLAND VIRUS) have been found in DEER, RACCOONS, COYOTES and MOOSES, which live in 13 states of the North American continent: FLORIDA, ILLINOIS, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, MISSOURI, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NORTH CAROLINA, TEXAS, INDIANA, GEORGIA, MAINE, and TENNESSEE AND VERMONT.

On the other hand, another virus of the family BUNYAVIRIDAE genus PHLEBOVIRUS called SFTS VIRUS, was described in CHINA in the year of 2.009 and later in North Korea and Japan (2,013). Is a phlebovirus that produced a known clinical condition under the name of SEVERE FEVER WITH TROMBOCYTOPENIA SYNDROME, hence the name of (SFTS), the clinical symptoms of this emerging disease also include diarrhea, vomiting, leucopenia (decreased white blood cells) and increased liver enzymes, with a mortality ranging from 12 And 30%. Symptoms very similar to the disease by the HEARTLAND VIRUS, but with higher mortality in the case of the SFTS VIRUS.
The SFTS VIRUS was isolated in year 2.009 by the scientist Xue-jie Yu and colleagues, from the blood of patients infected with the SFTS virus and the TICKS involved are: IXODIDES, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Ixodes nipponensis, Amblyomma testudinarium and Rhipicephalus microplus.
The SFTS VIRUS can also be transmitted from HUMAN TO HUMAN by contact with blood or secretions.
In view of the emergence of these HEARTLAND and SFTS VIRUSES, in EUROPE specifically: GREECE, GERMANY, ESTONIA, PORTUGAL, FRANCE, BELGIUM and SWEDEN searched for PHLEBOVIRUS in TICKS, finding positivity for this virus in a determined percentage, identifying itself in GREECE Under the name of ANTIGONE VIRUS, transmitted by TICK Rhipicephalus sanguineus, collected from goats and sheep, and TICKS Haemaphysalis parva, in PORTUGAL AnLUC VIRUS and in BELGIUM and GERMANY GLABBEEK / OSTERHOLZ complex.
In China, were isolated the PHLEBOVIRUS DABIESHAN and YONGJIA VIRUS from the TICKS: Haemaphysalis longicornis and Haemaphysalis hystricis, whose genome is similar to the ANTIGONE VIRUS, were initially was called under the name LESVOS VIRUS, as it was isolated from Lesvos Island in Greece on it 2,015.

It remains to be clarified if the latter described PHLEBOVIRUS are involved in diseases that compromise public health, what is truth is that the great importance of these "NEW" and EMERGING VIRUS is that since 2.011 HEARTLAND VIRUS AND SFTS VIRUS are involved In serious diseases in humans causing DEATH in some cases.
A few days ago in July 2,017 in Japan a woman of 50 years died after being bitten by a cat, presenting SEVERE FEVERN WITH TROMBOCYTOPENIA SYNDROME ((SFTS), no bite detected by TICKS, there are not still reports of ANIMAL transmission to HUMAN of the SFTS virus, and it is speculated that this could be the first case of transmission of this virus from contaminated MAMMAL to HUMAN.
The BUNYAVIRIDAE FAMILY does not stay here, there are other diseases caused by these viruses:
7.) VIRUS OF ENCEPHALITIS LA CROSSE (WISCONSIN), which between 2,004 and 2,013 caused 787 cases of which 11 died.
And many others, it is said that there are more than 40 variants of BUNYAVIRIDAE, and not all are transmitted TICKS as the case of the TOSCANA VIRUS transmitted by the bite of a PHLEBOTOMUS or sandfly (Phlebotomus Perniciosus) in 68.7% Of cases and described for the first time in ITALY.
The TICK AMBLYOMA AMERICANUM (LONE STAR) transmits in addition to the HEARTLAND VIRUS, the EWINGII ERLICHIA causing the ERLICHIOSIS, also the TULAREMIA and STARI that already comments to you.

What I want to make clear to all MEDICAL and NON-MEDICAL readers with this review is that today there are VIRAL EMERGING diseases transmitted by TICKS, and other VECTORS (PHLEBOTOMUS), go beyond LYME DISEASE, perhaps undiscovered ancestors, But the existing technology has allowed them to be identified. So I continue to keep my opinion on that in the previous reviews.
Finally I believe that these EMERGING VIRUSES are not new, maybe they have millennia in the wild, they are not the product of a "BIOLOGICAL WAR", they do not come from another planet, they just always existed, and now with the new technologies the human is discovering them.
In the references the facts in the attached the LONE STAR TICK, distribution in North America and possible animal hosts.
Greetings to all.
Dr. José Lapenta.

Hola amigos de la red hoy el DERMAGIC EXPRESS continuara hablando sobre el controversial mundo de las GARRAPATAS que hoy día están invadiendo nuestro hábitat y ocasionando enfermedades y MUERTE por los virus que trasmiten. Hoy es le toca el turno al VIRUS DE HEARTLAND(HRTV), transmitido por la GARRAPATA AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM también conocida como LONE STAR (ESTRELLA SOLITARIA), por el distintivo que presenta esta garrapata en el dorso el cual es similar a una UNICA ESTRELLA.

La historia de este VIRUS comienza en el año 2.009, junio cuando dos agricultores fueron hospitalizados en el HEARTLAND MEDICAL CENTER, Saint Joseph Missouri presentando síntomas de FIEBRE, DIARREA, FATIGA, LEUCOPENIA Y TROMBOCITOPENIA, El Dr. quien hace la primera descripción de esta emergente virosis fue el Dr. Scott Folk y el vector transmisor fue identificado como la garrapata ESTRELLA SOLITARIA (AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM), la cual transmite el virus cuando se alimenta de sangre.

La manifestación cutánea de la picadura de esta GARRAPATA (AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM) es parecida al clásico ERITEMA MIGRANS (EM) de la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME y es denominado STARI (SOURTHEN-TICK-RASH-ILLNESS), que significa ENFERMEDAD DE ERUPCION ASOCIADA CON GARRAPATAS EN EL SUR).

Posteriormente fueron identificados casos similares en: Northwestern Missouri (2.009): 2 casos. TENNESSEE (2.012-2.0130, 6 casos 1 muerte, MISSOURI, OKLAHOMA (2.014) 3 casos, 1 muerte, y ARKANSAS (2.017) 1 caso. Se han reportando unos 20 casos del VIRUS DE HEARTLAND en Norte América desde su descubrimiento.

El VIRUS identificado se trata de un ARN virus de la familia BUNYAVIRIDAE, genus PHLEBOVIRUS, especie: HEARTLAND VIRUS, el nombre se le dio al virus por el SITIO (HEARTLAND) donde fue descubierto y ha generado una NUEVA y amplia investigación sobre las GARRAPATAS y las enfermedades EMERGENTES que transmiten además de las ya conocidas ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, VIRUS DE POWASSAN y otras.

El CDC (Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades)
luego de descritos los primeros casos del VIRUS DE HEARTLAND comenzó a buscar los posibles huéspedes y reservorios animales del virus. Hoy día 2.017, todavía no se ha aislado el virus de ningún animal domestico o salvaje, pero hay estudios que sugieren que el CIERVO DE COLA BLANCA y MAPACHES podrían ser los hospedadores del virus

De hecho, en estudio realizado en 2.012-2.013 en los sueros y garrapatas de 160 mamíferos (8 especies) y 139 aves (26 especies) en Missouri se encontraron anticuerpos contra el VIRUS DE HEARTLAND (HRTV) en mapaches del norte (42,6%), caballos (17,4%), ciervos de cola blanca (14,3%), perros (7,7%), Y zarigüeyas o rabopelados de Virginia (3.8%), pero no en pájaros. Se cree que estos son los candidatos a ser los grandes hospedadores del virus.

En otros estudios se han encontrado anticuerpos contra el HRTV( HEARTLAND VIRUS) en CIERVOS, MAPACHES, COYOTES Y ALCES, los cuales viven en 13 estados del continente Americano: FLORIDA, ILINOIS, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, MISSOURI, NEW HAMPSHIRE, CAROLINA DEL NORTE, TEXAS, INDIANA, GEORGIA, MAINE, TENNESSEE Y VERMONT.

Por otra parte, En CHINA en el año de 2.009 y posteriormente en Corea del Norte y Japón (2.013) , se describió otro virus de la familia BUNYAVIRIDAE genus PHLEBOVIRUS denominado SFTS VIRUS, flebovirus que produce una condición clínica conocida bajo el nombre de SINDROME DE FIEBRE SEVERA CON TROMBOCITOPENIA, de allí viene el nombre de (SFTS), los síntomas clínicos de esta emergente enfermedad además incluyen diarrea, vómitos, leucopenia (disminución de glóbulos blancos) y aumento de las enzimas hepáticas, con una mortalidad que oscila entre el 12 y 30%. Síntomas muy parecidos a la enfermedad por el VIRUS DE HEARTLAND, pero con mayor mortalidad en el caso del SFTS VIRUS.

EL VIRUS SFTS fue aislado en el año 2.009 por el científico Xue-jie Yu y colegas, de la sangre de pacientes infectados con el SFTS virus y las GARRAPATAS involucradas son: IXODIDES, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Ixodes nipponensis, Amblyomma testudinarium Y Rhipicephalus microplus.

El VIRUS SFTS también puede ser trasmitido de HUMANO A HUMANO por contacto de sangre o saliva.

En vista de la emergencia de estos VIRUS DE HEARTLAND Y SFTS VIRUS, en EUROPA específicamente: GRECIA, ALEMANIA, ESTONIA, PORTUGAL, FRANCIA, BELGICA y SUECIA se hicieron estudios buscando FLEBOVIRUS EN GARRAPATAS encontrándose positividad para FLEBOVIRUS en un determinado porcentaje, identificándose en GRECIA bajo el nombre de ANTIGONE VIRUS, transmitido por la GARRAPATA Rhipicephalus sanguineus, recolectadas de cabras y ovejas, y la GARRAPATA Haemaphysalis parva, en PORTUGAL AnLUC VIRUS y en BELGICA y ALEMANIA complejo  GLABBEEK/OSTERHOLZ.

En CHINA fueron aislados los FLEBOVIRUS DABIESHAN y YONGJIA VIRUS de las GARRAPATAS: Haemaphysalis longicornis y Haemaphysalis hystricis, cuyo genoma es similar al VIRUS ANTIGONE, que inicialmente fue conocido bajo el nombre de LESVOS VIRUS, pues fue aislado de la isla Lesvos en Grecia en él año 2.015.

Queda por dilucidar si estos últimos descritos FLEBOVIRUS están involucrados en enfermedades que comprometan la salud pública, lo que sí es cierto es que la gran importancia de ESTOS "NUEVOS" Y EMERGENTES VIRUS, es que desde 2.011 el VIRUS DE HEARTLAND Y SFTS VIRUS están involucrados en enfermedades graves en humanos causando la MUERTE en algunos  casos.

Hace pocos días en julio 2.017 en Japón una mujer de 50 años murió luego de ser mordida por un gato, presentando el SINDROME DE FIEBRE SEVERA CON TROMBOCITOPENIA ((SFTS), no se detecto mordida por GARRAPATAS, no hay reportes todavía de transmisión de ANIMAL-HUMANO del virus SFTS, y se especula que este podría ser el primer caso de transmisión de este virus de MAMIFERO contaminado a HUMANO.

La FAMILIA DE LOS BUNYAVIRIDAE no se queda aquí, existen otras enfermedades ocasionadas por estos virus:

7.) VIRUS DE LA ENCEFALITIS LA CROSSE (WISCONSIN), el cual entre 2.004 y 2.013 ocasiono 787 casos de los cuales 11 murieron.
Y muchos otros mas , se dice que hay más de 40 variantes de los BUNYAVIRIDAE, y no todos son transmitidos por GARRAPATAS, como el caso del VIRUS TOSCANA transmitido por la picadura de un FLEBOTOMO o mosquito (Phlebotomus Perniciosus) en el 68,7% de los casos y descrito por primera vez en ITALIA.


Lo que quiero dejar claro para todos los lectores MEDICOS y NO MEDICOS con esta revisión es que hoy día, hay enfermedades EMERGENTES VIRALES transmitidas por GARRAPATGAS, y otros VECTORES (FLEBOTOMOS), van más allá de la ENFERMEDAD DE LYME, quizá ancestrales no descubiertas, pero la tecnología existente actualmente ha permitido IDENTIFICARLAS. De modo que sigo manteniendo mi opinión que deje en las revisiones previas.


Finalmente creo que estos EMERGENTES VIRUS, no son nuevos, quizá tienen milenios en la naturaleza, no son producto de una "GUERRA BIOLOGICA" tampoco vienen de otro planeta, simplemente siempre existieron, y ahora con las nuevas tecnologías el humano los esta descubriendo.

En las referencias los hechos en el adjunto la GARRAPATA ESTRELLA SOLITARIA, distribución en Norte América y posibles vectores.

Saludos a todos.

Dr. José Lapenta.  

1.) Differential Antagonism of Human Innate Immune Responses by Tick-Borne Phlebovirus Nonstructural Proteins.
2.) Molecular identification of novel phlebovirus sequences in European ticks.
3.) Novel Clinical and Pathologic Findings in a Heartland Virus-Associated Death.
4.) Heartland virus-associated death in tennessee.
5.) Notes from the field: Heartland virus disease - United States, 2012-2013.
6.) A reported death case of a novel bunyavirus in Shanghai, China.
7.) Heartland Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Vertebrate Wildlife, United States, 2009-2014.
8.) Serological investigation of heartland virus (Bunyaviridae: Phlebovirus) exposure in wild and domestic animals adjacent to human case sites in Missouri 2012-2013.
9.) Ulcerative Lesions with Hemorrhage in a Patient with Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia
10.) Phlebovirus meningoencephalis complicated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia: a case report.
11.) Case of tick-borne illness, Heartland virus, found in Arkansas resident
12.) Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) in the North: STARI Following a Tick Bite in Long Island, New York
13.) Death from Tick-borne Virus (SFTS)
14.) Novel phlebovirus detected in Haemaphysalis parva ticks in a Greek island.
15.) Generic amplification and next generation sequencing reveal Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus AP92-like strain and distinct tick phleboviruses in Anatolia, Turkey.
16.) Toscana virus encephalitis following a holiday in Sicily.
 1.) Differential Antagonism of Human Innate Immune Responses by Tick-Borne Phlebovirus Nonstructural Proteins.
 mSphere. 2017 Jun 28;2(3). pii: e00234-17. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00234-17. eCollection 2017 May-Jun.
 Rezelj VV1, Li P1, Chaudhary V2, Elliott RM1, Jin DY2, Brennan B1.
 Author information
 MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
 School of Biomedical Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, China.
 In recent years, several newly discovered tick-borne viruses causing a wide spectrum of diseases in humans have been ascribed to the Phlebovirus genus of the Bunyaviridae family. The nonstructural protein (NSs) of bunyaviruses is the main virulence factor and interferon (IFN) antagonist. We studied the molecular mechanisms of IFN antagonism employed by the NSs proteins of human apathogenic Uukuniemi virus (UUKV) and those of Heartland virus (HRTV) and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), both of which cause severe disease. Using reporter assays, we found that UUKV NSs weakly inhibited the activation of the beta interferon (IFN-β) promoter and response elements. UUKV NSs weakly antagonized human IFN-β promoter activation through a novel interaction with mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS), confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy studies. HRTV NSs efficiently antagonized both IFN-β promoter activation and type I IFN signaling pathways through interactions with TBK1, preventing its phosphorylation. HRTV NSs exhibited diffused cytoplasmic localization. This is in comparison to the inclusion bodies formed by SFTSV NSs. HRTV NSs also efficiently interacted with STAT2 and impaired IFN-β-induced phosphorylation but did not affect STAT1 or its translocation to the nucleus. Our results suggest that a weak interaction between STAT1 and HRTV or SFTSV NSs may explain their inability to block type II IFN signaling efficiently, thus enabling the activation of proinflammatory responses that lead to severe disease. Our findings offer insights into how pathogenicity may be linked to the capacity of NSs proteins to block the innate immune system and illustrate the plethora of viral immune evasion strategies utilized by emerging phleboviruses. IMPORTANCE Since 2011, there has been a large expansion in the number of emerging tick-borne viruses that have been assigned to the Phlebovirus genus. Heartland virus (HRTV) and SFTS virus (SFTSV) were found to cause severe disease in humans, unlike other documented tick-borne phleboviruses such as Uukuniemi virus (UUKV). Phleboviruses encode nonstructural proteins (NSs) that enable them to counteract the human innate antiviral defenses. We assessed how these proteins interacted with the innate immune system. We found that UUKV NSs engaged with innate immune factors only weakly, at one early step. However, the viruses that cause more severe disease efficiently disabled the antiviral response by targeting multiple components at several stages across the innate immune induction and signaling pathways. Our results suggest a correlation between the efficiency of the virus protein/host interaction and severity of disease.
 2.) Molecular identification of novel phlebovirus sequences in European ticks.
 Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2017 Aug;8(5):795-798. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2017.06.005. Epub 2017 Jun 15.
 Prinz M1, Fuchs J1, Ehrmann S2, Scherer-Lorenzen M2, Kochs G1, Panning M3.
 Author information
 Institute for Virology, Medical Center- University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
 Department of Geobotany, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
 Institute for Virology, Medical Center- University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. Electronic address:
 In recent years the number of newly described tick-borne phleboviruses has been steadily growing. Some of these novel viruses are highly pathogenic in humans, e.g. the Heartland and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus. We aimed to analyse ticks sampled across Europe to investigate the diversity of phleboviruses using a comprehensive PCR-based screening approach. A total of 4387 ticks were collected from the vegetation in regions of France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, and Estonia, respectively. Ticks were pooled and 22/979 pools tested positive using a PCR targeting the large (L) segment of phleboviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of a 500-bp fragment of the L segment showed a distinct novel clade provisionally named Glabbeek/Osterholz group (Belgium and Germany). In addition, sequences from ticks sampled in France clustered together with the recently described Antigone virus from Greece and AnLuc from Portugal. Our results extend the current diversity of phleboviruses in Europe. Future research should address the ecological processes driving the occurrence of phleboviruses and the impact of these novel phleboviruses for public health.
 3.) Novel Clinical and Pathologic Findings in a Heartland Virus-Associated Death.
 Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Feb 15;64(4):510-512. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw766.
 Fill MA1,2, Compton ML3, McDonald EC3, Moncayo AC2, Dunn JR2, Schaffner W4, Bhatnagar J5, Zaki SR5, Jones TF2, Shieh WJ5.
 Author information
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemic Intelligence Service, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
 Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Communicable and Environmental Diseases and Emergency Preparedness, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Health Policy, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
 We describe an investigation into a Heartland virus (HRTV)-associated death in Tennessee with novel clinical and pathologic findings. HRTV can cause rapidly fatal, widely disseminated infection with multisystem organ failure in patients without substantial comorbidities. We identified viral antigen in multiple organ tissues where it was not detected previously.
 Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2017. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
 4.) Heartland virus-associated death in tennessee.
 Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Sep 15;59(6):845-50. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu434. Epub 2014 Jun 9.
 Muehlenbachs A1, Fata CR2, Lambert AJ3, Paddock CD1, Velez JO3, Blau DM1, Staples JE3, Karlekar MB4, Bhatnagar J1, Nasci RS3, Zaki SR1.
 Author information
 Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch, Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
 Department of Pathology.
 Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado.
 Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee.
 Heartland virus (HRTV) is a tick-borne phlebovirus recently described in Missouri that is associated with fever, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. The virus has also been detected in Ambylomma americanum ticks.
 Here we report the first fatal case of HRTV disease in an 80-year-old Tennessee resident. He was hospitalized with fever, confusion, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia and developed multiorgan failure and hemorrhage. A tick-borne illness was suspected and testing for ehrlichiosis was negative. He died on hospital day 15, and autopsy specimens were tested for various pathogens as part of an unexplained death evaluation.
 HRTV antigens were detected in postmortem spleen and lymph nodes by immunohistochemistry, and HRTV was detected in premortem blood by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and by isolation in cell culture.
 This case demonstrates that HRTV infection can cause severe disease and death and expands the geographic range of HRTV within the United States.
 5.) Notes from the field: Heartland virus disease - United States, 2012-2013.
 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014 Mar 28;63(12):270-1.
 Pastula DM, Turabelidze G, Yates KF, Jones TF, Lambert AJ, Panella AJ, Kosoy OI, Velez JO, Fisher M, Staples E; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
 Heartland virus is a newly identified phlebovirus that was first isolated from two northwestern Missouri farmers hospitalized with fever, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia in 2009. Based on the patients' clinical findings and their reported exposures, the virus was suspected to be transmitted by ticks. After this discovery, CDC worked with state and local partners to define the ecology and modes of transmission of Heartland virus, develop diagnostic assays, and identify additional cases to describe the epidemiology and clinical disease. From this work, it was learned that Heartland virus is found in the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum). Six additional cases of Heartland virus disease were identified during 2012-2013; four of those patients were hospitalized, including one with comorbidities who died.
 6.) A reported death case of a novel bunyavirus in Shanghai, China.
 Virol J. 2013 Jun 7;10:187. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-10-187.
 Pan H1, Hu J, Liu S, Shen H, Zhu Y, Wu J, Zhang X, Zhou X, Wang C, Qu J, Yuan Z.
 Author information
 Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, No 1380, West Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200336, China.
 This paper describes the first case of infection with a recently described novel bunyavirus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), in Shanghai, China. The case is originally from Chizhou City, Anhui province within an endemic area for SFTSV. We describe the etiology, epidemiological characteristics, clinical diagnosis and treatment of this fatal case. This case is unique because major cause of death was renal failure, whereas other reported cases have been due to hemorrhage. The investigation and response to this case provides meaningful insight for the early and rapid diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in non-endemic regions in China and globally.
 7.) Heartland Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Vertebrate Wildlife, United States, 2009-2014.
 Emerg Infect Dis. 2015 Oct;21(10):1830-3. doi: 10.3201/eid2110.150380.
 Riemersma KK, Komar N.
 Since its discovery in 2009, the tickborne Heartland virus (HRTV) has caused human illness in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee USA. To better assess the geographic distribution of HRTV, we used wildlife serology as an indicator. This retrospective evaluation determined that HRTV is widespread within the central and eastern United States
 8.) Serological investigation of heartland virus (Bunyaviridae: Phlebovirus) exposure in wild and domestic animals adjacent to human case sites in Missouri 2012-2013.
 Bosco-Lauth AM1, Panella NA1, Root JJ1, Gidlewski T1, Lash RR1, Harmon JR1, Burkhalter KL1, Godsey MS1, Savage HM1, Nicholson WL1, Komar N1, Brault AC2.
 Author information
 Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, Arboviral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado; Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, Rickettsial Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
 Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, Arboviral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado; Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, Rickettsial Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia
 Heartland virus (HRTV; Bunyaviridae: Phlebovirus) has recently emerged as a causative agent of human disease characterized by thrombocytopenia and leukopenia in the United States. The lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum L.) has been implicated as a vector. To identify candidate vertebrate amplification hosts associated with enzootic maintenance of the virus, sera and ticks were sampled from 160 mammals (8 species) and 139 birds (26 species) captured near 2 human case residences in Andrew and Nodaway Counties in northwest Missouri. HRTV-specific neutralizing antibodies were identified in northern raccoons (42.6%), horses (17.4%), white-tailed deer (14.3%), dogs (7.7%), and Virginia opossums (3.8%), but not in birds. Virus isolation attempts from sera and ticks failed to detect HRTV. The high antibody prevalence coupled with local abundance of white-tailed deer and raccoons identifies these species as candidate amplification hosts.
 9.) Ulcerative Lesions with Hemorrhage in a Patient with Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia
 Jpn J Infect Dis. 2016 Nov 22;69(6):525-527. Epub 2016 Jan 8.
 Syndrome Observed via Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
 Kaneyuki S1, Yoshikawa T, Tani H, Fukushi S, Taniguchi S, Fukuma A, Shimojima M, Kurosu T, Morikawa S, Saijo M.
 Author information
 Department of Internal Medicine, Dohi Hospital.
 Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is a novel bunyavirus infection caused by the SFTS virus (SFTSV, family Bunyaviridae, genus Phlebovirus) with a high case fatality rate. A previously healthy 72-year-old man showed symptoms of fever, general fatigue, and altered consciousness. He was hospitalized for treatment. On day 3, considering the day on which fever appeared first during the disease course as day 0, he had bloody emesis. An emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination revealed multiple ulcerative lesions with continuously oozing hemorrhage in the stomach. He died on day 7. He was retrospectively diagnosed as having SFTS, Although it was less likely that the gastric ulcerative lesions were directly induced by SFTSV replication, it was evident that hemorrhagic emesis might occur in the patient in association with the pathophysiology of SFTS. The real-time imaging of gastric ulcerative lesions in a patient with SFTS is reported.
 10.) Phlebovirus meningoencephalis complicated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia: a case report.
 Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2011 May;11(5):595-6. doi: 10.1089/vbz.2010.0041. Epub 2010 Jun 24.
 Anagnostou V1, Sdouga M, Volakli H, Violaki A, Papa A.
 Author information
 A' Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
 In June 2004 an 8-year-old boy was admitted to a hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece, because of high fever, tachypnea, hypotonia, diarrhea, and tonoclonic convulsions. Phlebovirus infection was diagnosed by IgG seroconversion to Toscana virus. As IgM antibodies were not detected, it is suggested that this was an acute infection caused by a phlebovirus virus distinct from Toscana virus. Complication by a hospital-acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia resulted in 2 months of hospitalization. Slight ataxia was still present on discharge.
 11.) Case of tick-borne illness, Heartland virus, found in Arkansas resident
 Heartland Virus in Arkansas
 by lymecoordinator56 Madison Area Lyme support
 Lone star tick, Thinkstock
 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (July 7, 2017) -- Arkansas has identified its first case of Heartland virus, a relatively new tick-borne disease, in an individual living in the northwest part of the state.
 People become infected with Heartland virus through the bite of the Lone Star tick. Patients are most likely to be diagnosed with Heartland virus from May to September. Heartland virus causes a flu-like illness, including fever, headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, appetite loss, and feeling very tired. Most cases have low numbers of cells that fight infection and low numbers of cells that help blood clot. There is no vaccine or drug to prevent or treat the disease.
 "It's a flu-like illness where you're stiff, you're achy, you run a fever, you've got headaches, this one often has diarrhea, which isn't always the case with some of the others, loss of appetite," said Dr. Sue Weinstein, the state public health veterinarian. "It can get quite serious. A lot of patients with this are hospitalized, but most recover. There's only been one death in the nation and that was in someone who was quite elderly and other medical issues at the time."
 In 2009, two people admitted to Heartland Hospital in Missouri were later found to be infected with this virus. Both recovered, but the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services began working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to learn more about the virus.
 To date, more than 20 cases of Heartland virus disease have been identified in several states in Southeast and South Central United States, so it is not surprising that Arkansas has a case. Most patients require hospitalization for their illness but fully recover. One patient has died. The Arkansas patient has recovered fully.
 Arkansas has some of the highest rates in the nation for tick-borne diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), Ehrlichiosis, and Tularemia. Anaplasmosis and Lyme Disease may also occur. People who work or do activities outside, where they are exposed to ticks or insects, are more likely to be infected.
 Preventing bites from ticks and mosquitoes are the best way to prevent these and other infections:
 -Use insect repellents
 -Wear long sleeves and pants
 -Avoid bushy and wooded areas
 -Perform thorough tick checks after spending time outdoors
 For more information, visit
 12.) Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) in the North: STARI Following a Tick Bite in Long Island, New York
 Henry M. Feder, Jr Diane M. Hoss Lawrence Zemel Sam R. Telford, III Feliciano Dias Gary P. Wormser
 Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 53, Issue 10, 15 November 2011, Pages e142–e146,
 Published: 15 November 2011
 The most common clinical manifestation of Lyme disease is the characteristic rash, erythema migrans (EM). In the 1980s EM-like eruptions were reported in Missouri and other southeastern states. The EM-like eruptions, which were of unknown etiology, often followed the bite of the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) and the rash is called STARI (southern tick-associated rash illness). Although the Lone Star tick is found in the Lyme disease–endemic areas of New England and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, STARI has been reported only once from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. We report a child from Connecticut who visited Long Island, New York, and developed a rash that was thought to be EM. Because the patient failed to respond to antibiotics used to treat Lyme disease, an investigation ensued, and the diagnosis of STARI was established.
 13.) Death from Tick-borne Virus (SFTS)
 by lymecoordinator56 madyson lyme support group
 Source: July 25, 2017 BBC News
 A Japanese woman died last year of a tick-borne disease after being bitten by a stray cat, Japan's health ministry says, in what could be the first such mammal-to-human transmission.
 The unnamed woman in her 50s had been helping the apparently sick cat.
 Ten days later she died of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS), which is carried by ticks.
 With no tick bite detected, doctors assume the illness could have been contracted via the cat.
 "No reports on animal-to-human transmission cases have been made so far," a Japanese health ministry official told the AFP news agency.
 "It's still not confirmed the virus came from the cat, but it's possible that it is the first case," the official added.
 SFTS is a relatively new infectious disease emerging in China, Korea and Japan.
 The virus is said to have fatality rates of up to 30% and is especially severe in people over 50.
 According to Japanese media, SFTS first occurred in the country in 2013.
 Japan's health ministry said last year's death was still a rare case but warned people to be careful when in contact with animals in poor physical condition.
 Globally, tick bites are widely associated with transmitting Lyme disease which can lead to severe illness and death if left untreated.
 **For more on Thrombocytopenia Syndrome** Source:
 Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is a newly emerging infectious disease. Symptoms and laboratory abnormalities are fever, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), leukocytopenia (low white blood cell count), and elevated liver serum enzyme levels. Multiorgan failure occurs in severe cases, and 6%–30% of case-patients die. The syndrome is caused by the SFTS virus (SFTSV) (genus Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae). SFTS case-patients were first reported in China (1) and more recently were reported in Japan (2) and South Korea (3). Two case-patients with symptoms consistent with a similar virus, Heartland virus, were reported in the United States (4).
 Ixodid tick species are implicated as vectors of SFTSV (1,5,6). One study described a SFTSV prevalence in Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks, a major vector of SFTSV, of 0.46% minimum infection rate in South Korea (7); in another study, SFTSV was detected in ticks that had bitten humans (6). From these studies, we realized that SFTSV was common throughout the country. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of SFTS in South Korea and isolate the SFTSV to analyze its phylogenetic properties.
 The major signs and symptoms of the 35 case-patients, including fever (100%), gastrointestinal symptoms (74%), fatigue (74%), thrombocytopenia (100%), and leukocytopenia (100%), were similar to those of case-patients in China and Japan (9).
 For more on Bunyaviridae viruses: source:
 *The enveloped RNA viruses are found in hematophagous arthropods (blood sucking) and include mosquitos, ticks, midges, flies, or sandflies as well as rodents except for Hantaviruses which are transmitted through contact with deer mice feces.
 *Examples of Bunyaviridae viruses: Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Hanta Virus or Hantavirus Hemorrhagic Fever, California encephalitis virus, Rift Valley fever, Bwamba Fever, Cache Valley Virus, and La Crosse Virus (Wisconsin). According to the CDC, between 2004 and 2013 there were 787 total cases of La Crosse encephalitis and 11 deaths in the U.S.[7] Looking at the distribution of cases across the United States by state, between 2004 and 2013 the most cases of La Crosse encephalitis was in North Carolina. North Carolina had 184 total cases, followed by Ohio with 178 total cases.[8] Source:
 *There was a Hantavirus outbreak at Yosemite in 2012.
 14.) Novel phlebovirus detected in Haemaphysalis parva ticks in a Greek island.
 Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2017 Jan;8(1):157-160. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2016.10.012. Epub 2016 Oct 29.
 Papa A1, Kontana A2, Tsioka K2, Saratsis A3, Sotiraki S3.
 Author information
 Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Electronic address:
 Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
 Veterinary Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Foundation, NAGREF Campus, PO Box 60272, Thermi, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece.
 During the last decade the number of novel tick-borne phleboviruses has increased rapidly, especially after the identification of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome and Heartland viruses which can cause severe disease in humans. A novel virus, Antigone virus was recently detected in ticks collected from the mainland of Greece. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of tick-borne phleboviruses in an island in Greece. During November 2015, 31 ticks were collected from sheep in Lesvos island. Phleboviral RNA was detected in 12/22 adult Haemaphysalis parva ticks. The virus was provisionally named Lesvos virus after the name of the island. Phylogenetic analysis of a 1108-bp L RNA fragment revealed that the Lesvos virus sequences cluster together with Dabieshan and Yongjia tick viruses detected in China in H. longicornis and H. hystricis ticks, respectively. Further studies are needed to investigate its exact distribution, epidemiology and virulence. It is expected that the research studies on tick biology and pathogen-tick-host interactions will allow a better understanding of the virus life cycle and the elucidation of the possible role of the novel tick-borne phleboviruses in public health.
 15.) Generic amplification and next generation sequencing reveal Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus AP92-like strain and distinct tick phleboviruses in Anatolia, Turkey.
 Parasit Vectors. 2017 Jul 14;10(1):335. doi: 10.1186/s13071-017-2279-1.
 Dinçer E1, Brinkmann A2, Hekimoğlu O3, Hacıoğlu S4, Földes K4, Karapınar Z5, Polat PF6, Oğuz B5, Orunç Kılınç Ö7, Hagedorn P2, Özer N3, Özkul A4, Nitsche A2, Ergünay K8,9.
 Author information
 Mersin University, Advanced Technology Education, Research and Application Center, 33110, Mersin, Turkey.
 Robert Koch Institute; Center for Biological Threats and Special Pathogens 1 (ZBS-1), 13353, Berlin, Germany.
 Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Division of Ecology, Hacettepe University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey.
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Virology, Ankara University, 06110, Ankara, Turkey.
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Virology, Yuzuncu Yil University, 65080, Van, Turkey.
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Harran University, 63200,, Sanlıurfa, Turkey.
 Yuzuncu Yil University, Ozalp Vocational School, 65080, Van, Turkey.
 Robert Koch Institute; Center for Biological Threats and Special Pathogens 1 (ZBS-1), 13353, Berlin, Germany.
 Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Virology Unit, Hacettepe University, 06100, Ankara, Turkey.
 Ticks are involved with the transmission of several viruses with significant health impact. As incidences of tick-borne viral infections are rising, several novel and divergent tick- associated viruses have recently been documented to exist and circulate worldwide. This study was performed as a cross-sectional screening for all major tick-borne viruses in several regions in Turkey. Next generation sequencing (NGS) was employed for virus genome characterization. Ticks were collected at 43 locations in 14 provinces across the Aegean, Thrace, Mediterranean, Black Sea, central, southern and eastern regions of Anatolia during 2014-2016. Following morphological identification, ticks were pooled and analysed via generic nucleic acid amplification of the viruses belonging to the genera Flavivirus, Nairovirus and Phlebovirus of the families Flaviviridae and Bunyaviridae, followed by sequencing and NGS in selected specimens.
 A total of 814 specimens, comprising 13 tick species, were collected and evaluated in 187 pools. Nairovirus and phlebovirus assays were positive in 6 (3.2%) and 48 (25.6%) pools. All nairovirus sequences were closely-related to the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) strain AP92 and formed a phylogenetically distinct cluster among related strains. Major portions of the CCHFV genomic segments were obtained via NGS. Phlebovirus sequencing revealed several tick-associated virus clades, including previously-characterized Antigone, Lesvos, KarMa and Bole tick viruses, as well as a novel clade. A wider host range for tick-associated virus strains has been observed. NGS provided near-complete sequences of the L genomic segments of Antigone and KarMa clades, as well as Antigone partial S segment. Co- infections of CCHFV and KarMa or novel phlebovirus clades were detected in 2.1% of the specimens.
 Widespread circulation of various tick-associated phlebovirus clades were documented for the first time in Anatolia. Genomes of CCHFV AP92 strains were identified in previously unexplored locations. NGS provided the most detailed genomic characterization of the Antigone and KarMa viruses to date. The epidemiological and health-related consequences must be elucidated.
 16.) Toscana virus encephalitis following a holiday in Sicily.
 Osborne JC1, Khatamzas E2, Misbahuddin A3, Hart R1, Sivaramakrishnan A4, Breen DP5.
 Author information
 Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory, Public Health England, Porton Down, UK.
 Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory, Public Health England, Porton Down, UK Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust, Oxford, UK.
 Essex Centre for Neurological Sciences, Queen's Hospital, Romford, UK.
 Department of Microbiology, Queen's Hospital, Romford, UK.
 Department of Neurology, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
 We report a case of Toscana virus encephalitis. This emerging pathogen is among the three most common causes of meningoencephalitis in Europe during the warm season, yet remains under-recognised. Doctors should consider Toscana virus infection in patients presenting with neurological symptoms who have a relevant exposure history during the summer months


  Produced by Dr. Jose Lapenta R. Dermatologist

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